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Accepted SkiXD | Judge Application #1


Level 48

In-game Name: SkiXD

Discord Tag: skixd (I'm in most of the discord servers if needed to find me)

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Time zone & Country: PST ( Pacific Standard Time ) | Oregon

Links to any current & past applications: Accepted:

Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server is around a 8.5/10 I try to be active for 3-4 hours on week days and on weekend and breaks I have I am usually on for at least 5-6 hours per day but it could be more depending if I'm busy or not I try to get my playtime up as much as possible and I have been on a lot recently trying to get my attributes up I also try to roleplay whenever I get the chance I have a lot of experience in gangrp, combatrp & many more I try to get more experience in every time of roleplay that is out there whenever I get the chance and I want to grow my activity on SRP and become more popular in the community I try to be as nice as possible and help people out whenever I get the chance with any questions that they have I used to play SRP a lot before I took a break for at least 3-4 months but I have a decent amount of playtime on the server currently ( 3w 6 days ) and I am trying to get it up and be active all the time!.


What position are you applying for?: Judge

Event Idea: ( my own question): One Idea I had for an event that the Government faction could participate in would be a simulation court case it would mainly be to show young people how the faction works and what the different positions do so they can learn more about it there would most likely be 2 main events in it the first would be about the simulation court case showing what happens in a real one and what the faction would do depending on your position the second main one would be after the trial it would be at least 2 people from each Government position talking to people and basically explaining what they do and how the people could learn about it or how they could apply to join the faction in the future it would take a lot of planning to do but it could most definitely be a good idea for the future.

What is your motivation for applying?: I have always been interested in politics and the government. I have a decent amount of knowledge on what they do and how they do stuff. I always see them around the city and I hope to become friends with them in the future. I want to become friends with everyone in the faction and help out with community events! I have taken an interest in attending multiple of the high school’s career days and learning more about what judges and other jobs in the faction do! I have also been to many other events that involve the Government faction and seen them in action and I love how they do it and work their job on the server I have also attended multiple Government trials in real life and have always been interested in that!.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?: Yes I have a great understanding of Karakura's laws & Constitutional rights I practice them every day to learn all about them and I am currently memorizing every single one of them so I can do my job to the best of my ability I want to make sure every person in Karakura also knows all about the laws and Constitutional rights so they can take justice whenever needed I try to practice and roleplay about the laws whenever I get the chance including getting arrested knowing what to do and what not to do I also try to help my friends with any questions regarding the law in Karakura and Constitutional rights if they need to know anything I try to help them memorize it in case they get into any bad situations with the KPD ( Karakura Police Department ) and so they know what to do and what not to do so they don't get into any more trouble.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?: My goals with this role on the server are to 1. Make new friends, 2 Become more well known in the community, 3 Play on the server more!! These are the 3 main things that I would be focusing on while playing this role. I would also try to make my character more well known in the community as well I also want to be able to help new players out within the community with any questions they have about the Government faction and other things regarding it I also want to roleplay as much on this character ( if accepted ) so more people can know this character and all about her. I also want to learn more about the law oocly so I can help with any questions oocly or icly in case needed I want to be able to help with any questions on the discord server for new players so they can get into the roleplay community and learn more about SRP!.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government: The position as a Judge on the Government faction on the SRP server they work with the Police by issuing warrants they do stuff with Criminal cases and Lawsuits they also do front desk work sometimes and other tasks within the servers legal system and making sure that the law is enforced on the server. They can also help people around Karakura with any questions regarding the Government faction or anything else. They can also issue warrants, Review cases, Officialize Marriages, File restraining orders, and many more things like that!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?: Yes I fully understand this and I am aware that upon being accepted I can be removed at any given time for any reason given and I am totally 100% fine with being removed from this faction if needed or I am inactive for any given time and if I do get removed I will probably apply again in the future ( if accepted ofc ) I know that I can be removed for being toxic oocly or breaking any of SRP's rules and I try not to at all costs so that I don't get removed from the faction ( if accepted )

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?: Yes I put my 100% dedication into this faction & position ( if accepted ) and I hope that people can know my character and all about them so that I can roleplay more and get more activity on SRP!. I want to be active playing on this character every day so more people can know me and so I can get my playtime up from 3w to at least 5w I want to be able to help people with cases, marriages, lawsuits, etc. and I will help people out 100% of the time whenever they need or whenever I am free or get the chance to!!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?: Yes I fully understand I will not be biased or toxic oocly and I acknowledge that I will face EXTREME punishment or removal from the faction at any given time and I will NEVER be biased in any way possible or break any of SRP's rules.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?: Yes I have read and I agree to follow all of the Government Faction rules and I will follow every rule given at any time to make sure that I don't get in trouble or get removed from this faction and so that I can roleplay without getting warned, banned etc. I will also follow all of SRP's rules making sure that I don't break any of those rules as well and taking this position very seriously at any given time.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?: Yes I am able to attend weekly meeting & events if I am online I will be on my Judge character 80% of the time that I am on the server if I am not doing something on another character or if I am not busy with something oocly and I will be friendly during meetings & events oocly aswell as icly.


Full name: Akemi Andreev-Holland

Preferred title Mrs. Aki

Current age: 40

Date of birth: 1989

Gender: Female

Picture!: Capture.PNG

Academic Degree: Post-Graduate (PhD)

Major(s): Criminology & Criminal Justice

Minor(s): Social studies & Journalism

Work experience: 2008-2010 During these years I was in early high school and starting to learn all about different things including Social studies & Journalism I tried to make as many friends as I could during this time period but most of my friends in high school eventually moved away to a different country I then started to take school more seriously and study whenever I had the chance to learn all about different things!

2011-2015 In this time period I was starting my classes and learning all about Criminology & Criminal Justice I was really just starting to learn about these so I didn't know much about them yet I had a few friends but they moved away and went to go to med school I also learned more about History and all about different time periods and more!

2016-2020 During these years I started to learn all about the things I had picked to learn about. I studied every day at the local library and passed all of my tests. I started to lean back into Criminology after taking a break for a bit and wanted to learn more about it after that I eventually graduated college and started deciding what I was going to do next I then started to learn about Social studies and all about different time periods I learned all about different time era's and famous people all throughout history including Napoleon, Alexander The Great & many more!

2021-2023 During this time period I started to pack up my things from college after graduating college I took a while to decide where I was gonna live next but then I eventually decided on a small town in Japan named Karakura I wanted to learn all about the different people and religions there and law in Karakura I went to multiple different cases to learn all about the type of Government in Karakura and what is different from where I originally was from after I got a good understanding on this I eventually became interested in applying to be a Judge to help out the community!

Political background: as a Republican, I know a lot about politics and all about the government I studied for multiple years about Criminology & Criminal Justice and learned all about how to become a Government employee what they do and all about them I know what Judges do and what they do in their job whilst working I have attended multiple different Criminal cases before and I have watched what they do in them and I have talked to the different employees before about politics and what its all about to learn more about it but I'm hoping to learn more about it (if accepted).

Nationality & born location: I am Hispanic and I was born in a western city called Guadalajara in Mexico they have a lot of history from different time periods and I LOVEE their religions and everything that they do there I especially love their different types of food that has been made their and everything that they do I try to bring this into the community as much as possible so more people can learn about the religion & different foods so that people can learn all about it and love it just as much as I do!.

Fluent languages: Korean, Russian, Spanish

Criminal record: None!

What makes you a good candidate for this job? I believe I am a good candidate for this job because my knowledge and my years of experience I know all about the Government and what they do I am good while talking to people I know a lot about what Judges do and how they work in their job and community I am hoping to become friends with the other faction workers and talk to them about what they do and how they do it to learn all about it I also want to be able to help people in trials and many more things in the future (if accepted)! I can also put in my 100% dedication to this faction if given and I hope to help people and (not be corrupt) I know alot about history & different times within history and all about that stuff I know a lot about Criminology & Criminal justice so that people can take the law 100% seriously and know all about it.​
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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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