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Denied Teacher Application [CriminalRP]


Level 16
Out-Of-Character Information2024-08-10_04.06.23.png

What is your Minecraft username?:

Primary - CriminalRP
Secondary - ToughGangster
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do have a microphone and I will be able to use it in voice chats or any other things needed for the teacher application and I will make sure to impress you by magic.

What is your time zone?:
My timezone is Central Standard Timezone, I live in the United states of America

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I acknowlege that if I am inactive I will be demoted and deleted off the face of the earth. I will be active as possible as my role as a teacher and I will make sure to make everyone respect me as a teacher on this server. I will meet my monthly quota making sure i do my part on this server and roleplay to my fullest potential. I am here to make you proud and respect me. I will make sure that everyone on this server knows that I am capable of doing things outside of crime role play.

Describe your activity on the server:

I first started off as a greenie being brought into crime roleplay. The year is 2018 I joined under the user under pgk70. I was quite new and I didn't know how to roleplay properly just like anyone that starts off the server I soon became immersed and i got better at any type of roleplays, crime roleplays, job roleplays, and most importantly roleplaying as my role as a student as i joined combat rp in 2019 i didn't do as well as planned as i got killed a lot I played actively non stop for 3 years until 2020 when i quit for about a year or 2 joining back and fourth untill 2022 and 2023 where i joined for 6 months then quit until decemeber in 2023. After awhile i became active in gang roleplay in the gang of valhalla to improve my detail role play and most of all my combat role play as a whole.

What does detail and combat roleplay have to do with this application? Well it helps with passive roleplays too when it comes to detail roleplay. It helps you get creative with other things than combat which makes me a reliable recruit for a teacher. I continued to be loyal in valhalla untill its fall in june I soon got involved with mandala continuing activity with its successor continuing my loyalty to the group. It shows that I have been active in all the school roleplay groups since January 1st and you won't see me as unreliable when i become a teacher I rate my activity a 8/10 due to these factors and I'll make sure to keep it that way.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


What subject are you applying to teach?:

It has come to my decision that I will be teaching Science. Why do you think I'm teaching science? It because it has one of the most roles open and I think It would be a respectable subject to teach. I wanna become for many reasons other than money or adult role I'm joining for loyalty to stay as a teacher for as long as I can. I wanna be sure that I can get in without any problems and I wanna make sure that everyone respect my decission to teach science as a whole. I wanna teach science because it has the most roles open and I think there is more of a opertunity to teach that than other subjects.

However there are many subjects that i wanna teach to improve my characters such as english, maths, or history. I believe that i have more of a chance at teaching a subject with less amount of teachers that will teach the subject. I wanna make sure I can be more likely to recieve and get the role. There are many factors that i could go over on why I wanna Teach Science. I will make you guys proud and I'm sure of it

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

Money isn't the only reason why I'm joining however I'm slightly joining for the money since My characters are always broke and cant afford anything which is why I'm turning my eyes to roles like this and also a way to get out of gang roleplaying all the time. I want enough money to pay rent every month and still have some left over since in game im paying 100k rent without a job. In character money is one of the reasons why I wanna join this faction. Well why is that? Most of the activities I do leaves me broke and I kind of want a way out of it because its not profitable and its high risk. You could lose hundreds of thousands of yen to muggings or scammings and I want a way out of this activities. I won't do them on my teacher character I can assure you I will stay away from crime roleplay on my teacher character. I wanna boost my rep on this server into a greater light. I don't have the best reputation but not the worst but becoming a teacher would surely boost my reputation on the server.

More opertunities for cars or vehicles. I wanna join because In a few months i could get my first vehicle by being in this faction which would benefit me in the long run as a teacher and on my other characters. I'm not joining simply because of greed I just want enough to pay rent every month and have money to myself. I been impoverished on this
server for a long time which leaves me with nothing to buy or save for as I struggle to pay rent and make money as fast as possible. can also use the money I gain for teaching purposes such as supplies other things out of kindness for other students that don't have bags pencils books or any other things or acomidations that a student needs in karakura highschool.

I been loyal on school roleplay to the fullest extent since January 1st of 2024. I went through extensive roleplays through out the months staying while others leave. I made myself known for gang roleplay but I just wanna make myself known for something else sometimes I don't have a good rep on applications because of it and I wanna make sure I have greatest rep to the fullest extent why may you ask that? Well let me tell you on how I been loyal. In vahalla I participated In a variety of things such as trainings perms and even a gang war. I stayed until the end of that gang and I learned how to detail roleplay extremely well due to this factor however I been using speed instead of detail but in passive situations as a teacher I ensure youI will be loyal and detail roleplay to my fullest extent as it makes every subject entertaining.

I also stayed in mandala till its rebrand sinnerous and I still am in it to this day. I been one of the most loyal members of multiple groups and I can ensure you I will not fail you when it comes to loyalty i will be on for as long as I physically can. I'm not just doing it for the adult role I'm doing it for loyalty and I will stay longer than it is required as a teacher. I perticipated in many job roleplays teacher is not a exception I roleplayed in other groups as a teacher but I never got in as a teacher on school roleplay ever on this server. Being a teacher will enhance my roleplay and make it better than ever. I wanna make sure I can impress everyone by my roleplay skills and I will make everything right for this server.

I wanna join as a teacher due to the fun of it. Why could a teacher role be so fun? is it teaching classes, Discipline, working at a school? Wrong its all of the above it can be entertaining for months on end and I garantee being a teacher can be a fun role. If you wanted to be a teacher out of character but you can't then well my friend school roleplay is for you. School Roleplay can offer some fun experiences and creativity when it comes to job roleplays and school in general which is why i wanna join as a teacher. I wanna make sure I can be a greater role player and known for something else and its fun to do.

Character Development

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

I understand I will be applying for a unqualified teacher role and I will go through the fullest extent of training to boost my rank up in the teaching faction. UT role is the start of my school roleplay teaching career and its not certainly the end. I will be active to my fullest extent and meet quota every month if I have the possibility to do so If i get a opertunity i'll cram enough room for minimum quota on busy months however

Most of the time im not generally busy so I'll be active to teach classes like how I am supposed to. I will dedicate my role as a UT and I will rise as a teacher hopefully going as high for the sky when it comes to my ranks as I would love to be a teacher. I will make sure my role as a UT won't go un noticed and forgotten. I wanna make sure I can do everything right for the team. I been in many teams through out my life I worked with group projects I worked with gaming groups as a team to get the task done and this faction is no exception and I will make sure to solidify my role for as long as I actively can.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes I will go Under extensive training as a unqualified teacher and I will go through it and pass the training with efficiency I wanna make sure i can make everything right as a teacher. I will continue my activity pass the training and get in as a teacher as I gain newly qualified I will teach every month getting at least the minimum quota or at least more than that because activity is key to success in a faction or a gang on school roleplay. I will make sure I am as active as possible as a teacher making sure I can perform basic tasks as a teacher before i go to the hard parts.

Why am i so productive it seems? I been through trainings before in gangs and It helped me improved in detail roleplay and It also can help in passive roleplays such as teaching or jobs or detail roleplaying anything to your imagination and whats do able on school roleplay. Detail roleplay adds a lot of oppertunities for other jobs or factions and it could increase your rep by a ton which is what I exactly want. I need a good rep for other factions I wanna get into in the distant future I wanna make sure i can do all the tasks correctly to improve my reputation to higher ups and other factions making them wanna recruit me which will benefit every single faction on the server.
What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

teachers need to log their classes and grade their students to meet quota and get cash on this server. They need to do this to make every class as productive as possible to meet every months quota at least a minimum or above and beyond to gain the max amount of money. Class logs makes other higher ups see your Quota. its also important because Because you don't wanna get kicked out of the school staff team most of the time.

Teacher class logs also ensures that students know how well they are performing and how they can improve as a student in character and they will try to improve. Which is what the teacher wants they want students to improve as a human being and continue the future of this nation well at least in character but trust me quota is related to class logs which means you need to log all your classes to get the money as a teacher and also make everything right. Teacher class logs is one of the most important logs on the server which is why everyone can see it which makes it really important for all. Its important to benifit all teachers and students

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

-No eating unless given permission by the teacher -

You need permission to eat in class however water is allowed at all times. Its due to the messes it can cause and the amount of ants that can come to the class room due to the amount of sugar in foods. It may be a dumb rule but there are exceptions if a teacher allows it however in most classes its forbidden to do so and against the rules to do so which will give you a warning by a adult or a teacher. Teachers can bypass this rule.​

follow school conduct -

You must follow all the rules including dress code and many other listed rules that are inside the school its needed to keep the school save and secure for all students in karakura high school and the school district surrounding the area. We must follow conduct at all times due to this reason and teachers can not let others break the rules in the class room. It can get you in trouble if you don't deal with it swiftly

-No phones in class unless given permission by the teacher

Ever wanted to cheat or text your friends well now you cant cause you need permission to use your phone as a teacher. It can result in your phone being taken away until the class ends and sometimes a phone is a necessity in some classes. You don't want your phone taken do you because its not smart to use it in class and it will not get you anywhere in life you are not him and you are not cheating yourself into harvard or whatever.

-No Swearing
Profanity or inapropiate conversations for school is not allowed. We should not talk about these inapropiate topics at school this is mainly a rule due to immature students who like to swear and be funny or aggressive. you are not him quit swearing or detention broskie.

-No yelling
Dude we are in a class room why do you gotta yell all the time speak normally if you keep yelling you might just get kicked from class you never know. yelling is not cool and you can also get a warning for it during class time.

-no sleeping in class
If you sleep in class your cooked cause you should of slept at hope wakey wakey eggs and bakey or its a warning or possible detention. I can't have people sleeping in class they need to pay attention like the good students they are.

-no being disruptive.
Being disruptive is not cool you may think your funny but they are not laughing with you they are laughing at you. If i see you being disruptive in my class you will get warned before getting kicked out I don't wanna see you cracking up jokes yelling or being a straight up nuisance in my class

-3 warning policy

There is mainly a 3 warning policy before being handed out detention if you break the policy by breaking the rules on the school conduct you could get yourself a detention or a suspension if you did this enough. Stop breaking the rules.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I roleplayed since 2018 and for long as i can remember my earliest roleplay scenes started in 2015 and I improved a lot over the years however I joined school roleplay in 2018 and improved my roleplay since then going from basic roleplay to advance roleplays in gangs and schools. I played under many characters that are either deceased or abandoned my longest surving characters come from the year 2024 and december of 2023. I manage to be as active as possible in other groups.

Valhala I wanted to become a advanced roleplaying. I been in valhalla actively from January 1st of 2024. I actively perticipated in gangs since the start of 2024. I wanted to remain active to prove my loyalty in valhalla i even got promoted in the group i fought in a gang war but valhalla got disbanded and you know what vahalla did? It improved my detail roleplay in all actions from combat roleplay to passive situations. Its why i improved as a roleplayer. Mandala and Sinnerous the gangs I been in have also improved how i respond to situations by a large margin avoiding fail roleplaying and other factors to make sure i follow every single rule even unsaid rules.

What I'm trying to say is that Gang Roleplay can also improve passive roleplay why? Most gangs that does trainings over these topics can improve your roleplay by a margin giving you a leap forward in factions and other gangs. It can get you very good jobs in the server as well which is why i recomend all players to start off as gang roleplayers to improve their roleplay as a whole. if I didn't join valhalla actively I wouldn't be here today as I wouldn't be confident enough to do so.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department

↳ Description:
The head of department is the highest of highest in the ranking system they run the faction and make sure everybody below is able to teach they continue as teachers but they are the highest in the faction makingsure business goes smoothly. They are known for handing out discipline making sure everyone meets quota and everyone does a effective job at their role. They want everyone in the faction to succeed which is why they kick out inactive members to ensure activity within the server as teachers are highly needed on the server for it to be considered School roleplay in general. With out Teachers or school staff being active there is no School roleplay which is why the head of department steps in to ensure activity and discipline among teachers and students.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
A qualified teacher is the second to highest on the Hierarchy they are mainly a old qualified teacher and they run classes smooth and efficiently however they sometimes give discipline such as detentions warnings to other students if they don't follow the rules. They teach any subject they applied for with the greatest efficiency they can with the amount of limits they can do for classes. The only limit is your imagination on this server if you wanna be that you can be that as long as you put up to the task. They may be top dogs of the department but i can garentee you these are not higher ups like the head of department is or school leadership team.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
Newly qualified teachers went through extensive training and passed to the next rank. They are second to lowest on the hierarchy and they teach classes and do tasks similar to Qualified Teachers. They teach any subject of their choice with efficiency they made from training and sometimes they can be known for detail roleplay just like any of the ranks on the hierarchy. Everything will go right as a newly qualified teacher more pay and more experience than a Unqualified teacher. however being newly qualified has a lot of perks you can teach your own class without supervision.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
A Unqualified teacher is a new recruit sometimes they are known for being teaching assistants because they need more training before they can host their own classes however pay starts off very little for a unqualified teacher its enough to get going when it comes to money wise for any broke player that 350k a month is gonna pay of your rent maybe have some spare money to yourself. They are the last on the hierarchy and certainly the lowest rank of them all. They give out discipline they go to trainings and they host classes just like any other teacher but with some help.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Ingame teachers expect salaries that are rather affordable for the game. They expect 350k up to 500k if they do the job right they spend their free time sometimes hours planning lessons. They also hand out dicipline to anybody in the wrong in any situation. They save up money for cars maybe luxurious apartments or pent houses and they mainly act like out of game teachers. its astonishing on how realistic teachers can be even the pay is realistic however its a sad reality that it isn't much to work with in real life however everything is affordable with a teaching job on school roleplay which is unrealistic in some communities

Out of Game Teachers are just like ingame teachers only that it isn't exactly roleplay its real life however they are mostly underpaid and everything is unaffordable where i live if you become a teacher and it sometimes cant even pay rent or make a basic living and yet they are encharge of the future of this nation which is why i think teachers should be paid more. They spend time like regular human beings doing fun hobbies vacations and they hand out discipline and teach classes but its not the teachers that plan the classes its goverment officials. I personally don't agree with the planning the government can influence education and I don't agree with it.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to the server because with out teachers and school staff like i said there would be no school roleplay in general it would just be a crime and job roleplay server. Not centered around a school if that was the case. We want teachers to be active to ensure a fun roleplay experience for everyone involved. They are the back bone of this server and they are one of the most important factions why may you ask? They hold the majority of the server in classes most days. Because teachers are the main base of roleplay. The game is literally based off the school which makes them important.

What makes them so important you may ask? They can roleplay effectively hence the name school roleplay they work with all students from greenies to grade 12s even though not all of them know how to roleplay correctly most of them i seen can roleplay most of the time with 100% accuracy with a exception of mistakes sometime but they are disciplined enough to hold this professionally. They wanna make sure they can make everything right to make school roleplay the name it should be.

Teachers also make it harder for delinquent roleplay or fights to happen during school due to the threat of detention from students which also makes them important as a authority figure known for discipline and handing out detentions when its needed. They also make reports to the school leadership team when its deamed necessary to make sure every punishment is handed out correctly.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

I personally don't know what the school system works with However i know my school works with people that never teaches a day in their life to plan lessons which i think is deemed ineffective. I can make a wide guess that its daily lessons made by higher ups as most schools do that but keep in mind school roleplay is not full of realism so I don't even know which factor is what it is.

School systems can vary when it comes to lesson plannings it can be done by the teacher or by higher ups it really depends on the school district or what state you are in or what nation. theres a lot of factors to that so my answer is undefined if i get accepted i should be notified on how the lesson planning system works because I don't really fully know and it could be a problem in the distant future if we don't fix it apon acceptance. Teachers carry out the lessons but it varries if they plan it or not because they got to prepare students for exams most of the time.


Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Aurora Katz looks distinct standing as high as 5'2" she looks very short to the average male . She looks like a tough cookie weighing 125 pounds as she goes to the gym frequently a visible tattoo on her arms would be shown while she walked giving her hair one playful swing. long luscious pink bangs with strawbery pink hair with a blonish tint making her stand out being more distractive to other sometimes due to her hair color. She often wears make up to make her face beautiful to bystandards Making sure she wears lipstick blush and other make up products She wears dark magenta pants a black tank top and mainly black gloves looking stylish to the eye. She looked like she standed out from her coworkers.

Aurora started to talk to you showing her personality for being super nice and welcoming to hide her traumatic past in a bloody war she fought in the American Army. She sometimes has aggressive outbursts such as ptsd episodes but she looks like she is extremely nice besides that. You noticed her negative and positive attitude at times smiling as a greeting as she saw you as she gave you a hand shake. She seemed very neutral when it comes to emotions or her actions but her good actions balance it out making her a welcoming person around all.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

She has a positive outlook on students and co-workers but that can quickly change depending on how students or teachers act but she remains professional even if she despises or hates them giving her a neutral stance on teachers and students. She knows they are the future of Japan and they need to act right or soon they will end up in jail just like her siblings Michael Katz and other family members. So She can be strict at times but depending on the student she worries less about them.

She thinks of co-workers as a team as long as the work hard and prove to themselves that they can do the job right. They are more productive and they know how to follow the rules she wants to see them as professional and rule abiding as possible. She wants to work with a productive team just like she did when she fought a brutal conflict. But except as a science teacher. She wants to make sure everyone can work smoothly no mater their backgrounds.

What are their plans for the future?


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Miss Katz walked out of class with each step walking towards The deliquents unknowingly She stopped for a coffee as she grabbed some coffee. She grabbed the coffee cup with the tip of her fingers as she extended her arm out to dispense the coffee leaving money on the counter. She Then brought her hand with the cup closer to her mouth as she took sip after sip as she heard the deliquents out of the break room she walked out as she heard from a deliquent named Michael Katz "FUCK YOU BITCH NYAN YOU CAN'T EVEN PULL HOES." Nyan said "man i got one right here why you be this way." A girl Charlotte said "THIS PERSONS A CREEP HE TOUCHES GIRLS." Michael said "AGREED!"

as he saw the teacher. Miss Katz said "quit swearing and get out of here 2 more warnings and its detention Miss katz being soft at first as she walked off they started cursing and swearing again Michael Katz said "FUCK YOU NYAN YOU SHOULD FUCK OFF LIKE THE BITCH YO ARE. OH WAIT IS THAT SAKI THAT GUY WHO KNOCKED ME OUT! FUCK YOU TOO." as Miss Katz got angrier she snapped "DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL I WILL SEE YOU LATER" as she gave the detention slip to Michael katz didn't really care infact getting closer and closer to suspension.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

Miss Katz would inter the lession with good intentions making sure everything runs smoothly. She began to write something on the chalk board as a loud screech could be heard he was likely writing a mathmatic problem which was related to science. She Then looked at the class that arrived on time with a smile. "Hello students welcome to science class I am your new teacher as I started today im gonna hand out books to learn more about you guys." She looked with happiness "We are gonna have a fun year with tons of learning. after the stuff i just hand out we will move on with the lesson just as always."

As she noticed every student was on their phones as she said "get off your phone guys and listen to me." as she saw them ignoring her. she handed out paper that had questions about their names what they do and other things she looked at them not saying a word or doing the assignment as she started to grow impatient. "Class pay attention right now." the class not saying a word or listening. "DO YOU WANNA GET PAST HIGH SCHOOL? THIS CLASS IS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE! LISTEN NOW!" as she snapped at all the students they started to focus at the teacher again with worry as they put their phones away.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Senario 1 tired

After a long 2 periods of teaching she decided to take a break from work as she every step she took got her closer to the lounge. She needed a break from long hours of work as a teacher as she reached her arm out her hand grabing the door nob as she opened the door and shut it behind her looking at the lounge room looking exausted from a longs day of work and lack of sleep. She then walked towards the coffee machine as she reached her hands out for a coffee cup as she poured coffee in the cup putting creamer and sugar in it to wake herself up. She slowly woke herself up sip by sip before she was energetic and ready to continue on with her day.

Senario 2 lunch

During lunch break she walked out of her class knowing that she had break time to herself giving herself time she walked to the lounge step by step as she walked to the door eying the lounge room as she reached her arms to open the door then she saw the food she left for herself so she reached out her hands to grab her own food that she brought for work as she grabbed it she brought sushi for herself it looked really good to her as she loved sushi she ate it bite by bite with chop sticks eating every sushi roll in the box filling her up with some nice food as she walked to her class to host period 4.

Senario 3 PTSD episodes

She takes long breaks when she has post traumatic stress disorder outbursts in the lounge to calm herself down she hasn't been treated in over a year since karakura doesn't have a lot of treatment options for people who are mentally challenged. She often tries to brush off any conflict or warzone by simply trying to forget what happened in the past and when she tries to explain it to any co-worker she stutters a ton due to the horrors she experienced in deployment.​

Why these senarios are important?
It explains she goes there when she is tired and hungry and possibly needs a break from teaching as it can sometimes be a hard profession for a adult to handle as she is human just like everyone else. She goes there when she needs its as simple as that and she sometimes need it before she can continue her job continuing her career as a teacher and ignore her past. it is usually how she acts in the lounge room
Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:


Miss. Katz stepped into the class walking in as she reached her hands for the door nob twisting it as she opened the door to her class as she oppened the door she shut it as she stepped to her desk and pulled out her chair as she sat on it as she was sitting she looked at a sandwich she brought in with hunger she then reached her hands for the sandwich grabbing it with her finger tips as she licked her lips hungrily at the sight of the sandwich she brought the sandwich closer to the mouth as she took bite after bite thinking it was extremely delicious taking bite after bite before finishing the entire sandwich.

Miss. Katz saw a bunch of students in the class room waiting 5 minutes for everyone who showed up late as she saw the people who showed up late she began to start the class with the chalk screeching on the board annoying some students. "hey i'm sorry I'm Miss Katz I'm your science teacher as you can see we are learning material about cells" She drew a circle trying to resemble a cell then she drew the nucleas some tail or basically properties of a cell on the board. "So this is a nucleas its the power house of the cell and yea." She began to draw other things to bring futher interest in the lesson after saying that.

Miss Katz after teaching the lesson 30 minutes before class ended she got up and said "Alright you will have work to do before the end of class its about how gravity works" Miss Katz reached with her hands to grab a stack of paper before passing it out student after student until the whole class got a piece of that work sheet. She then said "you have 30 minutes to work on this its plenty of time to finish it you are all smart students and I think you can do it." As she finished passing the sheets she headed back to her desk.


Miss Katz said to the students. "Very nice work today you can be on your phones until class ends." She then grabbed all the papers with her hands reaching towards every desk walking and grabbing each paper then placing it on her desk as she focused on grading all the students for their accuracy of the questions answered as she looked at some failed and some are extremely doing well "I hope you have a nice rest of your day have a good lunch." she said in a caring tone. as the bell rang the students ran out the door and she was by herself after that class thinking very well of her students being strong when it came to learning.


Chapter 1 Infany and Child Hood
Aurora Katz was born on a unspecified date in the United States of America being a NYC chick Her mom teaching her english at a young age starting when he was born with flash cards spending time around people and worked her way around infancy. She was born in the 1990s likely after around 2 to 3 years she can speak fluent english she wasn't known for looks at first she grew up in a rough neighborhood but she steered clear away from gangs.

She entered elementary school at a young age exposed to bullying violence and other things but it wasn't as bad as the other schools. She attended school and got all A+s some called her a very nerdy kid which wasn't a good rep back at school but she was very silent so she wasn't annoying them but they found ways to target her.

She was pretty much bullied in school and developed anger issues due to that and she saw her bullies the next day and she fought back hard against them knocking them out brutally with a ton of pain. She ran from school staff but it was no match and she was brought to the principals office to face consequences for her actions the principal said "Why did you fight these dudes" next to her was 3 dudes who she beaten badly.

She said "Principal I don't even know these dudes." and the principal could see through her lies as the principal said. "Show me your knuckles." as She quickly hidden them these are not even my knuckles the principal said "alright your suspended then" she said "wait noo you cant suspend me." as she got introuble her parents were notified and she was whooped with a belt. "STOPPPP! OWWWW." she grew up with shitty parents as well but she had a lot of resources to succeed

She entered middle school impressing all her previous teachers with A honorale every year. She continued middle school widely picked on and afterwards she had enough. "ALRIGHT YOU FUCKING DUMB ASSES SAYING IM A NERD IM NO FUCKING NERD I DON'T LIKE STUDYING HOW ABOUT YOU JOCKS CAN GO AWAY AND SHUT UR GOD DAMN MOUTH. I NEVER SNITCHED ON ANYONE IN MY EDUCATIONAL CAREER AND I NEVER CORRECTED ANYONE HOW ABOUT YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF!" as the Teacher near by heard she was pissed off "OFFICE NOW!"

Aurora fearful said "But I didn.-" The Teacher said "Principals office NOW!" as aurora headed there quickly and all her rants were on cctv. "Principal I was beeing builled." She said as the principal sighed "Thats no excuse to cuss out the foot ball team. I'm recommending 1 week of after school detention I'll notify your parents too." Aurora said anxiously "noo don't tell my parents." The Principal said "you gotta learn from your actions."

She headed to detention doing the assignment before afterwards being picked up by angry parents. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" her mother said. I was being bullied but then her parents had flash backs of being bullied in school and they began to sympathize with her "lets go get some ice cream honey!" They celebrated about her for standing up for herself But they were still unhappy about the detentions
Chapter 2 High School
Aurora Started high school surrounded by gang violence drugs and abuse in her high school dice rolling games were normal this was no ordinary high school it was a high school from a rough neighborhood. Gangs would form around young high school students joining in on the mess. It was not a good time for Aurora she hated high school but it was at the time she started to get really pretty and she was getting hit on by the guys and she talked to the popular girls and found them utterly stupid.

She sat alone at lunch thinking the beauty she had was a curse because a ton of knuckle heads gang members students would hit on her and she wasn't a fan of it. She reject all of them through out high school but she fouced on her classes to make sure she would succeed and she did with a 3.8 gpa on a 4.0 scale. She was getting into a good college with that gpa but she just thought it wasn't enough.

She started to hang out with a girl named Bea in High School They met not too far away and they both had similar things they were dealing with. They were being hit on by everyone and they both didn't like it and they both had horrible child hoods. They became good friends with each other hanging out on the weekends and they even got the same job together as a cashier. Life was good for them They started a lesbian relationship

They started dating life was good until bea was pulled into a life of crime and the relationship went down hill as she never wanted bea to turn this way. She broke up with Bea as she pursued high school. She Graduated high school on top of the class with limited resources and at 18 She volenteered for the afghan war on the side of the united states joining the conflict.

Chapter 3 War Time

She hummed patriotic song as she ran to the recruitment office Aurora went through extensive training for 12 months to become a elite soldier prepared to take on afghan forces. Aurora Joined the United States military in a time of war joining a traumatizing conflict she got attached to some of these soldiers
She went through parcore training snipping training and she done a lot of push ups because she was not as disciplined when she was training then when she was sent to conflict.

As she arrived on the front lines she met a friend Jamal who was fighting a similiar conflict and she knew him from high school. Then disaster stroke the afghan forces began to charge at their position as Aurora grabbed her ar15 and fired at the enemies with swift force taking out a lot of them before being hit herself soon she fell and colapsed on the ground only to wake up in recovery surviving from gunshot wounds a few days later she was sent back to the front lines to fight

Guns and explosions and acts of war crimes can be seen at the sight of this conflict and she tried to remain calm and she was losing her sanity. She was shooting then she saw her friend Bea From high school die right beside her and there was no time to mourn as soon as she died she continued fighting back once the troops were done with she looted Bea and saw a picture of her family which made her sob.

She continued the war until the withdrew of the United states army in afganistan in 2021 and continued to serve in the military until 2024 before deciding to move to Karakura Japan leaving America behind a war hero now traumatized at the site of war wanted a new life style a second chance at a better life. She finished her service which was needed and she got free college off it but only at a loss of her sanity and the site of war leaving her mind traumatized for years afterwards. At this point she had 10 years of work experience and a college degree

Chapter 4 Travel to Karakura

After the war Aurora was left traumatized so she settled in for jobs that didn't require combat and she always wanted to be a teacher so she moved to Karakura she remembered during her child hood she had frequent vacations their to visit her family. She wanted to live there and live along side her family and to teacher karakura high school. She took a flight that lasted hours and hours until the arrive in japan gaining citizenship.

She was here to start a new life and not use it as a place for vacation she came to stay and it was now or never before she got the job she wanted. She started off with a bit of money enough to pay rent and put food on the table for a month but she needed a job so she began job searching and she applied for many places then she thought about her college degree and she was like. Wow I can be a science teacher as she sent a application to the school district online looking to be hired at Karakura High School she applied and currently she is officially waiting for the job opertunity waiting to see if she got accepted as a teacher


In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Aurora Katz

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
I agree that i'm at least above 25 and I'm 26 years old

I am a Female

Religious Denomination:
I am a Athiest

Marital Status:
I am Single

I am American

Current Location:

I currently work in Karakura City, Japan. I applied to many job interviews.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I been working since i was 16 working minimum wage jobs to gain experience in the customer service industry. I have 10 years of experience serving 4 as a cashier and 6 as a soldier to pay for college i got my degree in the united states of america then i realized I had enough of this god forsaken nation so i took a flight to karakura city and gained citizenship. I realized its much better here then america and i would like to continue boosting my work experience i also have 20 hours of community service feeding the homeless and thats about it for my work experience 10 years and 20 hours of hard labor for what? I want to succeed even though it may not sound like it I wanna become someone better than what I am right now.

Academic Degree:
bachelor's degree in science education

Year of Graduation:



Criminal Justice

Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese Korean Spanish

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

I do not have a TEFL TESOL and CELTA certificate but if i get all those i sure know well I will have a successful career as a teacher and I'm excited to prove myself worthy I wanna do this for the future of Japan I may have been patriotic to America but girl I changed. I want success for the world you know lets let us work together to spread education like wildfire. I hope you are with me on this one love.

/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:



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Level 60
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately this time around you have not been selected for this role due the following reasons:​
- Reputation.​
Please feel free to re-apply next wave. If you have any questions, please contact @lobsterrdog on discord.​

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