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Skyesss Police Application

IGN (In Game Name): Skyesss (PREVIOUS IGNS: Eveningss & DoNotCopRP)
Previous bans: N/A

Describe your activity on the server:
I am usually quite active on the server minus the fact I have upcoming mid-term exams but behind that fact, very active. I have been playing this server since December of 2018.
Do you have Discord?
Yes. Skyes#6893. I'm usually active on Discord.
Do you have a microphone?
Yes and I am comfortable talking to others.
List your current and past applications:
Currently writing staff application.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I would like to help with the steady crime rate in the server and to also bring more police to the force due to many officers recently resigning. Also I have noticed an incline of GangRp activity it would enjoy helping put a halt to that coming forward. I am hopeful I will get accepted and I'm eager to improve my role playing skills.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes. The laws in basic conduct are decently known to me and I will be reading up on the subject more to better improve my knowledge on the subject.
What are the Police ranks?
The chain of command/rank order are as follows;
Cadet - This is the first rank any officer will acquire. This rank is the lowest meaning, you may not leave the station without permission or another officer and you may not patrol alone. You will begin training to acquire your next rank.

Patrol officer - With this rank, you are now able to leave the station and Patrol alone. Your training has now stopped because you have proven yourself for this role.

Corporal - As a Corporal, it is your job to train the cadets and ensure they are ready to move up the ranks to a Patrol officer. While being Corporal, you shall oversee the lower ranks ensuring they are following all instated rules.

Sargent- As Sargent, you shall oversee your lower ranks making sure no rules are broken and all basic conduct is followed.

Lieutenant- As Lieutenant, you may now handle fire-arms and as Lieutenant, you are now second in command.

Commissioner- As Commissioner, you are now head of the force. Meaning, you have the biggest responsibility and the pleasure of running the entire force.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I am highly aware that police work is far from easy. You must have a high tolerance for player nonsense. Some will ask many pointless questions but keep your cool and don't be toxic in any way and it will all work out. Once you've become an officer, it is your job to keep the citizens safe and happy. Some players will say that police are too strict or mean but you must keep in mind, they are just doing their job and can't always do it while being nice. Police officers aren't always on the field and so they must have other jobs to complete including, paperwork, interrogations and training just to name a few. Some days will be boring and uneventful and others being filled with new situations and role-playing chances because you'll never know what's going to walk through that door. When officers are on the job, they must take it serious or consequences will be given. You are to enforce the rules and keep people safe, not fool around and neglect your job. During an arrest, you will attempt to cuff. If they resist, you shall attempt to cuff again. If the convict begins arguing, don't get toxic and keep your cool. Police codes are also used while on the job, code 4 meaning, situation clear. What's your 20? Means what is your location. And 10-4 meaning , affirmative. I again, I'm hopeful to be accepted as this is an incredible learning experience for me.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
GangRP nowadays is very common and it is your job to put the gang population to a downward fall. Without the police force, the GangRpers would genuinely run the server and in my opinion, that would not be a very fun game. So as an officer, you need to make sure that never happens. While being an officer, you will soon be climbing your way up the charts for arrests. Some arrest cases will be minor and others, major. Major cases include; Homicides, Theft, Human-Trafficking and Assault. You will also be giving out fines. Some fines will include j-walking and others may be for bigger more serious offences. Either way, your job is important and it makes a very big difference to the server.

IC Section
Tell us about your character, how She looks, what makes Her unique? What She's like on the and off the job? Outlook on Her co-workers? Plans for the future?

Tsubaki S. Gray was born August 1st 1994. She was born in Japan with her Father, Haru S. Gray. She was always top of her classes from day one. She was always interested in law so as a child. she was often found running around with her tiny notepad trying to solve mysteries and "Crime". During her years of youth, she had grown up with many younger and older siblings. Most, being adopted. Like most kids at her age, she argued with her siblings a lot and didn't tolerate anything from them. After she had graduated High-School with a major in philosophy and law, she immediately enrolled into college to train for when she would enroll into the academy. She had the highest grades in all of her classes and was a very respected student. She had finished her college years with a degree in Psychology. Right after college, she enrolled into the academy. Her start was a bit rocky at first be she soon learned what it would be like to be an officer. During her starting years, she didn't know anyone was very self-conscious about her work. She was unfamiliar with her new curriculum and surroundings. Soon after her arrival, she met a girl with hair as red as blood. The girl was strong and fierce, but didn't take much of a liking to Tsubaki. She saw her as a threat. So though-out her four years at the academy, she had competed with the girl for top of the class. They would always tie, making winning more of a priority than anything else. In her last few months in the academy, she was fighting harder than ever to win her bet with the red headed female. At graduation, the bet was the only thing on her mind. All of the academy knew of this bet and were eager to find out which student would make it out on top. The day was finally here. The night of her graduation, the results were in. The crowd would be silent and her hands shaking. As the results were said she couldn't believe what she heard. Her name loud and clear. The crowd would be loud as her ears would ring from the noise. She had one. The red haired girl had taken her hand and shook it. The red haired girl smiled and stepped down. Tsubaki had won the bet. She would leave the academy, with the highest grades to ever be achieved. After the academy, she had gone into two years of law school. She would finally graduate and settle down with her fiancé, Andrew Ripper, before applying for the force in Karakura. She would be awaiting her response eagerly and hopefully, would make her lifelong dream, come true.

Personal Details
Full Name:
Tsubaki Scarlet Gray
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Ms
Given Name(s): "Blanc" (Given for her pale complexion and soft demeanor.)
Preferred Name: Tsubaki

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Non religious
Marital Status: Engaged.

Nationality: Japanese.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:

4 years Police academy
2 years law school.
Working Experience:
Border security.
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Academic English

Native Languages: English, Japanese.
Other Languages: N/A


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to join the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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