Level 10
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I have been banned for RDM and glitching. I am extremely sorry for making such stupid actions, and though I knew what I was doing, I kept going with it. I understand my mistakes and I will refrain from ever break the SchoolRP rules ever again.
[ Link ] [ Accepted ]
[ Link ] [ Accepted ]
Describe your activity on the server:
Whenever I am on the server, I am usually dealing with events and such that will help my character grow. I am usually speaking with friends that I have met on SRP, or I am editing the tower I have helped purchase. I sometimes participate in the Fighting Club whenever it has opened and is having matches. I attend the school as a College student, as I have resigned as a teacher a while ago.
Which timezone are you in?
My timezone is Central Daylight Time.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do have discord. My discord is Splee#0354
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do have a microphone and I am able to use it whenever.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
I'd like to become a member of the KPD, because I feel as if It could help my character grow as a person and change his life around. I also believe that becoming someone of the KPD could help me protect Karakura in a legal way. I'd like to help people whenever needed as I believe becoming a KPD member could help me actually have a job that I would genuinely enjoy, and helping Karakura citizens as I am a member of the KPD.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct. I will refrain from breaking any of the Japanese rules and uphold basic conduct. If I were to break any of them, I am willing to take on any of the consequences that will come as I know that if I break the rules, I had known already and continued to do it and will take full responsibility to what I have done.
What are the Police ranks?
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police, along with basic knowledge varies. I understand that when an officer is patrolling, it is advised that you are to have a partner with you, just in case you get stuck in a situation that needs two people. It also decreases the likeliness of a crime being committed as having many cops patrolling could cause for criminals to be arrested quicker, and easier. It's helpful to understand your situation in police work and each given scenario.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP, because SchoolRP contains criminal activities, along with many gangs that can cause threats to Karakura. Having police is very important to SchoolRP, because without them, people wouldn't feel safe in Karakura at all, and criminals would be able to get away with anything they please. Also, the law wouldn't be able to be upheld as there is nobody to check the citizens each day. Events that may need Police wouldn't be able to occur, because they do not have a police system. Not having police can cause a status downgrade on SchoolRP and the people who GangRP, because it'd seem bland, not having to fear the thought of cops and them coming to mess up your plan and arrest you.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand and I will completely agree with whatever the reason might be. I will try my best to put 100 percent effort and dedication into this job, and do what I can to stay on the force and help whenever I can as I will risk my characters life to make sure Karakura could be safe, once more. I understand being demoted can be based on my actions or whatever I might do.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I will put my 100% effort and dedication to this job as I feel it is something I'd enjoy and can further pursue. I understand the responsibilities that will be bestowed upon me if I can become an officer. I give you my 100% attention to the job and fully upholding the law as I would like to keep Karakura a nice place for many people and in doing so, become someone people can trust ICly and OOCly.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I understand that not attending trainings that occur when I'm online will cause me to be demoted or maybe even off the force. I will try my hardest to attend each training as I'd like to become a better officer and someone who knows a lot about KPD knowledge and how to better protect myself In Karakura and what protocols to follow while I am off and on duty.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do understand that I am subject to IC harassment, and I will not take any of it to OOC as I know it is only for roleplay purposes and these people do not actually mean what they say. I will refrain from taking any IC things to offense and bring it to OOC as there is a rule stating that you are not supposed to. I understand that the people mean no harm as this is only supposed to go on ICly, not OOCly.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Tremani Silva would appear to stand at the height of 6'1, weighing close to 175 pounds. He'd have a mesomorphic build, along with a stern expression on his face. He'd have dark green eyes, comparing itself to emerald. He'd have black curly hair, going down to his eyebrow due to shrinkage. There'd be a small tattoo on his left arm, stating the words 'Himmelvakt x Silva'. He'd have a strong African accent along with a deep toned voice going well with his posture and appearance. He'd wear a long red shirt with little silver 'clippings' on the sleeves along with a pair of long black jeans.
Tremani would appear to be a gentle male, despite the look on his face. He'd speak with sympathy along with a 'funny' touch to him. He'd cover up bad situations with jokes and such. Tremani would seem to be positive each time you see him.
He has a strong determination to get everything correct, and he is extremely confident which causes him to slip up sometimes. His work ethic would be strong as he always seems to strive for something new or something that could help him or the people around him.
What he's like on and off the job?
When Tremani is on the job, he is an extremely determined an focused man. He doesn't like to be distracted when he works as he strives to finish what he is doing without fail. He is very social during work times and sometimes can feel like a whole different person, it depends on the task.
When Tremani is off the job, he isn't as focused nor relaxed during the day. When he is off the job, he is usually socializing with people he already knows, as going off duty is like his time of relaxation. During the night, he'll finish any police assignments that he must do.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Tremani is someone who doesn't give off his trust easily. He will treat people based on how they feel about himself, but when it comes to people he has truly spoken to and interacted with, he'll slowly ease up and give them his trust, and befriend them. He believes that even if his co-workers may be rude to him, in this line of work, he believes everyone should at least trust each other, as they will be working together for a while.
Tremani plans to expand his business for his family, the Silvas, while also becoming someone people could trust with their lives whenever needed. He strives to become someone of the law, someone who can help out whenever needed.
Tremani Loughty Himmelvakt Silva grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He had grown up with a rough life, only with his father as his mother had been a drug addict. Tremani had always had a drive to give himself a better life, working for something his parents hadn't given him. Tremani looked up to his father, he believed he was someone who didn't ask for things he wanted, he worked his hardest for it, and took what he wanted, did what he pleased. When Tremani had turned the age of 5, he was enrolled in elementary school, and it didn't take him long to make many friends. One day, there had been a new student at the school, Giann Loughty. Tremani approached Giann, befriending him as soon as they met. The two become inseparable and so, a friendship between the two was created. Tremani had always loved writing, as Giann loved playing basketball. At the age of 7, Tremani had been raided by the police, due to his mother's decisions. They had arrested his mother due to possession of illegal drugs. Tremani hadn't been close to his mother, so he hadn't really felt any affection for this loss. Though, because of this, the income became low, and Tremani's father began working multiple jobs just to feed Tremani. At this time Giann had also been going through a loss, so Tremani did his best to comfort him. At the age of 10, Giann had proposed an idea to Tremani, they began to play basketball together, every day until they had become better at it. Once they had enrolled in Middle School, Giann became distant and enclosed himself in his emotions. Tremani did his best to comfort him and by the time they were 14, Giann was back on his feet, getting his grades back up and working harder on basketball. Tremani had started writing his experiences in life in a little book he would write anonymously. At the age of 15, Tremani and Giann made it to the basketball team, they strived for so long that they were able to make it so far and enroll in Karakura High School. During a basketball match, Giann was injured and due to that he had to stop playing basketball for 2 seasons. At this time, Tremani had quit the team to help Giann recover, and at the time Tremani kept writing about things, journaling whatever had happened in his life. He had then decided that he would try to become someone that could prevent others from getting hurt off of anothers wrong doing. Once he had enrolled in college, he began majoring in Criminal Justice. Giann had started majoring in Health and during those times, the two figured out what they might become in life. At the age of 28, Tremani had decided he would attempt to get a job as a Police Officer, as he wanted to express himself more, and in doing so, becoming an Officer. Giann had decided he would become a teacher and kept studying health.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Tremani Loughty Ivankov Himmelvakt Silva
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
'Mr. Himmelvakt'
Preferred Name:
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
I have 4.5 years of training.
Working Experience:
I have three years of working experience.
Academic Degree:
Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation:
Political Science
Criminal Justice
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I have been banned for RDM and glitching. I am extremely sorry for making such stupid actions, and though I knew what I was doing, I kept going with it. I understand my mistakes and I will refrain from ever break the SchoolRP rules ever again.
[ Link ] [ Accepted ]
[ Link ] [ Accepted ]
Describe your activity on the server:
Whenever I am on the server, I am usually dealing with events and such that will help my character grow. I am usually speaking with friends that I have met on SRP, or I am editing the tower I have helped purchase. I sometimes participate in the Fighting Club whenever it has opened and is having matches. I attend the school as a College student, as I have resigned as a teacher a while ago.
Which timezone are you in?
My timezone is Central Daylight Time.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do have discord. My discord is Splee#0354
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do have a microphone and I am able to use it whenever.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
I'd like to become a member of the KPD, because I feel as if It could help my character grow as a person and change his life around. I also believe that becoming someone of the KPD could help me protect Karakura in a legal way. I'd like to help people whenever needed as I believe becoming a KPD member could help me actually have a job that I would genuinely enjoy, and helping Karakura citizens as I am a member of the KPD.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct. I will refrain from breaking any of the Japanese rules and uphold basic conduct. If I were to break any of them, I am willing to take on any of the consequences that will come as I know that if I break the rules, I had known already and continued to do it and will take full responsibility to what I have done.
What are the Police ranks?
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police, along with basic knowledge varies. I understand that when an officer is patrolling, it is advised that you are to have a partner with you, just in case you get stuck in a situation that needs two people. It also decreases the likeliness of a crime being committed as having many cops patrolling could cause for criminals to be arrested quicker, and easier. It's helpful to understand your situation in police work and each given scenario.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP, because SchoolRP contains criminal activities, along with many gangs that can cause threats to Karakura. Having police is very important to SchoolRP, because without them, people wouldn't feel safe in Karakura at all, and criminals would be able to get away with anything they please. Also, the law wouldn't be able to be upheld as there is nobody to check the citizens each day. Events that may need Police wouldn't be able to occur, because they do not have a police system. Not having police can cause a status downgrade on SchoolRP and the people who GangRP, because it'd seem bland, not having to fear the thought of cops and them coming to mess up your plan and arrest you.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand and I will completely agree with whatever the reason might be. I will try my best to put 100 percent effort and dedication into this job, and do what I can to stay on the force and help whenever I can as I will risk my characters life to make sure Karakura could be safe, once more. I understand being demoted can be based on my actions or whatever I might do.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I will put my 100% effort and dedication to this job as I feel it is something I'd enjoy and can further pursue. I understand the responsibilities that will be bestowed upon me if I can become an officer. I give you my 100% attention to the job and fully upholding the law as I would like to keep Karakura a nice place for many people and in doing so, become someone people can trust ICly and OOCly.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I understand that not attending trainings that occur when I'm online will cause me to be demoted or maybe even off the force. I will try my hardest to attend each training as I'd like to become a better officer and someone who knows a lot about KPD knowledge and how to better protect myself In Karakura and what protocols to follow while I am off and on duty.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do understand that I am subject to IC harassment, and I will not take any of it to OOC as I know it is only for roleplay purposes and these people do not actually mean what they say. I will refrain from taking any IC things to offense and bring it to OOC as there is a rule stating that you are not supposed to. I understand that the people mean no harm as this is only supposed to go on ICly, not OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Tremani Silva would appear to stand at the height of 6'1, weighing close to 175 pounds. He'd have a mesomorphic build, along with a stern expression on his face. He'd have dark green eyes, comparing itself to emerald. He'd have black curly hair, going down to his eyebrow due to shrinkage. There'd be a small tattoo on his left arm, stating the words 'Himmelvakt x Silva'. He'd have a strong African accent along with a deep toned voice going well with his posture and appearance. He'd wear a long red shirt with little silver 'clippings' on the sleeves along with a pair of long black jeans.
Tremani would appear to be a gentle male, despite the look on his face. He'd speak with sympathy along with a 'funny' touch to him. He'd cover up bad situations with jokes and such. Tremani would seem to be positive each time you see him.
He has a strong determination to get everything correct, and he is extremely confident which causes him to slip up sometimes. His work ethic would be strong as he always seems to strive for something new or something that could help him or the people around him.
What he's like on and off the job?
When Tremani is on the job, he is an extremely determined an focused man. He doesn't like to be distracted when he works as he strives to finish what he is doing without fail. He is very social during work times and sometimes can feel like a whole different person, it depends on the task.
When Tremani is off the job, he isn't as focused nor relaxed during the day. When he is off the job, he is usually socializing with people he already knows, as going off duty is like his time of relaxation. During the night, he'll finish any police assignments that he must do.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Tremani is someone who doesn't give off his trust easily. He will treat people based on how they feel about himself, but when it comes to people he has truly spoken to and interacted with, he'll slowly ease up and give them his trust, and befriend them. He believes that even if his co-workers may be rude to him, in this line of work, he believes everyone should at least trust each other, as they will be working together for a while.
Tremani plans to expand his business for his family, the Silvas, while also becoming someone people could trust with their lives whenever needed. He strives to become someone of the law, someone who can help out whenever needed.
Tremani Loughty Himmelvakt Silva grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He had grown up with a rough life, only with his father as his mother had been a drug addict. Tremani had always had a drive to give himself a better life, working for something his parents hadn't given him. Tremani looked up to his father, he believed he was someone who didn't ask for things he wanted, he worked his hardest for it, and took what he wanted, did what he pleased. When Tremani had turned the age of 5, he was enrolled in elementary school, and it didn't take him long to make many friends. One day, there had been a new student at the school, Giann Loughty. Tremani approached Giann, befriending him as soon as they met. The two become inseparable and so, a friendship between the two was created. Tremani had always loved writing, as Giann loved playing basketball. At the age of 7, Tremani had been raided by the police, due to his mother's decisions. They had arrested his mother due to possession of illegal drugs. Tremani hadn't been close to his mother, so he hadn't really felt any affection for this loss. Though, because of this, the income became low, and Tremani's father began working multiple jobs just to feed Tremani. At this time Giann had also been going through a loss, so Tremani did his best to comfort him. At the age of 10, Giann had proposed an idea to Tremani, they began to play basketball together, every day until they had become better at it. Once they had enrolled in Middle School, Giann became distant and enclosed himself in his emotions. Tremani did his best to comfort him and by the time they were 14, Giann was back on his feet, getting his grades back up and working harder on basketball. Tremani had started writing his experiences in life in a little book he would write anonymously. At the age of 15, Tremani and Giann made it to the basketball team, they strived for so long that they were able to make it so far and enroll in Karakura High School. During a basketball match, Giann was injured and due to that he had to stop playing basketball for 2 seasons. At this time, Tremani had quit the team to help Giann recover, and at the time Tremani kept writing about things, journaling whatever had happened in his life. He had then decided that he would try to become someone that could prevent others from getting hurt off of anothers wrong doing. Once he had enrolled in college, he began majoring in Criminal Justice. Giann had started majoring in Health and during those times, the two figured out what they might become in life. At the age of 28, Tremani had decided he would attempt to get a job as a Police Officer, as he wanted to express himself more, and in doing so, becoming an Officer. Giann had decided he would become a teacher and kept studying health.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Tremani Loughty Ivankov Himmelvakt Silva
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
'Mr. Himmelvakt'
Preferred Name:
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
I have 4.5 years of training.
Working Experience:
I have three years of working experience.
Academic Degree:
Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation:
Political Science
Criminal Justice
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
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