Level 5
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): Shmotato
Discord Name & Tag: My Discord name is Shmo, the tag is Shmobamaa.
Which timezone are you in? EST
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Denied - Staff Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Take To The Stage! | Shmotato's Black Market Dealer Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Shmotato's P.E. Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - CinnarollRp's P.E. teacher application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - CinnarollRp | Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on srp has remained rather constant for a very long time. I first joined the server back in late 2016, and I’ve been playing ever since then. I’ve felt such a strong passion for the server in my time being on it and I’ve thrived in the vast amount of roleplay experience it’s given me as well as making friends that I undoubtedly will always carry in my mind. Around the time of late 2021 to early 2022 I stopped playing the server for around 9 months or so due to a severe burn out as well as just a steep decline in mental health. Though I returned and I’ve been active practically every day since then. Come this October I believe it will have been my 9th year on the server. I am on every day and can get on whenever necessary unless I am at work. I am a server at a restaurant so my hours are fluctuating and I am happy to provide my schedule weekly if needed to best accommodate for those times and other things. I also am in college and have classes Tuesdays andThursdays however I'm in my final few weeks and will be on summer break fairly soon. Time schedules will be provided below.
IGN (In-Game Name): Shmotato
Discord Name & Tag: My Discord name is Shmo, the tag is Shmobamaa.
Which timezone are you in? EST
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Denied - Staff Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Take To The Stage! | Shmotato's Black Market Dealer Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Shmotato's P.E. Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - CinnarollRp's P.E. teacher application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - CinnarollRp | Nurse Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on srp has remained rather constant for a very long time. I first joined the server back in late 2016, and I’ve been playing ever since then. I’ve felt such a strong passion for the server in my time being on it and I’ve thrived in the vast amount of roleplay experience it’s given me as well as making friends that I undoubtedly will always carry in my mind. Around the time of late 2021 to early 2022 I stopped playing the server for around 9 months or so due to a severe burn out as well as just a steep decline in mental health. Though I returned and I’ve been active practically every day since then. Come this October I believe it will have been my 9th year on the server. I am on every day and can get on whenever necessary unless I am at work. I am a server at a restaurant so my hours are fluctuating and I am happy to provide my schedule weekly if needed to best accommodate for those times and other things. I also am in college and have classes Tuesdays andThursdays however I'm in my final few weeks and will be on summer break fairly soon. Time schedules will be provided below.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Weekends |
10 AM - 7 AM | Between 12 and 3:30 and anytime after 7pm. | 10 AM - 7 AM | Between 12 and 3:30 and anytime after 7pm. | 10 AM - 7 AM | 10 AM - 7 AM |
I am available whenever, unless I am at work. | I have school from 8:30 am til 12 pm. And then i am free from 12 to 4pm to which i have another class until 7 pm and usually get home around 7:20pm. | I am available whenever, unless I am at work. | I have school from 8:30 am til 12 pm. And then i am free from 12 to 4pm to which i have another class until 7 pm and usually get home around 7:20pm. | I am available whenever, unless I am at work. | I am available whenever, unless I am at work. |
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivations for applying are rather simple but also more thought out. From about a year after I joined this server I have constantly been involved with a singular form of Roleplay that being Crime/Gangrp. While I have enjoyed and do still enjoy this side of Srp, I think it’s time that I branch out even if this still will involve crimerp, it won’t be to the same extent. My roleplay experience has been getting dull, and very repetitive. Joining KPD would give me an entirely new perspective to the crime aspect of roleplay, and while in my BMD application I stated playing the hero wouldn’t be fun for me. I would like to think otherwise and try my hand at seeing what it’s like to be on the other team. I feel like that not only can I bring a good energy and vibe to the faction but I also want to enjoy the new atmosphere and new types of things I can experience while being a part of the faction. I also believe that applying for KPD is a good way for me to further immerse myself into the different factions of this server.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
There is the Main Division and the Detective Division. The main division usually consists of your typical officer who handles the day to day normal tasks. What are those tasks might you ask? Well, they consist of taking reports, arresting criminals, managing desk duties and visitations, patrolling, and etc. Now on the other hand you have the Detective Division, they do the same thing but they have a much more tasking role to play as well. And that is, yep! You guessed it. They handle the more hard to solve cases, investigating crime scenes, and simply handling the more complex and difficult tasks of the Department.
Main Division
Entry-Level Officer in Training. Shadows superiors to get a better understanding of what's required in their line of work.
Patrol Officer:
An Officer who responds to emergency or non-emergency calls. They go one patrols regularly on specified routes to make sure that the city is safe.
A supervisor of sorts, though only overseeing a small group of Officers. Patrols the streets, serving as a liaison between Patrol Officers, Cadets, and other superiors.
This rank shows that you have clear experience within the force, showing that you have not only gained a better grasp of your duties and the tasks at hand, but that you are reliable as well.
Lieutenant (HU)
This rank is directly under the Captain, they supervise and manage the Lower divisions, providing immediate feedback directly to the Captain and
Captain (HU)
This is a Higher up position that only one person can have at a given moment.
Detective Division
Detective Constable
This rank is for those who are brand new Cadets that show interest in becoming a Detective.
Detective Sergeant
After passing an exam, you show the necessary qualifications to become a Detective, and as such are given the basic responsibilities and tasks that this division has.
Detective Inspector
This rank is usually for those that are capable of taking on more than one investigation at a time, primarily those who have a lot of experience within the faction already.
Detective Chief Inspector (HU)
Chief Inspectors handle more serious investigations, typically that are higher profile than most. They give feedback directly to the Detective Superintendent.
Detective Superintendent (HU)
Much like the Captain, DS’s supervise the entire Detective Division working directly under the Commissioner and reporting back to them specifically.
The Commissioner runs the police department and oversees everyone.
Items Used:
This item is utilized as a strong yet non-lethal way to apprehend criminals when in pursuit. Tranquilizers are only given to those in higher positions of the KPD, these ranks being (main division) Sergeant and (detective division) Detective Inspector+. The tranquilizer fires a highly accurate single dart that releases an Immobilon drug into the target's bloodstream when contact is made to the skin, sending them into a drowsy state thus leaving them temporarily immobile with an effect that lasts for two minutes that cannot be stolen.
Stun Gun/Taser
The stun blaster works as a taser. When one shot is fired, 2 longer-ranged prongs are sent into the air to potentially latch onto the skin of a criminal. When this impact is made, an instant electrical shock is sent throughout the target's body and immobilizes the player for less time than the tranq. This item is given to all members of the KPD and can not be stolen from other players.
Crowbars are a non-official type of tool that officers can utilize to break down barricades/containers or entry items such as doors and windows, typically being used when needing to raid an apartment or house, or otherwise if somehow necessary, to escape an area such as if they are being held hostage by a criminal. These tools are not allowed to be utilized as weapons against criminals and can only be utilized by police corporals plus. Crowbars can be mugged by the player.
An item accessible to all officers that can be stolen from the player. A 21 inch long steel baton, used to apprehend criminals in non-lethal and close proximity if a criminal attempts to harm said officer and or harm someone else. These items are typically used if a fight breaks out in jail cells to avoid potential backlash to the officer. Batons are extremely short-range and offer similar aspects to the likings of bats but with better grip stability.
Pepper spray
A very small bottle capable of being held in one hand. The contents within this small canister contains oleoresin capsicum, an oil from a plant type that includes chili peppers as it includes capsaicin When sprayed above the eyes, it'll slowly trickle down the forehead and make contact with the eyes, causing a very severe burning sensation that temporarily blinds players. Pepper spray is accessible to all emergency workers, including all officers and all EMS workers and it cannot be taken from the player. The item will blind players for 60 seconds.
Hand Cuffs
Made out of steel and shaped in a particular way to fit a person's wrists, this item is adjustable after being unlocked and clicked through with a small and easy push. Handcuffs are extremely sturdy and can only be destroyed by blunt objects. They are utilized to restrain the player, often handcuffs are applied with both arms locked together behind the backs of players to restrain them thoroughly. Handcuffs are an immediate-range tool and must be applied carefully.
Riot shield
Riot shields are roughly the size of a human, and act as a two-block high shield made of tempered glass. Riot shields cannot be used offensively to attack players outside of pushing them away to gain distance or prevent them from accessing an area.. It is used as a barricade against frontal/side attacks (unless put into off-hand). This shield is accessible to all officers regardless of rank and is typically used in SWAT formations against riots. When utilizing this tool, the officer's back is unprotected unless guarded by another player, Leaving them open to the potential sneak attacks from behind. Closely accompanying this lovely shield is riot gear. A special type of protective uniform for officers in pursuit that hides personal features.
[Non-item dependant]
Body camera
A very small camera, resting tucked into the corner of your tactical vest. The camera is accessible to all officers as a waterproof and constant live-stream video service that's attached to the cloud. Body cameras run the same way that CCTV runs, acting in the same way that streaming through these cameras does. Body cameras cannot be mugged from officers but can be destroyed by blunt or sharp objects.
Police radio
This radio is much different from the normal handheld radio as you have the capability to attach it to your vest, leading to easier communication. It has three channels that can connect to other emergency services, or take specific calls. This radio is available to all officers and cannot be stolen, Although it can be destroyed. When a sharp or blunt weapon is faced against the radio it can be shattered.
Luminol Spray
A spray accessible to all on-duty officers made of a specific luminol oil mixed with chemicals to create this specific type of spray that detects things like blood or dents. Typically, luminol is applied to legal items like bats. Luminol spray cannot be taken.
One scenario:
Officers will typically approach a situation asking questions, trying to get a better grasp on the situation. For instance, lets say there is a fight breaking out in public. If there are masked individuals present, they start off by instantly unholstering their tasers and demanding everyone face the wall. Should the demands be ignored, they follow up with a second demand of the same thing. If the demands are still ignored then a final warning is given before they opt for using force too subdue the suspect to get them on the wall. This is followed by the mask being taken off as well as any belongings such as bats, pipe wrenches. If these items have any dents and or blood, cuffs will be placed on the owner of said items and they will be taken in for further questioning. The arresting officer will typically ask in LOOC if the player would like to roll against the cuffs.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Just as there is evil in the world, there is Good. The KPD are important because they are the direct opposite of the Crime faction of SRP being two sides of the same coin. They are there to serve and protect the IC community, keeping the streets of Karakura safe, as well as to lend aid too the civilians in other instances that dont always involve crime. Providing structure and stability within the community, even as just an average student, no one can deny that the presence of the police is felt even when they aren’t around, giving the entirety of the server a completely different experience regardless of what is going on.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I full acknowledge this and I will be sure to attend all trainings if I am available
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
“Yvaine Nocturne. .Please remember it, repeating myself is Tedious.”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“Careful now, I may look young but Im 30, so respect your elders hm?”
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I’m a woman, never seen one of those before? She/They”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
“I have a PHD in Criminal Justice, as well as a bachelors in Psychology”
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“Latin and Russian, I spent quite a bit of time doing work in Russia so I’ve become quite fluent in the language. The cold is insufferable. Then again I’ve heard that it isn’t any better here, Perfect.” (Mandarin as well once I apply and assuming it gets accepted)
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Yvaine is a sleek and enigmatic young woman in her early 30s with a distinctive, slender physique. She has short black hair, often styled in a smooth, straight cut. Usually seen wearing elegant dresses or a more form fitting dress that is easy to move in while also allowing her to still look stylish. Her facial features are sharp though a little bit more rounded, with high cheekbones and a confident, almost aloof expression. Yvaine's overall appearance combines both elegance and a sense of mystery, making her a unforgettable. It should be noted she has a Red spider Lily tattoo that has these lovely flowers wrapping around her arm and waist, ending just above her thigh.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional Life:
Yvaine usually tends to keep to herself, maintaining a sense of professionalism at all times while on the job. Giving little to no leeway and being very dead set on getting the job done. Taking tasks given to her very seriously, doing what she needs to do in order to see things through.
Casual Life:
During her free time, she is usually finding herself at home studying up on different cultures, teaching herself new languages and painting. Preferring to spend her time alone she tends to go out for walks just to get fresh air and get a better layout of her surroundings to maintain a sense of security. Though she may seem like a mystery, or like she is a workaholic, she is actually very open to spending time with those she considers a friend. The question is, are you willing to approach her and break through that barrier to become one?
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“I prioritize teamwork as much as the situation calls for it. Having a job like this. .without teamwork the goal we are all working towards could easily fall apart and crumble beneath our feet. As i’ve heard an old friend once say. . “You cannot man an entire ship on your own, you need a crew too make sure everything works correctly” So with that being said, it’s important that everything sails smoothly and that there is a clear sense of trust, and camaraderie within this job”
What's your character's backstory?
Being born in Shanghai, China where she was born into a world of political intrigue and covert operations. Her father was a high-ranking intelligence officer for the Chinese government, often being away due to work. Leaving her to primarily be taken care of and raised by her mother, who worked as a psychiatrist. Often struggling to flip between a work attitude and a parental attitude leaving Yviane at a form of emotional loss, as she did not always provide that maternal care in a way that was sufficient for a child. Often using psychiatric approaches in tending to Yvaine's problems and feelings. Being exposed to both the absenteeism of her father and emotional neglect and bluntness from her mother caused her to have a rather bleak and gray outlook on life. Though this would only get worse in the years that followed.
When Yvaine was 16, her father was involved in an investigation that was only supposed to be a simple raid, something he’s done plenty of times. Though things took a turn for the worse when his colleagues betrayed him, setting him up against a high working Mafia leader by the name of, Vincenzo Marconi that had a vendetta against the officer for not only stopping many of his drug trafficking operations but arresting plenty of his men. Her fathers colleagues being on the payroll of this leader, easily set him up which got him killed. This entire story being covered up within the news as well as the department itself for not wanting to get involved with that Mafia. Her mother, having taken a heavy hit from the sudden death of her spouse, drank herself into an early grave, doing little to continue taking care of Yvaine, let alone tending to her already emotionally damaged and devoid psyche. Devastated and alone, she fled Shanghai, leaving behind this life of absent memories that only brought up feelings of pain and sorrow within her heart and mind. She traveled to Russia, spending a rather big portion of her life within the country. Going back to school, she chose to take after her father, taking an interest in Criminal justice. Graduating high school, she went onto college, where she studied more in Criminal justice and minored in Psychology.
At 25 she moved out of Russia, returning to China, with a new goal in mind. That goal being too track down the unknown murderer of her father. Not sure where to begin she started with the police station, using her elusive and tactful demeanor to gain information from some of the officers there. Her intelligence and determination got her quite far, though all leads began too dry up as most cases were thrown out if they weren’t solved within a certain amount of time, only adding to her resentment and hatred for the task force that her father was a part of. One day being contacted by an unknown number, that gave her a new sense of hope. The murderer of her father has resurfaced and is up and running his operations again. For years, Yvaine lived in the shadows, training herself in combat, infiltration, and strategy, waiting for the right moment to strike. When she finally uncovered Marconi's hidden base of operations, Yvaine infiltrated his mansion during a lavish gala, using her sharp intellect and stealth to gather evidence of his criminal empire. She planted a listening device, collecting conversations that implicated Marconi in numerous illegal activities, including her father’s murder. With the evidence in hand, Yvaine orchestrated a carefully timed series of events—exposing Marconi to law enforcement while ensuring his criminal associates were disbanded. In a dramatic final confrontation, she confronted him face-to-face, revealing his crimes and the truth about her father’s death. As the authorities closed in, Vincenzo was arrested, his empire crumbling around him. Yvaine disappeared into the night, her father’s honor avenged, but she remained a ghost, vanishing just as quietly as she had appeared.
Now 30 she left Shanghai once more, moving to a small remote Island in Japan. Karakura. Where she now is trying to start anew and live a life in the honor of her father as an officer. Applying for the Karakura Police Department, hoping to aid the department in ridding the streets of criminals, gangs, and Mafia leaders like Marconi, so no other child has to go through the similar hardships she went through.
“Yvaine Nocturne. .Please remember it, repeating myself is Tedious.”
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“Careful now, I may look young but Im 30, so respect your elders hm?”
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I’m a woman, never seen one of those before? She/They”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
“I have a PHD in Criminal Justice, as well as a bachelors in Psychology”
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
“Latin and Russian, I spent quite a bit of time doing work in Russia so I’ve become quite fluent in the language. The cold is insufferable. Then again I’ve heard that it isn’t any better here, Perfect.” (Mandarin as well once I apply and assuming it gets accepted)
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Yvaine is a sleek and enigmatic young woman in her early 30s with a distinctive, slender physique. She has short black hair, often styled in a smooth, straight cut. Usually seen wearing elegant dresses or a more form fitting dress that is easy to move in while also allowing her to still look stylish. Her facial features are sharp though a little bit more rounded, with high cheekbones and a confident, almost aloof expression. Yvaine's overall appearance combines both elegance and a sense of mystery, making her a unforgettable. It should be noted she has a Red spider Lily tattoo that has these lovely flowers wrapping around her arm and waist, ending just above her thigh.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional Life:
Yvaine usually tends to keep to herself, maintaining a sense of professionalism at all times while on the job. Giving little to no leeway and being very dead set on getting the job done. Taking tasks given to her very seriously, doing what she needs to do in order to see things through.
Casual Life:
During her free time, she is usually finding herself at home studying up on different cultures, teaching herself new languages and painting. Preferring to spend her time alone she tends to go out for walks just to get fresh air and get a better layout of her surroundings to maintain a sense of security. Though she may seem like a mystery, or like she is a workaholic, she is actually very open to spending time with those she considers a friend. The question is, are you willing to approach her and break through that barrier to become one?
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“I prioritize teamwork as much as the situation calls for it. Having a job like this. .without teamwork the goal we are all working towards could easily fall apart and crumble beneath our feet. As i’ve heard an old friend once say. . “You cannot man an entire ship on your own, you need a crew too make sure everything works correctly” So with that being said, it’s important that everything sails smoothly and that there is a clear sense of trust, and camaraderie within this job”
What's your character's backstory?
Being born in Shanghai, China where she was born into a world of political intrigue and covert operations. Her father was a high-ranking intelligence officer for the Chinese government, often being away due to work. Leaving her to primarily be taken care of and raised by her mother, who worked as a psychiatrist. Often struggling to flip between a work attitude and a parental attitude leaving Yviane at a form of emotional loss, as she did not always provide that maternal care in a way that was sufficient for a child. Often using psychiatric approaches in tending to Yvaine's problems and feelings. Being exposed to both the absenteeism of her father and emotional neglect and bluntness from her mother caused her to have a rather bleak and gray outlook on life. Though this would only get worse in the years that followed.
When Yvaine was 16, her father was involved in an investigation that was only supposed to be a simple raid, something he’s done plenty of times. Though things took a turn for the worse when his colleagues betrayed him, setting him up against a high working Mafia leader by the name of, Vincenzo Marconi that had a vendetta against the officer for not only stopping many of his drug trafficking operations but arresting plenty of his men. Her fathers colleagues being on the payroll of this leader, easily set him up which got him killed. This entire story being covered up within the news as well as the department itself for not wanting to get involved with that Mafia. Her mother, having taken a heavy hit from the sudden death of her spouse, drank herself into an early grave, doing little to continue taking care of Yvaine, let alone tending to her already emotionally damaged and devoid psyche. Devastated and alone, she fled Shanghai, leaving behind this life of absent memories that only brought up feelings of pain and sorrow within her heart and mind. She traveled to Russia, spending a rather big portion of her life within the country. Going back to school, she chose to take after her father, taking an interest in Criminal justice. Graduating high school, she went onto college, where she studied more in Criminal justice and minored in Psychology.
At 25 she moved out of Russia, returning to China, with a new goal in mind. That goal being too track down the unknown murderer of her father. Not sure where to begin she started with the police station, using her elusive and tactful demeanor to gain information from some of the officers there. Her intelligence and determination got her quite far, though all leads began too dry up as most cases were thrown out if they weren’t solved within a certain amount of time, only adding to her resentment and hatred for the task force that her father was a part of. One day being contacted by an unknown number, that gave her a new sense of hope. The murderer of her father has resurfaced and is up and running his operations again. For years, Yvaine lived in the shadows, training herself in combat, infiltration, and strategy, waiting for the right moment to strike. When she finally uncovered Marconi's hidden base of operations, Yvaine infiltrated his mansion during a lavish gala, using her sharp intellect and stealth to gather evidence of his criminal empire. She planted a listening device, collecting conversations that implicated Marconi in numerous illegal activities, including her father’s murder. With the evidence in hand, Yvaine orchestrated a carefully timed series of events—exposing Marconi to law enforcement while ensuring his criminal associates were disbanded. In a dramatic final confrontation, she confronted him face-to-face, revealing his crimes and the truth about her father’s death. As the authorities closed in, Vincenzo was arrested, his empire crumbling around him. Yvaine disappeared into the night, her father’s honor avenged, but she remained a ghost, vanishing just as quietly as she had appeared.
Now 30 she left Shanghai once more, moving to a small remote Island in Japan. Karakura. Where she now is trying to start anew and live a life in the honor of her father as an officer. Applying for the Karakura Police Department, hoping to aid the department in ridding the streets of criminals, gangs, and Mafia leaders like Marconi, so no other child has to go through the similar hardships she went through.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, unless one if you’re fine with the consequences of being arrested and charged with Possession of Illegal weaponry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol - ¥1,500
Iron Supplements - ¥2,500
Multivitamins - ¥3,500
Wooden Canes - ¥7,000
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“By taking an extreme amount of caution and assessing the situation. Contacting a Supervisor and or Higher Up on a private channel in order to inform them of the situation and giving a moment in order to be instructed. Though if no instruction is given, I'd approach the situation carefully, attempting to first talk down my fellow Officer, though if they have a weapon that could cause harm and refuse to listen to reason. I’d do what I can too physically get between and or restrain them without causing harm to them. Looking over them for any possible injuries before having them sit somewhere away from the inmate, sending the Inmate to the infirmary with a different officer. Once again trying to get in contact with a Higher up to come assess the situation further.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“This depends on the situation, given that acting recklessly could result in the harm of both my coworker and myself or worse. I’d quickly take note of how assailants there are, while also getting a hold of any other officers, relaying this information to them so they can prepare to come and assist. Taking note of the things I have with me I’d instantly jump to help my coworker, doing my best to get them out of the situation and as far away from their attackers as possible while also avoiding getting myself harmed as well. If they are conscious and able too, asking them to give further details on the situation that took place, so our fellow officers could have more information to go off of in assisting them in apprehending the assailants.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Corruption is quite the thing around here isn’t it? I’ve heard quite a bit about it from the short time I’ve been here. Should I find out that my co-worker is corrupt and aiding criminal organizations, I'd first do more to look into this myself, keeping a discreet approach to the situation while getting at least 2 pieces of grounded evidence that this is to be the case, before making any reports. After gaining this evidence I’d take it to my Higher up, providing them with the evidence as well as any other information that could be useful.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“By taking a sly approach to the situation. If at all possible making sure my body cam and or a voice recorder is active in order to record the conversation. Asking them further on what type of bribe they are offering so I can get more information out of them and what the deal is for, while making it clear I am not going to accept the deal and then charging them for attempting bribe an officer, letting them know their crimes are against the law and that it wouldnt help them in any way shape or form. After getting all the information possible, I’d report the interaction to my higher up, as well as providing them with the body cam footage or voice recorder audio.”
“No, unless one if you’re fine with the consequences of being arrested and charged with Possession of Illegal weaponry.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol - ¥1,500
Iron Supplements - ¥2,500
Multivitamins - ¥3,500
Wooden Canes - ¥7,000
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“By taking an extreme amount of caution and assessing the situation. Contacting a Supervisor and or Higher Up on a private channel in order to inform them of the situation and giving a moment in order to be instructed. Though if no instruction is given, I'd approach the situation carefully, attempting to first talk down my fellow Officer, though if they have a weapon that could cause harm and refuse to listen to reason. I’d do what I can too physically get between and or restrain them without causing harm to them. Looking over them for any possible injuries before having them sit somewhere away from the inmate, sending the Inmate to the infirmary with a different officer. Once again trying to get in contact with a Higher up to come assess the situation further.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“This depends on the situation, given that acting recklessly could result in the harm of both my coworker and myself or worse. I’d quickly take note of how assailants there are, while also getting a hold of any other officers, relaying this information to them so they can prepare to come and assist. Taking note of the things I have with me I’d instantly jump to help my coworker, doing my best to get them out of the situation and as far away from their attackers as possible while also avoiding getting myself harmed as well. If they are conscious and able too, asking them to give further details on the situation that took place, so our fellow officers could have more information to go off of in assisting them in apprehending the assailants.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Corruption is quite the thing around here isn’t it? I’ve heard quite a bit about it from the short time I’ve been here. Should I find out that my co-worker is corrupt and aiding criminal organizations, I'd first do more to look into this myself, keeping a discreet approach to the situation while getting at least 2 pieces of grounded evidence that this is to be the case, before making any reports. After gaining this evidence I’d take it to my Higher up, providing them with the evidence as well as any other information that could be useful.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“By taking a sly approach to the situation. If at all possible making sure my body cam and or a voice recorder is active in order to record the conversation. Asking them further on what type of bribe they are offering so I can get more information out of them and what the deal is for, while making it clear I am not going to accept the deal and then charging them for attempting bribe an officer, letting them know their crimes are against the law and that it wouldnt help them in any way shape or form. After getting all the information possible, I’d report the interaction to my higher up, as well as providing them with the body cam footage or voice recorder audio.”
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