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Denied SnowyRaisipta | Doctor application


Level 30

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?


Describe your activity on the server:

I will describe how my schedule currently works for me, because due to various things that occur in my life, it can impact my activity, be it family issues, school issues
9:00 -> 23:00
18:00 -> 23:00
19:00 -> 23:00
21:00 -> 23:00
21:00 -> 23:00
13:00 -> 23:00
10:00 -> 23:00

Normally, weekdays im more busy, it depends if im studying for some test, or no, also it can changes if im in holiday. But this is the moments I can get on, and how much time I can stay, is not accuracy time, but is most detailed possible.

What is your timezone?:

BRT – Brazilia time. GMT -3:00

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:

Main Acc: Adult, College, Grade-12

Second acc (this one): Grade-12

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

I have a lot of experience on this server, I have been learning a lot about it since I joined it for the first time, I have experience of how the server rules work, how they are applied to people and how they should be followed, I have been since the end of 2022 on this server, and I saw a lot of things going on, changes to the rules of combat (GangRP), knowledge of important and main rules of the server, it was a lot of experience that I had, whether positive or negative, but all the time I I played the server, I got to know it better, understanding how the rules of this server work, which marked my journey a lot. I made several friends on the server, and they helped me a lot in understanding the server's rules.
I really admit that I almost broke some rules on the server, but my friends helped me prevent that from happening, you know it's like I was a child who was starting to learn how to do the steps, my friends helped me, so I got to know a lot of things , be they the rules of how combat works, the actions we can take, commands we can use and much more
Today I am a more experienced player, I was on this server for a long time, so I myself witnessed how everything on this server really works, it was a very long process, with several trials and errors, but I followed a straight line, until I learned That's right, how this server works was a lot of fun to learn, and I don't regret joining it. Today I am willing to help several new people on the server, be a guide for these people to begin to understand how things on this server work, and I guide them so that they can also understand how the server works, even if it is a lot of work, Because there are people who don't understand how the server works, it's important to at least try to help, if it doesn't work, the moderators are there to confirm how it works.

What is your motivation for applying?

My main motives for applying for this role is:


Yes, that would obviously be first, I feel like I'm someone very responsible, as I would not only have to take care of patients who are injured, or going through some serious problem, but I would also have to help if a player who was in the hospital, is really following the rules correctly, as I have my own experience, I myself have ended up making some mistakes at certain times in SchoolRP, and today I am watching and being available to correct any mistakes that other players are making on the server.
Responsibility is something that we always need to have, especially in this position, as we would be taking care of patients' lives, that is, care and responsibility is something that is necessary.

New challenge:

It's something that I'm always willing to face, to face a challenge, because this job is going to be challenging, it's going to be something that's going to require a lot of work and I'm going to have to do my best to be able to face it. This can sometimes make you a little nervous, but you shouldn't say that you can’t face these challenges. You can't think negative, you must think positive, because then you'll be willing to face the challenge, in other words, it's better to always be looking positively at this challenge and don't let your anxiety get you down and, consequently, fail in these challenges.
Obviously, things will not always be easy, but at some point, we must face them, and not think negatively, because then you will never be willing to face this challenge and show that you can overcome this challenge. It's not easy, but it's better to try than not try, and that's why I'm here, I'll keep trying the best I can, and if I fail, I'll improve, increase my skills, and come back to face it again. You know, it's like you're facing a boss, that is, it's a challenge.


I want to be willing to learn about various things on this server, I want to show that I am someone who is really interested, I have always wanted to get into this position, because being a doctor seems like something cool, I have always admired everyone who was in this position at SRP , because it seems like something fun, it's an opportunity that could be unforgettable, and I don't want to let it go. And I will continue to learn how it works, and I will use it to improve my skills. Knowing everything is practically impossible, because often, we only see something that is commonly used, so being within the faction will help me a lot to know better, being alongside the people who are in this position will also help, I feel that many will be my friends, and help me in the best way possible.

Which role are you applying for?


What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?


Hospital directors are the head of the hospital. They are responsible for monitoring who is being hired to work in the hospital, checking who is the most qualified person, who is the person who really has the skills to be able to care for a person, managing the hospital to ensure its smooth operation, supervising, and planning correctly provide medical care to patients.
This is the chief position, he is the administrator of the hospital basically, he must always keep an eye on the functioning of the hospital to ensure that the hospital is always a safe and comfortable environment for patients.


Paramedics are formed by people who work in the pre-hospital area, their functions are to apply preparation techniques that are necessary for when the patient arrives at the hospital and receive better care, in addition to ensuring better comfort, and reducing the probability of having any complication or death, in its respective symptom, or condition that the patient is experiencing.
They respond to medical emergencies, providing first aid to patients, and applying all medical techniques to keep the patient well until the hospital arrives and can provide more in-depth care. They are responsible for receiving emergency calls and obtaining the necessary information to rescue patients.


Surgeons are responsible for what their name suggests, surgeries. Surgeries come in relation to some specific and advanced diseases, such as cancer, transplants, or to treat specific conditions such as a shattered or fractured bone, or loss of a limb, or a problem with an internal organ, which may require a transplant to save the patient's life.
So, the type of surgery can vary per patient, this requires a lot of care in carrying it out, to ensure that the patient is able to recover, speaking of which, they have to be monitored to know how well their recovery is going, and that the patient is already well. enough to be released to return home.
In the case of the bone, monitoring will continue, in relation to the prescription, to find out if the cast can now be removed, and that the bone is firm and strong to be able to walk again.
In the leg, if the patient pays for a prosthetic leg, he will perform surgery to implant the leg and make the leg functional so the patient can move normally.
Depending on the surgery, the patient will go through the recovery period to be able to complete the surgery successfully, as in the case of a shattered bone, to ensure that the bone is on the correct, firm side, and the body begins to prepare for recovery. of the bone and that it works again, but this will vary by type of condition.


Doctors have several functions in the hospital. Are they

- Receive the patient:

Receiving the patient will be when the patient arrives inside the hospital building and says what he is feeling, whether it is a good problem or a bad problem, and he will correctly indicate the type of problem he is going through, if it is something very simple or complex and whether it requires more in-depth care, or whether you will need to call someone to help care for the patient in question.

- Diagnose and treat the patient:

They will perform an ****ysis on the patient, see the main symptoms the patient is experiencing and check whether this can be treated simply or seriously. Simple is when they just do a basic treatment and deliver some medicine to people and tell them about the instructions on how to use the medicine so that it improves. If it is something more serious, they will refer you to treatment for whatever the patient is going through, to be able to resolve it in a more precise way and allow the patient to recover, they will also check whether this will result in the patient needing to rest in the hospital for a while before to be released. Depending on the patient's condition, they may need help from another area of the hospital.

- Monitor the patient's recovery:

Even if the patient was declared to have a common illness, it is a good idea to have medical follow-up to check that they have not had any complications during the recovery process, or that the illness has not worsened.
Furthermore, the doctor can help research disease treatments, begin to understand the development of the patient's recovery, while monitoring the recovery, all this to diagnose the patient and make sure he is doing well, you know? Furthermore, understand the development of cures for diseases that are still incurable, so that they can be cured in the future.


Psychiatrists have the service of observing and helping to treat the patient's psychology, that is, understanding disorders, psychological conditions, or psychological traumas that the patient faces, or has faced in the past.
How do the treatments work? Treatments are carried out in different types, this is due to how the patient has acted or thought recently, for example, if the patient has faced depression, the psychiatrist can assist the patient, to understand what is happening, what should be done , and how your patient's treatment will work, also being a good listener, as patients will be able to vent about how they have been feeling. You know, take off the weight that you've faced a lot, and be able to calm down and gain more confidence.
When it is a specific trauma, they will have to understand what the patient had to go through, and explain how they will carry out the treatment, which will provide follow-up to help the patient overcome what happened, or try to control the patients' symptoms, working in a specific form of disorders, since in fact disorders can often accompany trauma, since trauma can often accompany anxiety, or depression, as it was something that was stuck in the memory, and needs to be received some specific attention.


Veterinarians are very similar to doctors, in relation to their service functions, but they are linked to the treatment of animals and their recovery, monitoring how the animals have been feeling, or what happened to them, basically functioning like a doctor.
Veterinarians can also accompany paramedics in first aid, as veterinarians are specialized in animal treatments and they know how to treat animals and be able to cure them in the best possible way. That's why I said, it's very similar to a doctor or a paramedic, as they have a common role, the only difference between them is who the patient is.
Monitoring will work the same way it works with humans.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I know that, I expect to attend it.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Hiroshi Nakamura

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Male | He / him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

45 years old

Character’s Academic Background:


Character’s Nationality:


Character’s Marital Status:


Character’s Religious Denomination:

Christian Catholic

Character’s Spoken Languages:


Character Backstory:

Hiroshi Nakamura is a Japanese descendant who was born in Brazil in a not so well known, not so big city, in the middle of the state of Minas Gerais. His life was surrounded by hundreds of challenges and efforts regarding his family, and several discoveries of what he would choose for his future, and how this could have impacted his life, be it positive, which is most cases. or negative.
So, at the beginning of it all, when he was 7 years old, he was known for always helping his parents around the house, he followed his mother's orders, and treated her like an incredible person who always motivated him to achieve his goals. goals in the future. Since then, he helped with cleaning the house, with his homework, and a lot of studying so he could have a very good life and be able to build an incredible family.
At the age of 13, he went on a field trip to visit a medical school. And he simply fell in love with college, he found the idea of being a doctor, surgeon, or something that could help save people's lives, or do a lot of research to be able to find a cure for a disease that currently, or when he was a child, there was no cure until then. He felt motivated to help everyone and save the lives of everyone he could save.
At the college he went to, they explained how medical procedures work, they explained in a little more detail the functions of the organs of the human body, and how to treat a person who was feeling ill with a specific disease, but he also talked about very necessary care, and precautions that must be taken to avoid any type of accidents, and how this could be extremely complex, as they would be taking care of a person, and could be saving a life.
Hiroshi heard this sentence as if it were a challenge for himself, to guarantee a good life for everyone in the future, to show that he is capable of helping people, and that he could do much more, he would try to look for cures for various diseases that have not yet there is a cure, and that one day it will become curable and make the world have a much better life than it was in his time. He put this in his mind as a motivation to create an incredibly good future for everyone, and even created several expectations for his future, to have a beautiful wife who has a similar dream, charismatic sons, or daughters, and much more.
From then on, Hiroshi became known for being a very studious and resolute person in his studies, and spent the entire day studying biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and more. This really had an impact on his life, since most of the time the subject he had to study was extremely complicated or complex. The functionality of mathematical formulas, physics, chemistry, the names of the organs of the human body, their functions, keeping in mind what he already heard from the explanation at the college when he visited it a long time ago.
At the age of 16, Hiroshi met Akiko Nakamura, a person who would change his life a lot, as Akiko was someone who had a dream like his, and who was always studying together with him. Since then, they were like magnets who never let go of each other, as they were always glued together reading various biology books, and talking about diverse types of things from the subjects they were studying together. And they felt good about it. So much so that they managed to finish high school together and enter the best medical school around them.
At the age of 18, in college, they felt the weight of what higher education was like, they saw how different it was compared to school, they saw how difficult studying was, so they decided to increase the level of their studies, all so that they managed to achieve what they most wanted, they began to organize different times for studying, how deep they would take these studies, and how they would dedicate themselves. This made Hiroshi and Akiko close to each other, which generated chemistry between them, which meant that one very beautiful day, Hiroshi asked Akiko to be his girlfriend, and she accepted immediately. For to both, they were like soulmates.
Hiroshi and Akiko even did an internship together, which generated work experience for them, obviously they couldn't hide their nervousness a little, as it was their first experience of working on what they liked, even if it weren’t yet the best of what they enjoyed. they could do. This made their studies much better and would help them a lot.
When the day of his graduation arrived, Hiroshi got ready very well, dressed as if he were a great king, prepared for a special occasion, because it wasn't just that his maximum study made him finally able to be what he most wanted. he wanted to be, but he also wanted to ask for Akiko's hand in marriage and finally be together forever. Akiko accepted with many tears in her eyes, as she was happy about it.
In the end, Hiroshi managed to be what he wanted most, he did excellent work, he had 2 very beautiful and intelligent daughters, and they managed to do something that he hasn't had the opportunity to do yet, but he's trying now. Leaving the country, starting their families, and facing their challenges, and he is proud of these two.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

USP (São Paulo University)

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Yes, Hiroshi did an internship during college at a hospital in the city where he was living for college. He spent about 3 years doing an internship, and he made a lot of effort and faced a lot of difficulties, as he had to understand the responsibility of being a doctor. When he finally left college and graduated, he got a job at his hometown hospital, where his responsibility increased much more. He did a lot of work to be the best doctor to understand people who were going through problems. He was highly praised for his incredible service, and that he deserves to be promoted one day, and that he is a lucky man.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

In same college he got his schooling, he got an additional schooling in psychiatrist for 2 years, only to get the basics for it.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Hiroshi is known for being someone who has always been dedicated to everything, everyone who has always been by his side, understands how much he cares about others around him and has always tried to help others in the best way possible. Even though things proved to be very difficult he never let go, this is due to his past, where he was always helping his parents and dedicated himself to a thought that came into his mind. Where “if he was able to help his parents with services, even if they are very difficult, why doesn't he try to dedicate himself to helping other people and guaranteeing them a much better life?
It was with this thought in mind that he began his adventure to achieve this goal, where he spent hours and hours studying, taking several books from his school's library to only get where he wanted to go. It was very difficult and stressful, but even so, he always had a positive and relaxed mind, which many people were surprised about, as many people could give up due to the complexity of his studies. His parents even admired and supported their son's decision.
Another thing that he considered a key to success was apparently your positive mind, because for him if you thought negatively about things, you would become very nervous and anxious about what you thought, and it was better not to think about the future, but rather think about the present. Now, think about his effort to be able to stand firm, and not let anxiety consume him, and make him fail, and he wasn't wrong!
Hiroshi also has a lot of responsibility, as he is the father of 2 girls, in addition to taking care of patients at the hospital where he worked, that is, it was something that demanded a lot from him. Taking care of his daughters' health, helping with school, helping his wife at home, the job, was a lot of work for him, where he spent hours busy to ensure the best for everyone, and he proves to be an inspiration to his daughters. , who want to have a future like his, or much better, being a great inspiration for many.

How does your character act on and off duty?

Both inside the job and outside, Hiroshi shows himself as someone who is very happy and friendly with everyone around him, it is something that is general for him where not much changes about him, as Hiroshi has always been a dedicated and attentive person to everyone around you.
But if we now separate things that are inside work and outside, there are some differences, even if they are very small, since Hiroshi is someone very unique.

On duty:

Hiroshi at work is someone very dedicated and reserved to everything around him. Hiroshi likes to help others who are newer in something they have just started so he can follow a path to reach a much higher level and not get lost, because often, things require something very serious, and he doesn't want to leaving everyone confused and without understanding what is happening. He's like a guide, there to help everyone, whether it's something related to work, or something related to life, as he loves to talk about different topics and have fun with his colleagues, except for the part that leaves him alone. to be someone who is completely serious, and to be someone who is really fun to count on having by your side.

Off duty:

Hiroshi outside of work is someone more dedicated to helping his family, helping his wife tidy the house and keeping it clean, helping his daughters with their studies and helping her grow in her future, or going out to dinner with the family, or just with your wife. He also proves to be an inspiration to both of his daughters, where he teaches them about responsibility, what should be done and what should not be done. His daughters see him as a great hero who gave them a very good life

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

He feels that function better with others, but he doesn’t deny work alone if needs to. Because h will be able to show his effort to everyone. But okay, why he thinks work with others is better? Isn’t only because is easy. He thinks a teamwork is better than alone, because everyone can help each other, and learn more things and get more attributes!
He feels he can help another people that will be new on the faction after him, and he won’t deny let them alone and with many difficulties.

What plans does your character have for the future?

Yes, but aren’t something in special, is only stay at the city to help her wife, and daughters with the family things. Had a lot of adventure in Karakura or meet more friends in the city.



Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation, meaning we tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history.

Nonetheless, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any future applications and therefore improve your chances of being accepted in future waves:
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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