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Rolling System Update (possibly)


Level 45
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Rolling System Update (possibly)

What's your suggestion?:
Karakura Police Department rolls 200(/roll 200) the second they join the force, Cadet or Commissioner. I'm unaware how someone in lore can have gone through war, through the military for example, and a simple Police Cadet that hasn't gotten through any sort of training can just say 'I can roll 200' without doing physically anything; another thing with that, Tranquilizers and Tasers are honored, what's the point of an officer rolling, to avoid being jumped? KPD already have an advantage, a large one. How does an officer lose this ability the second they leave this faction?
Large (Bear, or Dolphin) - /roll 100
In a realistic scenario (IRL) a bear would beat an average grade-7 through grade-12. Some are, and some aren't trained to fight, how can a 17-year-old and a bear roll the exact same amount?
Jocks, if you're in a sport, how are you supposed to roll the exact same amount as a normal student, that has never worked out once? It doesn't make sense

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Changing the rolling amounts will benefit all community in a positive way, it would change many roleplays scenario's, making some more realistic, and fairer on both parties, I believe the rolling system should be done with some sort of training, not based only on a role.

This is only a personal opinion, don't take anything personally :3​


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

I agree that officers who are ON DUTY should have access to 200, but I think if they are off duty. Especially the ones who can't take their equipment with them(tasers, tranqs, etc) should roll the normal 150 unless they are a HIGHERUP within the faction(Sorry Crime/Gang Roleplayers, you won't have the same treatment as officers in this regard, you keep your 150 with or without a weapon.)

I DO NOT agree that animals, no matter the animal, should get HIGHER ROLLs than what is given to them. If we do, it would feel like P2W(Especially with Bears, most bears cannot roleplay properly even after being reported) and it is not something we need.

Jocks are still students at the end of the day, they should keep their 150, they don't need a boost in their rolls. It mainly is P2L anyway, so rolling needed


Level 10
+1 i get that like... we're not supposed to fight cops and all that. But when the situation calls for it, the fact they can tranq and tase without rolling already gives them an advantage over us who have to roll for every single action. The 200 rolls are just the nail in the coffin


Level 199
I would not be surprised if at least some members of KPD already take advantage of the fact that they can roll 200 when off-duty, meaning that they can easily get away with rolling 200 when off-duty if this suggestion was even implemented. Absolutely no expert at the faction myself, but I would agree that it’s a bit unfair itself how they can roll 200 at all times, but maybe not entirely unjustified. I think the whole rolling type thing in the first place is way too focused upon rather than having a realistic fight. Keep in mind even new Cadets have needed to fill in a whole application proving that they are actually worthy for doing something like that, and though they haven’t done much of training overall, them rolling 150 compared to that of your average 12th grader is unjustified. Either way, we can’t just give those who ‘served in the military’ (according to their character’s lore) a higher roll because that will just be taken advantage of. I think the whole rolling system of KPD is fine as it is. Police Cadets who are off-duty I would agree should be realistic about their actions considering they have little to no training, but I think the roles should be kept the same.

Animals should stay the same, even for large ones, because that itself is just P2W, even though it would be a bit more realistic.

Not with the jocks one as well. Like Dark said, they’re just students at the end of the day and shouldn’t deserve a higher role just because they’re on a sports team or something like that.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team

I agree that officers who are ON DUTY should have access to 200, but I think if they are off duty. Especially the ones who can't take their equipment with them(tasers, tranqs, etc) should roll the normal 150 unless they are a HIGHERUP within the faction(Sorry Crime/Gang Roleplayers, you won't have the same treatment as officers in this regard, you keep your 150 with or without a weapon.)
With the thought of this SGT and detective equivalent are also very well trained people and should be able to roll 200 while being off-duty as they have been in the faction for a well time.

-1 to everything else, it's like that for a reason!! (also eco said it)
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Level 73
The truth is that I am an activist for a DND-like combat system alongside adding rolling modifiers for characters that are in certain factions and whatnot. However, I know that this type of idea of mine will not be implemented because it's overly complex for new roleplayers that SRP caters towards.

However, I digress. The reason behind bears not being able to roll higher than teenagers is to prevent Pay 2 Win, the factor of which a bear gets to roll 150 can be considered P2W regardless of how senseless that might be.

As for officers, I am not against the idea of them only being able to roll 150 instead of the stereotypical 200 whilst off-duty. However, I am not going to support lowering their rolls if they're a cadet and not a sergeant. GangRPers are awfully competitive and that requires the KPD officers to have an advantage (regardless, you aren't really meant to go against one).


Level 75
you guys need to remember cops are meant to be avoided not fought, KPD rolls 200 to discourage gangrps from doing gang vs cops again because its meant to be gang vs gang. ICLY cops go through police academy before they can even join the police force, then receive further training (training is more ooc)

For Bears
It would make sense for them to roll more, similar to kpd no one should be bothering bears, but people also dont even roleplay bears properly so. . iffy on this part

For Jocks.
Most teams P2L, no rolling really gets done in rivalry situations, but even so Just because you get a team tag doesn't mean you're special, it doesn't automatically mean you're super strong. A lot of characters on SRP are 6 foot and ripped and can fight. I don't understand why a being on a team should make a teenager roll higher.


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

I understand the frustration between things, but as stated, KPD is meant to be avoided, not confronted.
I'm unaware how someone in lore can have gone through war, through the military for example, and a simple Police Cadet that hasn't gotten through any sort of training can just say 'I can roll 200' without doing physically anything
Anyone can go around saying their character is former military, while KPD has to be applied for. Its a perk given to them for being one of a few people accepted into the faction. They have to ACTUALLY go through the training, learning all they have to. If lore had any impact on people's rolls, then I guarantee any gangrper with a criminal character would make theirs former military, police, or anything that would give them a reason to get an advantage.
Tranquilizers and Tasers are honored, what's the point of an officer rolling, to avoid being jumped?
These are honored because realistically, how would you prevent someone from pulling a trigger? At point blank range, its extremely hard to do that. And if you look at times officers get attacked, often times its 4 or more against one. I understand that's a necessity due to their equipment and role perks, but that's what makes hunting cops so rewarding. You have to plan around their equipment and get to them without being tased or outrun. As stated, KPD is meant to be an obstacle, not a main target.
How does an officer lose this ability the second they leave this faction?
This is a role perk, so leaving would mean losing the perk. Imagine if they got to keep the roll 200 and got into crime. It would be unfair for everyone, and nearly impossible to moderate. Since officers have a role, its clear to everyone that's what they roll before and during combat.

If at any point you want to have a fair fight with cops, discuss it with them. Many officers will agree to do P2L, as KPD is a heavy roleplay based faction. Events around them can happen, and while consented things need to be discussed with the faction lead, if you already have perms, its easier to go about doing things like that.

Moving to animals, these should also be P2Led.
In a realistic scenario (IRL) a bear would beat an average grade-7 through grade-12. Some are, and some aren't trained to fight, how can a 17-year-old and a bear roll the exact same amount?
This is why things should be P2Led. The rolls are set the way they are to prevent P2W. If people really want to roleplay out fighting bears, they should agree to so P2L, but people enjoy their roll advantage, which makes little sense.
Jocks, if you're in a sport, how are you supposed to roll the exact same amount as a normal student, that has never worked out once? It doesn't make sense
This isn't a role you have to apply for. Its a player ran team, so giving a perk like this would give them an unfair advantage, since many teams don't actually roleplay out them working out. Giving an advantage to them would only make them want to use rolling combat and fight, rather than what they are meant to do, which is participate in sports. A higher roll amount would make rivalry even worse, since they would fight even more, rather than do the pranks between teams.
I believe the rolling system should be done with some sort of training, not based only on a role.
The only role that gains this is KPD, which ALSO goes through training. Its not simply because of a role. Perhaps having cadets roll lower until they pass exams, so it shows off that they went through their training, but that is something for the faction lead to decide on.

I agree that officers who are ON DUTY should have access to 200, but I think if they are off duty. Especially the ones who can't take their equipment with them(tasers, tranqs, etc) should roll the normal 150 unless they are a HIGHERUP within the faction
As discussed earlier, it is a perk given because they have received training. Taking off a uniform wouldn't make you forget all you learned. Officers off duty are an easier target as they are not prepared, so most attacks should happen when they are off duty and planned around it. Lowering their roll amount wouldn't make sense, since they wouldn't have equipment to rely on most times, and would ONLY have their training.

TLDR: P2L if you don't like rolling amounts ^-^


Level 67
The reason for cops having 200 rolls rather than 150 isn't because the equipment but rather the combat training someone would endure to become an officer of the law. Gives them an advantage in any combat scenario because they are trained professionally for it. Therefore just because you do not have weapons, does NOT make you forget your combat training. When you combine the combat training, with the police arsenal, it becomes a legit threat one on one. While they are off duty, should be significantly easier to properly combat a police. With the only difficulty is his rolls, which is all 100% luck based regardless.

The animal addition isn't terrible, but someone mentioned as well, should never be Pay To Win, therefore I think animal whitelist should have 100-150 rolls rather than 75.

Finally Jocks are just kids who happen to play sports, no special treatment for them should be given. Besides most of the time, when JockRPing, it's P2L anyways which does not use the rolling system. No need to adjust it for JockRP.


Level 45
Thread starter
I understand the frustration between things, but as stated, KPD is meant to be avoided, not confronted.

Even if, What if theirs some sort of OOC event with KPD where rolling is involved? I'm just a little silly man.....


Level 73
Even if, What if theirs some sort of OOC event with KPD where rolling is involved? I'm just a little silly man.....
If there's an event where KPD is forcefully involved, then you aren't meant to incriminate yourself by getting involved.


Level 51

I agree that officers who are ON DUTY should have access to 200, but I think if they are off duty. Especially the ones who can't take their equipment with them(tasers, tranqs, etc) should roll the normal 150 unless they are a HIGHERUP within the faction(Sorry Crime/Gang Roleplayers, you won't have the same treatment as officers in this regard, you keep your 150 with or without a weapon.)

I DO NOT agree that animals, no matter the animal, should get HIGHER ROLLs than what is given to them. If we do, it would feel like P2W(Especially with Bears, most bears cannot roleplay properly even after being reported) and it is not something we need.

Jocks are still students at the end of the day, they should keep their 150, they don't need a boost in their rolls. It mainly is P2L anyway, so rolling needed
The only reason officers roll 200 is not because of their equipment but because they trained to earn those rolls. Going off-duty wouldn't change that. And limiting that to higher-ups isn't a good idea either, it would just be unfair.

Also bears are way more powerful than a human, they can definitely overpower them, but this is a game. We dont need bears solo'ing 3 guys.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
The only reason officers roll 200 is not because of their equipment but because they trained to earn those rolls. Going off-duty wouldn't change that. And limiting that to higher-ups isn't a good idea either, it would just be unfair.

Also bears are way more powerful than a human, they can definitely overpower them, but this is a game. We dont need bears solo'ing 3 guys.
Again, it was my own opinion that I stated it. An idea that I thought of, I know why kpd roll 200.

And Kimi already said animal rolls aren't chaning

Level 40
each and every animal roll suggestion always has the same thing; it'd be p2w and wont be changed, doubt they'll change it since it still hasnt changed after countless suggestions this is no exception
kpd is trained idk why it should be changed!!
as for the jock thing, ABSOLUTELY NOT!! giiving jocks/team members the ability to roll higher will not bring anything good in any scenario whatsoever

i think rex said it all pretty well


Level 51
Again, it was my own opinion that I stated it. An idea that I thought of, I know why kpd roll 200.

And Kimi already said animal rolls aren't chaning
Right, i respect everyones opinions, but i put my overview on yours and why it wouldn't work :). Also I don't really care for the animal rolls, they still fuck us up anyways. There has been over like 10 bear injuries this month, maybe more D:

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