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Denied Shop Application | __Serend1pity__


Level 19
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Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Time Zone

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server has been extremely active as of recently. I’m on for a minimum of a couple hours a day, the only exception being work days but even then I manage to be on for a few hours before and after my work. I have a lot of free time outside of work and most of that time is spent on SRP.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
My one and only ban on the server occurred on December 8th 2020. Due to the nature of the ban I’d prefer not to say it within this app, but the ban was lifted after three days when given the chance to appeal after proving my innocence and as well as it being deemed to have nothing to do with the server itself and more or so personal stuff between me and another player outside of the server. Besides this one occurrence I have never been banned any other time.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that going inactive will result in a demotion from the shopkeeper role.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Jin lang app: [Accepted]
College council app: [Accepted]
Greek lang app: [Accepted]
Russian lang app: [Accepted]
Korean lang app: [Denied]
Lore team app: [Denied]

Applications that aren’t on the forums anymore include two college applications, first being denied and the second being accepted. Also a BMD and Shrine app which were denied. I also had two media team apps. The first being denied due to me not being extremely active on the server at the time, and the second one never got checked as the team disbanded.

My one appeal for my ban is also not able to be linked as it was allowed to be appealed through discord DM’S on discord.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
My only current role on the server is college bachelor on my main account

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Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:


Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:


Currently I am incredibly active within the server, usually on during all my free time. I'm always hoping to be a part of some new aspects of RP in the server and being a shopkeeper is one I have yet to experience. Shopkeeper specifically interests me over other experiences due to my studies of entrepreneurship and business I’ve taken from school in real life. I’ve learned how businesses work and know the time and effort that needs to go into them to make sure everything runs smoothly and it's something I think I'd really enjoy to be apart of and get to experience firsthand on SRP.

Previously I worked in Sayonara around the last year or so and had a ton of fun in that RP experience. Getting to see the in’s and out’s of how the businesses run inside of Karakura and getting to experience working in one is some of the most fun I’ve had on SRP. Becoming a shopkeeper would be that step up from being just a cashier and is something I think I can really dig myself into. Coming up with event ideas or cool unique custom ideas to sell in the shop is something I know I would really enjoy. As well as the other business duties such as hiring new employees or revamping the store to feel new. On top of all this I want to be able to give other plays a chance to experience a new type of RP on the server. I would hope to bring a new fun type of atmosphere to the shop and focus a lot on ICLY RP inside the shop between employees.

My goal as shopkeeper overall would really be to try and bring something new to the server as much as possible with the shopkeeper role. It might take some time to learn and get used to at first but once I get the hang of it I feel I can bring some fun new experiences to others as well as running an active shop that everyone wants to come to. I know being a shopkeeper is a serious role angd should be taken as seriously as possible. You have things you need to do as a shopkeeper to make sure everything runs smoothly as well as make sure you're able to open your shop. I fully know this and am ready to do what would be needed to the fullest to be successful in this role and to make it enjoyable for anyone involved with the shop.


The character I'm applying with is my main character 'Kōjin 'Oni' Sakurai'. I've had this character for two years now and slowly over time he has worked his way up from high school, to now a student who is enrolled in college for business and entrepreneurship. His first shop was Sayonara and he only applied to work there because he needed money. But after his first shift he realized how much he enjoyed working and how being apart of a business is something he found to really enjoy. After working at Sayonara Kōjin eventually applied to college for business and entrepreneurship as to learn more about businesses and how they work, and overall what it takes to run one successfully. As of right now he has been in college for about a year and a half (ooc). During all this time he has kept his goal up of owning a shop and has applied to work in multiple of other shops to experience them and learn more about them. Seeing how different owners do things differently from each other and finding out the most successful ways to run a shop. When it comes to owning a shop Kōjin see's it as his way of finally reaching his goal of what he wants to do with his life as well as hoping to bring unique events and to Karakura.

Previous shop experience:

So far in my time on SRP I have been able to work at a few different type's of shops and experience being apart of them.

I was first hired at Sayonara quite some time ago from a previous owner and worked there for quite a while before having to leave due to me being inactive because of real life reasons. This was my first experience being apart of a shop and was a good first learning experience for me as Sayonara is an extremely popular shop and helped me experience all different types of RP situations that can occur in shops. I mainly worked as a cashier but was also brought in to be security for a couple shifts whenever cashier slots were taken up.

Currently one of my characters is hired into two shops, Koribureku and Harecuts. I have yet to get a shift in at Harecuts but I have worked at Koribureku and working there has gotten me accustom to using a portal website to track sales during a shift. When I worked at Sayonara they didn't use any portal site so getting to finally use one that so many people use now got me up to speed and is definitely something I'd use myself as a shopkeeper.

Lastly, while not necessarily a shop I did work at Club Luxe for some time as well. I did so as security from my entire time there.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

The first thing I would look into regarding the shop in-game is a possible slight revamp of some of the interior and exterior to give it a new look and feel. Nothing too crazy but something that is nice to look at and isn’t too cluttered when there is many people in the shop. Of course I will also be looking into adding many new customs as well. And on top of those things, to help make the shop feel more unique I would like to host some shop events that players could come down and partake in. I would want to focus a lot on events as events are something new and exciting for all players to take part in and get involved with. They take a lot of work but It helps keep things interesting and overall can be a really fun RP to get to be apart of. Some future event ideas I've thought about are the following:

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Flash Sale

This event is exactly as you would expect it to be from the name, a flash sale! During this limited time event not all but a specific type of item(s) would be on sale for a lower price then usual. As an example lets say this event was hosted, the entire shop wouldn't have a sale on all items but lets say a sale on one specific item like backpacks. An advertisement of this event could look something like this assuming we take that example of backpacks being on sale:

''Weren't able to afford that super popular backpack you wanted this year that everyone else has? Well Joyoung is now OPEN with a sale on ALL backpacks for a limited time! We also have a bunch of other fun items to get your hands on, located in the back left of shopping district!''

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One thing I've always enjoyed is raffles and I think they could be a neat addition to a shop. The way this would work is by having a booth somewhere where players could walk up and buy a raffle ticket for a small fee. To keep it fair for everyone there would be a max limit on the amount of raffle tickets someone could buy, probably from the 1-3 or so range. After paying the small fee for the raffle players would be entered into a random draw where one person would be picked at random to win. A random generator with all the names would be used for something like this and wouldn't be personally selected by anyone. The winner would then be able get at minimum at least one free item of their choosing to pick from the store. This would be a fun little event that everyone could get involved in and wouldn't take too much time to setup.

''Want to win some free items? Yeah you do. Well now's your chance! Joyoung is now OPEN, Come down and enter a raffle for a chance to win at least ONE free item of your choice as well as check out all our other items we have in stock!''

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Limited Item
This event would revolve around a custom item in the store that I purchased to be sold at the shop. During this event this item would be limited to everyone and only be able to sold a set amount of times. Lets say only 20-30 stock of this item would be available to sell during this event. After the number that was set of how much of it could be sold was reached no one else would be able to purchase it from the shop. If the max number of this item allowed to be sold wasn't reached in the opening it would be carried over to the next opening until that number is reached. As this is supposed to be a 'limited' item, after selling the max number set available to it, it would not be sold in the shop again or at least not for at least over a month.

Joyoung is now OPEN! For a LIMITED time only we are selling (Item name). You will not be able get this item again if it sells out so hurry over and purchase it while you can as well as checking out all our other amazing items!''

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Suggestions day
This event would be more of an event to figure out what people would like to see in the shop. The idea of this event is to have a place, most likely a booth setup somewhere in the shop or right outside where players and write down the type of item(s) they would like to see sold in the shop. That's all other players have to do. Afterwards the books would be read and a list of the suggestions would be written down to see what type of items people want. Upon doing this it would allow the shop to have a better idea of the type of items or even a specific item to add to the shop in the future for players to buy.

''Ever had a super cool idea for an item you wish was sold in shops? Well now's your chance to make it a reality! Joyoung is now open and taking SUGGESTIONS for future items to be sold! So come down and let us know and possibly see YOUR suggestion being sold in the near future''


Not entirely an event strictly for the shop but I also think it would be nice to have the shop attend server-wide SRP events that are hosted. Having the shop be able to setup a booth at some other event taking place and sell a few certain items during that event that players could come and buy.

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Festive seasonal events
These are events that would only take place during a specific time of the year to fit the upcoming holidays during that month. Here are some examples:

Everyone's favorite scary month. During this time I think it would be fun to have some extra employee's on board during openings to take part in this event. For this event I would reach out to a tailor and get some custom made costumes for Halloween. Employee's that aren't running the cash registers would wear these outfits and walk around the store during openings, interacting with guests and trying to get a scare out of them! Of course for an event like this there would be specific set of 'Do Nots' for employee's to not do during this event just like any regular haunted attraction. Stuff such as not being allowed to physically touch any of the customers and all that.

''Looking for some new items during this spooky month of October? Well Joyoung is now OPEN! But watch out! Rumor has it there are now terrifying spirits and creatures roaming the store freely looking to scare anyone who may step inside the store! Come at your own risk!''

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December is the time of giving and I think this would be a great time to let the customers get a chance to talk to SANTA. During this one employee would be dressed up as Santa and possibly have some elf's around if anyone is available for the opening. During this time customers can get into a line to talk to Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas! On top of this maybe Santa would be giving out small little gifts to everyone he talks to as a way to spread the 'giving' of December!

''Ever want to meet the guy from the north pole? The one that slides down your chimney every year and eats all your cookies when your asleep? Well now you can! Joyoung is now OPEN and a special guest is here to greet any who wish to see him, better hurry he wont be here all day!''

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February valentines day
You know when you send letters to a special someone every valentine's day? Well as the school usually does an event like this I figured the shop could as well but with it's own little twist. Players would be able to come and purchase a specific item and send that gift to their person of choice. To make sure the shop is able to get in contact with this person, specific questions would be asked to make sure we could find them. Questions such as their IGN and the buyers IGN incase we had to get in contact with them again if any troubles were ran into with delivering the gift. Now you might be thinking why would anyone do this and not just hand deliver it themself? Well you could say the same thing about carnation letters that people do and send to others. It's a fun little way to surprise someone and also it would allow characters with 'crushes' on other character and may be too afraid to do it in person to get their crush a gift!

'' Are you in love? Or too scared to give that special someone a gift this Valentines day? Well Joyoung is now OPEN and for a limited time you can purchase up to one item and have it delivered to whoever you want as a special surprise for them this valentines day! Better hurry before someone else sends one to that special person before you!''

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Employee outfits
While I don't have any specific outfits planned out for employee's as of now, I would like to try out having outfits for employee's to wear during opening hours at some point. I feel it would give the shop a more professional feel to it and overall help make employee's feel actually apart of the shop. The outfits would be formal and possibly somewhat matching to the design and feel of the shop after being slightly revamped.

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What will you sell in your shop?:
I plan to keep some items previously sold in the shop to start out with, but eventually want to add some new ones later on to have a full roster of new items over time. I would look into getting some customs for the shop whenever possible and try and think of some unique ideas for these items. I find ‘interactive’ items to be well liked throughout the server (Eg: Watergun, instruments etc) and would definitely look into adding items like that into the shop for players to buy. I would also make sure to plan ahead of time for seasonal limited custom items like Halloween and Christmas items as well as doing non-season limited items from time to time.

For the shop, I would really like to focus on Japanese themed items as Karakura is in japan. I feel I don't see a ton of Japanese related items in shops as much as I'd like and would hope to bring a slight change to shops with customs I have planned. I did find it difficult to find any items that were 'season excluse' from Japan, hence why those listed below aren't strictly Japanese items. But in the 'Non-seasonal' category I lean more into the Japanese themed items where I hope to bring more of those style of customs into the shop.

Some ideas for customs and for exclusive limited time items for holidays could be as followed. For any Japanese themed items, looking up the name of them will show you what they are if you aren't sure what it is.

Non-seasonal custom items
Pachi Pachi Clappy sound clapper
Hangyodon long plush
Shibu Inu plushie
Cherry blossom dufflebag
EVA Shikinami Asuka Rangure Cat Ear hat
Pochita keychain/plushie
Cyberpunk toy sword

Samezu plushie

Gudetama Tamagochi

Japanese otamatone

No-face and jiji backpack/bag

Customs from known Japanese characters

Meta Knight toy sword
King Dedede hammer
Link shield
Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde plushies ( Original Pacman ghosts)
Naruto Bandana

Ghost Boo plushie (Mario)


Doraemon figure

October Items

Custom Halloween masks
Scary fake handheld spider
Fake axe/knife through head headband
Spooky Halloween plushies
Handheld Trick or Treat baskets
Fake bloody chainsaw toy

December Items:

Fake Santa beards
Christmas themed masks
Snow globe's
Christmas themed ribbon headbands

Christmas tree earrings

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How many employees do you plan to have?:

In my shop I would want to hire around ten to sixteen employees to be cashiers, looking for people that don’t all have the same time zone as to make sure everyone has a chance to work and so that no matter the time of day there would always be someone available to help with an opening. On top of the cashiers I would like to have at least two to three managers within the shop roster and of course the shop owner being myself. I also would plan on having Trial-employee's as well as one to two security. Below is descriptions of each role and what they would do within the shop.

(Shopkeeper x1) - __Luminouss__

The role of shopkeeper for Joyoung would be occupied by me and would be the lead role within the shop. This role has multiple duties to attend to within the shop to keep it running smoothly and make sure everything goes accordingly. Firstly hiring staff when needed to make sure there are enough cashiers for openings. The hiring process can be done in one of two ways, the first being in-person interviews with other characters ICLY. This is where I would advertise the shop is hiring and have people come down to take interviews in-person with me or with a manager of the shop. Asking them specific question to see if they would be the right fit for an employee within the shop. Questions would include ICLY and OOCLY questions. The other way hiring can go is online application as a lot of other shops currently do, having a link to the application and having players take it that way. As mentioned above I would like to have people with some different time zones so as to be able to be more flexible with opening times. I would also be checking on cashiers and seeing how active each one is each month. If there are some inactive's It will be up to me to reach out and see if there are any reasons for the inactivity and then go from there on whether to keep them or look for new employees.

The next duty this role would require to do is check the shop's inventory and request restock whenever needed to make sure there is enough for openings. Doing this all while managing enough money to make sure I am able to purchase a restock and being mindful of taxes included as well. Managing the stock and knowing what there is and isn't is important for openings to run smoothly.

The shopkeeper will also be in charge of planning any shop events, being mindful of holiday seasons especially. This can include re-decorating the shop to fit the season or just hosting some fun events for other plays to get involved with in the shop.

Lastly the shopkeeper of course is responsible for reaching the quota of 12 monthly openings.

(Manager’s x2) -

The managers are people that have been a part of the shop's roster for a while now and have been there long enough to be trusted to help out the shopkeeper with specific duties as well as help any other employees with anything that may be needed. The managers can be tasked with helping take inventory of the shop's wares and reporting back on anything that may need to be re-stocked for future openings. This role would also help with picking out members to hire during hiring applications, giving their reasons for why they think someone is a good candidate to be hired over the others. On top of this they can help plan out future shop events. Overall they are there to help with more duties then regular workers and are there to help out new employee's as well.

(Cashier’s x10-16) -

The cashiers are the backbone of the shop. The duty of the cashiers is to show up during openings and attend to customers at the cash registers. They are the ones that will get the items a customer wants and are tasked with getting the final price of all the items, getting the amount from the customer then handing over the items. They are expected to be friendly to all customers regardless of how a customer may act towards them and bring any possible situations that may arise to a higher-up employee. At the end of each shift they will keep a sum of the money earned but also give a percentage to the shopkeeper as well.

(Trial Employee) -

Trial Employee's are employee's that have just been hired. They are still allowed to work as cashiers but are more heavily monitored to see how their performance in the shop is. After a while and seeing that they are still active and doing well ICLY in the shop they can be made an official 'cashier'. If they don't stay active or seem to be struggling in the shop they might be removed from the shop roster.

(Security x1-2) -

Security are the employee's that are there to make sure no situations arise within the shop. Security will simply walk around the shop and just look out for any trouble that may occur or be occurring. If anything were to happen they would be the first tasked with handling it and calming the situation down and asking the customer to leave and possibly escorting them out of the shop if it comes to that point.

As security wont be running cash registers during shifts, they will instead be paid by the shopkeeper personally after each shift.

Scheduled openings

I plan to have scheduled openings for the shop rather then opening at random times. I feel opening up at random times makes it hard for everyone to get a chance to work so instead I will go with scheduled openings. For this I will come up with multiple dates that the shop will open for the week and schedule a time for each day. Ill post this schedule in the shop discord for employee's to see and have employee's react to the openings they will be able to attend to. Because of the limited number of cashiers able to work at one time ill pick the people who work if there are multiple reactions for a certain day, making sure that everyone that reacted for certain days has at least one chance to work for that week.

Employee policy

Employee's will also have a shop policy to follow at all times.

1. Employee's must tell the shopkeeper if they plan to be inactive for a set amount of time.
2. Employee's must be respectful to all customers, if there is an issue bring it to a higher up.
3. All employee's must pay a set percentage of earned money after a shift to the shopkeeper.
4. Stealing any items from the shop will result and instantly being fired and blacklisted from the shop.
5. Employee's aren't allowed to bring anyone behind the counter without permission from the shopkeeper.
6. You cannot sell more then five of one item per customer for the shift.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:

What's the tax shopkeepers have to pay

How does the applying for a re-stock of items process go

Last edited:


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! The shop you applied for is now taken. Your application is amazing, however and I encourage you to reapply in the future.

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