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ToriiGvtes || Maiden Application.


Level 3

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╰┈➤ IGN (In-Game Name): ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

HedeonRP – Is my main account.
ToriiGvtes – That’s the account I’m applying on.

╰┈➤ What is your discord username?: ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

You can contact me on Discord -> .hedeon

╰┈➤ What is your timezone?: ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

GMT ( Greenwich Mean Time ) This is 5 hours ahead of – However in the Summer we transition to BST ( British Summer Time ) Which is an hour earlier; making me only 4 Hours Ahead of EST instead.

╰┈➤ Describe your activity on the server: ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

There isn’t a real way to describe my activity on a linear scale; I’m sporadic and impulsive to the account I log on to. If I'm invested in a character and they have meaningful, long interactions, I’ll favour them. You can’t say you have ‘no’ favourite when It comes to OC’s because that's simply not true, you’ll always have a ‘main’ character you pick over the others. For me, this tends to be my Cheerleader, Makyoku – It’s not hard to see why.

However, if we disregard the focus on my characters, and look at time spent on the server as a whole scale. On a day-to-day basis, I spend around 1-6 hours on School Roleplay – With other variants involved, I’d say I never really dip below 3-4 hours a week. Unfortunately I have other commitments, such as college and assignments, as well as roleplay on a whole scale. I Have other commitments too, such as my social life, and other roleplays I frequently take part in.

Now we’ve discussed my most common time-frame of playing on School Roleplay – I’ll include a time-table of when I’m most frequently free to attend to an extra role, this will Include my team practice times, and days I’m free from college. Just so you can have an understanding of when I will be free, and when I won’t.

On Mondays I do not have any classes to attend -- so I'm free for the majority of the day

I can be active from when I wake up to when I fall asleep.
On Tuesdays I have College from 8:00 In The Morning until 4:00 in the afternoon -- Travel from both ways takes around an hour; So I'm free from 5:15 in the evening until I go to sleep.
On Wednesday I'm in College from 8:00 In the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon -- as previously stated Travel for me takes an hour; so I'll be free from 4:15 in the Afternoon.
Thursdays are easier for me -- I'm in College from 8:00 in the morning until 12:00 in the afternoon. So I'll be free around 1:00 in the afternoon until I fall asleep.
On Fridays -- Just like Monday, I have no classes which leaves me free for the majority of the day.

I'm more likely to roleplay an alternate character on this date.
Saturdays are more complex; I'm free for the Majority of the day but from 8:00 - 9:00 In the Evenings I'm unavailable due to Spartan Cheer Team Practices; these times do sometimes vary.
Sundays are the same as Saturdays; I'm free until my team hosts practice -- After which I'll be free to switch over accounts and play on my second account.

╰┈➤ List your current roles on the server: ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

Roles on HedeonRP →

[College][B][Cheerleader] “Makyoku Majo”
[Bird] ‘Cupid’
[Grade-12] “Kau’i Ka’ana’ana
[Grade-12] “Kurohime Gyakusatsu” -> Fight Club Fighter.

Roles on ToriiGvtes →
[Grade-12] “Kisshoten Oh”
[Bear] ‘Mordu’

╰┈➤ Link any previous applications: ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ACCEPTED ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶❤-highschool-councilor-kisshōten-iwabūchi.77668/

︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ DENIED ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

╰┈➤ What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)? ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶


╰┈➤ What is your motivation for applying? ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

Personally I’ve expressed an interest in the Shrine faction for a few months now – specifically I was more in-tune after the “New Years” Event at the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. It was more-so the performance the Shrine Maidens put on, The coordination was impressive, and the amount of effort spent wasn’t wasted.

As of late, I’ve found myself looking towards more Japanese Characters, and in turn – their backstories. It made me consider what belief system they’d follow as Citizens of Japan. My interest was more lore-wise for a Character, and not their faith in practice. Unfortunately I hadn’t put into perspective that they’d ‘practice’ their faith, I was never brought up around any kind of faith, nor have I sought one out. So the concept of practicing a method of prayer, faith and blatant trust in one's beliefs was foreign at the time. This was made clear to me when my character was approached by other followers of Shintoism; when they asked what she practiced, how she did it – I could never come up with a ‘true’ explanation, and would result in saying ‘the way everyone does’. But that’s subjective, it was easy to avoid the questions but in truth, I was curious, and a tad ashamed I’d thrown my character into something I couldn’t back up.

Thankfully I was introduced to the ‘Town’ Discord – I asked questions to the maidens, and in my own way tried to learn more. In my get-to-know-me sort of situation, I posted several Kimonos, asking if they met the modesty standard expected of the shrine. They all passed, thank goodness. From then, I started to come up towards the Monastery more, I never really went ‘into’ It per-say? But I looked for Maidens & Priests to speak to, unfortunately the Majority of the time, they were busy with other tasks. So many of my Characters still lack knowledge that I have OOC – For my College Character, anyway.

╰┈➤ What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it? ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

Truthfully – I’m not /THE/ most Knowledgeable on the topic; However, I’ll try and put what I know into a few paragraphs, so you can grasp my understanding of Shinto.

  1. Basic Information. *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Shinto – Japan’s /NATIVE/ System. Shinto; it revolves around supernatural beings referred to as “Kami” – The previously stated “Kami” are assumed to inhabit all natural things, forces of nature, water, earth, air – alongside prominent landscapes, waterfalls, volcanos, ect.

2. The Kami *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Traditionally; There's a lot of history that comes with this term, However I myself am not well versed in this. However, I’m aware there are 7 Main Kami – I Can name a few, and their descriptors too.

Izanagi and Izanami – Izanagi was the Kami of Creation & Life; and produced the following Generations of Kami with his Sister-Wife, Izanami, who died during the birth of the Fire Kami.

Amaterasu – The Sun Goddess; They were born from Iznagii’s Left eye – once he’d bathed in some form of water.

Tsukuyomi – The Moon Goddess; They were born from Izanagi’s Right eye – again, once he’d bathed in some form of water.

Susanoo – The Storm Kami; They were born from Inznagi’s nose. Notably they behaved destructively which frightened Amaterasu into hiding in a cave.

Unfortunately I can’t recall many more of these supernatural beings; though as we speak – or as you read this I’m going to be researching the Kami and their purpose, creation, and symbolistic powers.

3. The Torii Gate *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I’m aware one is supposed to bow before passing beneath one; to honor the Kami & show their respects. Torii Gates are significant to the transition of the mundane and unprotected into the sacred Shrine.

4. Cleansing *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

One must cleanse themselves before entering the Sacred grounds, you’d do so as following –
  1. Take the ladle in your right hand and fill it – pouring the water over your left hand.
  2. Move the ladle into your left hand so you can rinse your right hand
  3. Move the dipper into your right hand again & pour the water into your left hand, to rinse out your mouth
  4. Rinse your left hand again, and put the Ladle back in its original location.

It’s important to respect the signs, not cleansing yourself before entering the sacred grounds is seen as disrespectful, and bad manners. Following the customs set for those that believe is important, even if you yourself do not follow said customs / belief system.

Unfortunately to-date this is all the information I have, but I’ll keep periodically updating it before the applications are checked.

Am I willing to learn more about Shintoism? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Regarding the second half of this question, yes, I am open to learning more about the shrine, whether I make it into the faction or not, I intend to pursue learning more about shintoism and the culture surrounding it out of my own interest.

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Character Full Name:

The woman set her hand out, she felt her surroundings with immense care. Soon enough, Dōkoyaku located her seat, and knelt onto the cushion opposite the Mitsue. Hands placed in her lap – each movement dainty and uncertain.
“Dōkoyaku Majo. However – I prefer Meiko.”

Notably – Dōkoyaku means ‘Poison’; Perhaps that was the reason for her aversion. Either way – Ms. Majo provided her full legal name, as required. Whether or not the Mitsue addressed her as Meiko or Dōkoyaku was for the future to decide.

Character Title:
The Pink-Haired woman pressed a hand to her mouth for a moment – unsure of how another would perceive her title. Fortunately Dōkoyaku remained quiet on any form of Noble Name or Clan Title. It wouldn’t be becoming of her to mention her status in a place it’s completely irrelevant.
Dōkoyaku’s hand came to murmur over a small cough; an ailment one, or more may suffer with during the transition between winter and spring – an intense change in the pollen had given her the sniffles, too.

Character Age:
Dōkoyaku had a teasing tone to this one.Though, one could tell she was sheerly being playful in her mannerisms. A hand came to press against her cheek.
“Twenty-Seven–? Oh–my..”
Her hand came to rub the baby-smooth skin of her face; maybe this was a sign she’d need to improve on her self-care. Dōkoyaku’s expression remained serene – these were routine questions Afterall.

Character Marital Status:

The hand that previously rested on her cheek moved to cover her mouth – yet another tease. This was a hint towards her character; someone playful and warm.
“Quite forward, no? – Forgive me, I’m a tease.”
Dōkoyaku held her hand in place to conceal the small giggle that escaped her mouth.

Her response was as wispy as her tone was gentle. Dōkoyaku moved her hand to rest back in her lap. The pink-haired woman re-composed herself for a moment.

Character Nationality:
Dōkoyaku was very clearly of Asian descent – more specifically when you rotate down her features she was clearly Japanese.
Then – into her purse she dug before her fingers ran over the soft braille label on the card; Dōkoyaku set her National Identification Card onto the small surface that sat between the pair.

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Remained quiet for a moment – a hard subject for her to come to terms with; the loss of her skill.
“I Had a Diploma in Cosmetology, Advanced Diploma in Aesthetics and Hair Designs. I Majored in Performing Arts & General Art studies.”
It became clear why Dōkoyaku was slow to answer – she had barely overcome the fact her passions had been stolen from her bound to flourish and fall just as her vision did.


Majo Clan; Explanation.

魔女 | Majo – Meaning “Witch.”

Founded in the Heian Period – 794.

“Kurayamiro Majo.” Someone of intense vigour and behaviour – who relents at no expense to gain what he desires; going as far as to head a small army of his own in the youth of his life. Kurayamiro at age 16 had ended an assassination attempt on a Kizoku. Information wise; Kizoku are Aristocrats just under the Imperial Family in the Heian Period. As Kurayamiro had saved one of the “Daidōji–” Clan He was presented the first daughters hand in Marriage – Accompanying this status the Imperial Family granted permission to form the ‘Majo’ Clan.

Followed by Kurayamiro and his Wife – Reiko were their sons in total they had 7 Sons; Yamihiro, Ankokuji, Kuraiku, Inen, Maouji, Kuraishi and Yamiryuu.

Unfortunately for the violence and anguish Kurayamiro had caused throughout his lifetime – He suffered a painful and slow death at the age of 32. His sons range from 12-16 when he passed – Each of their names contained some form of dark message. Their mother passed when she reached 32 – her death in correlation with her name.

From Henceforth – The Imperial Priest had deemed their bloodline cursed. Each of The 7 had immense talents ranging from poetry to the art of combat; making a name and ascending to Kizoku – they had secured the Majo Clan’s place amongst the Era.

A Sole Tradition; The Majo Clan names each new member of the family – new-borns in the way they are predicted to pass away; usually this is done by the Family Elders. Names tend to loop back in and out throughout Generations.

Recent Lore;

毒薬 魔女| Dōkoyaku Majo

Dōkoyaku; Born from Maouji and Fumiko. Maouji Majo comes from the main branch – and is the Heir to the Majo Clan. He’s one of many of his name, Maouji. Since the Heian Era a Tradition has been passed down from Clan Head to Clan Head. The naming of any new Majo’s is to be decided by the Clan Head – Who base the newborn's name from the way they are predicted to pass; very few in the Majo Clan tend to live past 40; Though there is no reasonable explanation for this unnatural phenomenon aside from a streak of bad-luck – awful connections and High Status leading to offensive moves from other Clans.

Dōkoyaku means Poison – She’s the first of her name. Raised on the Majo Clan Estate in Fukuoka Prefecture. Naturally Dōkoyaku had near to no contact with her parents – tended to by a Nanny and ornate team of servants. Education was rather fast-paced; those who can’t keep up in the intellectual debates weren’t seen as valuable assets by the Family Elders. Dōkoyaku Had an Elder Brother; Kuraiku.

Dōkoyaku had perfect vision in her youth; however over the course of year upon year of strain; she slowly began to lose her sight. The Deterioration of her vision began in her second year of University – where she noticed a blur on the labels of Hair-Bleach; and mixed up the toners used on her mannequin's head. Chalking it up to a lack of sleep and stress of the physical examination approaching she ignored the symptoms. After she’d gained her Diploma these symptoms worsened – unfortunately by the time the Clan Head had caught wind of this – and brought their personal Doctor from the Estate to Dōkoyaku, she had already lost the remainder of her vision.

After Kuraiku had passed; Age 32 – Leaving his Daughter, Makyoku age 17 in her Custody. The transition into Guardianship so late into her life was hard – parenting a grieving teenager at only 25. The Majo Clan owns several houses across the Country – moving to Karakura was what Makyoku needed; a Break and a fresh start outside of Fukuoka.

Makyoku first moved to Karakura at 19 – Into the Majo’s home on the Island. Following a few months after her Niece, and now God-Daughter, Dōkoyaku moved into the Majo Residency – looking for places to work; The Monastery was her first choice. The Majo Clan was very religious – following Shinto from its first introduction into Japanese Culture.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Dōkoyaku’s a soft-spoken woman who speaks with a form of sweetness; to all those around her. With Guests she’s rather formal – Bowing to her elders and informative to those that genuinely seek to know what lay behind the meaning of Shinto. Usually she teases – however when it comes to the Guests, both formal and Informal Dōkoyaku takes more of a warm “Aunt” Personality – someone you can trust and confide in when you need it.

When interacting with other Maidens & Priests – Dōkoyaku’s syrupy charm leaks through; followed by her naturally teasing nature. She remains formal when it comes to practice – Bowing to her Higher-ups & Elders. Just as easy to confide in as the Guests Dōkoyaku’s one to assist in any way she can – emotionally or physically with a task that may strain another member around her. Her teasing tends to be more forward when the content is her peers – she’ll tease someone in a rather playful manner; though Dōkoyaku Knows when and where the line should be drawn when it comes to certain content and topics relating to her fellow Maidens & Priests. Dōkoyaku would also enjoy long conversations with fellow members of staff – she’d generally avoid topics such as Family & Political standpoints within Karakura, though.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

First, Dōkoyaku Isolates the perpetrator – preferably into a space out of the way so she can confront them around the situation; she offers a warning the first time – and extends into a winded lecture around /WHY/ what they did was wrong and the reason these grounds are sacred. She ‘Hopes’ that they won't commit the act again. Upon the next time they are caught – She warns them again reverting to a much more stern tone as they’d disregarded everything she’d explained and chosen to violate it knowing the meanings. If Dōkoyaku happens on them once more disrespecting the sacred grounds by throwing themselves from rooftop to rooftop – she Gives them a Third and final warning to stop and again takes them away to a more private area to go over again what the meaning behind what this place is and reasons they should avoid disrespecting the area. Upon them violating their third warning – Dōkoyaku takes the issue to a Higher-up; providing a name, and a description of the person – allowing them to blacklist them temporarily from the shrine.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?

Dōkoyaku may have several reasons for wanting to become a Maiden – They range from personal to impersonal, too.

She aches for a purpose; in the Majo Clan she’s nothing more than a spare to the Heir – serving a purpose for more than the needs of the few she wishes to serve for the needs of the many. Becoming a Maiden not only allows her to fulfill the need to serve a higher-purpose while simultaneously not having her disinherited from the Clan. Since Dōkoyaku’s core values include Loyalty – She finds it a struggle to break free from those that have cared for her, nurtured her and deems it acceptable to instead to find a middle-ground.

Being a Maiden includes following Shinto – which is what the Majo Clan practices and Influences from her youth left her open to the exploration of Shinto and the same practices her Clan follow. These soft internal influences are part of what shaped her – having those that were so informed around the rich history of Shinto; the Legends passed generation through generation and practices brought from Ancient Texts preserved through word-of-mouth. Each moment of the Education was utterly enchanting to Dōkoyaku; she found what proved to be a warm light against the cold contrast of her Morbid Family – it was an escape from the cruel reality that wherever she went her name was ‘Poisoned’ or ‘Tainted’. Shinto was the guide for her motivation – her values; It shaped her into who she was today – through each visit to a shrine, each festival she went to and every time she uttered a prayer and left an ornate offering – it was just /perfect/ and it felt right.

Impersonally – Dōkoyaku has noticed the number of youth (-20)’s who engage in Shinto Practices; following this – She wants to educate and encourage them to research into the subject. However She’d never force someone to conform to a Religion they want nothing to do with – Dōkoyaku’s main aim is to educate and encourage; her sweet nature plays a role in the teaching of the practice – she wants nothing more than to see those who haven’t found their faith embrace it and to help those who have lost it find the passion to follow it once more.

What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)


Dōkoyaku finds Loyalty to be an Attractive Attribute; attractive in the sense it’s a desirable quality in someone. Being able to trust someone in a romantic or platonic sense is something important – if you can’t be loyal you’ll be left alone for the fact no one can count on you to be there for them; if you shift from partner to partner or friend to friend then you aren’t loyal – nor are you reliable. Dōkoyaku values this because it’s one of the things that makes people so human – the capability to be loyal to one another in every sense, defensive, protective, and loving – it’s a mixture of everything; because if someone is truly loyal to you it’s a miracle they trust you enough to be loyal to them.

Dōkoyaku is fascinated yet disgusted by the fact some choose to be unloyal or unfaithful to their partners and or family members; she finds it to be a despicable act – to gain the trust of someone to the point of dependency and trust and to break that apart piece by piece isn’t a thought she enjoys – so, she values Loyalty above all else.


Honesty in the face of adversity and unfair circumstances is something Dōkoyaku Values /VERY/ much. Dōkoyaku finds honesty a good value to have as not only a moral obligation but a personal ethical value one must have to be a functioning human being in modern society. In turn – She finds dishonesty just as despicable as unfaithfulness because not only did the other party go out of their way to be dishonest but they hurt others in the process; trust isn’t a thing one can easily regain in a lost cause.

Dōkoyaku personally values this – and prides herself on never being Dishonest for the fact that she deems it wrong – but she was constantly exposed towards Dishonesty and Lies during her upbringing – those that lied about her parents being unavailable – those that tell lies about her parents deaths to keep her from being emotionally unstable; maybe they were dishonest for the right reasons – but it never shakes the fact that they’re being dishonest on purpose.


Kindness is self-explanatory for Dōkoyaku; she’s a rather soft-spoken and warm woman with an admiration for nature and everything around it – treating animals and people with A Sense of Kindness is one of her core values because at the end of the day – this is an ecosystem of people trying to survive in one way or another, mentally, physically, emotionally – and she finds no point in tearing down the mental state of others with mean comments and rude remarks.

Dōkoyaku isn’t fond of those that are unkind – finding no reason whatsoever behind the catty and mean behaviour is one of the most dismaying things when greeting newer people. Overall Dōkoyaku finds comfort in those that are kind – and hopes by being kind others may find comfort in her warmth.

Dōkoyaku; Soft-Pink hair fell past her thighs as if it were satin – the soft tresses seemed to flow completely unashamed in their natural form; the beauty within shone outwards on Dōkoyaku. Dōkoyaku features were dainty & feminine, her eyes a cloudy blue/white colour, and appeared consistently warm – yet her vision was most clearly impaired. Her voice was soft, sweetened even – and held a tease to its tone. Her Expression laid completely affectionate. Dōkoyaku had a pear-shaped anatomy with a hefty bust to accentuate her curvaceous hips and overall womanly shape. A pair of pouty lips seemed to further amplify her countenance. Her outerwear was always more modest than not; it wasn’t her style to wear low-cut or reveal much more than the eyes needed to see. A Sweet scent seemed to dawdle behind wherever she stepped – it remained there for some time – an ever permanent reminder she was there; The scent of Victoria’s Secret “Bare Vanilla,” followed her.

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