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RP Oriented vs. Permissions Oriented [GangRP]


Level 116
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Before we begin I'd like to say I do not gang-roleplay anymore, I have quit that and I'm just stating my thoughts on some parts of this.​

Alright so, to be fair the "bad" example is untrue. First of all from what I see there's only one person so we will call them crime-roleplayers or crimerpers to be exact. That threat in the first part would give them minor assault permissions due to threatening until the Permission section on But no gang-roleplayer would do /me attacks, seeing as these are pre-made examples I would prefer if you made them more legit or had spare evidence regarding situations like the bad example here because your making this because of gang-roleplayers you encountered the other day and I was there the entire situation.

9.2 When minorly assaulting someone, the full extent of your assault must either be knocking someone out or breaking one bones. You may only use weapons that can knock out for minor permissions. Below are examples of in-character motives for minor assault.

9.2a Threats: When threatened by a group/individual, making claims that they will kill you or negatively impact a member of your gang/family, you are permitted to minorly assault them.

First of all not every crime-roleplay situation can be seen, noted and written down. Permissions can be obtain through a numerous amount of ways and some people may mislead into giving people permissions, this has happened to me before. People thought they had permissions on me, but they didn't because I didn't threatened them I asked them a question and they took it the other way.
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I made a suggestion in KC crime a bit back regarding IC motive. Later to be told "A motive is unique to ones character" so they can't really num everything down because its your own character. And the only time I've seen people unserious-roleplay like "/me attacks" is with their own gang members or people they know well enough to consider friends. And I understand the situation from yesterday you were made about but that was not your fault. Someone chose to get their family involved and there was not any fail-roleplay that emitted. I can understand this situation and how you would be enraged by it and there was back and forth about permissions and it ruined an event you had planned. My suggestion is trying to get a staff member to watch over the event to see if anything happens next time.

If I remember from yesterday your character had oil placed around an alter was threatening to burn it. Not staff were there at all and you excepted gang-roleplayers to fear-roleplay it. Now, if I remember correctly under rule 8.8 in combat-roleplay it is stated you cannot make weaponry out of diy stuff, but this was not weaponry. If so, then the acid and stuff used against the character officer known as Tokito which was killed by Bonten would not be allowed. But that was toward a character, oil and fire is targeted to the surroundings so I'd say it would count as diy weapon.

8.8 You cannot create “DIY weapons” such as flamethrowers made from water guns or molotovs/sharp blades from beer bottles.
to be frank we agreed it was never going to be used as a weapon and we decided it was just going to be a part of the RP to invoke fear. it may have appeared as a weapon to the people who randomly showed up with no idea what the plans were, but in reality, we were not using it as an actual weapon.

you're right, not every situation can be written down but basic permission rules are written down so you can in fact find a way to resolve these issues by looking at the basic SRP rules

also, the bad examples were simply examples of what I've experienced. also, I was kinda joking, this isn't just because of what happened the other day LMAO. this is just a repeated example of how GangRPers have acted in the past. /me attacks aren't the most realistic however it sums up the basic idea of a gangerper acting on perms just because they want to act on perms.


Level 18
Community Team
The amount of times I actually had to quote the schoolRP rules for GangRP players is unsettling.
Deadass, as a Gangrpers whose been at it for years the amount of higherups I've had after joining gangs who just did not know the most basic of things is astonishing.

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