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Level 86
Not trying to speak on behalf of the whole Shrine faction but I'm pretty sure most of the people here are in fact Shrine staff that wouldn't mind the role being lower than adults in return of the original colour being lower than adults? Whenever it's really busy and tabbed is filled out, I'll run around the map and eventually find myself at the Monastery, regardless if there's staff there or not. Doesn't really help with the fact that the tag is Priest as newer players will automatically relate that to the Church farther below. I feel like no matter what is added into the Monastery the Shrine will always be one of the lesser interacted with factions unless there's constant events because of the isolated location of it.

Also, as the original suggester said, in the Discord itself the Shrine staff are all given a red tag in comparison to the other factions. Also does match the significance with red in terms of both spirituality and in regards to the various Torii are placed around the Monastery. What I've gotten from this whole suggestion thread is that if the original colour of the tag were to be reverted, Shrine staff would be placed lower than adults. I can't say too much for this but I feel as if a lot of people would be okay with that-- by my own observations!

Blah blah blah im yappin cuz i like the red tag ok so wut -_-
It's been mentioned by a few others, but during peak hours, shrine is already flushed out of tab due to low "tab priority" even with the green tag. I'm on the fence on which I'd rather have, my faction members are passionate about the tag color and currently the green tag doesn't benefit us since the other, more prominent factions, have active players (A REALLY GOOD THING!!!) that occupy tab.

The red tag would help us to stand out when we are able to be seen on tab. I wish for my faction to be less ignored, given the effort I put in as well as the other players who have brought the faction into the light over the past few years. Regarding colors, not only does it lack symbolism but the current green tag blends in with the adult tag, and it's incredibly easy to miss. *I* occasionally miss the fact I have faction members on because they blend in too much haha.

I'll have a more serious reply written to this thread at some point.


Level 86
We aren't doing this in a disorganized manner, though. We're making formal requests in suggestions. Besides, the shrine faction gets blatantly ignored for everything. We were given the smallest roster, the lowest pay, and our jobs as priests and maidens don't even show up on our in game IDs. And then we got a suggestion accepted to add us to IDs, and they still didn't. If other factions also want color changes, sure, but I don't think that should reflect on us when we already don't get the same things.
Tbh I assumed they did the IDs by now.... justice for Shrine when? :pensive:


Level 116
Thread starter
like what england had said, we had suggested a while back for our occupation as maidens/priests to appear on our IDs, yet it seems that was never added and it feels like it's been a few months later. also considering the shrine is pretty much the most unknown faction- we are not inactive, it's just that 1. a lot of the playerbase doesn't necessarily bother to come up the mountain since it's pretty far and a big hike, and 2. they likely don't even know where the shrine is compared to the other factions.. we only really get our time to shine in events and even when that happens its small, our biggest event since recently was the new years' festival but that only happens once a year alongside the events in october. ever since i joined shrine i can say that the faction as a whole is the most forgotten when we try our best to keep the japanese aspect still alive in SRP. i'm sorry if it seems like we complain a lot, but it's true that barely anyone comes up here anymore, and when they do it's usually the same people or during times that none of the other shrine members are online so they just end up leaving anyways compared to the other factions who tend to have more things going on.

i had made this suggestion because of a small short discussion in the shrine chat about how we missed the red tags, and although i wasn't in the shrine during that time, it was one of the things that made us 'unique' in a way. if it's really stuck in the code as to how tab colors work, it's the really least that kimi could do, and if he can't, it's not like it'd make much of a difference anyways if we're always stuck at the bottom of tab since during active times all the other factions fill up the tab to the point we get booted out of view. and like what cloud said how during more inactive times we'd probably appear on tab, it'd make us pop out instead of blending in with the adults and reporters. even i can't tell sometimes if there's someone in the faction online because it blends in so well.

we're trying our best to keep the shrine going but when we're not really acknowledged / nobody comes up it just sort of dies for a short amount of time.. recently we've been doing a volunteer program to help bring more traction here (but i wasn't there during it due to irl issues) alongside delivering tea and visiting other factions down the mountain such as kpd / ems, etc. but it's just genuinely difficult.

sorry for the massive rant, it's just something i wanted to explain in further detail + taking in the advice of other replies.

If one faction gets a color change, other factions will also want color changes, and either they won't get them and will complain about it, or they do get them and tab goes back to looking like a disorganized mess.

phil, as much as i usually tend to agree with your takes, i heavily disagree. the other factions are treated a lot better than we are, and it's not like the other factions would ask for a color change since it already matches well, their faction. kpd with the bright blue, ems with the dark blue, gov with the teal, teachers/professors with the yellow, purple for the employees, you get the point. there isn't much of a reason for them to ask when they already have what they want compared to us who can't even keep a pretty unique role color cause' it booted us to the end of the tab list

imo there are better ways to gain recognition than a color change. I believe like a few others said that this will do more harm than good (though it is a pretty color)

it's at least one step of the way there, since like choi said not many take the trip to come up to the shrine and so we'd have to rely on events and such to stop it from getting drowned out often. i understand ur point with the coding and whatnot, but if it was possible when setting the order for colors, maybe it's possible again!

we just kind of want some sort of recognition after all, i feel a bit guilty writing this since it seems more of a complaint than a viable take but i just wanted to say what was on my mind


Level 44
Red tag color

pretty red colorbottom of tab list
will never be seen
decrease in activity bc players wont know they exist by looking at tab

green tag color

higher up on tab listgreen?
can be seen by players 80% of the time
increase in activity bc players look at tab and go "ooo whats a maiden"

imo there are better ways to gain recognition than a color change. I believe like a few others said that this will do more harm than good (though it is a pretty color)
new instruments


Level 117
+1 please it's just more appealing. it was an OG and classic. I think a better color is more appealing then a place on the tab. and if the other factions want to change their colors thats up to them and the people who would have to change it. also Choii cooked


Level 6
to add on to this thread, from what i've seen from the shrine members, the already existing tag is already flushed out plus the fact it blends in with others, makes the red color way more of a positive! ❤

- the color standing out makes the shrine appear like a real separated faction such as the government is with their turquoise color scheme and the kpd is with their blue and would make more sense to represent shintoism!

- the red role doesn't blend with the adult role

- favoured by shrine members
+ most factions have their own color (as i briefly said)

teacher/professor - yellow
gov - teal
kpd - bright blue
ems - dark blue
SLT - dark red

whilst the red role puts the shrine members at the bottom of tab, i feel like they're already flushed out to the bottom anyway and just having the red role shown a lot or edited so the color works (which isn't too hard to do)will make them stand out and be more recognized as an interesting role people will want to apply for! i know personally i'd luv to apply for the red role! it'd help more than it'd hurt
Last edited:


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)

Basically this is going to probably continue going back and forth. You either get the choice of having very pretty red tag in exchange for your faction's activity decreasing, or you can have green tag in exchange for people knowing when you're online and knowing that shrine exists.

Also, the KPD/EMS only flood tab for about 2 hours a day, aside from that you can usually always see the Maiden/Priest role on tab.


Level 50

I 100% agree with what Chooi said about how the shrine is one of the most underrated factions and overlooked factions in SRP. With that, they don't get a lot of people heading up to the shrine because of its location leading to the faction not having as many interactions as they might like being another reason but let's just stick to what others have said. I like this idea but does it matter? So I'm giving it a +1 but a -1. Infi made a great statement on how you will be below the adult tag and I knew how people reacted when that happened, it was shambles. Why do you even want it red in the first place, it makes no difference, right? Makes no difference to the game or how you roleplay with that faction or character, being that if you're in the faction, correct?


Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)

Basically this is going to probably continue going back and forth. You either get the choice of having very pretty red tag in exchange for your faction's activity decreasing, or you can have green tag in exchange for people knowing when you're online and knowing that shrine exists.

Also, the KPD/EMS only flood tab for about 2 hours a day, aside from that you can usually always see the Maiden/Priest role on tab.
Those 2 hours a day being more like 4 or 5, and it's all during the times when most people are on. We have the smallest roster, so why drown us out even more? I can agree that it's not worth the red tag to go to the bottom of tab (as a priest), but I don't like pretending we are seen either way

That being said: neutral now, maybe leaning a little to -1 for Tab


Level 28

I wish the religion and shrine would have a bigger impact on SRP, it's an extremely overlooked faction, yet so fun. Also, I have nothing more to add than just +1, others above said all I had


Level 6
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)

Basically this is going to probably continue going back and forth. You either get the choice of having very pretty red tag in exchange for your faction's activity decreasing, or you can have green tag in exchange for people knowing when you're online and knowing that shrine exists.

Also, the KPD/EMS only flood tab for about 2 hours a day, aside from that you can usually always see the Maiden/Priest role on tab.
I just want to contribute this last lil thing to show what some people are talking abt!
I just got online and this is what tab looks like (and what it usually looks like everyday at the time people are on/engaging in roleplay) so I don't really think that the color is gonna make a massive difference on whether or not shrine is flushed in tab! The red role has more benefits than the green (imo) as it differentiates the shrine as a recognized faction when they are seen/visible ingame, and makes them look even cuter to talk to ❤ Regardless of the hex code, the shrine faction will usually be flushed out which is a separate issue in my opinion

Green is already the bottom, red isn't going to make a massive difference to the tab hex codes except showcase them better ingame

I'm still neutral on this depending on what the shrine members prefer but I luuv and miss the old color sm


Level 86
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)

Basically this is going to probably continue going back and forth. You either get the choice of having very pretty red tag in exchange for your faction's activity decreasing, or you can have green tag in exchange for people knowing when you're online and knowing that shrine exists.

Also, the KPD/EMS only flood tab for about 2 hours a day, aside from that you can usually always see the Maiden/Priest role on tab.
The faction activity from the workers themselves will not drop because of the tag color. The change to a green tag didn't promote as much activity as I had hoped


Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)

Basically this is going to probably continue going back and forth. You either get the choice of having very pretty red tag in exchange for your faction's activity decreasing, or you can have green tag in exchange for people knowing when you're online and knowing that shrine exists.

Also, the KPD/EMS only flood tab for about 2 hours a day, aside from that you can usually always see the Maiden/Priest role on tab.
Would also like to add that acting passive-aggressive isn't helpful. The shrine team appreciates the input, because we hadn't considered Tab's organization prior to making the suggestion, but mocking the suggestion by referring to the color change as a "pretty red tag" and whatever else could be interpreted as passive-aggressive is argumentative and does not add to the suggestion page. (Please don't respond to this, I know you didn't mean it as passive-aggressive and that you care about what's being said here. I'm not a staff member, so this is only a request.)


Level 86
Hello I'm back - I found the suggestion requesting for Shrine to be placed above the adult role (which resulted in their tag color being turned to green)
To be fair, it was an assumption of people would be able to know shrine were on(I used to log on at the later times, which probably in my eyes at the time making shrine sinked to the bottom of adults), was way before I knew the actual significance of red itself to Japan as a whole and the religion. It was a way to help inactivity of rp, along with the time of me not being a shrine worker, I didn't know if inactivity of rp was actually a problem on their part or not.

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
Would also like to add that acting passive-aggressive isn't helpful. The shrine team appreciates the input, because we hadn't considered Tab's organization prior to making the suggestion, but mocking the suggestion by referring to the color change as a "pretty red tag" and whatever else could be interpreted as passive-aggressive is argumentative and does not add to the suggestion page. (Please don't respond to this, I know you didn't mean it as passive-aggressive and that you care about what's being said here. I'm not a staff member, so this is only a request.)
I personally didn’t really find anything that Infi said to be passive aggressive. She made some really helpful and good points and honestly I agree with pretty much all of it.

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