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Level 116
What's your Minecraft Username?: wavestalker
What's the title of your suggestion?: SHRINE IN-GAME ROLE COLOR CHANGE?

What's your suggestion?:
If the title of the suggestion wasn't enough to explain, after a short discussion with a few other shrine members, we actually wondered why our color in game went from a bright red color to a green color matching alongside the Adult and Reporter roles.

A clear example of this so people can understand what I'm waffling about:

Before, our role color, as shown below, was that one bright red color.

I'm not sure when the color was changed but I was assuming it was in 2022 or 2023 from looking at past activity logs.

Another shrine member had mentioned that the reason for the color change was likely because staff wanted members of the City tab (KPD, EMS, Government, etc.) to have colder colors rather than warmer colors of the Faculty/School tab, though it was proven wrong by Mia below!! (If you don't know what colder/warmer colors mean, please take a few moments to search up a color wheel. That will teach you!!)

Considering the color red is very symbolic in Japanese culture, and we work at a Japanese shrine, it doesn't really make sense why the role color is green when also in the Town discord we are a light red as shown here on the left.

It also seems a little weird how it suddenly changed one day, but y'know, this is more of a nitpick of the shrine staff, but if it's able to be changed back to its red, that'd be nice!

Also, if you're reading this, come to the shrine more often. We're up the mountain in the forest!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It wouldn't necessarily benefit the server, but as I said above, it's moreso a small nitpick that'd we'd like to have back to our original role color. Anyways, have a good day!! :3
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Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
As a priest (the one pictured as Sho Hirobayashi), everybody I've heard in the shrine wants this, and there's no harm in doing so.


Level 54
Community Team
Lore Team
[+1] The original reason the color was switched was due to it placing the shrine higher on the tab (originally shrine was under adult). However, if it is possible to change back to the original color, while still keeping shrine staff on tab this would be much appreciated! Its also such a close color to adult at the moment, its hard to make it out on tab at all.


Level 146
If one faction gets a color change, other factions will also want color changes, and either they won't get them and will complain about it, or they do get them and tab goes back to looking like a disorganized mess.


Level 86
+1 Red means a lot in Shintoism; mostly to offer protection from evil or disaster. Of course there's many more meanings than this one alone

Fun fact: Shinto priests were dressed in red in Shinto history


Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
If one faction gets a color change, other factions will also want color changes, and either they won't get them and will complain about it, or they do get them and tab goes back to looking like a disorganized mess.
We aren't doing this in a disorganized manner, though. We're making formal requests in suggestions. Besides, the shrine faction gets blatantly ignored for everything. We were given the smallest roster, the lowest pay, and our jobs as priests and maidens don't even show up on our in game IDs. And then we got a suggestion accepted to add us to IDs, and they still didn't. If other factions also want color changes, sure, but I don't think that should reflect on us when we already don't get the same things.


Level 44
+1 and maybe since there is the custom color feature it could be a more saturated red, something like the torii red you'd see in shrines


Level 73
Definitely +1.

I feel like the shrine faction doesn't get as much attention or any attention at all from the server, especially when their tags are comparable to Adult tags (I can barely decipher between the two of them).


Level 8
Just adding onto this lovely persons suggestion as I'm the one in that ss lmfao
I was in the Shrine faction for almost three whole years; from applications first being accepted in 2021 to it eventually growing into the strong faction it is now. The change in colour for the Shrine tag was the first thing I noticed after returning to SRP and I questioned why the unnecessary change...? The red tag was unique to the faction and also was the most important thing for shrine members at the time as I believe it was the distinctive factor that separated the (much lesser known) role from the other factions.
Definitely +1.

I feel like the shrine faction doesn't get as much attention or any attention at all from the server, especially when their tags are comparable to Adult tags (I can barely decipher between the two of them).
Popo couldn't worded this better! Now whenever I hop onto the server and hold down tab, the Shrine staff are almost invisible to someone who is just skimming through whatever players are online. Taking both this fact and that the Monastery is pretty well-hidden for newer players, it can make it much harder to have interactions with the Shrine staff that are currently online. This was the challenge the faction faced during the years before as there was little to no interaction between the community and the staff due to its rather remote location, leaving the faction with a reputation for being quite stagnant and boring amongst the other factions.
Some examples of the previous colour/roles for shrine staff;
Screenshot 2024-04-10 012944.png
Now, from my understanding, Priest has now replaced the Shinkan role. I believe that this is also somewhat inaccurate as although it is technically true that they are priests, they can easily be confused with priests that work at the Church located right beside the S.D, rather than the Monastery. I had this debate with the various different leads of the faction as time went on and we kinda just went back and forth between the two roles however eventually settled on Shinkan, so I am very confused as to why it was eventually replaced with Priest again. It just doesn't make sense for the role to be named Priest when they are Shinkans, or Shinshoku in formal terms. The ranking system for Shinkans usually consist of five ranks (Jokai, Meikai, Seikai, Gonseikai and Chokkai) however I don't want to get too technical and make it all confusing as I have stepped away from the faction a very long time ago.

TL;DR - Maybe also revert the title back to Shinkan and Miko. . ? Just another addition to this AMAZIN' suggestion :3
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Level 116
Thread starter
Just adding onto this lovely persons suggestion as I'm the one in that ss lmfao
I was in the Shrine faction for almost three whole years; from applications first being accepted in 2021 to it eventually growing into the strong faction it is now. The change in colour for the Shrine tag was the first thing I noticed after returning to SRP and I questioned why the unnecessary change...? The red tag was unique to the faction and also was the most important thing for shrine members at the time as I believe it was the distinctive factor that separated the (much lesser known) role from the other factions.

Popo couldn't worded this better! Now whenever I hop onto the server and hold down tab, the Shrine staff are almost invisible to someone who is just skimming through whatever players are online. Taking both this fact and that the Monastery is pretty well-hidden for newer players, it can make it much harder to have interactions with the Shrine staff that are currently online. This was the challenge the faction faced during the years before as there was little to no interaction between the community and the staff due to its rather remote location, making the Shrine faction having a reputation for being quite stagnant and boring amongst the other factions.
Now, from my understanding, Priest has now replaced the Shinkan role. I believe that this is also somewhat inaccurate as although it is technically true that they are priests, they can easily be confused with priests that work at the Church located right beside the S.D, rather than the Monastery. I had this debate with the various different leads of the faction as time went on and we kinda just went back and forth between the two roles however eventually settled on Shinkan, so I am very confused as to why it was eventually replaced with Priest again. It just doesn't make sense for the role to be named Priest when they are Shinkans, or Shinshoku in formal terms. The ranking system for Shinkans usually consist of five ranks (Jokai, Meikai, Seikai, Gonseikai and Chokkai) however I don't want to get too technical and make it all confusing as I have stepped away from the faction a very long time ago.

TL;DR - Maybe also revert the title back to Shinkan and Miko. . ? Just another addition to this AMAZIN' suggestion :3



Level 174
If one faction gets a color change, other factions will also want color changes, and either they won't get them and will complain about it, or they do get them and tab goes back to looking like a disorganized mess.
I usually agree with you on posts but here you did not cook my brother I am sorry.

First off, shrine is one of THE MOST if not the most underrated, forgotten and ignored factions on the server and almost everyone can agree on this fact.

The faction is often ignored and people dont have much respect for it because of how forgotten it is. The amount of times theyve had to make suggestions just to have the same things as other factions is INSANE to me.

This is yet another example of the faction being ignored. All the roles on SRP have colours in their respective servers that correspond with their in-game tags, Except one faction. You wanna guess which one? Shrine. Shrine again has been singled out as a faction often forgotten and left out, and it honestly is reasonable to ask of this They've given valid reason for why it should be changed. The arguement that "if they asked everyone else will" is a weak arguement to deny them of a simple colour change which will make the faction more coordinated with the rest. Another faction asks for a colour change? Give a reason. Go on. Give me a valid reason you want a colour change. They wont have one expect to feel included when they are already included. They'll get denied its pretty simple. They wont have a good reason to have a colour change like shrine does.

So the arguement "if they ask others will" is weak, i am done with my rant and u can have a good day.

Also +1 W wave suggestion


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
If the color goes back to being red then you guys will be below the adult role on tab (and no, there’s no feasible way to fix that). So unless you guys want to be below the unemployed adult role then you may wanna stick to green

Also what @philbertman42 said is valid

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