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Suggestion regarding IC motive


Level 104
+ 1 idk how i didn't see this before but like usual infi has all my points already written out. Join my gang guys!!!


Level 5
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/18/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Icly motive being more important regarding majoring actions, Meaning that serious IC motive should be needed for certain actions. Recently I have noticed that majoring is 9/10 times a removal of a limb, Usually leg as it impacts the other player asmuch as possible, As i recently got majored in this way I found out the hard way that it takes 5 days recovery +5 days for prosthettic leg to be made +75k for it and then another day in recovery, Thats 11 days and 75k. So the issue presented is the fact that stuff like this occur from fistfight started due to insults and bullying. I personally believe that such an action as removing a limb is unreasonable icly. It makes little to no sense to purposely cripple someone like this. So i was thinking that more ICmottive should be needed to perform such actions like removal of limbs, etc. For example, lets say a simple fist fight due to a verbal argument occurs and results in a KO, with no further ic motive should not be enough motive for such a violent action with such a bad influence on the player. Further explanation on how it can benefit and how it can be applied can be found below this
To begin with, the realism aspect, It is much more reallistic to stab another player giving them some recovery but no permanent damage for a simple KO or mugging a bat in self defense for example. It also adds more severity in the cases of removal of limbs as it will not be as common as it is now. In addition to this, Asmany might think it overcomplicates things, Ialso came up with a solution for it, In cases ofmore serious ic motive, The player can always DM a staff member/crimelead to confirm their motive/perms therefore also promoting perm confirmation. Furthermore, it will make more sense if simple things like a fistfight with not much lore behind it, or stealing a cheap weapon for example didn't result in such serious, graphic and violent consenquenses. The benefits don't end here though,many will think gang roleplay will be more boring this way. Well this might not be the case, As we have all seen,the scenario of a player A insulting a player B till a fight erupts is common, Lets say player A wins, player B will likely come after them, ko them with a bat and then take a limb which they will burn in the campfire later to make sure they will have to spend the 75k . Even if player A had a katana in their inv, they arent able to use it to do anything as bats dont give perms (they shouldn't). With the newsystem, The player B will haveto go after the player and probably stab them without a KO beforehand. The player A will have the chance to also draw a weapon and have a moreinteresting blade to blade fight which is something not as commonly seen nowadays. In addition to this, players will be less "scared" to engage in gang roleplay as the risk will be slightly reduced like that and the combat aspect increased. Lastly, gangs will still be able to remove limbs etc. in more serious situations making such actions rare and more "important". Also I support this myself and stay away from all the chopping legs game and very rarely do so for the past months, It has been proven to work better like that as there are less complaints/scenarios of people trying to void stuff for no reason and overall a better and more fun gangrp that makes some sense, It is also worth stating that it isn’t normal to have so many people missing a limb in a town. It would be cooler and more reasonable for a gang member to have some stitches etc not whole limbs gone that’s a bit too much to happen so often. Examples unreasonably severe attacks will be posted in the end thank you!

Summary: More interesting fights/potential for escalation, Greater realism, Less cases of misunderstandings regarding actions kos perms and all this, as removal of limbs will be rare and confirmed by staff (most times), More engaging gangrp with simpler actions and not too much violence and gore for no reason, Less crippled chars over fistfights and light offenses.

Examples of the current unreasonable majoring/motive system (no offense to anyon):

(didnt take ss of them ko'ed) "KYOKI" was just minding his own business driving around on his bike, "FURY" called him saying that if they could meet up to take out someone who Ko'ed her. "KYOKI" agreed a met in the forest where "KYOKI" took them into the log cabin locking the door as he went for his weapons. Once he got his weapons from his apartment, He'd slam his spiked bat into their head making sure they was ko'ed where he pulled out his katana and dipped with the victims right leg. (leg for a ko)

DULL had gotten a call from one of their friends saying that they needed to meet up with DULL in person. After meeting up, they'd tell her about how they had been KO'd and had described the person that KO'd them. Being the person that she is, she would look for the person who'd hurt her friend. After finding them, DULL and a few of her friends would KO Lunar. Before DULL took out a knife and began to saw at their limb, taking the limb, DULL and her friends luckily all got away in time before KPD had shown up.

As i mentioned above this is NOT an attempt to report these activities, They are valid with the current rule system, This are there to point out the the current ic motive needed to use majors to such an extend is not enough making the gang roleplay experience unreasonable and way too severe/violent for no reason
+ 1
i agree! Ive noticed for awhile that theres a repeating pattern of people taking limbs or heavily deforming a character half to death over something small as "they knocked my character out". It isn't realistic at all to go THAT far due to being knocked out and it numbs roleplay in a way aswell.

People have keybinds of taking major limbs, normally legs and it's a very fast and unnecessary act with no real ic motive or detail behind the reasoning to do it. You don't need detail of course but GangRP/CrimeRP is slowly becoming less RP based and more of taking limbs and moving on (this doesn't apply to everyone). There should be a reasonable explanation behind the motive of WANTING to cripple someone to that extent rather than someone's character being overly violent or a OOC reason of just having permissions.

Of course their will need to be some sort of new system to determine the difference between what gains major and minor perms but that should relatively be easy to do. It could be formatted something like

IC motive:
OOC Permissions:

with this, staff will be able to read your motive along with what happened and then they will determine what type of motive you have along what you can do OR you can that other person involved can determine it yourself based on the situation. A example can be, if someone knocks you out- you can have the minor perms of fighting them or giving some sort of concussion instead if automatically being able to take a limb.
Last edited:


Level 84
“Beating someone up half to death” merges major permissions with minor permissions and will just cause a lot of OOC conflict
Then make it go like this, the difference between the two is that Minors allow you to immediately go back into gangrp-ing or combat, while major would require you to recover from the beating just about as long as getting a prosthetics from day one. This includes getting stabbed.

It can be made as simple as possible and be an improvement.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Then make it go like this, the difference between the two is that Minors allow you to immediately go back into gangrp-ing or combat, while major would require you to recover from the beating just about as long as getting a prosthetics from day one. This includes getting stabbed.

It can be made as simple as possible and be an improvement.
The way all that works is

Stabbing - KPS
Taking a limb/carving - Majors
Beating up/breaking a bone - Minors

This shouldn’t ever be mixed up, players already have issues following combat rules and allowing major permissions to entail “beating someone to a pulp and having them go to recovery” will make everything infinitely more confusing. I have no doubt players will use this to get people in recovery with minor perms and get away with it. Sure “realism” is a thing, but you need to heavily factor in gameplay when making adjustments to rules.

That said, the extent of major permissions relies on what your character deems as fulfilling the permissions. So technically if you wanted to personally call acting on your own set of majors as beating someone to a pulp then that’s fine, I doubt they’ll go into recovery though because recovery should only be reserved for loss of limbs, shattered bones, or stabbing/carving


Level 84
The way all that works is

Stabbing - KPS
Taking a limb/carving - Majors
Beating up/breaking a bone - Minors

This shouldn’t ever be mixed up, players already have issues following combat rules and allowing major permissions to entail “beating someone to a pulp and having them go to recovery” will make everything infinitely more confusing. I have no doubt players will use this to get people in recovery with minor perms and get away with it. Sure “realism” is a thing, but you need to heavily factor in gameplay when making adjustments to rules.

That said, the extent of major permissions relies on what your character deems as fulfilling the permissions. So technically if you wanted to personally call acting on your own set of majors as beating someone to a pulp then that’s fine, I doubt they’ll go into recovery though because recovery should only be reserved for loss of limbs, shattered bones, or stabbing/carving
But as the people agreed, majoring being only taking limbs is just... kinda excessive and sometimes an unfair punishment for just knocking someone out cold, we're not getting rid of it, just making it more sensible and in a way.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
But as the people agreed, majoring being only taking limbs is just... kinda excessive and sometimes an unfair punishment for just knocking someone out cold, we're not getting rid of it, just making it more sensible and in a way.
It's already a rule if there's no IC motive to take a limb then you cannot act on the major permissions. This suggestion is purely to suggest motive for what specific limb you take/how you utilize the major permissions.


Level 84
It's already a rule if there's no IC motive to take a limb then you cannot act on the major permissions. This suggestion is purely to suggest motive for what specific limb you take/how you utilize the major permissions.
I thought this suggestion suggests that how every major shouldn't be taking limbs, but rather taking limbs require an extra reasoning and motives that make sense, and sure you need motives to act on perms, but at the moment, the smallest motives just means taking limbs.


Level 21
Thread starter
I thought this suggestion suggests that how every major shouldn't be taking limbs, but rather taking limbs require an extra reasoning and motives that make sense, and sure you need motives to act on perms, but at the moment, the smallest motives just means taking limbs.
Well what am saying is that people should like shallow stab or like beat with a spiked bat etc and not taking a limb for such unreasonable ic motives . U can also beat down someone but you would be using only ur minors.


Level 6
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/18/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Icly motive being more important regarding majoring actions, Meaning that serious IC motive should be needed for certain actions. Recently I have noticed that majoring is 9/10 times a removal of a limb, Usually leg as it impacts the other player asmuch as possible, As i recently got majored in this way I found out the hard way that it takes 5 days recovery +5 days for prosthettic leg to be made +75k for it and then another day in recovery, Thats 11 days and 75k. So the issue presented is the fact that stuff like this occur from fistfight started due to insults and bullying. I personally believe that such an action as removing a limb is unreasonable icly. It makes little to no sense to purposely cripple someone like this. So i was thinking that more ICmottive should be needed to perform such actions like removal of limbs, etc. For example, lets say a simple fist fight due to a verbal argument occurs and results in a KO, with no further ic motive should not be enough motive for such a violent action with such a bad influence on the player. Further explanation on how it can benefit and how it can be applied can be found below this
To begin with, the realism aspect, It is much more reallistic to stab another player giving them some recovery but no permanent damage for a simple KO or mugging a bat in self defense for example. It also adds more severity in the cases of removal of limbs as it will not be as common as it is now. In addition to this, Asmany might think it overcomplicates things, Ialso came up with a solution for it, In cases ofmore serious ic motive, The player can always DM a staff member/crimelead to confirm their motive/perms therefore also promoting perm confirmation. Furthermore, it will make more sense if simple things like a fistfight with not much lore behind it, or stealing a cheap weapon for example didn't result in such serious, graphic and violent consenquenses. The benefits don't end here though,many will think gang roleplay will be more boring this way. Well this might not be the case, As we have all seen,the scenario of a player A insulting a player B till a fight erupts is common, Lets say player A wins, player B will likely come after them, ko them with a bat and then take a limb which they will burn in the campfire later to make sure they will have to spend the 75k . Even if player A had a katana in their inv, they arent able to use it to do anything as bats dont give perms (they shouldn't). With the newsystem, The player B will haveto go after the player and probably stab them without a KO beforehand. The player A will have the chance to also draw a weapon and have a moreinteresting blade to blade fight which is something not as commonly seen nowadays. In addition to this, players will be less "scared" to engage in gang roleplay as the risk will be slightly reduced like that and the combat aspect increased. Lastly, gangs will still be able to remove limbs etc. in more serious situations making such actions rare and more "important". Also I support this myself and stay away from all the chopping legs game and very rarely do so for the past months, It has been proven to work better like that as there are less complaints/scenarios of people trying to void stuff for no reason and overall a better and more fun gangrp that makes some sense, It is also worth stating that it isn’t normal to have so many people missing a limb in a town. It would be cooler and more reasonable for a gang member to have some stitches etc not whole limbs gone that’s a bit too much to happen so often. Examples unreasonably severe attacks will be posted in the end thank you!

Summary: More interesting fights/potential for escalation, Greater realism, Less cases of misunderstandings regarding actions kos perms and all this, as removal of limbs will be rare and confirmed by staff (most times), More engaging gangrp with simpler actions and not too much violence and gore for no reason, Less crippled chars over fistfights and light offenses.

Examples of the current unreasonable majoring/motive system (no offense to anyon):

(didnt take ss of them ko'ed) "KYOKI" was just minding his own business driving around on his bike, "FURY" called him saying that if they could meet up to take out someone who Ko'ed her. "KYOKI" agreed a met in the forest where "KYOKI" took them into the log cabin locking the door as he went for his weapons. Once he got his weapons from his apartment, He'd slam his spiked bat into their head making sure they was ko'ed where he pulled out his katana and dipped with the victims right leg. (leg for a ko)

DULL had gotten a call from one of their friends saying that they needed to meet up with DULL in person. After meeting up, they'd tell her about how they had been KO'd and had described the person that KO'd them. Being the person that she is, she would look for the person who'd hurt her friend. After finding them, DULL and a few of her friends would KO Lunar. Before DULL took out a knife and began to saw at their limb, taking the limb, DULL and her friends luckily all got away in time before KPD had shown up.

As i mentioned above this is NOT an attempt to report these activities, They are valid with the current rule system, This are there to point out the the current ic motive needed to use majors to such an extend is not enough making the gang roleplay experience unreasonable and way too severe/violent for no reason
+1 Honestly gangrp has been weird lately, and it should fix it in a way making it more realistic, right now everything goes around perms and rpcdoesnt work properly while with this suggestion such issues should fixed. Its unreasonable to see people taking limbs or eyes because of an 18yr old teen fist fight. Taking a limb is la way out of like action for something as simple as a heated fight between 2 citizens. A regular stab would he more realistic as it is less severe compared to literally sawing off a limb


Level 63
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/18/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Icly motive being more important regarding majoring actions, Meaning that serious IC motive should be needed for certain actions. Recently I have noticed that majoring is 9/10 times a removal of a limb, Usually leg as it impacts the other player asmuch as possible, As i recently got majored in this way I found out the hard way that it takes 5 days recovery +5 days for prosthettic leg to be made +75k for it and then another day in recovery, Thats 11 days and 75k. So the issue presented is the fact that stuff like this occur from fistfight started due to insults and bullying. I personally believe that such an action as removing a limb is unreasonable icly. It makes little to no sense to purposely cripple someone like this. So i was thinking that more ICmottive should be needed to perform such actions like removal of limbs, etc. For example, lets say a simple fist fight due to a verbal argument occurs and results in a KO, with no further ic motive should not be enough motive for such a violent action with such a bad influence on the player. Further explanation on how it can benefit and how it can be applied can be found below this
To begin with, the realism aspect, It is much more reallistic to stab another player giving them some recovery but no permanent damage for a simple KO or mugging a bat in self defense for example. It also adds more severity in the cases of removal of limbs as it will not be as common as it is now. In addition to this, Asmany might think it overcomplicates things, Ialso came up with a solution for it, In cases ofmore serious ic motive, The player can always DM a staff member/crimelead to confirm their motive/perms therefore also promoting perm confirmation. Furthermore, it will make more sense if simple things like a fistfight with not much lore behind it, or stealing a cheap weapon for example didn't result in such serious, graphic and violent consenquenses. The benefits don't end here though,many will think gang roleplay will be more boring this way. Well this might not be the case, As we have all seen,the scenario of a player A insulting a player B till a fight erupts is common, Lets say player A wins, player B will likely come after them, ko them with a bat and then take a limb which they will burn in the campfire later to make sure they will have to spend the 75k . Even if player A had a katana in their inv, they arent able to use it to do anything as bats dont give perms (they shouldn't). With the newsystem, The player B will haveto go after the player and probably stab them without a KO beforehand. The player A will have the chance to also draw a weapon and have a moreinteresting blade to blade fight which is something not as commonly seen nowadays. In addition to this, players will be less "scared" to engage in gang roleplay as the risk will be slightly reduced like that and the combat aspect increased. Lastly, gangs will still be able to remove limbs etc. in more serious situations making such actions rare and more "important". Also I support this myself and stay away from all the chopping legs game and very rarely do so for the past months, It has been proven to work better like that as there are less complaints/scenarios of people trying to void stuff for no reason and overall a better and more fun gangrp that makes some sense, It is also worth stating that it isn’t normal to have so many people missing a limb in a town. It would be cooler and more reasonable for a gang member to have some stitches etc not whole limbs gone that’s a bit too much to happen so often. Examples unreasonably severe attacks will be posted in the end thank you!

Summary: More interesting fights/potential for escalation, Greater realism, Less cases of misunderstandings regarding actions kos perms and all this, as removal of limbs will be rare and confirmed by staff (most times), More engaging gangrp with simpler actions and not too much violence and gore for no reason, Less crippled chars over fistfights and light offenses.

Examples of the current unreasonable majoring/motive system (no offense to anyon):

(didnt take ss of them ko'ed) "KYOKI" was just minding his own business driving around on his bike, "FURY" called him saying that if they could meet up to take out someone who Ko'ed her. "KYOKI" agreed a met in the forest where "KYOKI" took them into the log cabin locking the door as he went for his weapons. Once he got his weapons from his apartment, He'd slam his spiked bat into their head making sure they was ko'ed where he pulled out his katana and dipped with the victims right leg. (leg for a ko)

DULL had gotten a call from one of their friends saying that they needed to meet up with DULL in person. After meeting up, they'd tell her about how they had been KO'd and had described the person that KO'd them. Being the person that she is, she would look for the person who'd hurt her friend. After finding them, DULL and a few of her friends would KO Lunar. Before DULL took out a knife and began to saw at their limb, taking the limb, DULL and her friends luckily all got away in time before KPD had shown up.

As i mentioned above this is NOT an attempt to report these activities, They are valid with the current rule system, This are there to point out the the current ic motive needed to use majors to such an extend is not enough making the gang roleplay experience unreasonable and way too severe/violent for no reason
sapout woke up and chose to speak facts +1 on needing more motive as I too noticed people were losing legs and arms from just simply mouthing off at each other. However I wouldn't want too much to change regarding minor/major. All I think would be good is if motive came into play more, such as needing a reason like said person threatened to kill someone or feeling threatened in a situation in which you have already valid perms


Level 63
+1 because i dont like gangrp and will support anything that will make gangrp more difficult

But seriously, it's hard for me to even consider gangRP to be RP since it seems to mostly revolve around getting permissions on others and then causing as much damage with them as possible. It's basically just watered down pvp.

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