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Storage Units & Market Stalls


Level 10
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: Storage Units & Market Stalls

What's your suggestion?:
Storage Units:
Allow players to additionally rent storage units, entirely devoted to the placement of chests.

Market Stalls:
Allow players to rent market stalls. Lease should be short in time.

Location Ideas:
Ultimately up to staff, but some ideas that come to mind:
-Bowling alley and the area around it has been inactive for a long time with practically little-to-no player activity. Area could be repurposed.
-Have one of the currently blocked off tunnels lead into it.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Storage Units:
This allows players to tailor their homes more decoratively. It is quite often that you see players resort to having to place chests in obscure places.

Market Stalls:
Players are not allowed to turn their homes into stores, so allow a specific area for them to sell things.
Benefits that market stalls would offer that auction house does not:
-More immersive roleplay experience for those who want it
-Allows players to advertise an assortment of items at once, or bundles
-Allows players to advertise or sell services instead of goods (Anything you could think of: e.g. advice, uber, loaning, private investigation, event security)
-Allows players to advertise the contents of books that are currently unable to convey through auction


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team
Storage units were already suggested here;

3.7 Any property (house, apartment, tower, etc.) owned in-game must remain realistic to the server and roleplay. In addition to this, the builds should be appropriate and not include any content which violates the Player Conduct rules.

Overall -1
Backpacks will be a thing once they finish the plugin and that is amazing by itself(i miss backpacks)! But, to the 'stalls', if you wish to run a business then apply for Shopkeeper / Go through the IC means on making a IC business through the Government


Level 105

Having like mini-gigs would be p cool without having to apply for things. Like if a character wrote a book they could rent a stall and sell it there or smth. Or if your character wants to make a quick buck or smth, idk. or just a store that isn't one of the big style ones. We could have a farmer's market.... idk! I think it could be worked on and could be a cool idea


Level 193
As Dark mentioned, this has already been suggested multiple times before, they’re still doing the whole backpack thing but in the meantime I they may still be thinking about storage units in general.


Level 91

the market stalls could be cool, at least for an event like a market or something

being able to sell items without applying for shopkeeper would be awesome!

-1 for the storage though

just get an apartment and place some chests


Level 60

addition to storage units, if they allowed them they can make it so you can only own one for a certain amount of time like a 20 days and cant go past 20 days or even for a few hours. IT WOULD BE SO HELPFUL TO HAVE STORAGE UNITS. When you want to switch apartments you're basically screwed if you don't have other accounts or friends who can help you hold all your stuff, but even then you cant own two apartments at once so if you don't have enough combined inventory space or have a friend who will let you store your stuff in their apartment for a second you're basically just gonna lose items which sucks.

This would be solved with backpacks too but backpacks always have a chance of glitching out and who knows when they'll actually be added. They've had backpacks returned promised for years now


Level 15
+1 !!
I can't fit 10 chests (I'm a hoarder and love all the cute models that our lovely modelers make!) in my teeny tiny apartment.. As much as I am grateful for the amount of apartments that the server provides, they are not that spacious when it comes to storage.

- I think a storage unit is realistic and it could serve as a cute build to fill the map up with more places to roleplay.
- A lot of people are talking about backpacks, as much as I agree..... things like that can break and HAVE broken in the past. (I'm an old SRP player). If backpacks were added, PERSONALLY I probably would not use them in fear of the plugin in breaking and losing all of my stuff. (Do I have to remind everyone of the bank plugin breaking and everyone losing millions u-u) (That's just my personal preference though.)

On another note :
-1 On making it a shop/market thing, that seems unnecessary when we already have shops and auction.

My note as a builder : Its annoying to waste a bunch of space in your already small apartment/house with many large chests to fit all of your stuff. It would be super helpful if we had a storage unit.

Honorable mentions :
When you want to switch apartments you're basically screwed if you don't have other accounts or friends who can help you hold all your stuff, but even then you cant own two apartments at once so if you don't have enough combined inventory space or have a friend who will let you store your stuff in their apartment for a second you're basically just gonna lose items which sucks.
but in the meantime I they may still be thinking about storage units in general.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll be implementing a storage unit system soon​

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