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Removing the /setage timer.


Level 113
ill start this off by saying i didnt read a single part of this suggestion other than the title
theres a timer for a reason
just be fucking patient
you dont need to deage yourself every 20 seconds
character development wooo


Level 29
Kind of skimming through the replies but I don't really get how changing characters often = no character development.. and if there's someone who'd change their age to avoid a rp situation I think a /setage timer won't prevent them from coming up with a different way to avoid said situation. I doubt the amount of player reports caused by the cooldown's removal would be drastic but idk thats just my opinion man
What's your Minecraft Username?: TheMelonQueen1
What's the title of your suggestion?: Removing the /setage timer.

What's your suggestion?:
The /setage timer. Why is it a thing? Say you have a character that you need to be 25 or so. But you also have a character that's 32. You can't play both in the same day, because of the /setage timer lasting 300+ hours to even be used! /rpname doesn't have a timer. /setdesc doesn't have a timer. So why limit the ability to have different ages? I feel it should be removed as a whole. And use of /setage to be set to unlimited (As long as you have proper roles of course)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'll benefit the community by removing something that shouldn't have existed in the first place. Truly it's odd to see if there is no other restrictions to character description commands. It will also lead to a higher age diversity in adult characters and highschool. Everyone's afraid to change their age because of the long timer! But if it's removed we'd see more characters with a spectrum of ages.
Great idea! i understand.


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- It's already incredibly short considering there are now alternate profiles.​

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