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Accepted Fukui's Nurse Application


Level 59
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

8/10! I’m on every day after school, and on the weekends and during the summer I’ll be active all day besides Fridays and Saturdays as I have work but then again, on those days I’ll still be able to get on during the day, usually both before and after my work shift. But along with my activity, I stride to keep it high like it is so I can involve myself more in the server.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Nope, and I plan to keep it that way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I am fully aware that if I am not active within both or either the server or the position I’m applying for, I will get demoted, no questions asked. I have complete respect for that rule and will stand by it.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

School Nurse!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The nurse’s role within the high school and college setting is to provide medical attention to those who encounter a situation where the student will require that medical need. A nurse can’t do all that a doctor can do but can provide the basics like giving you an icepack for your bruised up knee, a medical bandage wrap for a sprained wrist. All the primary treatment! Like I basically said, provide first aid for the students. They also can help accommodate those with chronic or acute health conditions, communicate with teachers/professors and staff to ensure the safety and well-being of students. In many cases, school nurses provide all the care that students need on the spot, for example, using first aid kits to treat minor injuries and basic over-the-counter medications such as antacids to help students with upset stomachs. Nurses can do so many things to. The nurse also can conduct screening of hearing, vision, blood pressure, weight, and scoliosis! They also accommodate special needs! There will be certain students who need that special care to where they might need medication taken every day to go on with there day to day lives! A nurse can provide that accommodation to make sure that they take these daily steps during the school day. In these cases, the nurse becomes responsible for meeting that student's needs during school hours. This requires that the nurse have a detailed, working understanding of the student's condition and needs. Those students usually have a file set up within the school but with Karakura, I'm not sure if this is a possibility but if it is, that would be a wonderful thing to have. High school nurses also need to communicate with a variety of parties to make sure that all students receive whatever treatment they need. They must keep open communication. Overall, high school nurses are responsible for creating a healthy school environment to the best of their ability. This generally means providing relevant information to students, staff, and parents. For example, a nurse can make the faculty and student body aware of a list of symptoms to watch for during flu season.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Well, I've been roleplaying for years. I started out really young as I was exposed to YouTubers who did Minecraft roleplay, one being SirCutieYuki or Aphmau! Ever since those two came into my childhood, I had always had an interest in roleplay, Minecraft roleplay to be more specific. A few years ago, end of 2016 - start of 2017, around then, I had found SRP! I started to learn the basics within it and instantly grew in love with it as I am still here in 2022, playing the same server. So my experience with roleplay mainly lies within my years of roleplaying.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

DrainingFeeling Account:
Karma's Student Council Application [Denied]
Yasuno's Korean Application [Denied]
Hayden's Italian Lang Application [Accepted]
Hayden's Height Application [Accepted]
Kasper's History Teacher Application [Denied]
Montsuki's Student Council Application [Denied]

SuitKink Account:
Marceline Marie's KPD Application [Denied]
Dallas's Spanish Application [Denied]
Fukui's Dutch Application [Accepted]
Fukui's Hospital Staff Applciation [Denied]
Marceline's JSL Application [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

DrainingFeeling : [22] [College] [M]

SuitKink : [20] [College]

ShowerDrainRP : [14] [Grade 8]

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

To assess the current situation, the female would maintain a steady, calm tone within her voice. She’d then immediately remove all signs of irritation and hostility from her body as a whole, seeing as there isn’t a good reason for her to respond in that manner. She quickly would come to the realization that the student is only trying to get an irrational reaction from her. Like she said prior, if given the opportunity, she’ll always try her hardest to communicate with the student before involving another employee that is higher than her on a school basis to contribute to the situation being held. She lives by the simple mentality, “Respect me and I’ll respect you.” and “Treat others how you wish to be treated." (edited)

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Knowing that fighting is strictly prohibited, she’d involve herself into the situation! Quickly, she removed the two students from one another. As fellow staff members conversate the students, she’d be examining them scouting for any bruises, cuts, open wounds, and severe injuries; if any were found, she’d tend to them in the appropriate way. Students' physical health is her top priority, above everything else. Additionally, being somewhat of a disciplinary adult, she pitched in with words explaining how their behavior and actions weren’t tolerated. Leaving the area hoping that the students will have better responses in the future so an incident like this won't happen again.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Glancing at the event that was happening before her eyes, she walked up, slowly to the employee. Trying not to be considered disrespectful in her co-worker’s eyes, she gently told the person in front that their actions weren't appropriate on school grounds, especially as a worker. Whether they’d be mistreating students, or simply being down right inappropriate, she’d let them know. Considering the situation and the employee’s actions, she’d know that sooner or later she’d have to report them for their behavior.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Fukui is an amicable individual, she'll fire up casual discussion with some other of her kindred laborers that might actually be inside the lunchroom. She needs to acquire positive relations with her kindred colleagues to work on the climate around her, expecting to keep it as certain as possible. She will generally offer assistance on the off chance that the representative is appearing to battle with something, alongside an open ear assuming they want to tirade or vent. She's there to make others grin and advise them that she will continuously be there when they need her out of the blue. She will typically make herself some espresso as she goes into the room as she fires up the discussion among her and her kindred associates. She needs to guard the school climate among the staff individuals as well as the understudies.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Would urge the injured student over, softly grabbing their arm as they dragged them over to the medical beds that were neatly placed in rows in the Nurse’s office. She would then rest them onto the bed that had a comfortable mattress with the color blue! She would then walk over to grab a stool, in which she would then pick it up to create less noise. While she was doing so, she would also grab a cart that held medical needs for treatment, as she held the seat in one hand, and the cart in the other. She would then walk over to the patient, as she placed the seat right in front of the student so she would have a good view of the patient entirely. She would then sit onto the chair, as she placed her cart of Medical equipment next to her, as she grabbed out gloves if needed placing them on as you would hear the snap of the rubber as it collided with her wrist. “So what seems to be the problem, young man?” She would say in a soothing tone into her voice. Upon being informed of the issue, she would nod her head getting straight into work; creating small talk so as not to create too much silence. “So how did this happen exactly?” she would say, as she would carefully place her hand onto the injured knee, to inspect the damage and to see how bad it really was. After inspection, the female would have then taken out some cloth that was in her medical cart and some alcohol just in case it was infected, but the female wouldn’t unravel the medical cloth just yet. She would carefully raise up the patient’s leg, as she would rest it onto her lap. She would then begin taking out some cotton balls, as she would then put some alcohol, which was to stop an infection from occurring, onto it the injured knee. She would then smoothly start spreading around the alcohol onto the injury, this would cause stinging onto the patient’s leg, but would soon fade away. She would then throw the cotton ball away, as she would then take the Medical cloth unraveling it as she would then start wrapping the injured knee up concealing the wound. The female then would have been done with the procedure, scooting the chair back as she would then stand up taking off the gloves as she would then throw them away into the garbage bin next to her. “All done! You’re good to go, just don’t try to run for a while on that leg, and you should be just fine!” She would say, helping the student up as she would walk him to the door, opening it for him as she would wave goodbye to the patient “Have a good day!”

Would sway in her step, feeling tired from all the work she has completed today. She would then have opened the door containing her office area to where she would be usually found waiting for students. She would then make her way behind the chair, placing her cold refreshing cup of water onto the desk, safely distanced away so it wouldn’t accidentally drop onto the floor. She would have then scooted the chair back slightly, creating some distance between the desk and the chair. She would have then rested herself onto the chair, as a slight exhale would release from her mouth from the exhaustion of her work. She would have then rested her hands onto her thighs for a moment as she looked over to her cup, raising her left hand as she went to grab it. She would have then wrapped her fingers around the cup's handle, getting a firm grip onto it before taking a sip out of the cup. A slurping noise would be heard for a moment, as an exhale would be heard shortly after from her swallowing the water. She would have then placed the cup down back onto the desk, as she looked over to her clipboard as she grabbed it, continuing her assigned work. She would have then grabbed her pen, crossing her left leg over her right, as she would then start to write onto the clipboard with neat handwriting; filling out the requirements that were needed to be done on the paper. What she had done was recorded her day’s activities, to keep track of what she was doing daily, and to prove it. A smile would appear onto her face as she was done writing, feeling proud and accomplished of what she has done over the week.

Fukui, spun herself in her chair around before pushing herself out of the chair and smiling at her co-worker who had just walked in for the day. “Morning!” She greeted happily with a smile as she grabbed her familiar clipboard and held it by her waist, soon lowering her torso into a greeting bow. She had done the usual, ask how the others morning had gone, and all that before informing the other on the day's work. She went back to her desk and spun right back into place, facing the glass window that students usually come up to when they have an issue. She reached for a familiar pen that had fit perfectly between her thin tanned fingers. She tapped the bottom of the pen against the desk a few times before leaning back into her chair to think more about what was keeping her busy that perfect morning. Her jaw set had opened wide as her free hand moved to where the palm faced her mouth as a yawn escaped her. She blinked a few times after yawning, her hand retreating back to its original place on the desk before she clicked the end of the pen that would let the ink bit fill the tip of the pen and she soon started to write along with the paper, carefully guiding her hand along with the paper, making sure she made no spelling or grammar mistakes. She lifted the pen from the paper and gave a small accomplished nod.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Fukui Saki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Mrs. Saki

Preferred Name:

Fuu/ Mrs.Saki

Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:

Christan but she’s laid-back about it.

Marital Status:


Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:



Psychology and Human Sciences


Biology and Gerontology



Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Spanish and JSL


Fukui was born 1995, in Nara Japan. Growing up, she and her family were known for country-hopping, she’s been to many countries being accompanied by only her father as her mother had passed away back in 2001 when the female was 6 to a fatal car crash and the two realized that life was too short to sit around, so they moved around a lot before moving back to Nara, Japan for a few years for Fukui to grow into her education. Growing up, the young female had known that she wasn’t like most children, she would most likely stay the outcast and away from others, having been a rowdy troublemaker of a child. She had been into many problems with her schools and sometimes had to be suspended or even threatened with expulsion. She had gained this as a way to cope with her mother's death as she was so young and didn’t know how to handle her emotions. She was sent to therapy for many years until she was finally able to control herself and be a better and more responsible kid, even if it took a few years but she got there! Despite that little setback, she was still a smart kid and got pretty good grades over the years. After her therapy was fully completed, she was still able to keep up her grades but she was more focused on where she wanted to dig her pathway into the career life and had learned that the medical field would suit her interests most. She had started taking online courses along with classes to learn more about the medical field and career paths and once she was 17, her father had gifted her the chance to travel out into the world and be greeted with more opportunities than Nara, Japan had ever given her. She felt blessed and was grateful to have such a supporting father as she did. She had finally set out to move around to find the perfect place that would greet her with great opportunities and that's how she ended up in Karakura when she was 18. She applied for her last year of high school within Karakura Highschool and the next step would be to work on her college career within the city! She had made friends along the way and even her future wife! She had been so grateful to have the opportunity that she did and after finishing out college, finally decided to work within the school system. A high school nurse. As for religion growing up. She had grown up, being surrounded by all sorts of religion but when she was old enough to get more into it, she had seen that Christianity had suited her most. She had seen how some people could be within the religion, super strict, reserved, and old-fashioned. She didn’t want to be like that. Not one bit. So she kept a quiet religious life as she grew older. Next would be her sexuality. When she had gotten to 7th grade, she had grown these feelings that she had never grown before for well, anyone to be completely honest! She had grown feelings for a female, an old classmate. She had researched into it as she had never been educated on the LGBTQIA+ community and had seen people be disrespectful towards it which she always had a distaste for. The female had grown into thinking that she could potentially have those same feelings for a male, so she identified herself with bisexuality until her senior year, she finally found out who she was. She had identified herself as a lesbian the same year she had met her future wife. In 2021, Fukui had proposed to her girlfriend she had met that senior year named Vivian Luck Keigo, soon getting fully married a few months after the engagement. (643 words)

Motivation for Joining KHS:

My inspiration for joining KHS would essentially be that I need to get more associated with the city and the secondary school/school is a gigantic area of the city which just led to me applying for the school. I need to assist understudies in the best manner with canning that coordinates with my instructive information that conformed to clinical necessities. The wellbeing and security of the children make the biggest difference to me and consistently have been something colossal to me whenever I had begun to sort out what I had needed to do with my vocation. I'd be regarded to be acknowledged inside KHS, and will give it my all consistently. Moreover! After joining the group, it will give me another viewpoint inside Karakura. I'll have the option to see life as a school representative which I believe is really energizing to go through.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

I do not but I would love to take this as an opportunity to gain that experience.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that I ought to be acknowledged over different candidates as I will endeavor to establish a protected and well disposed climate for other people. I generally make a point to invest my hardest energy and exertion into making myself helpful. I generally need to keep myself occupied with trying to get all that should be finished the day to call it an effective one and to ensure I assist with trip the understudies however much I can. I'm a quite diligent employee and will endeavor to spread the word about that inside my work. I take and give any input, and use it for my potential benefit just to improve. I will put forth a valiant effort, keep a positive climate, and finish things as proficiently and actually as could really be expected. I have such an energy for helping!

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 105
Thank you for taking the time to apply! Fortunately, today, your school employee application has been
. . .

Welcome to the team! In order to move forward. . .

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