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Sashabelle05's LATE (Really.. REALLY.. late) Introduction.


Level 41
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Hello everyone!

It's .. 2025, somehow. And, for some odd reason *cough* laziness *cough* I still have not written an introduction to SRP. So, I figured better now than never.

I've been playing SRP since likely late 2019, perhaps early 2020. Putting me.. yeesh, at around 5 years of playing now. I don't know how i've been here this long . .

Who I am:
My username is Sashabelle05, but (DUN DUN DUUUNNN) my name is not Sasha! Wayyy back in the day, me and my sister made this Minecraft account together, as we were too poor to buy two separate ones. She picked the username, not me. So, yes, I have been going by my sisters name (Sasha) For .. years. Yes, that is as weird for me as it is for you. As most of my closer friends on SRP already know, I myself go by Sage, or Mia. I will NOT be offended to be called Sasha, Sash, Belle, or literally any name under the sun. At this point, i'll answer to pretty much anything.

Why haven't I changed my username, you may ask? (I know, it's kind've weird to use your sisters name . . .) I've had this username for as long as I can remember, so it'd be difficult to get used to using anything else. I don't get to see my sister often nowadays, so in some odd way it feels like a good way to commemorate her even though she's still alive and kickin'. I might change it one of these days, who knows. But.. for now, i'm one, but not the only Sashabelle05.

What characters I play:
In my 5 years on SRP, I actually haven't played as many characters as one may think. I've played, notably, three characters. Pushing aside all the starter characters I made when I first joined, one of my first ever characters was Aki Akiyama. (Very original name, I know.) She is still alive, and a character I play reasonably often! As of right now, her name is Aki C. 'Cello' Akiyama, and she's in the Akiyama official family. She's a triplet, the other 2 characters both being played by @nightjarr_ ! (Fun fact, I actually introduced Nightjar to SRP a few years back!)

The second character that I play, or rather, my main character at the moment, is Yasuko S. Hatake. (Originally known as Yasuko Murakami, and then Yasuko Saito-Murakami.. and now Hatake.) She's definitely my most well known character, and was one of the larger Onrain creators when it was at its peak. (329 followers at the moment.) She was most well known on Onrain for the brief period of time for the fact that she followed EVERYONE on the platform. (Until overtaken by Tom Bloomenfield, who STILL follows every new member. Props to him.)

My final notable character is my lesser known and only male character, Noboru 'Nobu' Makino. He's been around for quite a while aswell, but was never one of my main characters so he never quite got as much love as everyone else. (love in the chat for Nobu..) He's still a great character, and I have plans to hopefully continue his arcs and keep playing him in the future.

Interesting fun facts about me!:

I LOVE reptiles! In the past i've had a pet corn snake and a pet ball python. My dream snake is a lavender morph hognose snake (They're expensive, though. . .)

I do a lot of art! Well.. I used to. I haven't in a while, but i've been meaning to get back into it. Mainly typical pencil sketches, acrylic paintings, and the occasional charcoal drawing or two.

I have two cats!

I'm really into psychology! Don't get me wrong, i'm not an expert on anything. But i'm always down to have a long conversation on the topic, and I'm always down to learn more.

Concluding Notes:
I'd like to thank everyone that's ever interacted with me on SRP, because without you guys, I likely would've quit the server years ago. (and of course, i'd like to thank my lovely definitely-wife Nightjar for playing this silly minecraft server with me for years.) I know i'm not extremely well known eventhough i've been playing for 5 years, and i'm alright with that. I love my group of friends that i've made throughout the years, even if some have came and gone. Finally, thank you all for reading, and have a lovely day/night!

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Level 206
What is your thought on the value of nostalgia? As an old school srp veteran, you must have plenty!

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