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Accepted SkiXD2's Chemistry Professor Application! (Going to be adding more later)


Level 48
What is your Minecraft username?: SkiXD2​
What is your time zone?: PST (Pacific Standard Time)​
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) skixd (Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to talk)​
Link all previous applications you made on the server: None on my alt account but here are the ones on my main account (SkiXD)
Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I would say my activity on SchoolRP is around an 8.5. I try to be active for 3-4 hours every day unless I am on break and that would mean I would be on longer than that unless I am sick. I try to gain my reputation in different ways like in the discords and doing different types of roleplay with people so that I can gain my experience in different things and help people along the way. I try to make as many friends as I can so that I am more well known in the community by players that might be in different factions or just normal role-players that are out there I also try to grind my attributes as much as possible so that I can respond to things faster and be better in different situations and more! I also try to get my playtime up as much as possible so that I can be more well-known as an active player. Here is a list of times I am usually available during, weekends, and holidays. On Saturday I will most likely be active for around 5-7 hours at max or more as well as Sunday. & on most holidays I will be on for around 3-4 hours or longer besides Christmas as my family loves to enjoy that holiday.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I have a lot of different roleplay experiences from LawRP, CollegeRP, GangRP, CrimeRP & many more but I try to gain my knowledge on every single type that is out there whenever I get the chance so that I can also help people understand different things in the future. I try to mainly roleplay with the community and my friends as well so that they can learn how to be better at things and I can as well. I have some experience from MazeRP & Roblox as well like how to roleplay surviving in the maze and the glade etc. I also have experience in PoliceRP, SchoolRP, EmergencyRP, TeacherRP, and many more from roleplays that I have done in the past before I started to play on RoleplayHub. I try to gain my experience 24/7 whilst roleplaying with the community or my friends so that people can learn more about me and so that I can be better at the types of roleplay that I do.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Judge, College , Bird, Grade 12

Grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?: Sciences | Chemistry
What is your motivation for becoming a professor? The motivation that I have to apply to become a professor for Karakura College is to help students with various situations within classes and questions that they might have or to help other faculty members with situations that need to be dealt with. I also want to be able to host classes so that students can learn more about Chemistry in the future with things that they may need to do! I want to be more well-known around Karakura by people so that I can make new friends with students & faculty! I want to also help with various events that may take place around the school including fairs and much more! I want to gain my experience in teaching so that I can learn how to be better at different things and how to help people more along with that. I want to share my different skills with the community so that students can learn how to do things better in the future and how they can become smarter so that they have a chance at possibly getting a job in the future as well!
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Kitchen Chemistry!: In this class, I would teach about the chemistry behind cooking and discussing topics like Maillard reactions, fermentation, or emulsions and learning about how they can be related to making different foods like pancakes, yogurts, or salad dressing We would talk about how they can be related to some foods or drinks and how they can be not related in different ways or how things can be changed while cooking with chemistry. It would be a good way for students to learn about the types of chemistry that are involved with cooking & baking different foods that they might often eat and how drinks might be made by fermentation or other things like that. It would be split into partners of 2 to learn how to work better in a group and how to use communication skills better as well.
2. Coloring Fire: During this class, it would be an experiment for the students to learn about how chemistry can be involved with coloring fire and how you can change it to be multiple different colors like blue, purple, green, yellow, and many more. There would also be a part in the lab where I hand out a book asking what they learned about coloring fire and a short quiz on what chemicals make the fire change colors. The students would have 1 partner to work with so that they could learn how to work with people better and learning about different types of chemistry involved with coloring fire! It would help the students learn how to be safe while doing dangerous experiments that could end up going wrong if someone messed something up.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: (Forest Chemistry!): During this field trip, it would be different parts ranging from discussions on how chemistry can be related to things in many different forests and how you can find chemistry in forests by yourself! It would mainly be focused on a discussion on how you can find different things that are related to different types of chemistry in forests and other places around the town. I would have students mainly speech and debate about what they think is involved with forests & different types of chemistry involved.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do? If my character witnessed this happening I would approach the group of jocks before asking what was going on or happening in the situation if it was a fight I would immediately break it up so it didn't escalate or so no one ended up getting hurt in the end. If they were just picking on the student I would just tell them to back up and stop picking on younger students so that it did not escalate to a fight. In most cases though I would most likely just talk to them to figure out what was going on and IF it was a fight to make sure no one ended up getting hurt so that the community could stay positive around the school.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do? If I witnessed the student repeatedly acting up and asking stupid questions I would tell them to be quiet and to finish their task so that they could leave detention. If they did not listen to the instructions I would talk to my fellow faculty members about what we should do next about the student and how we can fix their behavior so they do their task and follow the detentions rules. If they did keep disrupting after repeatedly not doing their task, asking stupid questions, and just plain up being annoying I would most likely come up with a decision with the fellow faculty members to threaten a note to SLT or if they keep doing the specific thing write them up to SLT. Evelyn would also follow all of the information that she gained during her training to make sure that she didn't mess anything up.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do? If I witnessed this group of students calling out individuals and repeatedly disrupting the class in multiple different ways including playing music in the class and calling individuals I would give them 3 warnings to be quiet and to stop disrupting class with their phones or by calling students out I would confiscate the phone for disrupting the students from learning and making other students upset. In most cases, I may give more or less warnings to the students to make sure that everyone is behaving and the students can learn. As College professors are supposed to make sure that the students in college behave their age and act like it as well.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do? If I witnessed this happening during a school day I would immediately break the fight up so that no one got hurt or the situation did not escalate from that point. I would then start to talk to the people who were involved/fighting about how it started and why they were fighting in the first place to get more information on the situation. After that, I would inform them that I would be giving them detention for the reason 'Fighting on school grounds' before making sure they didn't start fighting again and so that no one ended up getting more hurt in the situation. If I did stop the fight and it kept going I would radio for SLT or a Head of Department professor for assistance with the fight and how we could stop it after everything I tried did not work. Evelyn would also follow all of the information that she gained during her training to make sure that she didn't mess anything up.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future? Evelyn has brown hair and she is Hispanic (Born in Guadalajara Mexico) she has multiple different good and bad traits including generosity, loyalty, helpfulness, easy-going, and many more than that. She likes to make friends whenever she gets the chance so that she can be more well-known in the community by people and so that people like her & her personality more her plans for the future are to gain more knowledge on teaching and how to be a better person in the community and be more well known she wants to gain her knowledge on different topics as well so that she can help students learn more and be more proactive. Evelyn loves to help students & teachers whenever she gets the chance with anything that they may need help with including a location about something or more! she wants to get to know all of the faculty & students in KHS & Karakura so that people know her better and so that she can help her personality. Evelyn tries to go to the beach whenever she gets the chance because she loves to play volleyball there with her friends. She also sometimes just sits on top of the lighthouse and stares at the stars by herself so she can learn more about space and Astronomy.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Study years: During these years Evelyn studied Chemistry and the different types of things that were involved in this subject and sciences she was the best student in her class passing all of her tests and getting the highest scores on every single test that she did. She studied for multiple hours every night with her friends helping them learn more about different subjects so that they could do different things in the future that they may enjoy. She took a position as a substitute for a college for a few years before eventually retiring as she wanted to teach full-time at a college that she enjoyed. She took classes to learn more about English so that she could do things better with the language and she took classes on the language Japanese as well because that is where she wanted to eventually teach in a small town named Karakura Japan she spent a few years learning all about the town and the traditions that were held all around the town so that she could be more well known in the town by people. Evelyn also studied Astronomy for a few months learning all about the different planet's that are out there and comets floating all around space and much more!
Early Life: During her early life Evelyn loved doing different things with science as a child she loved to do experiments whenever she had the chance. She especially loved chemistry and studying the periodic table to learn more about different elements that could be used in different experiments to cause different chemical reactions and how things worked within those subjects. She studied with her friends every night on video calls before they eventually moved away during middle school. She passed all of her high school & middle school tests getting A’s in all of her classes she loved studying the English & Japanese languages whenever she had the chance because she found those the most interesting. Evelyn loved visiting the forest whenever she had the chance and meeting new friends and animals. She also loved to fish when she got the chance to carry on her father’s tradition of going fishing.
Full Name: Evelyn von Moltke​
Title Mrs. Moltke
Given Name(s): Evelyn
Preferred Name: Evelyn
Age: 30
Gender & pronouns: Female | She/Her
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Hispanic (Born in Mexico)
Current Location: Karakura Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 4
Working Experience (# of years): 4
Academic Degree: PHD
Year of Graduation: 2013 (Graduated at Stanford University)
Major(s): Chemistry & Astronomy
Minors: English
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: N/A
Preferred Teaching Subject: Sciences (Chemistry)
Additional notes about your application (if any): Nope! just hope you have a fun time reading this & I made the pictures myself!​
Picture of character: 2023-12-20_16.50.22.png

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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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