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SchoolRP, nice takes!!!


Level 129
Authorization Team
I learned how to better my writing and also work on teamwork & patience throughout my time on the server! It’s nice seeing my progress from being a little greenie who quit srp cause I didn’t know how to socialize to now being a staff member and getting to meet a lot of cool people because I took a big step to finally socialize; rex, laz, donk, eco, jayla, everyone in kpd and ems & my sweet partner apoc! (happy 9 months again :3)


Level 108
I think it's so like diverse like I've found people that have insane talent, some complete dumbasses as well, the most professional people, and the weirdest waffles ew [ @Aania ]. but all of this and there is some place for everyone to fit in and fall into


Level 36
I absolutely LOVE seeing different peoples RP styles. Interacting with new people can be quite anxiety-endusing but I also also love seeing how different people structure and write their. The language they use, the actions, it's all so gun to read and I'm always looking for new people to interact with just to see new styles.

I also love teaching/seeing people teach new players how the server works. I absolutely love seeing how nice people in the community can be to people who want to learn. I wouldn't be where I am today without have being taught some of the intriquite little things that SRP contains.


Level 3
I like how people make longtime friends through here. I met a friend through SRP, a funny person too. I've been able to call them a friend for a little over 3 years now, even met up in real life.

Fun times.


Level 19
I enjoy bullying Aania on a daily basis (It backfires a lot, and they are mean)

Mostly? I just enjoy being apart of the community and being able to rp with everyone and see the different types of roleplay that everyone does!
And art, art is very good, I'm broke because of art. . .


Level 5
It's always nice to see people actually develop their characters, especially players that are new to the server. I also do adore seeing new players slowly progress through the server by going from a greenie to maybe getting into factions and getting a positive reputation overall in the span of a few months. A prime example of this would technically be @Hqrvey_ (Get called out, bitch).

Unrelated, or slightly related?:

Anyways, I used to play from 2017 all the way to 2019 with two separate accounts— including one that was hacked, so that was unfortunately lost. I did catch an unappealable ban by the end of 2019, but managed to appeal it through Im6 directly.

Got unbanned in 2020, returned to SRP on precisely the 20th of June 2023 (around the same time that @uta came back to the server). I befriended quite a lot of great people— either from back then in June (i.e. @Skvllr0t , wavestalker, @ZekeEnvy , @bheom , Zia (o7), @CelestiaLove and a ton of other people), or fairly recently through EMS / Government factions, or through IKIGAI; (i.e. @Shalanka @tayfun @windswake and more people obviously).

I can say this is all thanks to @Mo! She's pretty much the person who somewhat pushed me to continue playing SRP seeing as I have known her for five years alongside @gothicb1h and @lamby :3 .

And I do hope to continue dragging this on for as long as possible, anyways me and the homies hate Classicalist, me and the boys love my pookie DarkEclipic.
blud had to call me out (love u too)


Level 73
anyone from kyogoku
Something I was not expecting to find on these forum posts.
I've been on this server for around a year and I've met some pretty funny and kind people in the community, some people I can share my horrible ideas with and have a laugh over a joke. The community can be amazing at certain times, that's what I enjoy about SRP.


Level 75
- somehow found friends, bestfriends and my girlfriend on schoolrp, its cringe but I love everyone and my situation none the less.

- Amazing memories.

- getting to be apart of the amazing community (because not all of it is toxic) theres a good and bad side to everything.

- BEING APART OF KPD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
There really is a lot from SRP that’s special to me. Personally without this server I wouldn’t have found my love for writing and critical eye for grammar, punctuation and love for poetry. I adopted and created a unique style for writing that even my teachers have learnt is me and can distinguish it from any other student instantly.

Without this server too I probably wouldn’t have found some of the closest friends I have today and I seriously support them for it. If it’s from my rather large group to my stupid little smaller group of ‘rat siblings’ to even just the community in general I don’t think I would be here today. There are some people on this server who are life-long friends of mine and I will forever cherish them no matter who they are. Everyone I have met good or bad is forever with me because they helped shape me and they spent time with me. I know if this is cringy you can cope!

Finally, this server has watched me grow and has helped me. When I started high school I got Java and SRP and I played, when I could. I swear this server helped me find myself as a human create a personality that worked for me, supported me and most of all built up my confidence. I won’t get into the sad part to my highschool life but without SRP and without the understanding of writing, my interests, my OCs which may I tell you leak into my life now. I wouldn’t be who I am today, I wouldn’t smile the way I do, I wouldn’t have this chaotic and fun personality, or to see the world the way I do. I know it’s deep, but it’s honesty because this server did shape me a lot.


Level 81
SRP helped me a lot with my writing and portraying my characters as human. i've also had the privilege of meeting a great many amazing people. yall are amazing.

! salty

Level 51
ok i know my take is just extremely unqiue but i love the silly little ppl ive met here

WarkDolf, rios, itsjustkam, the entire ilovemyplane cult, Stylishcamo, Mircegg, Buildingbrother, KorgieBear, StaticReality, Deaderance, OliveJewel, bl1nkys, ZekeEnvy, 2Real4Yhu, S0urRoll, bordieee, 37454, SIMPL3Z, 0K_1N, PAW5, Glycer, TellTotty, NotNassy, RushTX, 10RP, FluffyCaat, ztt3424, vCrim, Vibezz, Niixne, annobleh, _Gregg, 5C4R77, Veloxcide, Niccy_wrldwide, oliveirra, cyberloser, Cap7ainDes7roy, ZappyMoo, TheEz8Fury, Alistarstruck, Gwaynes, and just a ton, TON, more!

my entire friend group, some of the people who are dearest to me i have found through srp.

yeah so thats it my fault for yapping bye


Level 118
My wholesome takes..

Well, hmm well firstly SRP really showed what sadness really is. (My being a sad wittle baby and crying) fun it was.

SRP showed me my true self is a edgy teen, also let me quit GTRP (Greater Toronto Roleplay in ERLC) god that community was toxic..

SRP showed me that even that it can copy other servers and make it better.

Anyways guys I have to go cry now since people keep on bullying me oocly.

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