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Accepted Silhouette_once | Psychology & Counseling, Professor Application. | Department Switch Counselor —> Professor |


What is your Minecraft username?: Silhouette_once

What is your time zone?: EST

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) possiblyangie

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity on SRP is quite active as every day after school I always hop on to SRP/RPH as I love to start to roleplay with my friends and roleplay family. But as everyone is we all have a life beyond the screen and so here is my schedule which I do get busy at times.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
If I where to say my experience’s in roleplaying is that I have a very decent experience in roleplay across all kinds of platforms. Such as when I was a kid and I played pocket edition I played on a server called Mineville and it was a school RP server more free to play although and I roleplayed there for a bit, than I also role-played on a game called Neon District which takes place in the future, this ND is an experience on Roblox and I could detail rp there. There are some of my past experiences in roleplaying but with my experience in SchoolRP has just been growing. As I started around 2 years back or 3, I loved roleplaying and I love how SRP a was set up with actions and /it’s that I could really use to cross my point on detailrp, and so I would say I’d have a experienced player experience.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
My current roles on SRP are the following.

What is the subject you want to teach?: The Subject I’d like to teach is Counseling Psychology


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation of becoming a professor is quite simple, as I have been a counselor for the past couple weeks and months I have seen it started out quite great and took some time time of getting used too as I loved to help out students and help them with there problems, although my motivation of helping in the classroom grew larger after a day that one of the Psychologist Professors suggested me to help teach her class about Counseling and I took the opportunity so she is one of the reasons I’m being motivated.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


One interactive idea I had in-mind was making an interactive activity about Counseling each other’s peers, which we would have this being led up to taking up all the periods 1-4. This activity would include 2 partners or participants and they would each have there own book to keep notes in about the other persons problem. How this would work although is that first during the 2nd period after study time students would be given scenarios to review and practice writing their own thoughts and notes on that particular situation. So forth after they have finished reviewing they would then revise that situation and how they would treat it. Further on the next period they would then have a School Counselor come teach them about what they do and how they advise and advocate for those’d who are in-need of them. And the counselor would probably have to plan their own activity during this.Lastly when the last period arrives they would than learn how to counsel others to some degree they would than gain into partners of two and one student out of the two will have to get a scenario (book) and when they get this book they would have to roleplay out to there peer the Psychologist and tell them what’s been ‘happening.’

One of my other interactive leasson I would have in mind is that I would group all the students into 4 groups and each group will recover a scenario and they would all have to come up with an resolution to there problems but they would have to collaborate with each other to find a common ground and than write a solution to there problem such for an example I’m in group 2 and the scenario has a Teenager that is thinking of unthinkable.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
If I where to work out a field trip outside of school it would probably be to the Hospital, to see psmychiatristrists! Why them? Evan though they do prescribe medicine and other medical information they are also the onesies who are like the******s and help people indeed of help such as depression and more. So I would talk to the Lead of the Psych Department if not I will direct to the Hospital lead and see if I could have my students have a couple of Psychiatrist’s explain on what they do.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

As I would see this bobcat being surrounded by college jocks I’d than oversee from a-far and see if they where causing discomforts to the other jock such as bullying and or harassment and or if they may be just talking. As this situation can go in multiple ways I’d just stay back till action was needed.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
I’d say to the student that was troubled is that I would switch there spot to the back of the detention room near the desk’s by the wall and say something along the lines of “if you do not complete this task you will have to scrub the dirty boys bathrooms.” As a result of disturbing others, as that was only just a threat and will not be done if they keep doing this repeatedly such as whenever I leave and they start up again they get 3 strikes till I switched the activity,

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
How I’d handle the station is that I would just simply consficate there phones through ItemRP and if they kept calling out on other students I’d threaten detention if they kept doing it but before I threatened detection they would have 3 Verbal warnings before I do.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
As I tried break it up but somehow it didn’t go my way I’d than press on the radio and I’d call over other faculty members over to the scene to help me break up the qurral, If I couldn’t handle the situation.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Salvatore Cabrini-Armani,
Is a 5’11” Male that is quite the character of an actress tamarin as he dose in-fact love wine to the point he likes to drink all weekend but what he values most is helping people who were younger as sometimes he made some bad decisions when he was younger and doesn’t wanna have kids follow the same path.

What Salva looks like is that he has black hair with some little whites due to his Poliosis by his bangs, he would also be wearing lots of flowy clothes as he just like the silk and or satin felt in general. He felt free wearing theses clothes as he was comfortable while he worked and just loved on how he looked.

What makes Sal unique than others other than his small wine addiction is that he dose in-fact of poliosis which makes a part of his hair white which is quite unique about him and special since not Everyone has this at such as early age. Continuing on what also is unique is that he takes pride in his work but not like the others he likes to learn stuff about his students make them feel welcome into his classroom.

Although he maybe also be reserved to himself such as his personal life he is very welcoming to his students always there to help out if needed to his students always being a resource for them making sure that they get the help they need.

How he would act towards his fellow peers and staff members he’d still act very friendly and not as reserved to his staff members as he knows they can handle him he would just be his normal self around everyone on the faculty as he didn’t think they would judge him as badly as the students would as a superior.

What his personality would be like is that he would be quite welcoming to staff and students but he would also show his true self by being himself! He would act like a cat quiet and not disturbing people unless talked to prior.

His future is completely uncharted as he only wants to focus on the present and focus on himself and his lessons and his job he would just wanna wait it out, till something comes up.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Somewhere in a Venice Hospital
Niccolò Casellati was born in a Venice hospital alongside his brother, somewhere it was a nice misty morning there was a nice blue sky with some clouds here and there till a baby was born he was calm as the ocean just soothing with calm. Breathes like ocean waves. He was a happy, funny baby till a horrific event struck a few years later. 5 years later. As Nico had now reached the milestone of 5 years old a horrific event happened on his special day. His father went to go get him a gift and his cake while he was driving back from the shops a drunk driver would then crashed into the car side making him die right then and there. After this horrific event happened Salva would be fatherless, confused, and sad about where he went. Nico Mother told him. “ He’s with someone better now” Nico mother would say in a soft sober tone. Little to Nico’s knowledge that he was dead. Niccolò never saw his father again. A few years later, his mother said that he never had a father. Years later.

When he was preparing for school he would go up into the attic to find the old box full of memories of him and his father and he’d find the e-envelope with a font he couldn’t read, he’d then open it and find that it was a letter from the hospital He’d then read it to himself. “Dear Niccolò my boy, It’s so hard to tell you this, I wish I could see you when you have grown into the young man you are today, but I'm here to tell you what happened to me and why I’ve been so long away, I'm going to die, today, tomorrow I'm not sure when. I was drinking a few wine drinks in a can I had headed home from getting your gift and the cookie cake that you would never receive, then I crashed luckily I could have my writing hand back to write this letter. Though it hurts I will do it for you, But this is my final goodbye, Nico.” Love Dad~

He is now in Karakura High School he’s now called a “Noobie” for some reason and he still doesn’t know why he is called that. When he walked in the halls he saw his previous bullies who bullied him back in Junior high school. He was tried, and He did try to avoid them as much as possible but with his luck, there was no chance! So as he went to the boy's lavatory he’d get beaten up for not having a father like they did. He thought it was bogus though. He pushed on into Karakura High not reporting to the higher-ups that he was getting bullied, Further on he got grades of an A+ student almost passing every class except for science, as he never liked science. As he learned about Karakura High he’d get more interested in socializing more with the other kids, once he saw a kid crying he’d see no one helping him so he’d go over as a stranger and comfort him. As time went on he got to studying psychology and counseling learning from the school counselors in the building advising some counseling sessions if he ever got let in one he’d take note of what the counselors did and focus on that for a while! He’d then learn about some minor stuff such as neurology. After he expanded more on this subject he would go to college to study Sociology as a minor and Major in Psychology and Counseling and get his masters in both subjects. He’d study day and out sometimes going out but he would stay in his apartment studying on end making sure he learned enough to maybe someday become a Counselor in his old high school helping the younger generation. When applications for the high school counselor came around Salvatore did not miss the chance to apply and then fill the form out to the best of his ability, turning it on the online website and then awaiting an answer in his emails.

[!] After he was accepted, Trained As a KHS counselor. [!]

[!] Weeks after Acceptation in late march [!]

He’d than sit in the office he’d call for one of his co-workers and ask to take the desk for him to go to oversee a class that he was invited to oversee which was by Miss Haakaa allowed me to supervise her class one time. After I oversaw the class and all the students were gone I asked if she had any other lesson plans and offered that we could do a School counselor one, to bring her students to the Counsuling center. After it happened and I taught a class about my passion I asked myself a lot of times I want to be like Miss Haakaa and so I decided to start to apply for professor myself.
And so I started to work on the application still doing my job although helping my fellow counselors with there workload and helping students find a common ground and all those thing while still taking the task of applying taking breaks and doing the application. As he continued on himself and on his days he would than just finish up the application sending it in.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Niccolò Casellati

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Nico, Nic, Bambino

Preferred Name: Niccolò

Age: 27

Gender & pronouns: Male Him/They

Religious Denomination: n/a

Marital Status:

Nationality: Italian / Malay

Current Location: Karakura APT. Block U H.A 104

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Working Experience (# of years): 5

Academic Degree: Masters

Year of Graduation:
2020 - Graduated College
2015 - Graduated HS

Major(s): Psychology, Counsuling

Minors: Soicalogy

Native Languages: Italian, Malay

Other Languages: English, Japanese.

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Preferred Teaching Subject Psychology Counsuling


Additional notes about your application (if any):

What im about to mention is a passed experience I’ve had that I had to teach as a Counselo.
As you would like to know that you want teachers and professors to know what they are acutely teaching theses youthful minds about that certain subject such as for me Psychology and Counseling. In which I was curious on how one of my friends that is a professor at KHS and teaches psychology I wanted to see how she taught and so I asked to oversee her class on how they taught and I took notes of it and applied thoses notes and than I asked if she was up for me helping her teach her class about Counsuling and she said yes so I had some of the experience in teaching Counsuling and than we did an activity the period later that day as the second part of the lesson. This experience helped me understand more about the faction-ish and how it was in the classroom.

I also do admit I have much to learn if I do get accoeted.
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Level 99
Professor Lead
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