+1 under these conditions:
- The sender must be holding the item they wanna send
- The receiver must have an empty hand
- The sender must first confirm that they want to send the request (just like /payto) to prevent them from sending the item to the wrong person
- Both players must be within a 3-block range
- If the transaction is valid, the person who gave the item should be forced to execute a /me action -> /me gave <Item Display Name> to <RPName>
- The sender must be holding the item they wanna send
- The receiver must have an empty hand
- The sender must first confirm that they want to send the request (just like /payto) to prevent them from sending the item to the wrong person
- Both players must be within a 3-block range
- If the transaction is valid, the person who gave the item should be forced to execute a /me action -> /me gave <Item Display Name> to <RPName>
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