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Shouta “Sho” Ohayashi | 颯太 尾林


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Shouta “Sho” Ohayashi | 颯太 尾林


By Arkkwolf

Full Name: Shouta Ohayashi | 颯太 尾林

Nicknames: Sho

Gender: Male

Age/Birthday: 18, August 9th, 2003

Sexuality: Bi

Nationality: Japanese English

Physical Description:
Shouta, a Japanese male, stood at a lanky 6'1, his body was more boney, rips stuck out slightly, but he was overall healthy. His hair was done up in a nubby, high ponytail which revealed the white underneath, normally concealed by the charcoal top layer of locks. His gentle cedar eyes complimented the smell of damp bark and almonds that settled across him like rain drops. A benign smirk captured his face creating a welcoming aura that kindred strangers forth. Despite his towering size, a clear cordial curiosity and uncertainty lingered. He also seemed unbalanced at times and awkward, not graceful in the slightest, like a newborn horse.

Shouta ref.jpg

Voice: Shouta's voice was light, with a slight rasp to it. It tickled kindly of the tongue, matching his friendly personality. Though he spoke in Japanese, a heavy British accent carried throughout his words.

Fashion Taste

Shouta's fashion taste could be described in short as a old 1800s/1950s attire. The ending of the Victorian era mixed with the arrival of the height of elegance. With a black fedora with a leather band with a brown feather tucked matching his a black suited waist jacket and black trousers. The coat had a heather purple inter shirt. Along with this he was often seen holding a cane. A slender black color with a white tip. However the overall style would be slightly more modernized towards a more sleek suit. His style came from his grandfather's attire, who wore a similar bunch of outfits. As well as always having his cane handy because he walked poorly. Though Shouta walked very well, he wanted to honor his grandfathers memory.

Examples of attire:
(Type of Style defined Here)

shouta be like.jpgexample.jpg

Personality Description:


Shouta lit up a room. His outgoing behavior inspired many who were afraid to express a voice. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind on a subject. Rather outspoken in some aspects. But more than that it lead him to be the kind hearted type, reckless if need be. All for the sake of keeping those he held dear happy. Sho's fearlessness was often mistaken for painless. For those who clearly shine have faults of their own. He had an extreme hate for his looks, the fact he couldn't keep any fat on him, the way his rips showed, it all made him deeply upset. When people constantly point out your flaws, for the world to see, it hurts. The more attention was placed on it the more he disliked himself. Though, it never made him hate the world or the people. Instead of being in a sad pit, Sho would channel the overwhelming feelings into kindness and a boisterous attitude towards his colleagues. This was a healthy coping method but never really directly addressed the issue, instead he shoved it down. It still sits in the back of his mind constantly weighing him down. Shouta puts on a smile when it comes up, blowing it off, but inside it just damages his esteem more. He'd throw a compliment your way but he'd never take one back if it portrayed to his looks.


Clumsiness: Something he never grew out of as a child. He couldn't master ice skating, or any balance activities. He even messed up walking, by tripping randomly.

Hiding Emotions: Used to be rather easy, but as the years moved onward he found it easier to just shut up. It wasn't worth his time or anyone else's. Not like they could do anything.

Recklessness: Often his friendships bring out the flaw. Often finding himself starting a conflict over a rude comment made with the intent to hurt someone dear to him.


This strength aided in many aspects of his life. Socially he found solitude with many people. As well as becoming involved in local movements and helping out in the small town he grew up in.

Strong Willed: He would not back down from something he was passionate about. While those against him saw it as annoying, it helped him in the long run to not be so easily pushed around. Being able to defend his friends against opposition.

Loyalty: This long standing loyal attitude made him many allies. One's that through trust built him up to great highs and made him happy.


Violin & Ukulele: His mother was a talented musician. Playing in a large scale orchestra located in Tokyo, Japan. He saw her passion and he wanted something to be passion about to. She taught him how to play both the violin and the ukulele when he was six and nine years old. Though the ukulele seemed much easier to master in comparison to the years spent tackling the violin. He enjoyed bring smiles to everyone he met, he wanted his music to inspire those around him and make people smile,

Reading: Being able to be in another word only if for a little while was amazing. He bond with each character he read about, feeling their struggles, their hopes, their worries. Soon he learned about the fascinating word of reading people's feelings exclusively, psychology. Which led him down another path to his current and strongest interest Philosophy, he thought about righting his experience and opinion on the meaning of life. One day he might just do it.

Favorite Things:

Purple (specifically Acai purple, which he enjoys wearing)

Animal: Red crowned crane (He consider them his Goodluck charm because every time he saw them something went right)

Food: Noodles (Spicy, sweet, savory, and all the in-betweens)

Music: Eletronic Music (COUGH COUGH high school rooftop by hisohkah)

Dislikes & Likes
Musical instruments: When he was younger his mother, a violinist, taught him how to play both a ukulele & a violin.​
Name-calling: Often Sho was made fun of because of his body. He grew to hate the nicknames they proclaimed.​
Reading: He thoroughly enjoys reading books that dives heavily into the though process of humans, or a classic knights medieval tale.​
His figure: Going along with that name-calling he began to severely dislike his own image, to the point he wondered why he had been cursed with such a body.​
Philosophy: Stemming from what he was picked on as a kid. He wanted to understand the purpose and ideals behind why he went through that.​
Judgement: He found how hurtful judgement could be, so why did people do it?​
Waterfalls: They're both relaxing and simply one of natures more beautiful things.​
Seafood: He just couldn't get behind the whole concept. Especially eating raw fish.​
Birds: He always wanted to fly away. Wouldn't it feel so amazing to be that free?​
Fall: When everything is dying around you it tends to put you in a sour mood.​


Shouta's beliefs follow no specific religion. He is still figuring out his belief set, it changes and molds as he learns more of the world and its people. As of right now he believes the purpose of life is to uplift the world around you. The people are your purpose, to service those in need and treat everyone kindly. This set of believes came from his time of being treated unkindly. He hopes to do better than those he's seen do wrong. He came to Karakura specifically because he heard how hostile it was. Shouta wants to make a change, knowing people are capable if they have the right motivation and supportiveness that everyone human desires.


Hopes & Dreams:

Shouta's dream is for things to be peaceful and everyone to feel worthy. He could not find that within himself so he chooses to do it for others. He hopes one day he'll be able to find someone, because he has never experienced a feeling of love, at least the kind that is reciprocated as equally as his own. Adopting a child when he's older is also up there, because his younger sister who he dearly loves was adopted, he wants to make that kind of difference for another child as well.


Mental/physical illnesses:
possible undiagnosed body dysphoria.

Allergies: Bees (sad because he finds them rather fluffy and cute)


Hemophobia -
Fear of blood (it would often make him violently ill upon seeing it)

Agoraphobia - Fear of being lost (this was a struggle when be came to Karakura. He studied main city routes online before even moving there)



~Eshima Ohayashi (mother) - kind hearted, talented violinist.

~Hinata Ohayashi (Father) - Loyal, hardworking, chief.

~Kokoro Ohayashi (sister) - adopted, six years younger than Shouta, deaf completely.


~TO COME (because new character)


~Akai (fox) - random fox he met in Karakura that he befriended.
~Nori (Fox) - a fox owned by the Ocean Family
~"K" (Kachinonai) - wild, rehabilitated by Shouta. Named after Shouta's grandfather.

Backstory (WIP):

-Mom was British and his father was Japanese, they lived in England until they moved to Japan.
-lived a pretty average life (except for he was bullied)
-Was often made fun of for being "skin and bones"
-Hated and still dislikes his appearance.
-When he was ten they adopted a baby who was completely deaf
-Starting learn JSL with the family so that they could connect with her.
-Moved to Karakura with family, excited to try and help the sad place become more bright.


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