What's your Minecraft Username?: wavestalker
What's the title of your suggestion?: SHRINE IN-GAME ROLE COLOR CHANGE?
What's your suggestion?:
If the title of the suggestion wasn't enough to explain, after a short discussion with a few other shrine members, we actually wondered why our color in game went from a bright red color to a green color matching alongside the Adult and Reporter roles.
A clear example of this so people can understand what I'm waffling about:
Before, our role color, as shown below, was that one bright red color.
I'm not sure when the color was changed but I was assuming it was in 2022 or 2023 from looking at past activity logs.
Another shrine member had mentioned that the reason for the color change was likely because staff wanted members of the City tab (KPD, EMS, Government, etc.) to have colder colors rather than warmer colors of the Faculty/School tab, though it was proven wrong by Mia below!! (If you don't know what colder/warmer colors mean, please take a few moments to search up a color wheel. That will teach you!!)
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It wouldn't necessarily benefit the server, but as I said above, it's moreso a small nitpick that'd we'd like to have back to our original role color. Anyways, have a good day!! :3
What's the title of your suggestion?: SHRINE IN-GAME ROLE COLOR CHANGE?
What's your suggestion?:
If the title of the suggestion wasn't enough to explain, after a short discussion with a few other shrine members, we actually wondered why our color in game went from a bright red color to a green color matching alongside the Adult and Reporter roles.
A clear example of this so people can understand what I'm waffling about:
Before, our role color, as shown below, was that one bright red color.

I'm not sure when the color was changed but I was assuming it was in 2022 or 2023 from looking at past activity logs.

Another shrine member had mentioned that the reason for the color change was likely because staff wanted members of the City tab (KPD, EMS, Government, etc.) to have colder colors rather than warmer colors of the Faculty/School tab, though it was proven wrong by Mia below!! (If you don't know what colder/warmer colors mean, please take a few moments to search up a color wheel. That will teach you!!)

Considering the color red is very symbolic in Japanese culture, and we work at a Japanese shrine, it doesn't really make sense why the role color is green when also in the Town discord we are a light red as shown here on the left.
It also seems a little weird how it suddenly changed one day, but y'know, this is more of a nitpick of the shrine staff, but if it's able to be changed back to its red, that'd be nice!
Also, if you're reading this, come to the shrine more often. We're up the mountain in the forest!
It also seems a little weird how it suddenly changed one day, but y'know, this is more of a nitpick of the shrine staff, but if it's able to be changed back to its red, that'd be nice!
Also, if you're reading this, come to the shrine more often. We're up the mountain in the forest!
How will this benefit the server and community?:
It wouldn't necessarily benefit the server, but as I said above, it's moreso a small nitpick that'd we'd like to have back to our original role color. Anyways, have a good day!! :3
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