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Level 219
heavy +1

Edit: To add to what had already been said and to express my own viewpoint. I believe that these are things that people should not have to suggest; it is the staff's responsibility to ensure that minors are well protected while playing on this server. Because these are the kinds of things that can and will cause trauma for a person, even on a Minecraft server. I've seen many cases where grown adults never saw this as an issue, and i myself have gone through this some time before, and it's truly disgusting, because a child doesn't know any better, and seeing someone take advantage of that is sick.

I'd also like to draw attention to the ICLY aspect of this suggestion, which is already on the rules and may be considered common sense by some. That is not the case for others, and it pains me to say it, but some people think differently, and they do not follow the rules that have been established, whether it is a high school student who attempts to throw themselves onto a much MUCH older character, or an adult who makes flirtatious remarks to high school students. This had to be stopped because it is not at all pleasant to look at or encounter. Though many may dismiss it as "joking," it is not, this is no where close to funny.
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Level 231
Gigantic, massive +1

I turn 18 years old this month (happy birthday me) meaning that I will have become an adult, having been playing on this server since I was barely 12 years old. Even as early as 2015 players have been ******* on this server (including myself). It is not a uncommon circumstance on SchoolRP, a server primarily marketed towards teenagers (originally even leaning heavily towards tweens) to have heard of a situation of this happening. It is so common that I think anyone who has been playing on this server for at least a year probably has heard about an instance or two about some instance of shit happening. It has definitely shaped me developmentally and so many of my friends on this server and I hate that there isn't much of a safeguard protecting our player base, a majority of whom are under the age of 18. This suggestion should have really been a rule since the very beginning, but definitely so since the integration and commonplace of f2b back in 2018. I personally find it a bit weird that adult players even want to RomanceRP with minors -- I would be pretty god damn uncomfortable typing with somebody I knew was a considerable age gap away from me in literally any direction; it's honestly a bit of a red flag in the first place.

It really is not enough to make it a bannable offense, it really isn't. There needs to be more safeguards in place that make it harder to do in the first place. I really, really agree with this rule being implemented. It would stop a lot of future occurrences happening on this server. It is not enough to simply set boundaries as clearly (as judging of what has happened on this server across it's near decade of existance) as not every adult player can be trusted to do so. As for concerns over it being an awkward question (when referring to asking for somebodies age) it should really be something we advertise without needing to be asked (similar to our timezones or discord tags), I for one have my age clearly stated on my pronouns page. Yes, it is a little weird to be showing your age so front on centre on the internet -- but we exist on a roleplay community and we should really just be sharing that anyways.

It is incredibly weird and absurd and this community should not be fostering an environment where an adult is very able to RomanceRP (in a lot of cases, pretty heavily) with a minor. How is this not already a rule?


Level 272
I dont know from where to damn start due to the reason I witnessed a lot of shit around the server at the past 2 years, including IC & OOC. Its gross and traumatic, I fr got no idea what to say about that I support HEAVLY this suggestion.


Level 63
IGN: wesnt
DATE: August 17, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a new rule be added to the full server. The rule being that any RP involving romantic or intimate scenarios should not be allowed between minors and adults ICly and OOCly.
IC Example: Adult characters should not be able to date or flirt with any people in College(B) or lower.​
(This includes any form of catcalling or anything of the sort)​
OOC Example: Anyone over the age of 18 should NOT be roleplaying in a romantic sense with a minor. It's not appropriate whatsoever.​
I ask that this rule would not be taken lightly, and harsh punishment enforced.​
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It is known that majority of the player base consists of minors. Adults on the server should NOT be interacting with minors in this kind of sense whatsoever, IC and OOC, as it is completely inappropriate but also illegal. There have been too many instances of this happening, and in a legal sense that counts as grooming in the law's eyes. Roleplaying in a romantic sense ICly can lead to OOC grooming, as well. This would be endangering a good chunk of the player base, exposing them to things like that.
I personally can't stomach the fact that people will interact with minors like this in and out of character. It's gross.​

(Additional Note: Minors revealing their ages online is incredibly dangerous for them, as it makes them become a bigger target for predatory behavior. This is towards the adults on the server; if you want to romantically roleplay with someone YOU HAVE TO ASK THEM IF THEY ARE AT LEAST 18. I do not care if it is an awkward question for you to ask, it is necessary. If they say no, you walk away. You are the adult. I am an adult, and if I were to roleplay in a romantic sense, it would not be with a minor. Adults on this server have to remember there is a CHILD behind that character, no matter if the character is an adult themselves.)

Personally its disgusting if an adult character hits on a minor/student. Its nasty and even though it may be acceptable for PHD students to be with a 25 year old adult it is still nasty for someone to do that. It wouldnt be acceptable in any way oocly and it shouldnt be accepted icly.

gold fish

Level 286
im.. mostly confused tbh..

i as a minor would get SERIOUSLY uncomfortable with people asking my age every single time i want to romancerp

i love romancerp but thats would just make everything so super uncomfortable because i hate personal questions

also whats happens if you’re 17 but the person you wanna rp with is 18? or the age gap is so little that you could date irl someone that age..

i do not support grooming at all and speaking from experience it is TERRIBLE.
and i agree with the ic rule
just the ooc rule seems to have a lot of loopholes and gaps..


Level 60
IGN: wesnt
DATE: August 17, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest a new rule be added to the full server. The rule being that any RP involving romantic or intimate scenarios should not be allowed between minors and adults ICly and OOCly.
IC Example: Adult characters should not be able to date or flirt with any people in College(B) or lower.​
(This includes any form of catcalling or anything of the sort)​
OOC Example: Anyone over the age of 18 should NOT be roleplaying in a romantic sense with a minor. It's not appropriate whatsoever.​
I ask that this rule would not be taken lightly, and harsh punishment enforced.​
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It is known that majority of the player base consists of minors. Adults on the server should NOT be interacting with minors in this kind of sense whatsoever, IC and OOC, as it is completely inappropriate but also illegal. There have been too many instances of this happening, and in a legal sense that counts as grooming in the law's eyes. Roleplaying in a romantic sense ICly can lead to OOC grooming, as well. This would be endangering a good chunk of the player base, exposing them to things like that.
I personally can't stomach the fact that people will interact with minors like this in and out of character. It's gross.​

(Additional Note: Minors revealing their ages online is incredibly dangerous for them, as it makes them become a bigger target for predatory behavior. This is towards the adults on the server; if you want to romantically roleplay with someone YOU HAVE TO ASK THEM IF THEY ARE AT LEAST 18. I do not care if it is an awkward question for you to ask, it is necessary. If they say no, you walk away. You are the adult. I am an adult, and if I were to roleplay in a romantic sense, it would not be with a minor. Adults on this server have to remember there is a CHILD behind that character, no matter if the character is an adult themselves.)
I fully agree upon this suggestion. it would create a safer place for srp’s community. as a victim of being *******, i certainly would feel a bit safer with this rule.


Level 219
i as a minor would get SERIOUSLY uncomfortable with people asking my age every single time i want to romancerp
This is also something that should be considered, because there will be a large number of people who will be uncomfortable with sharing their age. It is your responsibility as an adult to walk away from this; if you are unsure, do not continue the roleplay.

heyyyyyyyy, i don't know if you fully read the suggestion, but i'd be glad to see why you're AGAINST it.


Level 3
I feel that this should have been a rule already. I personally have not seen many people put much care at all into making sure that the other party is not a minor (ooc) when they are pursuing a relationship (ic). For those that are uncomfortable with sharing their age, simply informing the other party that you are a minor or otherwise is alot more helpful than not saying anything at all.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
I agree, The IC age gap rule should be enforced more, however, we can not do that if only 1 in 4 players (not an actual statistic, mean to refer to the fact staff are not omnipotent) make reports about this.

The OOC confirmation of age will inevitably be denied, it goes against community safeguarding to ask a player of their age, but what we can do is encourage those who are underaged and even of age that are uncomfortable with certain topics to come forwards to staff members more and their parents and ensure the people around them know what they are not comfortable with.

Moderation on this topic is hard but if a relationship is clearly being taken from IC to OOC or the age gap is beyond what's stated in the rules, a report to us can have it handled.


Level 25
im.. mostly confused tbh..

i as a minor would get SERIOUSLY uncomfortable with people asking my age every single time i want to romancerp

i love romancerp but thats would just make everything so super uncomfortable because i hate personal questions

also whats happens if you’re 17 but the person you wanna rp with is 18? or the age gap is so little that you could date irl someone that age..

i do not support grooming at all and speaking from experience it is TERRIBLE.
and i agree with the ic rule
just the ooc rule seems to have a lot of loopholes and gaps..
(THIS IS ONLY ADDRESSING THE OOC ASPECT) ok this is gonna be really long so ill put two anonymous responses into spoilers, im neutral because it sounds great on paper but i have no idea how you'd enforce something like this without creating another problem (privacy related to doxxing)
View attachment 34467
it'd be super easy to just lie about your age, and I'm worried something like this might make people want to lie about it. And the issue there is that it's difficult to comfortably confirm someone's legitimate age, you can ask to see their legal documents but even then, it's a little uncomfortable to show online people personal information. it is HEAVILY discourage to photograph legal documents in general (or at least in my experience). i do not support grooming, and i hope it doesn't sound like that.

Yonio's reply caught my eye in the sense that for lighthearted silly romance, you shouldn't have to ask for the other player's age. It's an uncomfortable question to ask (in my opinion).

other really big thing i want to say before i paste in the anon replies: REMEMBER TO SEPERATE OOC & IC FEELINGS!!! Only romancerp with people you're familiar/friends with!!!

THIS REPLY FOCUSES MAINLY ON LIGHT HEARTED ROMANCE. I am going to state my opinion regarding this suggestion, however, I would like to make it clear that I am completely neutral with the outcome of such as it is reasonable but also restricting at the same time. I would also like to state that in no way, shape, or form do I support predatory behaviour and that it is not the intention of this response. Any predatory behaviour should be reported to staff, the players parents, or any other responsible adult that a player knows, immediately for it to be dealt with.

IC EXAMPLE: This is already technically against the rules as it would be violating the entirety of rule 4.5 and the fact that sensitive and/or inappropriate topics should not be roleplayed out at all. If it is seen, it should be reported to staff as soon as possible so that they can inform the player behind the adult character to stop doing it and possibly punish them further depending on their actions.

OOC EXAMPLE: This is where I start to disagree in a sense. As I have said, I do not support predatory behaviour at all and it should be dealt with accordingly as soon as it is spotted. However, for starters, this rule as a whole would be incredibly hard to moderate as it would force players to reveal their ages to strangers online, which violates the health and safety guide on SchoolRP (refer to the image below). Not only this, but all players should understand that an IC interaction is not to be taken OOCly, whether it is romantic or combat related. I know a handful of players that have a small age gap between them (often minor and not minor) that have had characters in relationships for months yet do not feel any sort of way for each other OOCly that could lead to predatory behaviour.

I think it is important to mention that all players should be setting boundaries with each other, meaning that a player should find someone who they can trust and is able to respect their boundaries prior to engaging in any sort of romancerp with them. A player should be comfortable interacting with someone else before attempting to roleplay in any sort of romantic manner, in no circumstances should they be forced to roleplay with someone else romantically. In all honesty, most relationships on SRP aren’t even between characters played by a minor and a non-minor, and it certainly isn’t the issue. The issue stems down to the player behind the character, regardless of OOC age. As a whole, I definitely believe minor safety is something that should not be overlooked on SRP and it should definitely be enforced, however, this is not entirely the correct way to go about it. The rules are strict enough as is and roleplay should not entirely be restricted further, a player should always be allowed to completely end a roleplay dynamic if it is starting to make them feel uncomfortable and any other players should respect such if it happens. (also sexually explicit romance should be banned)

I would like to start by saying I absolutely do not support grooming in any shape or form. I’ve unfortunately had an experience with it and anyone who knowingly does that to a minor is a disgusting person, with that being said I do not entirely agree with this suggestion. ICly yes, if you have an adult character you should not even be making slightly romantic comments towards a character that’s a minor, that’s gross because in roleplay there’s a huge age gap. Common sense, no one should be supporting that. Moving on to the OOC age gap, I think this part is extremely hard to explain in a good way, but one thing to keep in mind is that this is not really something you can moderate. You can't reallllyyy force multiple players to confirm their age. And if anything, this suggestion would be likely to increase the amount of minors lying about their age so they can join in with everyone else. (Forcing players to state their age is not a good thing either, especially if they ARE young). When it comes to roleplay in general, I think it's extremely important to set boundaries with your roleplay partner so you both know what you’re comfortable with, and with that RomanceRP isn’t even always on the heavily romantic side, sometimes it’s more of a close friendship with cute moments here and there. I’ve met countless SRP players who had some slight age gap OOCly while having their characters be together ICly, and it’s worked out because they’re friends and are able to keep OOC and IC separate. I don’t want to diminish anyone's problems, because I’m sure there have been situations where an IC relationship has led to something more sinister OOCly, but at the same time this is not the norm. (edited)

In any case if there IS any predatory behavior going on, staff does not take that lightly. At the end of the day we’re all playing a character on SRP, and IC relationships shouldn’t be progressing into OOC. I don't necessarily disagree with this suggestion, I don't think adults and minors should be having SEXUAL IC relationships, like f2bing and other very heavily romantic things. When it comes to light romance though, I don't really see an issue

I agree with both of these.
The IC part makes sense, but when you're talking about OOC you're just breaking one of the rules of the server. IC relationships / romance Rp are not to be taken OOCly. What happens in character, stays in character. However if what happens Icly makes you uncomfortable you are free to report it to a staff member though maybe just the best solution to your problem is to say to the person you're role-playing with that you are not comfortable with the situation and if this continues you just avoid them, and if abused reported to a staff member, easy as that.

If however, the player who you're RomaceRPing is trying to get to you OOCly through IC interaction, that is a different story, and it happened to me in the past as well. You're better off avoiding those people and reporting them to staff. Hell, I am 19 (almost 20) and I've had other adults approaching me like this. Yes it makes me uncomfortable but what can you do about it? On the Internet you find people like this everyday, and yes it's against law but it's not something you can protect that easily as many said, specially since asking someone's age is again the community guidelines, as Ethan said. You can't control what people are Internet users.

Not all adults are *******s I hope you know that. I am not here to get advantage of anyone, simply to have fun, that's it.

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Level 8
IC relationships / romance Rp are not to be taken OOCly. What happens in character, stays in character.
With all due respect, I absolutely hate this statement.

Regardless if it's IC or not, there is STILL an Adult typing messages to a child in a way no Adult should be speaking to a child. Any Adult should not find any interest at ALL in RomanceRPing with a literal minor.


Level 2
I agree, The IC age gap rule should be enforced more, however, we can not do that if only 1 in 4 players (not an actual statistic, mean to refer to the fact staff are not omnipotent) make reports about this.

The OOC confirmation of age will inevitably be denied, it goes against community safeguarding to ask a player of their age, but what we can do is encourage those who are underaged and even of age that are uncomfortable with certain topics to come forwards to staff members more and their parents and ensure the people around them know what they are not comfortable with.

Moderation on this topic is hard but if a relationship is clearly being taken from IC to OOC or the age gap is beyond what's stated in the rules, a report to us can have it handled.
As much as I wish ALL the staff would handle it appropriately, they do not. You may care, and others may care, but I've seen so many staff members say that "it's just RP" or "not enough evidence" in these types of situations. My friend had to literally beg staff to warn someone because no one would listen to them. In another situation, after refusing to RP because they were uncomfortable, a staff member told them it was "just RP" and warned them instead of the person making them uncomfortable. These things are not handled appropriately at all.


Level 36
lemme edit this real quick, I do NOT believe this rule should be implemented. Different countries have different age restrictions, and it’s easy to lie about where your from.
I hate the idea of this rules as what if someone said they were 18? Would staff ask for their ID? That would completely violate privacy, and have you thought if someone didn’t want to say their age or if they were a minor or adult? You also have to take into consideration it’s a GAME, there is a reason where people are banned for P*dophilia, and grooming whether the player chooses to report it or not, this is all OOC. In an IC relationship none of it is taken OOC, people tend to romancerp with the person ICLY. They aren’t gunna get like butterflies over pixels are they?
Also having this rule would cause many problems as explained, way more than I’ve said. Also people are ‘gr**med’ when a block but is there for a reason, if they continue through RP then report it to staff if it’s LOOC, if it’s IC then report it to the KPD Ingame. Also upon taking something like an adult role you are NOT to romance with grade 12s as the rule has been in place for a while now, however IC shouldn’t be taken OOC, and in these cases this is why we have STAFF.
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Level 2
I agree with both of these.
The IC part makes sense, but when you're talking about OOC you're just breaking one of the rules of the server. IC relationships / romance Rp are not to be taken OOCly. What happens in character, stays in character. However if what happens Icly makes you uncomfortable you are free to report it to a staff member though maybe just the best solution to your problem is to say to the person you're role-playing with that you are not comfortable with the situation and if this continues you just avoid them, and if abused reported to a staff member, easy as that.

If however, the player who you're RomaceRPing is trying to get to you OOCly through IC interaction, that is a different story, and it happened to me in the past as well. You're better off avoiding those people and reporting them to staff. Hell, I am 19 (almost 20) and I've had other adults approaching me like this. Yes it makes me uncomfortable but what can you do about it? On the Internet you find people like this everyday, and yes it's against law but it's not something you can protect that easily as many said, specially since asking someone's age is again the community guidelines, as Ethan said. You can't control what people are Internet users.

Not all adults are *******s I hope you know that. I am not here to get advantage of anyone, simply to have fun, that's it.

Your words, "if abused, report to a staff member, easy as that" are completely wrong. It's not easy to speak up when you're in that situation.

"IC relationships / romance Rp are not to be taken OOCly. What happens in character, stays in character."

You fail to realize that this thread was created because many of these "in character" relationships do not stay in character. The point is an adult should not be roleplaying out romance with a child. You even said it yourself, it can be against the law. It should be enforced regardless if it is "hard."


Level 219
I don't think you realize how much people take advantage of minors, one could do so many, gross things and yet, hit everyone with the "its only roleplay"

it's not right.
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