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School Employee Improvements


Level 25
What's your Minecraft Username?: CTC0
What's the title of your suggestion?: School Employee Improvements

What's your suggestion?:
I am sure that there are many people who have noticed how forgotten the employee applications are, the poor applicants who are still awaiting their acceptance/denial of their applications, meanwhile the employee population and activeness in the server is falling faster than a waterfall.
To fix this, I have this very suggestion and a solution to fix everyone's problems! Simply having the very full employee section of applications checked, the people in there have waited long enough and I have no doubt that waiting this long means they're committed enough to become faculty in SRP!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it will significantly raise the employee population, making it almost certain to raise the popularity of SRP as well as inspire others to apply for a faction which will further popularize the server, this will keep going like a circle until humanity dies from whatever makes us go extinct (I assume).

UPDATE: They have been checked!
Last edited:


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I am sure that KimiNoUso is just busy and he will get around to it when he has a chance. No need to rush him on it, if you do have any concerns you are more than welcomed to just dm him


Level 86
Sadly, even suggesting this will not help much on making them review them faster. I'm sure they'll review them some-time in this year


Level 146
The last time applications were accepted was October 10th of last year, which is just north of 4 months ago. I think it'd be fair to bump them up towards the front of the priority list, especially since there are plenty of spots that could be filled.

RIP to our main man's sanity though, that's 60 threads he'll have to go through, each one less distinguishable from the others than the last. Sending thoughts and prayers.


Level 163
Even though its been around 4 months since last wave of applications were reviewed, Kimi, and just like everyone else have real lives. Whether that's having a job, dealing with school, personal reasons, etc. Kimi will get to it when he can. Patience is key. I know it can be frustrating and annoying for waiting this long but life comes first before a block game.


Level 25
Thread starter
Just to verify, I didn't apply myself, this is just me noticing the very large amount of applications.
Also yes I realize that people have lives outside of this server stuff, but like- it's really piling on and it's turning into a real pain for when it gets checked, I thought less would be easier ya'know?


Level 29
I can check them for you guys, not to brag but I've read texts longer than 350 words before so it should be a cakewalk


Level 73
What's your Minecraft Username?: CTC0
What's the title of your suggestion?: School Employee Improvements

What's your suggestion?:
I am sure that there are many people who have noticed how forgotten the employee applications are, the poor applicants who are still awaiting their acceptance/denial of their applications, meanwhile the employee population and activeness in the server is falling faster than a waterfall.
To fix this, I have this very suggestion and a solution to fix everyone's problems! Simply having the very full employee section of applications checked, the people in there have waited long enough and I have no doubt that waiting this long means they're committed enough to become faculty in SRP!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it will significantly raise the employee population, making it almost certain to raise the popularity of SRP as well as inspire others to apply for a faction which will further popularize the server, this will keep going like a circle until humanity dies from whatever makes us go extinct (I assume).
kiminouso could have a life or just be busy, it's a roleplay server not the end of the world


Level 118
What's your Minecraft Username?: CTC0
What's the title of your suggestion?: School Employee Improvements

What's your suggestion?:
I am sure that there are many people who have noticed how forgotten the employee applications are, the poor applicants who are still awaiting their acceptance/denial of their applications, meanwhile the employee population and activeness in the server is falling faster than a waterfall.
To fix this, I have this very suggestion and a solution to fix everyone's problems! Simply having the very full employee section of applications checked, the people in there have waited long enough and I have no doubt that waiting this long means they're committed enough to become faculty in SRP!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it will significantly raise the employee population, making it almost certain to raise the popularity of SRP as well as inspire others to apply for a faction which will further popularize the server, this will keep going like a circle until humanity dies from whatever makes us go extinct (I assume)How about we let the employee lead review them when the
Another 5 months later..


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I understand the concern behind applications not being checked for an extended period of time, but making a suggestion for it will not do anything. It’s never wise to pester the staff team about checking applications, they’re just as human as we are.

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