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Suggestion regarding IC motive


Level 21
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/18/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Icly motive being more important regarding majoring actions, Meaning that serious IC motive should be needed for certain actions. Recently I have noticed that majoring is 9/10 times a removal of a limb, Usually leg as it impacts the other player asmuch as possible, As i recently got majored in this way I found out the hard way that it takes 5 days recovery +5 days for prosthettic leg to be made +75k for it and then another day in recovery, Thats 11 days and 75k. So the issue presented is the fact that stuff like this occur from fistfight started due to insults and bullying. I personally believe that such an action as removing a limb is unreasonable icly. It makes little to no sense to purposely cripple someone like this. So i was thinking that more ICmottive should be needed to perform such actions like removal of limbs, etc. For example, lets say a simple fist fight due to a verbal argument occurs and results in a KO, with no further ic motive should not be enough motive for such a violent action with such a bad influence on the player. Further explanation on how it can benefit and how it can be applied can be found below this
To begin with, the realism aspect, It is much more reallistic to stab another player giving them some recovery but no permanent damage for a simple KO or mugging a bat in self defense for example. It also adds more severity in the cases of removal of limbs as it will not be as common as it is now. In addition to this, Asmany might think it overcomplicates things, Ialso came up with a solution for it, In cases ofmore serious ic motive, The player can always DM a staff member/crimelead to confirm their motive/perms therefore also promoting perm confirmation. Furthermore, it will make more sense if simple things like a fistfight with not much lore behind it, or stealing a cheap weapon for example didn't result in such serious, graphic and violent consenquenses. The benefits don't end here though,many will think gang roleplay will be more boring this way. Well this might not be the case, As we have all seen,the scenario of a player A insulting a player B till a fight erupts is common, Lets say player A wins, player B will likely come after them, ko them with a bat and then take a limb which they will burn in the campfire later to make sure they will have to spend the 75k . Even if player A had a katana in their inv, they arent able to use it to do anything as bats dont give perms (they shouldn't). With the newsystem, The player B will haveto go after the player and probably stab them without a KO beforehand. The player A will have the chance to also draw a weapon and have a moreinteresting blade to blade fight which is something not as commonly seen nowadays. In addition to this, players will be less "scared" to engage in gang roleplay as the risk will be slightly reduced like that and the combat aspect increased. Lastly, gangs will still be able to remove limbs etc. in more serious situations making such actions rare and more "important". Also I support this myself and stay away from all the chopping legs game and very rarely do so for the past months, It has been proven to work better like that as there are less complaints/scenarios of people trying to void stuff for no reason and overall a better and more fun gangrp that makes some sense, It is also worth stating that it isn’t normal to have so many people missing a limb in a town. It would be cooler and more reasonable for a gang member to have some stitches etc not whole limbs gone that’s a bit too much to happen so often. Examples unreasonably severe attacks will be posted in the end thank you!

Summary: More interesting fights/potential for escalation, Greater realism, Less cases of misunderstandings regarding actions kos perms and all this, as removal of limbs will be rare and confirmed by staff (most times), More engaging gangrp with simpler actions and not too much violence and gore for no reason, Less crippled chars over fistfights and light offenses.

Examples of the current unreasonable majoring/motive system (no offense to anyon):

(didnt take ss of them ko'ed) "KYOKI" was just minding his own business driving around on his bike, "FURY" called him saying that if they could meet up to take out someone who Ko'ed her. "KYOKI" agreed a met in the forest where "KYOKI" took them into the log cabin locking the door as he went for his weapons. Once he got his weapons from his apartment, He'd slam his spiked bat into their head making sure they was ko'ed where he pulled out his katana and dipped with the victims right leg. (leg for a ko)

DULL had gotten a call from one of their friends saying that they needed to meet up with DULL in person. After meeting up, they'd tell her about how they had been KO'd and had described the person that KO'd them. Being the person that she is, she would look for the person who'd hurt her friend. After finding them, DULL and a few of her friends would KO Lunar. Before DULL took out a knife and began to saw at their limb, taking the limb, DULL and her friends luckily all got away in time before KPD had shown up.

As i mentioned above this is NOT an attempt to report these activities, They are valid with the current rule system, This are there to point out the the current ic motive needed to use majors to such an extend is not enough making the gang roleplay experience unreasonable and way too severe/violent for no reason
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Level 117
Actually, this already isn't allowed in the system it just isn't enforced (from my understanding) as it's hard for staff to manage every combat system and all the motives.


Level 9
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/18/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Icly motive being more important regarding majoring actions, Meaning that serious IC motive should be needed for certain actions. Recently I have noticed that majoring is 9/10 times a removal of a limb, Usually leg as it impacts the other player asmuch as possible, As i recently got majored in this way I found out the hard way that it takes 5 days recovery +5 days for prosthettic leg to be made +75k for it and then another day in recovery, Thats 11 days and 75k. So the issue presented is the fact that stuff like this occur from fistfight started due to insults and bullying. I personally believe that such an action as removing a limb is unreasonable icly. It makes little to no sense to purposely cripple someone like this. So i was thinking that more ICmottive should be needed to perform such actions like removal of limbs, etc. For example, lets say a simple fist fight due to a verbal argument occurs and results in a KO, with no further ic motive should not be enough motive for such a violent action with such a bad influence on the player. Further explanation on how it can benefit and how it can be applied can be found below this
To begin with, the realism aspect, It is much more reallistic to stab another player giving them some recovery but no permanent damage for a simple KO or mugging a bat in self defense for example. It also adds more severity in the cases of removal of limbs as it will not be as common as it is now. In addition to this, Asmany might think it overcomplicates things, Ialso came up with a solution for it, In cases ofmore serious ic motive, The player can always DM a staff member/crimelead to confirm their motive/perms therefore also promoting perm confirmation. Furthermore, it will make more sense if simple things like a fistfight with not much lore behind it, or stealing a cheap weapon for example didn't result in such serious, graphic and violent consenquenses. The benefits don't end here though,many will think gang roleplay will be more boring this way. Well this might not be the case, As we have all seen,the scenario of a player A insulting a player B till a fight erupts is common, Lets say player A wins, player B will likely come after them, ko them with a bat and then take a limb which they will burn in the campfire later to make sure they will have to spend the 75k . Even if player A had a katana in their inv, they arent able to use it to do anything as bats dont give perms (they shouldn't). With the newsystem, The player B will haveto go after the player and probably stab them without a KO beforehand. The player A will have the chance to also draw a weapon and have a moreinteresting blade to blade fight which is something not as commonly seen nowadays. In addition to this, players will be less "scared" to engage in gang roleplay as the risk will be slightly reduced like that and the combat aspect increased. Lastly, gangs will still be able to remove limbs etc. in more serious situations making such actions rare and more "important". Examples unreasonably severe attacks will be posted in the end thank you!

Summary: More interesting fights/potential for escalation, Greater realism, Less cases of misunderstandings regarding actions kos perms and all this, as removal of limbs will be rare and confirmed by staff (most times), More engaging gangrp with simpler actions and not too much violence and gore for no reason, Less crippled chars over fistfights and light offenses.

Examples of the current unreasonable majoring/motive system (no offense to anyon):

(didnt take ss of them ko'ed) "KYOKI" was just minding his own business driving around on his bike, "FURY" called him saying that if they could meet up to take out someone who Ko'ed her. "KYOKI" agreed a met in the forest where "KYOKI" took them into the log cabin locking the door as he went for his weapons. Once he got his weapons from his apartment, He'd slam his spiked bat into their head making sure they was ko'ed where he pulled out his katana and dipped with the victims right leg. (leg for a ko)

DULL had gotten a call from one of their friends saying that they needed to meet up with DULL in person. After meeting up, they'd tell her about how they had been KO'd and had described the person that KO'd them. Being the person that she is, she would look for the person who'd hurt her friend. After finding them, DULL and a few of her friends would KO Lunar. Before DULL took out a knife and began to saw at their limb, taking the limb, DULL and her friends luckily all got away in time before KPD had shown up.

As i mentioned above this is NOT an attempt to report these activities, They are valid with the current rule system, This are there to point out the the current ic motive needed to use majors to such an extend is not enough making the gang roleplay experience unreasonable and way too severe/violent for no reason
To be honest, I would mess with it personally, they changed the KPS rules, so at least your character isn’t dying 24//7.


Level 21
Thread starter
To be honest, I would mess with it personally, they changed the KPS rules, so at least your character isn’t dying 24//7.
Tbh, it is losing a char isn't that bad, having ur char crippled and all this freaky shit for something so minor as a fistfight or self defence cuz gangrpers will always ruin ur char as much as they can is an issue, the community has proven that they can't act reasonably and not perform way too severe majors for not so serious motive without written rules making them do so


Level 21
Thread starter
To be honest, I would mess with it personally, they changed the KPS rules, so at least your character isn’t dying 24//7.
Also I support this myself and stay away from all the chopping legs game and very rarely do so for the past months, It has been proven to work better like that as there are less complaints/scenarios of people trying to void stuff for no reason and overall a better and more fun gangrp that makes some sense, It is also worth stating that it isn’t normal to have so many people missing a limb in a town. It would be cooler and more reasonable for a gang member to have some stitches etc not whole limbs gone that’s a bit too much to happen so often.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Actually, this already isn't allowed in the system it just isn't enforced (from my understanding) as it's hard for staff to manage every combat system and all the motives.
Selecting what limb you take doesn’t have anything to do with IC motive. The motive applies to why you want to major the player IC if that makes sense.

That said, implementing something like this actually will benefit the community. I’m very much for it. Not only should there be motive to major the player, there should be additional motive dependent on what limb is taken that goes farther than “my gang always takes legs”.

A scenario like this is as follows: you’re in a violent street gang and have major permissions on someone. The player you majored called the cops on one of your members and got them arrested. Does it make sense to shatter their ankles and take their leg? No. It’d make more sense to take a hand or tongue to prevent them from snitching. This goes for minor permissions as well.

People are just breaking legs for absolutely no specified reason at all. A scenario I heard about recently shattered someone’s ankle because they threatened to call the police. That makes no sense at all.

This is a +1 for me that I believe will benefit the roleplay within crime faction and prevent the usual extensive copy/paste major/minor/kps action, which just turns the whole ordeal into a pvp game.


Level 21
Thread starter
Selecting what limb you take doesn’t have anything to do with IC motive. The motive applies to why you want to major the player IC if that makes sense.

That said, implementing something like this actually will benefit the community. I’m very much for it. Not only should there be motive to major the player, there should be additional motive dependent on what limb is taken that goes farther than “my gang always takes legs”.

A scenario like this is as follows: you’re in a violent street gang and have major permissions on someone. The player you majored called the cops on one of your members and got them arrested. Does it make sense to shatter their ankles and take their leg? No. It’d make more sense to take a hand or tongue to prevent them from snitching. This goes for minor permissions as well.

People are just breaking legs for absolutely no specified reason at all. A scenario I heard about recently shattered someone’s ankle because they threatened to call the police. That makes no sense at all.

This is a +1 for me that I believe will benefit the roleplay within crime faction and prevent the usual extensive copy/paste major/minor/kps action, which just turns the whole ordeal into a pvp game.
Yeah, in this way the pvp aspect with not as much ic motive will be way less severe and it will just be a way to escalate things to more serious combat. It’s a simple addition that would require a simple staff confirmation of important ic motive. NOT perms confirmation, for example mugging a bat in self defense with no prior lore is not enough motive to take a whole leg, burn it in fire and then ruin their char for 12 days. It would be way easier if they went for a simple stabbing that could escalate into a more thrilling and escalated roleplay


Level 115

this system would improve and benefit the community, i'm all for it.

Infi basically said everything I am thinking of, so ill keep it at this


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Yeah, in this way the pvp aspect with not as much ic motive will be way less severe and it will just be a way to escalate things to more serious combat. It’s a simple addition that would require a simple staff confirmation of important ic motive. NOT perms confirmation, for example mugging a bat in self defense with no prior lore is not enough motive to take a whole leg, burn it in fire and then ruin their char for 12 days. It would be way easier if they went for a simple stabbing that could escalate into a more thrilling and escalated roleplay
That’s the thing though it’d still require staff confirmation of someone wanted to argue taking x limb is too severe for the motive they have. You should always confirm permissions with staff regardless what they are or how you got them


Level 29
+1 because i dont like gangrp and will support anything that will make gangrp more difficult

But seriously, it's hard for me to even consider gangRP to be RP since it seems to mostly revolve around getting permissions on others and then causing as much damage with them as possible. It's basically just watered down pvp.


Level 146
Rare decent gang roleplay suggestion. Too bad that I hate gang roleplay and as such am obligated to say "gangrp bad"

Anyway, gangrp bad. -1

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
i don't like gangRP but this actually makes a lot of sense to me. I'm in the EMS faction and the amount of people we get with their limbs being removed via 'masked individuals' is kinda bonkers. Its been shown to me that not many people who are actually in a gang and deal with a lot of majors always just alt out into taking a leg or an arm, (leg is always taken the most tho) and it'd be really nice having those people actually think about the situation and have fun with it, not just "Oh i'm gonna take your leg because you called my grandmother fat" and use keybinds for it all. make the scanario's more interesting and reasonable!!
Anyway there isint much I could say that Infi hasent already, so +1 for this suggestion!


Level 73
I agree with this very much.

I am gonna go on a bit of a rant here, ever since I came back to SRP after four years of playing other RP servers or subservers, I have noticed that SRP's GangRP side of things has completely lost its most essential counterpart— roleplay, there's not much roleplay set out as of right now.

I don't even know how people tend to enjoy GangRP with their feather/lunar clients, using autorun, or different bat keybinds to KO someone or break someone's leg. This isn't effort anymore and just tends to ruin a person's day (personally, I am not affected since I haven't gotten minored like that in 3-4 months).

I think that GangRP needs to opt for a change, I genuinely wanted to out everyone that uses nothing but keybinds to cut people's limbs or to break someone's leg, where they put no effort into the activity they write down on their gang discord server. It's absolutely horrendous. You grab one of those low quality GangRPers? You'll lose your ability to walk for a week. You knock someone outside of school? You'll lose your leg and have to go with MORE than eleven days of recovery (prosthetic consultation, major amputation recovery, prosthetic creation, and then the recovery for the prosthetic surgery). This isn't even counting the amount of extra days it'd take since you also need to set up a hospital appointment for that consultation— you need to hope for the best that a doctor will be around for that consultation, and then you'll have to wait a bit for your prosthetic to be created. You'll then hope that a surgeon/doctor is around to attach it, then cope with the extra day of recovery. In the end, you'd have gone through that much effort WHILE /strolling this entire time simply because of a GangRPer (that doesn't even RP, they don't know how to roleplay anymore. They're horrible at this) got knocked out by you.

This is really why a lot of people dislike GangRP and GangRPers alike, people like these (I wish I could mention names, but you know who you are) ruin the aspect of GangRP and wonder why no one likes to GangRP anymore. They wonder why a lot of people dislike them as well, I mean I think the answer is pretty obvious for that one.

I ranted for long enough, so here's my own take on the situation:

- I agree with this suggestion, yes, I think there should be a change / addition to IC motive involving major permissions [primarily because GangRPers will complain too much if this is also implemented to minor permissions]. I think that depending on how you received those permissions, you should act on them accordingly.

If you got snitched on, which led to you getting arrested? Remove their ability to speak, or take one of their hands for compensatory purposes.

If you got knocked out? Give them a good ol' visit to the hospital where they have to get sutures or stitches for stab/carving wounds, or you can also roleplay out kidnapping them and maybe torturing their character (if consent is given?).

I think you get the whole idea of this situation. You shouldn't, as a GangRPer, be taking limbs just because of a small scuffle where you got knocked out. You're just bad, you aren't even Gang'RP'ing at that point. You're just 'Ganging'.

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Level 84
Here's a counter-suggestion:

Majors in the most basic form, is just beating someone up half to death, limb taking would require proper reason and motive.


Level 21
Thread starter
Here's a counter-suggestion:

Majors in the most basic form, is just beating someone up half to death, limb taking would require proper reason and motive.
Well thats pretty much exactly what i suggested but I included shallow stabbing (use of weapons to not cause perm damage) as it is near death experience that makes sense to be survived with a full recovery. Again this only applies to less "important" majors such as fistfights etc with no prior lore or strong ic motive


Level 75
this is a roleplay server at the end of the day, having no motive to take limps discourages delinquent roleplay or things similar to that because players don't want their character to lose a limb for such a pathetic reason like "well you hurt my gang members feelings"
While I understand it's extremely hard to manage something like that I'm sure staff can make some sorta of guideline or chart for the rest of the team or community to show whats appropriate and what isn't.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Here's a counter-suggestion:

Majors in the most basic form, is just beating someone up half to death, limb taking would require proper reason and motive.
“Beating someone up half to death” merges major permissions with minor permissions and will just cause a lot of OOC conflict

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