Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm an 8/10 to a 9/10! I'm pretty much online every day after school on weekdays and pretty much all day during weekends. I'm pretty active and have been for a few years within the server with occasional inactivity logs for vacation and such. But most of the time if not all, I'm practically on SRP when I'm home.
Have you ever been banned (if yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that if upon inactive without proper reasoning and no inactivity log is made, I will be demoted as that's a fair rule that I have always followed.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I will be linking the most recent and relevant as I have some old ones from a few years ago and they all got denied anyways.
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED]
Student Council Application [DENIED]
KPD Application [DENIED]
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED]
KPD Application [DENIED]
Professor Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [DENIED]
Russian Application (again) [ACCEPTED]
German Application [ACCEPTED]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (if you're in college, specify your degree level):
DrainingFeeling: College Master Swim Team
SuitKink (account I'm applying for): Adult
PuppyFeeling: Professor UP
YerKiller: Snail
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I've been thinking about this for a while and was going to apply last year but instead applied and got accepted for Nurse. I had an idea for a shop a bit ago when I was going to apply but as of now, the idea is completely scrapped and a shop is open for grabs so might as well give it a shot!
Continuing on, I'm wanting to experience a few different departments within the SRP job lists, I’ve already had the experience and joy of being a Nurse and honored as Head Nurse, I'm currently doing Professor on my alt, and now my final goals to reach are getting to try out the Shopkeeper role, KPD, a department within Government, and EMS!
Choosing Shopkeeper over the other goals was pretty easy for me to make. I'm already a co-worker of Sayonara and work at a few other stores on my main account DrainingFeeling and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. I tried working at La Casa but in my opinion, working at an accessory store was just better for me. i have way more fun with it!
That's why I'm applying for Hanakotoba’s future shop owner. I'd be honored to be given the chance to own the store and make it rise back to its glory on SRP.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Well, it’s already a pre-existing store that sells accessories to Karakura’s citizens, the store has a pretty cute interior and exterior so I’d keep most of it and possibly give it a few touch-ups to freshen the store up and give it some new-ish yet familiar look. I want the store to feel inviting and have this comfortable yet familiar feeling for those coming in to browse to their heart's content.
The store currently, when walking into it feels a bit cramped. I’d make it a bit more spacious if possible to make it easier for players to move around and see each sign that contains the accessory name and price. I know how annoying it can be when there are too many people crowded around the signs and you can barely read anything off the signs.
The outside itself already has a home-like feeling to it and I'm in love with that. When I'm usually building, I love giving it a home-like feeling which is where the comfort feeling comes from. I’d keep the outside as it is as it’s already perfect for my needs and wants.
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm an 8/10 to a 9/10! I'm pretty much online every day after school on weekdays and pretty much all day during weekends. I'm pretty active and have been for a few years within the server with occasional inactivity logs for vacation and such. But most of the time if not all, I'm practically on SRP when I'm home.
Have you ever been banned (if yes, when and why?):
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that if upon inactive without proper reasoning and no inactivity log is made, I will be demoted as that's a fair rule that I have always followed.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I will be linking the most recent and relevant as I have some old ones from a few years ago and they all got denied anyways.
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED]
Student Council Application [DENIED]
KPD Application [DENIED]
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED]
KPD Application [DENIED]
Professor Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [DENIED]
Russian Application (again) [ACCEPTED]
German Application [ACCEPTED]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (if you're in college, specify your degree level):
DrainingFeeling: College Master Swim Team
SuitKink (account I'm applying for): Adult
PuppyFeeling: Professor UP
YerKiller: Snail
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I've been thinking about this for a while and was going to apply last year but instead applied and got accepted for Nurse. I had an idea for a shop a bit ago when I was going to apply but as of now, the idea is completely scrapped and a shop is open for grabs so might as well give it a shot!
Continuing on, I'm wanting to experience a few different departments within the SRP job lists, I’ve already had the experience and joy of being a Nurse and honored as Head Nurse, I'm currently doing Professor on my alt, and now my final goals to reach are getting to try out the Shopkeeper role, KPD, a department within Government, and EMS!
Choosing Shopkeeper over the other goals was pretty easy for me to make. I'm already a co-worker of Sayonara and work at a few other stores on my main account DrainingFeeling and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. I tried working at La Casa but in my opinion, working at an accessory store was just better for me. i have way more fun with it!
That's why I'm applying for Hanakotoba’s future shop owner. I'd be honored to be given the chance to own the store and make it rise back to its glory on SRP.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Well, it’s already a pre-existing store that sells accessories to Karakura’s citizens, the store has a pretty cute interior and exterior so I’d keep most of it and possibly give it a few touch-ups to freshen the store up and give it some new-ish yet familiar look. I want the store to feel inviting and have this comfortable yet familiar feeling for those coming in to browse to their heart's content.
The store currently, when walking into it feels a bit cramped. I’d make it a bit more spacious if possible to make it easier for players to move around and see each sign that contains the accessory name and price. I know how annoying it can be when there are too many people crowded around the signs and you can barely read anything off the signs.
The outside itself already has a home-like feeling to it and I'm in love with that. When I'm usually building, I love giving it a home-like feeling which is where the comfort feeling comes from. I’d keep the outside as it is as it’s already perfect for my needs and wants.
As far as attire goes, I have ordered three attire outfits from a wonderful tailor within our SRP community! Basically, to match the leafy theme of the store, I thought I'd give it a cottage core-like spin to it! The maker credits go to alivealivealive#0634 on discord. On the front of each piece will be a bear cub's head to match the logo given within the store's discord.

I want to give each worker of mine an option to choose from where they’d be more comfortable. I don’t want customers to choose between male and female. I want there to be an option for those who would rather not have a masculine or feminine look
Of course, to keep the outfits unique, a symbol to represent the store is placed upon the front of the outfit.
For my advertising, either I or my Co-Owner will be making the adverts. Our advertisements will be different each time we host an opening and always involve one of our items. If we have a new item then we’ll come up with a fun advertisement involving the item. I know HATOLA does this with her shop and I'd love to implement it within this store as well. I think it’s pretty engaging and always makes advertisement making fun! Each advertisement will have something creatively written that involves one specific item within the store and the item will be different each time until all items have been advertised giving each item its own spotlight for each opening.
When new items are added within the store, we will announce it within our discord server to let others know who may possibly be interested in the new item to keep a look out for our next opening for them to buy said item.
Logging items:
I'd love to get the shop added if not already to the website Tippie has made and it’s been pretty easy to keep track of which items are being sold, how much each item costs, where the items are located, etc.
I am already pretty familiar with the website as a worker and would love to learn how it works as an owner with adding items and such. As I've already had a lot of experience with it and have helped others learn the website, I could teach future employee’s the kinks of the website and how to use it during shifts. I'm pretty good at explaining it so it wouldn’t be a hard task for me whatsoever.
I plan on hosting charity events for Karakura's community. We want to do fundraisers/charity events and raise money for the school or KPD, EMS, ETC.
During June we plan on talking with the event team on doing some sort of pride event.
Every holiday we plan on coming up with some sort of mini-event plan for the community.
Halloween Costume Party/Competition
Christmas Party, Hannakuh event, ETC.
We haven't planned much into it as we're waiting to see the results of the application before getting more into detail. Just ideas pop into our minds for things to do.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The store already has a type of items that are sold within the store which are accessories. I will keep this theme as I personally love to accessorize my characters. They will never be seen without some sort of item to fit their outfits/style. No items will be changed within its store so we’ll be keeping what we’re being given. Hopefully, new items will be brought up within the store to add to our collection.
A few new items would be added later on of course! Here are some ideas I had in mind for the store to add to its item collection.
Lizard Backpack - 45k
Rock Star Sunglasses - 50k
And of course, the items that are already in the shop! We'd just want to up a few prices! being ;
Dita Mach One Sunglasses - 50k
Club Master Reybans - 40k
Kintsugi Glasses - 50k
Tama's Lovely Shades - 40k
Mustache Glasses - 25k
Two Mini Bows - 15k
Black Pearl Bow - 30k
Bunny Ear Bow- 15k
Sailor Moon Earrings - 40k
Magical Girl Earrings - 40k
Flower Earrings - 35k
Peach Earrings - 30k
Pearl Butterfly Earrings - 30k
Pink Devil Horns - 10k
Princess Peach Crown - 50k
Hana's Hot Mama Earrings - 35k
Strawberry Earrings -45k
Heart Earrings - 15k
Star Diamond Earrings - 20k
Daisy Earrings - 15k
Angel Wing Headband - 10k
Bat Headband - 20k
Star and Moon Clip - 20k
Sakura Bag - 40k
Pink School Bag - 25k
Phrog Backpack - 30k
Heart Purse - 20k
Laptop Bag - 30k
Makeup Bag - 15k
Bat Backpack - 40k
Hinikuna Watch - 40k
Teru Teru Umbrella - 50k
Sailor Moon Compact - 20k
Pink Paper Umbrella - 50k
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Owners: [1/1]
I will of course be keeping one owner role as there is no need for more than one Shopkeeper - owner.
Co-Owners: [1/1]
I already have a friend in mind who has accepted the task of Co-Owner and feels honored to be taken in for Co-Owner.
Managers: [0/2]
I'd love to have at least two managers as more than two might be seen as unneeded. I could possibly boost it up to four being the max if I see it is needed but as of right now, two would work perfectly fine. They are in charge of keeping things in order and our workers in order. If I and the Co-Owner are unable to be there for the hosting of an opening then it’s up to the managers who will be given permission to make an advert for online staff to post and host openings as said before. I have done this once with Sayonara as a manager and the process is pretty simple, nothing too hard. If complications come about, they are told to DM me or the Co-Owner about said issues.
Cashiers: [0/8]
The store itself only has two lines open so I’d have two cashiers per opening. I don't think I’d need more but I'll need two at a time. If more is needed then I'll follow as such and have a max of 10. I'll keep an eye out for inactive members. If they are inactive within a reasonable set of time is 2-3 weeks without reasoning then they will be automatically fired and I'll be sure to make sure that's pretty clear. I plan on keeping the store active.
Security: [0/3]
I’ll be having three security slots, one per hosting. This role will keep any mischievous behavior away from our store and remove any customers who are causing un-needed attention. They will be sure to keep the store safe for its workers and customers. They will stand guard at the front of the store at a reasonable distance to be able to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. They also will be in charge of informing whoever is hosting the opening on the situation if KPD or EMS are needed to be called if needed.
Trial-Employees: [0/6]
Trail Employees have made it past their application process and will be trained and supervised during each hosting as they understand how the store works and flows. There will only be 6 usually as 4 of them will be possible cashiers and the other two are on trial for security. They will be requested to complete at least a total of 5 opening quotes if things run smoothly.
Our trial cashiers will be shown how the website works after being accepted and reminded before each shift just to keep their brains fresh on how things work. it’s a pretty simple process!
Applications for the store:
The application process will be pretty simple. The Co-Owner and I will provide an icly paper to those who request it but an oocly link will be posted within a /it to keep things simple. The process will contain the usual questions so nothing out of the ordinary.
Applications will be reviewed 3 days after the link was given out. When our first opening happens if accepted we will review them two hours after giving them out as we will be in need to fill up our employee roster! Managers will not be added until much later and we have cashiers who have worked at the store for a reasonable amount of time.
We will not be allowing any sort of favoritism of players for our applications and I’d like to keep things fair for those who apply. No player will be receiving any help from me or the Co-owner as that would be seen as cheating and unfair. We want to keep our application as said, fair, as much as possible
How will our managers be chosen?: (added question)
Well, it’s simple! Those who have been working within the store for a while and have a pretty good understanding of how the store runs and are trusted by both Owner and Co-Owner then they have a pretty good shot at being chosen! it’s all about trust and their knowledge within the store. The Co-Owner and I will have a good discussion over our cashiers when we think it’s time.
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Additional notes about your application:
I have already set up a discord server prepared if accepted for the shopkeeper role for the specific shop just in case along with the application format which was posted up above under the correct subject.
Do you have any questions?:
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