What's your Minecraft Username?: DarkxWalker
What's the title of your suggestion?: Rename Tags!
What's your suggestion?:
So what I was thinking of implementing (and this is totally my idea, and not the idea of a senior administrator in particular) was a rename or description tags that could be bound with an item of your own choice. You could bind a tag with the name "Property of Your Mom" on a bat, and the bat's description is gonna include "Property of Your Mom"
Of course, another example of this would be binding the rename tag with a milk of carton. A rename tag like this would probably be something along the lines of "Property of your non-existential parental figure" , and that will be provided in the description of the milk carton.

Before I get flamed ^.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
. . . You got me playing if you think I have an answer to this question.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Rename Tags!
What's your suggestion?:
So what I was thinking of implementing (and this is totally my idea, and not the idea of a senior administrator in particular) was a rename or description tags that could be bound with an item of your own choice. You could bind a tag with the name "Property of Your Mom" on a bat, and the bat's description is gonna include "Property of Your Mom"
Of course, another example of this would be binding the rename tag with a milk of carton. A rename tag like this would probably be something along the lines of "Property of your non-existential parental figure" , and that will be provided in the description of the milk carton.

Before I get flamed ^.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
. . . You got me playing if you think I have an answer to this question.