players online

Shop Application(OrangeRP)


Level 271
IGN: HeadNurse/ LegendOfPanda

Discord: Yes, I have discord. Hatola#1468

Describe your activity on the server:
On a regular day, I get on the server for around 10 to 14 hours everyday, due to the reason it's summer I have more free time, therefore I may be online a bit more. In addition to that because of Covid I had more free time that made me take a few responsibilities in the server: my main account is on a sport team, and my alt accounts are in the school faculty I have to be online for a long time in the day (and I love that of course). In the forums I'm looking everyday and attempting to be the most active I can be.

Previous applications:
Couldn't link the college application due to the new progress.
[College Application]✔️
Language Application, Italian✔️

Language Application, French❌
Language Application, French✔️
Teacher Application✔️
Brain Cancer Application✔️

Language Application, Korean✔️
PTSD Application✔️
Professor Application❌
Language Application, Japanese Sign Language✔️
School Employee✔️
School Employee 2✔️
Language Application, Hebrew✔️
Teacher Application 2✔️
Language Application, Chinese✔️
Previous warns/kicks/bans: I got one warning in September 2020 for being toxic. In November 2020 I was banned for the same reason. I apologized to the person who I was toxic towards. Currently, I’m working on myself and this mistake will not happen again. After this ban, I didn't get any warn or whatever.

Shop wanted: After looking at the roster, I had no idea which shop I wanted. So I decided to take a store that already exists. The shop I want is the Sayonara Giftshop.

shop NEW logo:

One of the changes we will do in the shop will be our new logo. We believe that a new logo will attract more people and the new logo will show the features of the store, The wings is freedom as we believe in the shop everyone needs to feel like they in their home, the colours will show the diversity that in the shop everyone maybe all of us different, but we are equal. The light bulb will show the innovation: in the shop, we will look at innovation and futurism and everything will make the shop that hat the shop will develop into different and varied places.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
Since last year I have been considering opening a shop, but I didn't have the right time for applying for it. I've been playing on SRP for about 1 year and around 8 months, and somewhere during this time I applied to be a high school teacher. This is where I got most of my experience and teaching, which led me to be a good roleplayer. In the time I started to be a teacher, I met a lot of players and helped them with different things (as in total I taught four subjects in school). After a while, I wanted to help the players more and get more experience from a new genre of roleplay, so I thought to apply for something new again, and decided to apply for a school employee. As a nurse, I'm also helping players but it always felt like it was not enough and thought again about opening a shop, as I need to mention that I came back for teaching this time. With this, I understood that I had another problem: I didn't know which shop I wanted, I wanted something unique and not just have a restaurant, as most of shopkeepers. I believe that a convenience shop will be the most dominant and most helpful for players and especially new players. So I came to the conclusion that the best choice is to apply for Sayonara. I understand that there are other shops that sell items but, I believe that Sayonara will be different from the other shops.

If I can have Sayonara, it will provide more interesting roleplay for a lot of players and for me. The players will have a place where to be after school (I will get into more detail about this in the next question) and also a place like Sayonara will help players to make new friendships among the employees, the customers or just people who are coming and normally hang around the shop. Shops like Sayonara are an important part of SRP. Everyone waits for the opening of shops so they can start out on SRP, therefore having an active store where new players (not only new players but also older players) can go to to buy supplies for school or even phones, will make the server a little better. I want to help players like they helped me when I was a new player. people helped me reach to where I am now and now, after a while on SRP I want to know the people who need help and help them, and with this shop, I will be able to help. Also, I believe that I will be able to make the shop successful, evolve, and be one of the most dominant shops in the server. With my experience with players, I know how to work with everyone and the teaching directed me to believe that I was responsible enough to own a shop. With Sayonara, I will make the town more magical!

What do you plan to do with the shop?: Currently, I am not familiar with how many items Sayonara has right now in the stock, so before I hire any employees I will need to do an inventory count and change the prices if needed. We might also buy additional customs. Then I might redecorate slightly. Once that is settled, I will need to find employees. Once we start advertising for the shop, I will give people an opportunity to apply for a job interview at the shop. Once the shop has opened I will only use google forms to hire employees as job interviews take up a lot of time. Before I open, I will send all the employees a document with instructions on how they need to work. If something happens I will talk it out with the person in question and in the worst case I will just hire another employee. In the shop, I will set some code of conduct to make your stay in the store more comfortable.

Code of conduct
As an employee, you are expected to behave appropriately at work. We can’t cover each case of conduct, however, we trust you to always use your best judgment. Reach out to a manager if you face any issues or have concerns. In all cases, we ask that you do not disturb or distract colleagues from their work.

  • Dress Code- all the employees are committed to use our official uniform. nobody from the employees will be allowed to say something about another employee's clothes or some customer’s clothes. We expect you to be clean when coming to work and dressed appropriately. a customer/ an employee who won't behave appropriately, will be banned from the shop. We will respect the use of accessories that are dictated by religious beliefs, ethnicity or disability.
  • Cell phone - We allow the use of cell phones. But we also want to ensure that your device won’t distract you from your work or disrupt customers or colleagues. We ask you to follow simple rules:
-Use your cell phone in a manner that benefits your work (Business calls, calendars)
-Keep personal calls brief and only during break times
-Avoid playing games on your phone or texting excessively
-Do not use your phone to collect confidential information

  • Conflict of interest - When you are experiencing a conflict of interest, your personal goals are no longer aligned with your responsibilities towards us. You may face an ethical issue. For example, accepting a bribe may benefit you financially, but it is illegal and against our policies. If we become aware of such behavior, you will lose your job and may face legal trouble. Follow our policies and actions in the shop's best interest. If you are in a dilemma, talk to a manager and they will help you solve it.
  • Employee relationships-
-We encourage friendships between peers but we expect you to remain focused.
-If you date a colleague, we expect you to remain professional.
-To avoid cases of favoritism, abuse of authority or sexual harassment supervisors must not date employees.
-Non-consensual relationships constitute sexual violence and we prohibit them explicitly.

  • Workplace visitors - If you want to invite a visitor to our offices, please ask for permission from the shop-owner first. Also, inform our security guard of your visitor’s arrival. When you have office visitors, you also have responsibilities. You should:
-Always tend to your visitors (especially when they are underage.)
-Keep your visitors away from areas where there are confidential records or sensitive equipment.
-Prevent your visitors from proselytizing your colleagues, gathering donations or requesting participation in activities while on our premises.

  • Solicitation and Distribution - Solicitation is any form of requesting money, support or participation for products, groups, organizations or causes which are unrelated to our company. Distribution means disseminating literature or material for commercial or political purposes. We don’t allow this by non-employees in our workplace. As an employee, you may solicit from your colleagues only when you want to:
-Ask colleagues to help organize events for another employee (e.g. adoption/birth of a child, promotion, retiring.)
-Seek support for a cause, charity or fundraising event sponsored, funded, organized or authorized by our company.

-Invite colleagues to employee activities for an authorized non-business purpose (e.g. sports, volunteering.)
-Ask colleagues to participate in employment-related activities or groups protected by law (e.g. trade unions)

Social Media

As a shop, we need to contact the citizens of Karakura to make them know about what is going in the store, if it’s new items or when we are hiring new employees. If I will get the shop I will do that in 2 ways: the first way will be through discord, on discord you will be able find the application for becoming an employee in the shop, and more information about the shop. On the discord server, employees will also have contact with the shop owner and they will also need to log all the stuff that they sold. The second way will be on Karakura’s social media, Onrain. There, we will have announcements about new items, or when we hire or etc. The format of the announcements on Onrain will be smaller than discord, and I will focus more on discord. The link for the new discord server can be found here. I need to point out that the discord server is still a work in progress, Although we finished with the design the things like the logs for the employees, the google forms and more and more won't be done soon until and if I'll get the shop.

Service + More
In the shop, I want the customers to feel comfortable when they come to the shop, and I will do that in a few ways. The first way is the shop’s design, as a customer myself I always liked how Sayonara looks like. If I will get to the shop I won’t change the design but will add a few things to make the customers feel more at home than just a regular shop, I’ll add only a few new pieces of furniture. After I did research I found out from that Sayonara was mean to be a 'warm place' that warms everyone's hear, so after I am accepted for the shop I will try to make the shop more 'warm'. To make my cumstomers want to stay inside the shop, make them feel "blessed". In addition to the design, I will pay attention to the 5 senses. What do I mean? In the shop I will pay attention to hearing, sight, smell and taste (only food of course). About the hearing I will play music in the store, it will be relaxing music and for example, you can click here. About the smell, everyone likes the smell of something new. I know it sounds weird, the human nose is able to detect more than 1 trillion scents and I want the customers to remember the shop. As part of the design, I will add scent machines. the machines will have a smell of Lavender, which can be described as refreshing, warm, balancing and sweet as I see it as an important part.

To make the customers and my workers feel comfortable, once I am accepted for the shop, I’ll place some hoppers and a chest somewhere inside the shop and in the staff room. Near the chests will be the sign: “Feedback!”. So how will it work? They will write in a book anything they want (Notebooks will be provided), It could be a report of a customer/worker or feedback about the shop (about how it’s working, and stuff like that.). About the reporting I’ll of course take this seriously and if I will need to, I’ll make the person in question banned from the shop, or fired. As a shop owner I’ll try to not get into a situation I’ll need to do something like that. In the shop the workers need to show the customers respect when they offer their service (and the customers need to act in the same way too, but that’s obvious) and for that we made a document to help them! (It will move to google docs in the future) I must point out that it’s only tips.

Customer Service Tips

  • Focus on the customer- I know sometimes you are busy and we can have a lot of work, but when you with the customers we expect from you to focus only on the customer in front of you, We want you to focus on delivering a stellar in shop-experience. Yes, some customers can be a bit mad about the waiting but it will be worth it.
  • Go the extra mile- If the customers want something they can't find in the shop, go to the back room and look for the item even if you know you don’t have the item right now in the shop. After you tell them we need to have the specific item in the shop, ask for their phone or another thing to make contact with him for telling him when the item will have restocked. We as a shop won’t expect from you to save this number. for this I will put another chest in the shop and there will be a notebook with a little format*.
  • The “Magic Word”- It’s obvious to say thank you after customers complete a purchase, but in the shop we want more from that. We want you to show your appreciation to everyone who visits the shop, whether they make a purchase or not. We want you to do it and make your first impression good! it will help for the shop and for you in the future(you will receive a salary increase or another thing, and even this is not sure but this is my plan).
  • Stay Present Without Hovering- We understand you want to help the customer, but sometimes can see it as an annoying thing, while the customer is browning we expect from you to give them their space. but still be there for the customer, if you need to run to the restroom or start your break, you can wait a bit and finish to help the customer. if you need to go urgently, make sure others from the employees will be around.
  • SMILE!!!- nobody wants to be waited on by a grumpy or condescending worker. The smiling will create a welcoming atmosphere for our customers. It will make the way people think about the shop to be better. studies have found that smiling affects the way customers act, for example waitresses who smiled made more tips than non-smiling waitresses and because of that I want my workers to smile!
  • Dealing with Unhappy Customers- Sometimes people feel bad or mad, but nobody loves to see it. in the shop, when we will see that I want my workers to know how to deal with that. I'm going to train my workers and a part of the customer service skills will be this. to make it easier we made a document about it too! I’ll add the list at the end of this part**.
  • Never say, “I don't know”- When you say that, probably the customers will think u say “I don’t care.'' Instead, when you don’t know the answer to tell your customer “Let me look into that” and do your best to find out the right answer or turn the customer to someone with the answer.
  • Patience- I understand sometimes customers can be annoying, but if we act disrespectfully for them it will affect how people look at the shop. in the shop, we will establish a storewide attitude of patience and we will reward the employees accordingly.
  • Put yourself in your Customers’ Shoes- With the time we will start to know our customers, and with that we will understand what they want. For example, if you see someone exhausted from a long day you will already know to give them coffee or something to give them power. After you will more relate to the customers and their emotional needs, their experience will be better and it will bring them back to the shop.
  • Be Friendly- most of the customers can see when you’re putting a fake smile or looking down your nose at him. In the shop I’ll expect them to have the empathy involved in understanding their customers. if it’s to greet them in a genuinely welcome with ‘normal’ facial expression. I also expect them to find the right balance between professionalism and friendliness. Before I’ll take the employees I’ll see if they are appropriate for the shop and this will be one of the criteria.
  • Promises- in the shop I can understand why promotions are great for attracting new and repeat customers. If you can't make it just don’t do that, we don’t want the reputation to be bad. when you are doing any promotions look at the date and take her on all things besides that. a person who will make the shop’s reputation to be bad will be fired from the shop.
  • Stay Positive- the most important thing, I understand sometimes the job is hard. but it’s important to stay positive and after you will finish the work, you will get a reward (money in this case)
To make my employees feel comfortable and enjoy staying in the shop, I'll do a few things. The main thing is to build a small room for my employees, inside the room will be few things: first will be a chest for all my employees- like a locker, all of them will have keys and only the specific employee will be able to open it. Also, I’ll put a table and a sofa to make it more comfortable. with that, I’ll make a little kitchen for coffee or tea. the employees’ room will be locked and of course only the shop staff will have the keys. It’s obvious how the customers need to act for my employees, and if customers will act disrespectfully we will need to ban them from the store. but before that it will work in this way:
  • First warning- I believe in second chance and this is why it's going to be an only normal warning, we will go to the customer and tell him to stop because what he/she said was disrespectful and ask him to not do it again.
  • Second warning- We will say the same thing, but we also raise our voice and make it more authoritative. Also, in this time we will warn about what will happen if the customer will continue. and it will be to call the security to take them out of the shop.
  • Third warning- in this warning, we will need to act in an aggressive way, as a shop owner I will try to not go to this warning but if I will need, we will call to the security and they will escort them out.
  • if they will continue and come back, we will need to ban them from the store.***
* The Format:
Name of the employee:
Name of the customer:
Phone number:
** At Sayonara, we trust our employees to handle conflicts in the shop. However every case is different, therefore, procedures have been put in place to help them make the right calls.

If two or more individuals are arguing in the shop you are to follow these steps:
- Check in with the group
Often times it is enough to remind them that they are in a public space and that they are disturbing other customers
-Offer to assist
Either help calm them down listen to both sides of the argument and see if you can come up with a compromise that they can both agree on
Give them a warning if they continue to act out after they’ve refused your help or if they are not listening to your advice. “If you cannot resolve this argument yourselves then I suggest you take it elsewhere, this is not appropriate”
-Ask to leave
If they continue after they’ve been warned, politely tell them to leave
- Have security escort them out
If they continue to argue, have them escorted out

If an individual or a group being disruptive in the shop you are to follow these steps:
-Check in with the group
Often times it is enough to remind them that they are in public space and that they are disturbing other customers
-Offer to assist
Ask if there is anything you can help them with
Give them a warning if they continue to act out after they’ve refused your help or if they are not listening to you. “If you cannot respectful of others then I suggest you go somewhere else, this is not appropriate”
-Ask to leave
If they continue after they’ve been warned, politely tell them to leave
-Have security escort them out
If they continue to disturb, have them escorted out.

If customer complaints you are to follow these steps:
-Check in with the customer
Ask what’s wrong
-Offer to assist
Try to help resolve the issue
-Accept their decision
Let them know that they are free to leave a report in the mailbox.
-Contact higher up
If the customer is harassing you, contact a higher up immediately.

***This will be a case in point, but once someone doing trolling, he will be banned from the store immediately, it will end in the same in sexual harassment etc.

Like I said before that, Currently I don't know the all items that were sold in the shop before it closed a few months ago. First, I'll do an inventory check to know what I have and what I can get to sell inside the shop. After that, I will start to check the old prices of the items and maybe change them (I suppose it won't be all items). When I change the prices, I will do my maximum to make them decent for me as a shop owner and for my employees according to the Shop's economy, and for my customers who will be buying the items and make the economy of the shop. Additionally, after the shop is more popular and economically stable, we will probably buy custom items for the shop to make it more unique. Right now I will put my first ideas into practice and I must point out that we will only buy them if I get the shop. Also, because it's only our first ideas maybe they will change in the future. The items were chosen according to what I thought would fit, and of course we would be able to sell them.

According to the ‘normal’ item list, I chose to keep the items that were already sold at Sayonara before, since they fit the purpose of the shop. the link for the list you can to find here. Im still not sure if it's the updated list because of I got it from one of the old employees of Sayonara, If I'll be needed I'll remove some items. In addition, when I'll do the advertisement I'll try to keep it be internsting and make sure it will attract the most people that I can to get in one opening, sometimes it will include a small discount for spesific item or another surprise.

Every month I will do an event to make the shop be more interesting and to attract customers again, everytime someone will get a reward: Discount at the store or some item, depending on the events. the all events in the shop will be free to attend, and if not the all money will go to charity/ welfare of the citizens. As a shop in SRP I’ll try to make events interesting and I’ll consult with the staff and other people before I will make the events. for explaining the events I want to make, now I will expand on some ideas, but before that few things I want to say. around holidays I will make some special prices or if they will buy more than for example 200k, they will get a discount for next time / for the specific time.

[Event 1- talent competition]
Before I will do this event, I will use help from people. First, from the shop staff I will take the security to help me to make sure people won’t disturb or will try to destroy the event. After that, I will take 3 judges from different age groups(IC AGE; Highschool, College and Adult.). The Event will be 2 parts, one in the discord and the second in the actually shop. the first part will be in the shop, and it will consist mostly of detailRP, of course they will have other options like telling jokes etc. but it’s their choice. after the first we will move to the discord and make the second part! the second part will be an audio part, after everything will finish we will have 3 rewards. The first place will get a certain amount of money, the second place will get some item + discount for the store and the third place will get only a discount for the store. After the event ends, there will be photos of the winners in the shop(if they will want of course.) and the shop will act better to them (like their favorite customers). this is how I plan to do that, but because it's the first planning, maybe it will change in the future.

[Event 2- Fashion competition ]
First, I will ask for help from 2 groups. the first will be some tailoring company(doesn't matter which one and I guess I will do this collaboration with dew companies) and the second is the fashion club (if they will agree to help). for this event first before that I will take a large red carpet and I will spread it out from the second floor of the store, to the stairs and down to the exit of the store. I will take models(doesn’t matter who right now, it will be a choice in the future) and I will belong between them and the companies, the fashion club will advise the tailors and will help them to make the outfits too. After that I will put chairs around the store and advertise the event with the shop opening! with this event I think it will help the tailors and how people think about the store. I want the club to help me because they know about all these specific subject more than I know and most of the people know, with them I will make the event to be perfect. like the first event, in the event too I will use the shop staff.

[Mini Event 3- lottery]
First, this event will be during one of the shop openings, for the specific time I will take more 2 cashiers to help me. I will place on the side of the shop hopper and under that chest, I will start to copy books and write there 3 things: full name, number (between 1-100) and their discord/IGN, also in the book I will ask them to sign the book after they finish. after I will do that, I’ll advertise the shop about the opening + come to the lottery! to join the lottery the customers will need to do 0only one thing, to buy something from the shop and the cashiers will give them the book. like I said before that the hopper will be in the side of the shop and I will put there also the 2 more cashiers, the customers will stand in row (I’ll place fences to make sure they won’t etc.) and they will drop their book into the hopper. when I will see nobody come I will close the shop and I’ll roll a number, and this how someone will win.

[Mini Event 4- bands night!]
you have a band? or you just love to sing? this is the right place for you! all of this event going to be IC, no competition or whatever. In this event I'll need only my employees, and if I'll need more help it will be from trusted players (and staff for changing the things in the shop). few days before the event, I'll post in the discord kind of enrollment and tell to the citizens of Karakura to write their names and to the event! after I'll do that, in one of my openings I'll put a chest + hopper in one of the sides of the shop and put a poster(banner + sign) to tell them to join too! the customers only will need to ask one of the employees for a notebook and they will be inside the event!. After that, I will ask staff for help to put furniture for sitting, and stage with a microphone(and maybe other things like, piano or drums, depends on who will join the event.). we will advertise the event and start it! in the event, I'll ask the shop security to be there in case if someone will try to distrub.

How will your shop be unique?:
Like I said before, In the old Sayonara the old shop owners tried to make the customers feel a 'heat' in their heart, and that’s what we want to happen to our customers once they enter our shop right now. In the shop we want the customers to feel like they are in their ‘home’. We will attempt to act special to all our customers and because of this, they will come back to our shop. The attitude towards the customers will be unique and our employees will always welcome them. As an active player on SchoolRP, I play for around 10~14 hours on SRP everyday, and if I get the shop I will try to make the shop the most active, every month I will put effort into it, and inside there will be 2 things: the money used to run the shop and the times we will open. I’ll try to achieve the goal and after it my employees will get more money or another reward. As previously shown in the pictures above, the first set of customs we are looking to sell will be Disney inspired. We are sure that a lot of people will like this. We hope that our shop will inspire excitement and fun items are a great way to do so. We’d also like to encourage citizens to roleplay more actively, therefore, all our employees will be expected to do actions when appropriate. We will host events as regularly as possible and attempt to stage a few scenarios that could occur in the shop for entertainment. Also, we will attempt to have the best customer service. The manager will be available for anyone to speak if they have any concerns at all. We want people to have fun, and we hope to host many engaging events.

One of the important things which will be unique in the shop will be the employees' uniforms. the uniforms are a HUGE part of the shop's reputation. As a shop owner, I want my employees to feel comfortable with the uniforms and the customers to feel with how my employees look. While I'm saying that, don't mean about racism or how the employee looks like, I don't want the customers and the employee to compare each other. Also, I want my employee to feel good with whatever they wearing and because of this, I'm planning to make the uniforms simple. The uniforms will be only an apron they will need to wear during the shift, they will be unisex and only in 1 color*. I believe that my employees need to be equal and with the right uniforms, they won't look how the person looks like (if the person is an employee or a customer, it doesn't matter.) and they will look at his personality. In addition, I have to say that the uniforms will help the employees to have a normal outfit tnad they won't need to search everytime if their outfit is suitable for work in shop or not. The uniform will be able in the future** after and if I will get the shop. Beyond the uniform, I will want to give my employees an employee tag. during the work they will need to add it to their description. In the tag will be 3 things: the name of the worker and his/her position.

Another thing that will make the shop be unique, will be our partnerships with other shops in the town. As a shop owner I want to communicate with the other shops, and I believe it will improve my shop and with the correct connection, We will can to help each other in necessary situations. To communicate with the other shops, I will do that in 2 ways: Collaborative events, the timing of the open shops. The events mostly will be parties for out employees or various competitions(I must point out that it will be for our employees' fun and it won't be a serious thing.) With the collaborative events my employees and the other employees from the various shops will can to know each other, and help each other in situations they didn't see before or complex situations that they will not be able to deal with alone. Also, they will to move information and with this, will improve in their work. The second thing will be the timing of the opening, After I will have good relationships with the other shops I will can to know when they planing to open their shops and with this knowledge, I will can to know when to open my shop while it won't hurt another of the business in the town. I will schedule myself to make sure nobody will open at the same time, will be enough players on the server to buy the items and my employees will be able to work.

little thanks to unc4red for the skin.

How many employees are you planning to have?: After looking at other shops and shops IRL, I decided to hire 10 employees in total, all of them will be 16 years old or above(IN-GAME) and I will make sure all of them will be not in the same timezone to make sure I will can to open the shop in different times. One of the things that I don't think I will need to write in a different paragraph is the stock manager, In the shop will be one permanent employee that will help me or help the manager to do the re-stock. this person will be someone who I trust him/her and he will need employee more than a certain amount of time(we still didn't decide the time. but for example, it will need to be more than 2 months).


As a shopkeeper, I decide how the shop is run. I will take care of if we are stocked up on supplies, and make sure something is not missing. I will be responsible for hiring and firing employees, and train the new employees. I will take care of all the financial aspects and with that, I will need to calculating and paying sales tax. Also, I will can with that to make some promotions and more. In addition, I will need as a shopkeeper to help the customers with problems or buying new items for the shop.


The manager will be in charge of the day-to-day. That means the manager will be there for the employees and everything around them. The manager will monitor the employees' work and ethics and resolve any conflicts within the team. Also, if the customers have any concerns they will can speak with the manager to make sure the customers won't ask the shopkeeper about little things that the shopkeeper can to stay out from that. If it will be needed the manager also be exected tp work as a cashier and help restock. In case of an emergency and the shopkeeper will cant to help, the manager will take over the shopkeeper's responsibilities.


When I will choose to hire cashiers, I will make sure 3 will be in EST time(or something around this timezone) and 3 around GMT time, in this way I will make sure that I will be able to open the shop at different times. The cashiers' work of course will be to serve the employees. their responsibilities are: managing transactions with customers using cash registers, scanning items and ensuring that pricing is accurate, collecting payments, and issuing receipts. They may also be expected to gift-wrap packages. To make sure the employees won't have to fight about the money, all of them will get 30% of the profit from the store. Also. in the shop I will check when I'm hiring employees if they know JSL, it will help to characters with certain disabilities.

[Security] [3]

Security guards reflect the professionalism of the store by employing their customer service skills and always striving to ensure interactions are pleasant. Whether they’re providing directions to a customer or assisting staff by helping them report a stolen item, they should put everyone around them at ease and bring a sense of calm and assurance to the store. There will be up to two security guards working at once. One near the door and one near the cashiers. The security guards’ responsibilities are: enforcing the stores’ policies, patrolling areas and performing security checks, monitoring alarms and surveillance

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it: Yes, currently my char in college, in BA and waiting for the exam for starting Master's degree.

Although I have 3 roles, I will leave whatever I need to get the shop. My main in Col-Baseball, my second account is a Teacher and my third account is a Nurse.
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Level 193
  • Great application, very well organized and detailed.
  • Start a conversation with me or DM me through discord to get things started, MikeShotZ#0960

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