Level 22
IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity depends a lot on school and different things, taking I am in highschool! I am usually more active on weekends than on weekdays. But that mostly dictates if i am able to stay up too late or I am free to be able to do stuff even late in the night. On average. My weekday schedule goes from 3-4PM GMT+3 when i get home. To around 11PM-12AM GMT+3 when I usually go to sleep. On weekends I am often online from around 10AM GMT+3, being able to stand online to even up to 3-4 AM. With breaks in between to get a breather. My open schedule often leaves me online at times where people aren't as active as later in the day. So i am hoping to be able to rise the activity of the shrine at those certain times, while also giving me something to do rather than aimlessly running around at such times!
List your current roles on the server:
[Grade-12] Nathen Tachitsu-Kijima
Link any previous applications:
I will be inserting links into the words. To check the applications themselves you are free to click them for a direct link! Looking at this, it also shows a history of how i evolved on the server.
Faction Applications!:
KPD#1 [Denied]
KPD#2 [Denied]
Teacher [Denied]
Language Applications!:
Romanian [Denied]
JSL#1 [Denied]
JSL#2 [Denied]
Greek#1 [Denied]
Greek#2 [Accepted]
Russian#1 [Accepted]
Other#1(Third Language Slot) [Denied]
Other#2(Third Language Slot) [Accepted]
Jin#1 [Accepted]
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I am applying for the Priest position!
What is your motivation for applying?
I believe it will be beneficial to involve myself in the roleplay i enjoy, loving to hang out around the shrine. But also expand on the point which my character holds great interest in, along with an OOC interest in Shintoinism. I wish to involve myself into the faction and see which ways i can prove my worth while also having fun with the community itself. I personally believe i would fit in. So as such, at the encouragement of some friends, i am now here!
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I have some decent knowledge regarding Shintoinism, learning more as i stuck around the shrine faction, familiarizing myself to their events, rituals, and other smaller things. But I do have a long way until I perfect such or reach average knowledge. I am willing to learn more about it, trough both OOC research and IC interactions. It is a small passion of mine as I am heavily interested in Japanese culture and behaviors. Always willing to expand it as much as I am able like an endless book!
Character Full Name:
Nathen Tris Tachitsu-Kijima
Character Title:
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Tris has arrived into Karakura at a young age, being merely 13 at the time of his arrival. It was quite messy, meeting people of all kinds, arriving from a peculiar type of drama. Yet he adapted swiftly, moving and growing older within the city, learning more of both sides, Good and bad. The youngling has leant a bit too much into the dark streets, getting in some quite the groups if called such, criminal or not. Not much was really known. . After all even now his records are clear. He got himself into groups, one of the best, shaping him slightly was Bonten. . Of course standing near its Flagbearing division, as he thought fast and always had some ideas. . Yet, as time went, he got himself in some troubles with the black market. . In the end, his own blade ending one. . Taking his mask. . Of course, after everything went down it was quite a peculiar time, waiting for the waters to cool down, but this mask ended up being something that would shape him. . A lot.
He made the choice to leave, quit anything criminal and take a step back, remaining in contact with those he could call family. As time went he met someone who was like a mother to him! Odette. . Later on currently adopting him. Yet, the mask remained in his possession. . As he started visiting the shrine! Finding a priest with the same mask. He began wearing it before he was given a lesson. On what it was about. It was an oath, one to the Kitsune's that once used to serve the Shrine. He listened and learnt the story, the mask's colors and their meanings. A mirror, as those that do not boil their water for tea, often get sick. Boiling it was a symbol some could call protection.
As time went, Kiara, the priest that taught him such, left the shrine. No idea to where, but that's all he knew, growing around it as it quite shaped him into the person he is today, leaving a mark that is quite visible in his personality, but also turning into a location he loves hanging out into, even now holding the mask and oath close to his heart. Having concrete plans for his future, wishing to become a priest and step into Kiara's footsteps. Never wishing to look back again, after all, it didn't matter as much in his current state.
His interest in the shrine expands quite a lot in interactions he has had in the past, concerning spirits like Mi-Cha or the Mother. Ending in him becoming a Saiky Estate keeper for a duration of time, before dropping it, yet still holding contact with some members he considered to be close with.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Within shrine grounds, it is important to be respectful, follow the rules and be nice to everyone in the end! Tris has grown quite accustomed to such, watching other shrine staff performing their usual routine of welcoming guests with a bow and greeting. While also welcoming their own co-workers in a more friendly matter often. Interactions often are made to be calm, containing a cup of tea or some nice words. An experience where someone can develop their personality, learn from each other or listen to a small history lesson or story the shrine member can tell. With his own ears he has heard quite many of those, never growing bored of them. After all each Shrine member tells it at least a tad bit differently if telling the same one at all. Interactions on Shrine grounds, as a member of the faction or not are something that can be fun and entertaining for both sides, but i believe most entertaining the be interactions between these two concerning lore. As it is a big part in the Shrine's faction, and always lovely to speak about like a story!
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Making people aware of the rules, if they maybe skipped right over them is a good start. While also explaining them more deeper as why such needs to be followed and why respect is a big and important part of the Shrine's existence. Of course, such behavior should be not be allowed even if they do not understand why the respect is required. So if not understood telling them to act civilized and that such actions as their aren't allowed is a good second step. Only in the worst cases where repetition of the same disrespect is high without any apologies should blacklisting be considered as a possible option.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
He has grown around the location, but also around its culture as a person. The Shrine staff played a major step in his decisions and actions of considering becoming a priest. This is greatly influenced by past experiences concerning the shrine, but also the oath he so follows. He believes it is a place he could fit in with ease, but also a place he could teach others about Shintoinism together with learning more himself about his beliefs. It is a decision he carefully made quite deciding his future, yet he doesn't regret setting his goals to being this, it simply motivated him more towards what he truly wants, a peaceful life.
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