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Surgeon Application | Plutophilia


Level 11

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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

GN (In-Game Name):
Plutophilia (Applicant; Grade-12)
aslaniy (Main; College-B)

What is your discord name & tag?:

Previous bans:
No previous bans on either account.

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm fairly active on the server. I play for 4-8 hours daily on the weekdays after school, and pretty much all day (roughly 10-19 hours) on the weekends unless other things occupy my time, which isn't too often. The majority of my time is spent on my main account, engaging in student roleplay during school hours, and trying to branch out my interactions to those I haven't spoken to before. I also used to GangRP/CrimeRP on my main, and had been doing so for about 5-6 months before I ended up leaving, at least for now. I do try to pay attention to the lore and character development of my characters, and I take great joy in the more meaningful interactions that I have- although I wish I could have more, and I hope to find those kinds of interactions in this faction.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Spanish Application #2 - aslaniy
Italian Application - Plutophilia
JSL Application - aslaniy
French Application - aslaniy
3rd Language Authorization - aslaniy
Korean Application - aslaniy
Portuguese Application - Plutophilia
3rd Language Authorization - Plutophilia
JSL Application - Plutophilia

Spanish Application #1 - aslaniy

EMS Internship Application - aslaniy

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I've been roleplaying in different communities for about 5-6 years now, and I've improved a lot since I first began. Since many of the communities I roleplayed in were purely text-based, lengthy writing and DetailRP were the norms, though at different literacy levels. Although I do delve into writing often and it is one of my passions, my vocabulary and ability to write emotions fluently are still limited. I'm experienced in DetailRP, considering my prior experience in several genres of writing on those communities, but I don't often get to put certain categories of DetailRP into practice on SRP. For instance, there are not many situations I find myself in where I can detail actions interesting and relevant to my character, without breaking the flow of the roleplay.

I've tried my hand at basic medical roleplay and done a decent bit of P2L roleplay on the server, although I ended up losing interest in it since most people are more interested in figuring out how to dodge or be the most strategic, rather than offering an interesting narrative and experience for those involved. Returning back to the topic of DetailRP - as long as I know the procedures and the processes, I'm sure that I'll do well in the hospital faction since I enjoy most things that have a fairly clear process. I still do hope to expand my writing capabilities within the server, and I have been working to try to better characterize my writing for each of my individual characters. I have always enjoyed roleplay as a creative writing medium that is also interactive and allows several writers to create stories or tell the lives of their characters, and how they intertwine with one another.

What is your motivation for applying?
I want to try something new and begin to branch outwards into different factions of SRP, and I would like to try my hand at the EMS faction! I've been interested in the EMS faction for some time, and I know that one of my friends is currently within the faction. I also have enjoyed the few interactions that I have had with EMS workers, as well as being able to witness what they do from afar. I want to contribute my time and efforts towards this role and learn more aspects of SRP, including the perspective and hardships that come with it. Learning from within offers me a better idea of an EMS faction member's experiences.

I've seen how stressful it can be at times, and due to my time zone being markedly different than most others, I believe I'll be able to provide service when there are not many others available; I have been in several situations myself where there was no EMS available because of this, too. Not only that, but I also wanted to have the chance to delve into the roleplay interactions that may come with being a part of this faction, since to my knowledge. I can't say that much of this makes me stand out from other applicants, as I am still somewhat new to the server compared to others- having not joined any factions yet.

Which role are you applying for? (Surgeon, Doctor, or Psychiatrist):

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Depending on their department, hospital staff may diagnose patients with physical or mental illnesses, take them in for checkups, prescribe certain medicines or sell over-the-counter medicine, and provide therapy sessions and/or care. Some hospital staff can perform surgeries, set bones, give people limb prosthetics or even the new working eye technology. I believe they can also go on patrols around the city similarly to KPD in order to scout the city for injured persons. They will also respond to emergency calls over the 110 line, pertaining to medical emergencies. They may also be needed to tend to injuries for more dangerous calls alongside KPD, such as bear attacks, or simply rushing someone to the hospital in the ambulance.

In terms of the role I am applying for: surgeons are an important part of the Karakura Hospital - although each role has its own significant part to play. Considering the high crime rates within the city, surgeons are quite frequently needed to tend to large injuries or wounds. They prepare patients for surgery and perform surgical operations on damaged areas of the body. Their medical responsibilities also include taking X-rays, treating concussions, and many small, nonvital injuries.

There are also multiple ranks within the hospital that creates a structured hierarchy.

The director is the head of the EMS faction, as well as the overseer of the hospital's staff and of each department. They are in charge of dictating the hospital's guidelines, as well as the procedures that each staff member must abide by and learn.

Clinical Manager
The clinical manager is an assistant to the hospital director, acting as second-in-command within the hierarchy. They, along with the director, oversee many of the hospital's employees. They take charge of the clinical leads, managing each of the departments that the leads have domain over.

Clinical Lead
Clinical leads are a step up in position from the department heads and are in charge of their specific departments - Surgeon, Doctor, and Psychiatrist. They oversee the employees within their designated departments and are capable of instructing as they see fit. They are able to influence and aid in the decision of who gets accepted to their department.

Department Head
Department heads verify that their respective units are operating smoothly, assisting those in higher positions as needed, as well as managing those below them - such as the Attending employees and below. They can assist with the selection of new employees, as well as the training of those new workers.

Attending Staff
Attending staff are the experienced workers within their departments, having undergone their full training and proven themselves capable of their practice. They are also involved in training new employees, or even interns that may be permitted to learn at the hospital.

Surgeons are responsible for preparing their patients to undergo surgery, along with performing said surgery. They focus particularly on vital injuries, or the kinds of conditions that require medical intervention in order to achieve a proper state of healthiness.

Doctors are responsible for collecting symptoms from patients and diagnosing them, oftentimes giving patients check-ups or health evaluations. Patients may come to them with concerns about their health, to which doctors may be able to prescribe medication for their ailments. They can also direct patients to other departments, should they have concerns pertaining to those fields - such as if a patient requires surgery for a condition that may be out of the doctor's expertise.

Psychiatrists are responsible for providing diagnoses to patients based on their reported experiences and issues and can prescribe medication that assists with certain mental disorders. They specialize in mental health disorders or even psychosomatic disorders that may be caused by the mind yet inflict the body with illness. Psychiatrists in Karakura can also provide talk therapy or even group therapy to their patients, to better understand their unique circumstances.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role by applying.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online/available, I am expected to attend or face punishment otherwise. If I am unable to attend, I will be sure to attend a make-up session or study the notes.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am not to take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations. IC should be kept separate from OOC, and neither should be brought into the other.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:
Minhe Wells

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background (Grade-12/Bachelor/Masters/PhD):
Bachelor's in Biology, minored in Psychology
Masters in Medicine

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Minhe speaks Japanese, Portuguese, and Italian. She also can sign JSL.

Backstory (100+ Words)
(1895 words / 10,761 characters)

On September 22, 1991, Minhe was born in Brazil, where she was raised for around three years of her life. Shortly after her younger brother, Judas, was born, they moved to Italy. She began her education there, and life was relatively smooth sailing in her early years.

Her mother was a wildlife biologist and traveled semi-frequently, often being away for months at a time to document various animals across continents. It was from her mother that Minhe developed a love for nature, and made the choice very early on to have a vegan diet. Her father called her spoiled for it when her mother wasn't around. Speaking of; Minhe's father was a self-employed entrepreneur and personal trainer and was very stern with his children about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As she grew a bit older, she cultivated the dream of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a nature conservation officer to help protect wildlife and educate others about it. When she began middle school at eleven years old, her youngest brother Frankie was born.

Minhe gets her stubbornness from her father, who would refuse any answer or explanation than his own. Oftentimes, her penchant for playing with fire would get her in trouble. In arguments, she remained silently resistant, learning to lay low and stay under the radar in order to not have her father flare up and explode at her. Despite this, her younger siblings did not learn this as easily, and it led to arguments or screaming. Because of Minhe's protective nature, she began standing up for Judas and Frankie, deflecting her father's attention from their mistakes or even taking the blame herself. She took beatings for it, but she wouldn't ever regret doing so for her siblings. In fact, she still wishes that they hadn't been able to hear the screaming matches that happened whenever they weren't able to leave the house. From this, she began experiencing symptoms of the depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR).

Their mother wasn't around most of the time to know about this, but when she was, she often took their father's side or soothed him rather than her children. This strained her relationship with Minhe. Her father always refused to listen to anyone, including his wife, although he never laid a hand on her. Minhe would confide in her best friend Paris about these things; they had been inseparable since they were twelve and understood each other the way no one else did.

In Minhe's freshman year, she met and fell in love with a charming upperclassman - Emanuele. He was the epitome of a perfect boyfriend and treated her like a princess. They were high school sweethearts, and he would always care for her injuries after fights with her father. As they got older and Emanuele's parents got him a small property near their own, he begged for her to move out and live with him. She declined and still couldn't leave Judas and Frankie alone. This built tension between them, but it was left to stew after a long argument that was left at a stalemate, leaving them to feel dejected. These types of arguments were not frequent for them, however, and he always apologized profusely, giving her meaningful gifts or providing extra attention and tender care.

She was always more than happy to cater to his needs, though certain instances turned out for the worse. Em often got upset and angry when other guys would look Minhe's way or flirted with her, though once insisted she covers up because he didn't want them thinking about her at all. It led to an argument in the car about her autonomy, and being as paranoid as she was, she didn't want him to accidentally crash because he was upset. It was always better to comply, in her mind; it hurt nothing to just listen and agree. After that, when they were cuddling and the tension of the argument dissipated, he whispered countless apologies and told her that if she wanted to wear whatever she wanted, he would be there for her. Minhe began drifting away from her friend groups after Em pointed out their negative influences on her, but stayed close to Paris.

Minhe also eventually disconnected from her parents with the advice of Paris and Em, although staying in touch with Frankie and Judas when possible. She was perfectly content in life, and things were wonderful for the both of them as she was able to breathe again without the pressure of her parents hanging over her. Shortly after her graduation from high school, she began studying biology as well as psychology to help steer her toward her planned childhood career and started taking sertraline. Em, however, started complaining that her medication made her act differently toward him and that it made him feel unloved when she didn't seek him out as often. They had a short talk and they agreed that he could be in charge of giving her her medications only as needed since it made him feel more secure. This eventually led to him no longer giving her the medication, since he believed she no longer needed it at that time. They had one of the biggest fights they've ever had over it, and to this day, her memory of it is still fuzzy and unclear. They took a short break from each other for a few days, and Em apologized for his behavior and swore to become better. He promised to start getting therapy for his issues, and although he never really did, Minhe believed he was whenever he said he went out for his appointments.

Their relationship was still a bit rocky from then on, but they remained fiercely in love; after all, there were always going to be the bad, rough parts of a relationship even with all the good. On Christmas Day of 2011, on their 6th anniversary of being together, Emanuele proposed to Minhe in an extravagant, fairytale-like type of grandeur, and she accepted without hesitation. Their wedding was scheduled for two years in the future, on their 8th anniversary.

Minhe ended up conceiving the year that they were meant to marry, much to their joy; one of her fondest memories was the day she and Em were able to listen to their baby's heartbeat once it developed. She had it converted into soundwave form, with plans to get it framed in their baby's room. She would have gotten it tattooed, but of course, she knew Em wasn't a fan of tattoos and believed them to be ugly.

In the middle of that year, nearing their wedding date, Minhe went out with her mother and Paris to select a wedding dress for her special day, oblivious to the events that would alter her life entirely. As they were driving to one of the many boutiques they planned on stopping by, they were caught in a car crash that resulted in few but fatal casualties. From what Minhe remembers, the other driver that crashed into them was killed on impact, whilst her mother and best friend were severely wounded. Minhe herself had nearly gotten her left leg removed in a traumatic amputation; in which a limb is removed through accident or injury. That is to say, it was not completely removed at the time. She also had small lacerations and several fractured bones, including her left wrist and left ribs- which nearly punctured a lung.

Shortly afterward, they were rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery once paramedics arrived on the scene. Due to the damage to her leg and the lack of technology they had at the time, Minhe's left leg was surgically amputated to be replaced later with a prosthetic leg. Her other injuries were taken care of, although she was still having certain complications such as moderately severe hearing loss that she had to be accommodated for later. When she woke up, she was informed that her mother passed away in surgery and Paris was still undergoing surgery. Minhe called Em to come to the hospital, and they prayed like never before for her best friend - and also for the baby that Minhe was still carrying.

Paris survived surgery but remained in the hospital, while Minhe dealt with several health issues that ended up resulting in her miscarriage. Because of this event along with the news of Paris' peaceful death in her hospital bed, she fell into a depression over the loss of so many loved ones - her mother, best friend of nine years, and her unborn baby.

Minhe was so utterly devastated that she ended up but a husk of her former self, having to take a temporary leave from her studies both because of the tragedies she suffered and to become better accustomed to her prosthetic leg and loss of hearing. She had to stay at the hospital for some time. It put a heavy strain on her and Em's relationship, to the point that after many tiresome nights of arguments and stress, he gently let her down saying that she wasn't the same person he fell in love with and that he believed it best for them to separate.

It took her ages to claw her way out of what seemed like a bottomless pit after their separation, and she made the decision to use her grief for the better. Rather than letting her pain consume her and letting her life go to ruins, Minhe wanted to make a difference, and to be someone that could possibly help others through what she went through, or simply save a life. She wanted to help save other people in a way that the people she loved couldn't be saved. Having already been taking biology classes, she decided to return to her education and throw herself entirely into her studies to catch up in time to finish her degree and pursue a Masters in medicine. It allowed her something to focus on and channel her energy and time into, rather than the difficulties that brought her there. She studied while in the hospital, until she was well enough to return to her classes and lectures.

Throughout the entirety of this, Minhe had become somewhat of a hermit, preferring to be mostly alone and independent. She didn't want to focus on love anymore either, even if it made for a rather depressing story that she spent her years as a young adult studying away her time. After all, she still had peace in nature, literature, arts, and music, and that was enough for her. She ended up getting a tattoo of her baby's heartbeat on the back of her neck, to preserve her memory of them. Even through her breakup with Em, the habit of dressing modestly was still ingrained in her from their fights over it, though she was trying to step outside her comfort zone to begin finding her own style.

Minhe began studying Japanese and JSL since the residency she was going to enter would be in Japan, and she wanted to be able to better communicate with those there. After finishing medical school, she moved farther away to take up the residency and fellowship program in Japan, gradually reconnecting with Frankie and Judas whenever possible. After a long five years and becoming licensed, she considered herself decently fluent in the language, though she took some time to wind down after nearing burnout from the stress of it all, and moved to Karakura. Maybe not the most relaxing location, but she decided to pursue a career in the city after her break, which wasn't much of a break at all.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Minhe's medical specialty is trauma surgery/critical care. Trauma surgery specializes in treating injuries caused by impacts, such as traffic accidents, falls, or even gunshot wounds or stabbings. It is a fast-paced practice that can be very demanding on the surgeons and is often utilized in the emergency room. Minhe chose this focus because of past events in her life. Because she had once been in a fatal car accident that nearly completely changed her life's course, she had decided to switch her career paths to prevent the loss of others' loved ones, with the goal of helping others and saving lives.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After medical school, Minhe underwent a 4-year general surgery residency, shortened by one year from the total five due to the fact that her program allowed her to do so as she was entering a 1-year surgical critical care fellowship as well.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Minhe has work experience from her years in the general surgery residency, where she worked, essentially overtime, for very long and vigorous hours. During this time, she and other residents worked as surgical assistants, which the work included seeing patients and oftentimes assisting in surgery. She also has some experience from working in her fellowship.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No, she has not completed any additional schooling.



Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Minhe is a tall black woman, standing roughly six feet tall with two unique birthmarks; bear-shaped and bullet-hole shaped. There are faded burn scars on her arms and hands. She stays physically fit in order to keep her health up, and she puts effort into maintaining good hygiene and looks. Voluminous black curls with purple tones cascade down her back, and she wears big industry-strength claw clips on her belt loops, in case she needs to clip her hair out of her face.

Her left leg is a prosthetic made specifically from recycled plastic waste. She wears rechargeable hearing aids that are inconspicuous, and a soundwave tattoo is inked onto the back of her neck. She has a constellation tattoo on her left ribcage, and a small black ring is pierced through her left nostril. A small eyelash has grown down from the inside of her right eyelid, but it hasn't bothered her at all growing up.

Minhe is usually done up with minimal makeup and more modest clothing, opting for pants rather than skirts. She does, however, often bolden her looks slightly. This is done with more glamorous makeup or possibly just a more cropped shirt in order to step outside her comfort zone when off-duty since she dresses modestly in professional situations or on duty.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Minhe takes her job seriously, focusing first and foremost on her patient's well-being. She does her best to ensure their comfort and to assist patients as needed and tries to provide emotional support where necessary as well. She enjoys getting to know patients and their stories if they would be willing to share. Minhe is an impatient individual, but she has learned to exercise patience and understanding in professional settings that may require it. She prefers things to be done timely, though it doesn’t matter too much to her how it gets done as long as it is done well.

She may come off as a bit stand-offish to her co-workers or anyone in general at first, though it isn’t out of a feeling of uppityness or intentionally being cold. Minhe usually finds it difficult to uphold normal conversations with others, and can be quite awkward. She’s more of the reserved and/or anxious type both in and out of work, however, she does try to reciprocate other peoples’ energy in interactions and will make an effort towards the conversation. Minhe may seem sensitive, but she can be extremely hard-headed and stubborn at times.

Off duty, she is generally the same. Minhe tries to uphold a standard of kindness to everyone, but as previously stated, she can be impatient and this can sometimes lead to her having a short fuse. She has an unorthodox interest and curiosity about morbid things, which can come off as strange or even creepy when she speaks with a sort of disconnection to macabre topics. In general, when she is not keeping up a front of being overtly kind and sweet or letting her temper get the best of her, Minhe can appear to be a bit detached. She prefers solitude, structure even in chaos, and stability.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
It depends. Minhe can function well enough either alone or in a group setting, but generally has a preference for working on her own. It is the way she has operated for the majority of her life, and she usually relies on herself in many areas of life. Teamwork is not unfamiliar to her. Most of it comes down to her lack of ability to uphold regular conversations, but if there is a job that needs to be done, she can do what is necessary to assist her co-workers.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Minhe does not have concrete plans for the future, but she is always looking out for opportunities. Her work and the effort she puts into it keep her occupied and busy, and she’s (more or less) content with that and the stability it brings. Her short-term plans for the future are to seek treatment for her mental ailments and to hopefully step outside her comfort zone more often. She doesn’t have any plans in terms of her love life; the prospect of falling for someone or someone falling for her is, quite frankly, terrifying to her. So is the idea of having a family (or the possibility of losing it), although she admittedly does have baby fever sometimes. When she was younger, however, she had dreams of becoming a nature conservation officer due to her love of the outdoors and of nature.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Minhe is seen as a reserved and independent woman, though the first impressions depend mostly on the circumstances under which one might meet her. Some may say that she is softhearted and caring, others may say she is odd and morbid. She puts effort into being eco-friendly when she can, from which it can be assumed that she cares for nature and wildlife. Overall, she seems to be discontentedly at peace with her lonesome, with a peculiar countenance.

Minhe perceives herself as a bumbling, awkward individual that isn't easily sociable. Although she may appear cold and independent to others, it stems mostly from a place of anxiety and doubt. She does have a more cynical view of herself and finds herself a bit strange, but that's mostly from internalizing other peoples' views of her. She is also very much so a 'Mama Bear' type, at least for those she cares deeply for. Overall, Minhe's perception is a bit harsh on herself and leans more on the negative side.

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Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, and we have decided to place your application on pending.


Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
The Hospital Higher-Ups appreciate your interest in the faction, and after
carefully reviewing your application, we have decided to give you a chance
within the Hospital.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency
discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.

- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (alex!#4532) via Discord so that we can solve
any other inquiries you may have

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