Player Information
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What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord?:
I personally prefer to stay muted in group calls, etc. But if need be, I do have a working microphone!
How old are you?:
What is your current time zone?:
I’m currently in the ‘BST’ time zone.
(British Summer Time)
Describe your activity on the server?:
Usually, my activity on the server goes up and down depending on what's going on in my life and what I have to do on the server. I try to spend around five hours every day or two playing, but that can change depending on what's going on in OOCly. Lately, I've been swamped with business exams and college stuff, so I haven't been on as much. But at the bare minimum, I'm around at least five days a week, and can usually get on whenever i'm needed. My time zone is pretty perfect for both SRP and this role, as the server begins to peak around 9PM to 3AM.
Admittedly, I've been feeling a bit de-motivated lately because I don't really have a specific role or job on the server as an adult, so I haven't been playing as much. This is a personal issue that I'm sure being apart of a faction again would resolve. I really do love the SRP community, and i'm proud to be apart of it, but I believe it is very important to take breaks when you start to get burnt out. I suppose this is an attempt at me finding a sense of belonging, or purpose, on the server again. Some of my best memories on the server come from being apart of a faction or community, and I can confidently say that if given the opportunity, I would wholeheartedly commit myself to this role, providing it with both the dedication and effort it deserves.
What makes you stand out over other applicants?:
I've been on the server for almost three years now, and during that time, I've explored lots of different types of roleplay. I take character writing seriously and put a lot of effort into creating in-depth characters with unique actions and beliefs. I've played all kinds of characters, whether that be a Shinto priest, a tough Yakuza member haunted by the trauma of his actions, or just a kid obsessed with sumo wrestling, I pay attention to the little details and work hard to make my characters as interesting and authentic as possible.
If I get accepted for this new role, I can't guarantee that it'll be easy for me or that I'll fit in right away. It's something new to me, and is sure as hell out of my comfort zone, but I'm really excited to give it a try. I'm a quick learner, and I'm confident that I'll be able to adapt to the new environment and challenges. Whether I'm stocking shelves, having drinks with business partners, or paying my employees, I'll put my heart into every action and make them all unique to me. I truly intend to create a fun roleplay experience for everyone involved.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I've never been banned from the server, but I did get a warning about a year ago (I think it was in June 2022). I used the Bird Whitelist to glitch out of the map, which I shouldn't have done. I don't have an excuse for this, I just didn't read the rules for animal whitelists and messed up. But I've learned from that mistake, and can now proudly say I take all the rules and guidelines seriously, no matter the size or importance of the role.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of-course. As stated before, if I am accepted I will give the role my utmost dedication and effort. If for whatever reason I need to take a short break, be it for college, or just an overall lack of motivation, I will ensure I let the faction-lead know of my situation.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Please note; The reason this section might not be as detailed as the others is because for the past couple of OOC years, I've been focusing on developing my characters through The Akihito Clan community instead of playing specific roles on the server. I was very dedicated to them, so I didn't feel the need to apply for any other roles. When I'm part of a community or faction, I like to give it my all, rather than spreading myself too thin. Some people might see that as a weakness, but I think it shows my overall dedication and commitment to the roles I do have. That being said, I'm really excited to return to the faction side of SRP if I get accepted.
Role Applications
Priest Application - Accepted
Maiden Application - Denied
Language Applications
Chinese/Mandarin Application - Accepted
Chinese/Mandarin Application - Denied
Spanish Application - Accepted
Spanish Application - Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server?:
Tsuryoku - [Adult]: Aki Masahiko, Age-29.
Bouryoku - [College-B]: Matsubara Yuuji, Age-19.
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What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord?:
I personally prefer to stay muted in group calls, etc. But if need be, I do have a working microphone!
How old are you?:
What is your current time zone?:
I’m currently in the ‘BST’ time zone.
(British Summer Time)
Describe your activity on the server?:
Usually, my activity on the server goes up and down depending on what's going on in my life and what I have to do on the server. I try to spend around five hours every day or two playing, but that can change depending on what's going on in OOCly. Lately, I've been swamped with business exams and college stuff, so I haven't been on as much. But at the bare minimum, I'm around at least five days a week, and can usually get on whenever i'm needed. My time zone is pretty perfect for both SRP and this role, as the server begins to peak around 9PM to 3AM.
Admittedly, I've been feeling a bit de-motivated lately because I don't really have a specific role or job on the server as an adult, so I haven't been playing as much. This is a personal issue that I'm sure being apart of a faction again would resolve. I really do love the SRP community, and i'm proud to be apart of it, but I believe it is very important to take breaks when you start to get burnt out. I suppose this is an attempt at me finding a sense of belonging, or purpose, on the server again. Some of my best memories on the server come from being apart of a faction or community, and I can confidently say that if given the opportunity, I would wholeheartedly commit myself to this role, providing it with both the dedication and effort it deserves.
What makes you stand out over other applicants?:
I've been on the server for almost three years now, and during that time, I've explored lots of different types of roleplay. I take character writing seriously and put a lot of effort into creating in-depth characters with unique actions and beliefs. I've played all kinds of characters, whether that be a Shinto priest, a tough Yakuza member haunted by the trauma of his actions, or just a kid obsessed with sumo wrestling, I pay attention to the little details and work hard to make my characters as interesting and authentic as possible.
If I get accepted for this new role, I can't guarantee that it'll be easy for me or that I'll fit in right away. It's something new to me, and is sure as hell out of my comfort zone, but I'm really excited to give it a try. I'm a quick learner, and I'm confident that I'll be able to adapt to the new environment and challenges. Whether I'm stocking shelves, having drinks with business partners, or paying my employees, I'll put my heart into every action and make them all unique to me. I truly intend to create a fun roleplay experience for everyone involved.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I've never been banned from the server, but I did get a warning about a year ago (I think it was in June 2022). I used the Bird Whitelist to glitch out of the map, which I shouldn't have done. I don't have an excuse for this, I just didn't read the rules for animal whitelists and messed up. But I've learned from that mistake, and can now proudly say I take all the rules and guidelines seriously, no matter the size or importance of the role.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of-course. As stated before, if I am accepted I will give the role my utmost dedication and effort. If for whatever reason I need to take a short break, be it for college, or just an overall lack of motivation, I will ensure I let the faction-lead know of my situation.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Please note; The reason this section might not be as detailed as the others is because for the past couple of OOC years, I've been focusing on developing my characters through The Akihito Clan community instead of playing specific roles on the server. I was very dedicated to them, so I didn't feel the need to apply for any other roles. When I'm part of a community or faction, I like to give it my all, rather than spreading myself too thin. Some people might see that as a weakness, but I think it shows my overall dedication and commitment to the roles I do have. That being said, I'm really excited to return to the faction side of SRP if I get accepted.
Role Applications
Priest Application - Accepted
Maiden Application - Denied
Language Applications
Chinese/Mandarin Application - Accepted
Chinese/Mandarin Application - Denied
Spanish Application - Accepted
Spanish Application - Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server?:
Tsuryoku - [Adult]: Aki Masahiko, Age-29.
Bouryoku - [College-B]: Matsubara Yuuji, Age-19.
Shop Information
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What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for the store Motako, located right by the beach and a large parking lot. The plot of land is perfect for me to hold various promotional events outside, while also offering parking for customers. After all, the name "convenience store" speaks for itself, and having Motako situated at a popular hotspot will make it easily accessible to all, allowing it to live up to the name. I believe that it will provide customers with the convenience they need, while also giving them a chance to enjoy the beach and surrounding area. Overall, I think it's a great opportunity to run a thriving business in a prime location, and I am excited about the potential that Motako holds.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper, and why this store specifically?:
To make things easier to understand (and write) here, I've split this section into two parts. First, I'll talk about why I personally want to join this faction. And then, in the second part, I'll delve into my character's motives for wanting to run Motako.
As an active member of the SRP community, I love creating immersive experiences for both myself and others involved in roleplay scenarios with me. I think that taking on the role of a shopkeeper would be a unique and exciting challenge, allowing me to showcase the creativity and writing skills that I have picked up over the years from both SRP and real life experiences. This is something that I'm genuinely interested in, and I truly believe that it would be a fun and rewarding experience that would allow me to contribute to the SRP community in a new and meaningful way.
Recently, SRP has been getting a bit dull for me. Playing as an unemployed adult, I find myself getting bored and going AFK often because it's harder to find immersive RP scenarios. Since the Akihito Clans disbanding, there isn't really anything for me to do with my unemployed adult account. That's why I think applying to be a shopkeeper, something very new and intriguing to me, would be a great solution. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Shrine faction, and it gave me a sense of purpose on the server. I can only imagine how much I would enjoy and thrive in the Shopkeeper role, not only as an avid writer but also as an A-level Business student. I hope to use both the experiences and skills I learn in this new faction all-throughout my future SRP career, and potentially even later on in life.
"Underneath his rough, razor-sharp exterior, Aki Masahiko is just a man who wants to escape his horrific past. He's done things he'll regret till the day he dies, and he truly suffers the harrowing consequences of his actions every single day, and rightfully so. He sees taking over Motako as a chance to make amends for all the wrong he's done, while carrying on his ex-patriarchs hard-earned legacy. A futile, pathetic attempt of making up for a life of bad choices. Aki is not at all a "good" character, and he'll forever hate himself for it, however he is on the path of redemption, however polluted that path may be. Although aware of the futility of this attempt, he is one thing if not stubborn. His determination, loyalty, and over-all sense of desperation alone are enough to keep him following this path.

Aki first encountered Ryuu Tashiro, Motako's former owner, when he was 17 (2 OOC Years ago). He'd just enlisted into The Akihito Clan Yakuza family, as a low-level enforcer. Instantly, Aki was plunged into warfare and brutality. Although a lot to take in at first, after months of adjustment, Aki grew used to the violent life-style of a Yakuza. In-fact, he excelled. When Aki was 19, Ryuu founded Motako. Aki admired the fact that someone so engrossed into the criminal underworld could start a legitimate business. Although not the brightest individual, this was when Aki decided he'd do the same, whenever the time comes. Through another 2 years of increasingly hard-work, Aki climbed to the rank of soldier. It was here that Ryuu had become patriarch, taking over from the late Mike Akihito. Aki's admiration for Ryuu sky-rocketed, and Motako continued to grow.
Through various security jobs, social calls, and shopping, Aki grew fond of Motako. He felt proud of the environment his boss had created, with nothing but his own two hands. Which was why it came as such a shock to him when Ryuu Tashiro retired from both the Yakuza life-style, and the business scene. By now, Aki was 27, yet his only sense of belonging had been uprooted from his life, and he was left with nothing but his own thoughts. He spent the next two years keeping his head down, working for Tokyo's Akihito branch, but nothing could amount to the familiarity of Karakura.
After many unfortunate, yet unavoidable events, Aki received expulsion from Tokyo's Akihito Branch, and He was forced to return back to Karakura, under the watch of a local chairman. However, his family, and his whole reason for calling Karakura a home, was gone. The familiarity of the city and the faces within it turned to distorted scorn and hatred. Aki began to view Karakura as a cage. He was trapped, unable to leave, and everyone he knew was gone, except Motako.

He saw Motako as a life-line in a sea of despair. A way out from the lifestyle that is practically eating away at him, day by day. A chance to start anew, making up for the all the wrong he'd done, although deep down he knew; He could never make things right. In a way, Aki still feels the need to prove himself to Ryuu, even with him gone, and for now, rebuilding Motako is the way he'll do that."
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
This part was quite challenging for me to complete. As mentioned earlier, my character is applying to run Motako because he deeply admires the previous owner, Ryuu Tashiro. To address this issue, I have decided to give Motako a major refurbishment, adding some unique features while maintaining the original Motako theme in a respectful way. Initially, I considered transforming it into a restaurant or a bar, but I felt that would take away from the already miniscule amount of player-ran convenience stores, which in my opinion are a crucial part of SRP. Below are some exterior and interior designs that I've been working on recently to give Motako a refreshing and modern look:
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What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for the store Motako, located right by the beach and a large parking lot. The plot of land is perfect for me to hold various promotional events outside, while also offering parking for customers. After all, the name "convenience store" speaks for itself, and having Motako situated at a popular hotspot will make it easily accessible to all, allowing it to live up to the name. I believe that it will provide customers with the convenience they need, while also giving them a chance to enjoy the beach and surrounding area. Overall, I think it's a great opportunity to run a thriving business in a prime location, and I am excited about the potential that Motako holds.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper, and why this store specifically?:
To make things easier to understand (and write) here, I've split this section into two parts. First, I'll talk about why I personally want to join this faction. And then, in the second part, I'll delve into my character's motives for wanting to run Motako.
As an active member of the SRP community, I love creating immersive experiences for both myself and others involved in roleplay scenarios with me. I think that taking on the role of a shopkeeper would be a unique and exciting challenge, allowing me to showcase the creativity and writing skills that I have picked up over the years from both SRP and real life experiences. This is something that I'm genuinely interested in, and I truly believe that it would be a fun and rewarding experience that would allow me to contribute to the SRP community in a new and meaningful way.
Recently, SRP has been getting a bit dull for me. Playing as an unemployed adult, I find myself getting bored and going AFK often because it's harder to find immersive RP scenarios. Since the Akihito Clans disbanding, there isn't really anything for me to do with my unemployed adult account. That's why I think applying to be a shopkeeper, something very new and intriguing to me, would be a great solution. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Shrine faction, and it gave me a sense of purpose on the server. I can only imagine how much I would enjoy and thrive in the Shopkeeper role, not only as an avid writer but also as an A-level Business student. I hope to use both the experiences and skills I learn in this new faction all-throughout my future SRP career, and potentially even later on in life.
"Underneath his rough, razor-sharp exterior, Aki Masahiko is just a man who wants to escape his horrific past. He's done things he'll regret till the day he dies, and he truly suffers the harrowing consequences of his actions every single day, and rightfully so. He sees taking over Motako as a chance to make amends for all the wrong he's done, while carrying on his ex-patriarchs hard-earned legacy. A futile, pathetic attempt of making up for a life of bad choices. Aki is not at all a "good" character, and he'll forever hate himself for it, however he is on the path of redemption, however polluted that path may be. Although aware of the futility of this attempt, he is one thing if not stubborn. His determination, loyalty, and over-all sense of desperation alone are enough to keep him following this path.

Aki first encountered Ryuu Tashiro, Motako's former owner, when he was 17 (2 OOC Years ago). He'd just enlisted into The Akihito Clan Yakuza family, as a low-level enforcer. Instantly, Aki was plunged into warfare and brutality. Although a lot to take in at first, after months of adjustment, Aki grew used to the violent life-style of a Yakuza. In-fact, he excelled. When Aki was 19, Ryuu founded Motako. Aki admired the fact that someone so engrossed into the criminal underworld could start a legitimate business. Although not the brightest individual, this was when Aki decided he'd do the same, whenever the time comes. Through another 2 years of increasingly hard-work, Aki climbed to the rank of soldier. It was here that Ryuu had become patriarch, taking over from the late Mike Akihito. Aki's admiration for Ryuu sky-rocketed, and Motako continued to grow.
Through various security jobs, social calls, and shopping, Aki grew fond of Motako. He felt proud of the environment his boss had created, with nothing but his own two hands. Which was why it came as such a shock to him when Ryuu Tashiro retired from both the Yakuza life-style, and the business scene. By now, Aki was 27, yet his only sense of belonging had been uprooted from his life, and he was left with nothing but his own thoughts. He spent the next two years keeping his head down, working for Tokyo's Akihito branch, but nothing could amount to the familiarity of Karakura.
After many unfortunate, yet unavoidable events, Aki received expulsion from Tokyo's Akihito Branch, and He was forced to return back to Karakura, under the watch of a local chairman. However, his family, and his whole reason for calling Karakura a home, was gone. The familiarity of the city and the faces within it turned to distorted scorn and hatred. Aki began to view Karakura as a cage. He was trapped, unable to leave, and everyone he knew was gone, except Motako.

He saw Motako as a life-line in a sea of despair. A way out from the lifestyle that is practically eating away at him, day by day. A chance to start anew, making up for the all the wrong he'd done, although deep down he knew; He could never make things right. In a way, Aki still feels the need to prove himself to Ryuu, even with him gone, and for now, rebuilding Motako is the way he'll do that."
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
This part was quite challenging for me to complete. As mentioned earlier, my character is applying to run Motako because he deeply admires the previous owner, Ryuu Tashiro. To address this issue, I have decided to give Motako a major refurbishment, adding some unique features while maintaining the original Motako theme in a respectful way. Initially, I considered transforming it into a restaurant or a bar, but I felt that would take away from the already miniscule amount of player-ran convenience stores, which in my opinion are a crucial part of SRP. Below are some exterior and interior designs that I've been working on recently to give Motako a refreshing and modern look:
To further add to the overall uniqueness of Motako, I have devised and listed four things that I plan to do with my store. I believe they all give a nice personal touch on things, while still remaining relevant to Motako's original concept, ensuring the store maintains a fresh and engaging feeling among the community:
With the knowledge, experience, and writing skills that I've gained from my time on the server, I'm confident that I can offer some of the most authentic and enjoyable roleplay experiences for customers in my store. My character is known for his amusing and unpredictable personality, which I plan to carry over into his role as a Shopkeeper. This can create interesting scenarios that all involved will enjoy. I'm personally excited to see how my character adapts to this new business-based environment, too, and I'll make sure that his thoughts and actions create a welcoming and unique experience within Motako that you won't find elsewhere.
Inventory & Stock
As time goes by, I plan to grow Motako's current inventory from the ordinary, mundane items to unique and exclusive custom items. Some of these may be simple, such as Motako Milk-boxes, orange and yellow donuts, and cleaning supplies, while others might be more complex, with their own designated system in place, such as Motako tokens or membership cards. In any case, I plan take inventory management very seriously and I hope to one day boast that Motako has an extensive collection of custom items, that are a big part of what makes the store stand out from the rest.
Live Culinary Performer!!!
This idea is a bit different from my other proposals, but I think it has the potential to be really cool! I'd like to turn a small section of Motako into a semi-open kitchen area, where customers can watch their food being prepared, kind of like in large grocery stores ICly. Since a lot of the items in stock are pre-made foods like Sushi Boxes, Bento Boxes, Dango Sticks, Curry, Ramen, and the like, it would be interesting for players to be able to see where their food is coming from, and to witness the detailed actions of a trained culinary employee in the kitchen. This would add a layer of depth to my store that I think isn't currently found in many stores around Karakura, and it would create a lot of potential for unique roleplay scenarios within the store. The kitchen area will be enclosed with a glass wall, so customers can observe the cooking process without getting in the way.
With the knowledge, experience, and writing skills that I've gained from my time on the server, I'm confident that I can offer some of the most authentic and enjoyable roleplay experiences for customers in my store. My character is known for his amusing and unpredictable personality, which I plan to carry over into his role as a Shopkeeper. This can create interesting scenarios that all involved will enjoy. I'm personally excited to see how my character adapts to this new business-based environment, too, and I'll make sure that his thoughts and actions create a welcoming and unique experience within Motako that you won't find elsewhere.
Inventory & Stock
As time goes by, I plan to grow Motako's current inventory from the ordinary, mundane items to unique and exclusive custom items. Some of these may be simple, such as Motako Milk-boxes, orange and yellow donuts, and cleaning supplies, while others might be more complex, with their own designated system in place, such as Motako tokens or membership cards. In any case, I plan take inventory management very seriously and I hope to one day boast that Motako has an extensive collection of custom items, that are a big part of what makes the store stand out from the rest.
Live Culinary Performer!!!
This idea is a bit different from my other proposals, but I think it has the potential to be really cool! I'd like to turn a small section of Motako into a semi-open kitchen area, where customers can watch their food being prepared, kind of like in large grocery stores ICly. Since a lot of the items in stock are pre-made foods like Sushi Boxes, Bento Boxes, Dango Sticks, Curry, Ramen, and the like, it would be interesting for players to be able to see where their food is coming from, and to witness the detailed actions of a trained culinary employee in the kitchen. This would add a layer of depth to my store that I think isn't currently found in many stores around Karakura, and it would create a lot of potential for unique roleplay scenarios within the store. The kitchen area will be enclosed with a glass wall, so customers can observe the cooking process without getting in the way.
Seasonal Sales & Promotions
Whenever there are holidays or special events going on, I plan to offer some small discounts on related items in Motako. It'll only be around 2-5% off, occasionally 10%, but I think it'll still be a nice perk for customers. The holidays could be ones that happen ICly, like dances or festivals, or ones more OOCly celebrated, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Below is a table that shows what sales could happen throughout the year, however it is always subject to change:
Season: | Items effected and Discount: |
Spring | 5% off all Self-care, Cleaning, and Gardening products. 2% off all Cooking Supplies. 5% off select foods, relating to the Spring theme. |
Summer | 2% off all Cold drinks. 5% off all Ice-cream related products. 2% off select Self-care products, relating to the Summer theme |
Fall | 2% off all Tobacco-based products. 2% off select Alcoholic items. 5% off select foods, relating to both the Fall and Halloween theme. |
Winter | 5% off all Warm drinks. 2% off select Alcoholic Items. 2% off select foods, relating to the Winter theme. |
I want to bring Motako into the business scene of SRP, an aspect of the server that's intriguing but underused. My aim is to change that by creating partnerships with local businesses and residents of Karakura. Players can promote anything they like for a small fee, as long as it adheres to the guidelines set out by Motako. Promotions will be displayed using various methods, such as in-store posters and actual stock. This will be a win-win for both Motako and the SRP community, as it will allow players to feel more involved in an aspect of roleplay that they may have previously overlooked, or not felt welcome in.
Note; The aforementioned guidelines will be made very apparent to those interested in promoting something. In breaking the rules, players will merit a total void of the deal between them and Motako.
What will you sell in your shop, and why?:
As the new Shopkeeper of Motako, I plan to keep the store's current products, which include tobacco-based items, alcohol, food and cooking supplies, and general convenience store items. With the recent addition of the cooking skill and plugin to the server, cooking supplies are in high demand among players. Since there are currently little-to-no player-ran convenience stores in Karakura, Motako will be providing exclusive services that are hard to come by. Here are some examples of the current Motako stock, including their prices, as well as some custom items that I would consider adding to the store's already unique and niche style.
Item Category: | Category Examples: | Item Pricing: |
Food and Drinks: | Tacos, Dorayaki, BLT sandwich, Take-out noodles, Hot-dog, Onigiri, Margarita Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza, Fried Chicken, Water bottle, Iced coffee, Americano coffee, Milk carton, Hot chocolate. | A-lot of these items are already sold in the 11/7 store opposite to the school. To make individuals want to shop here, I will take 10% off every items final pricing. |
On-site catered Food: | Sushi box, Bento box, Rice bowl, Kakigori bowl, Nakamura Ramen. | Although shoppers can watch this food as it is prepared, it will still be bought through the regular method of right-clicking a sign, rather than ordering food. |
Cooking Supplies: | Raw streaky bacon, Raw egg, Flour, Raw Fish(es), Frying pan, Spatula, Milk carton, Bread. | Again, these items will be priced at 10% less than their regular price, to motivate players to want to shop at Motako. |
Frozen Goods: | Ice-cream sandwich, Sundae, Oreo milkshake, Watermelon ice. | These items will be significantly cheaper during warmer seasons (Fall/Winter), and more costly within colder seasons (Spring/Summer). |
Tobacco-based Items: | Japan Tobacco Cigarettes, Disposable lighter | Individual cigarettes will be listed as 500 JPY, but can also be bought in bundles of 5 and 10, for cheaper pricing. Since the Disposable Lighter is a unique custom to Motako, it will stay listed as 5,000 JPY. |
Alcoholic Items: | Sparkling sake, Red cat wine, Pride vodka, Suntory beer, Guinness beer, Yuzu umeshu, Tropical drink | Spirit bottles will be upwards of 12,000 JPY, where-as smaller, one-use drinks will be listed upwards of 1,500 JPY. |
Item Category: | Category Examples: | Item Pricing: |
Self-care/House-hold Items: | Soap, Shampoo, Sun-screen, Hand sanitizer, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Pain-killers, Razors. | Since many of these items are house-hold essentials, they will not be over-priced. The listed items will not go above 2,500 JPY. |
Tobacco-based Items: | Tinned tobacco, Rolling papers, Packaged branded cigarettes, Electronic cigarettes, Premium cigars, Cigarette cases, Cigar boxes. | Item prices will vary depending on the product. Premium goods such as cigars and cigarette packs will cost more, while singular, smaller items will cost less. |
Alcoholic Items: | Draft beer(s), White cat wine, Captain Morgan rum, Roku gin, Hennessy cognac. | Spirits will most-likely be upwards of 12,000 JPY, where-as Draft beers will be around the 2,500 JPY mark. |
Brand-based Items: | Motako tokens, Motako loyalty card, Motako employee badge, Motako cook hat. | Most of these items will be given to employees for free, once they have been personally one-to-one trained. Others will be earned through in-store purchases. |
How many employees do you plan to have, and how will you manage them?:
To make sure that the store runs smoothly and efficiently, we will have a close-knit team of eight employees, with five different roles. I'll also offer opportunities for employees to move up within the store, based on their performance and contributions. I think it's important to keep a similar kind of hierarchy that the previous owner had, as my character is someone who values tradition, and wants to continue the hard work and legacy of the previous owner, Ryuu Tashiro, rather than replace it entirely. Below are the different employee roles I've come up with, along with how many of each we'll have and how we plan to keep these employees:
Store Roles
I have tried to create roles that are unique to my store, while also being necessary. They all contribute to the store in their own way. I'm not too bothered about money, as long as I have enough at the end of the month to restock, so employees will all be compensated greatly for their efforts.
The shopkeeper's role is undeniably the most crucial in the entire store, as they are responsible for its overall management. They must not only manage inventory, track sales, and stay up-to-date with current trends, but also cultivate a wide customer base in Karakura. In addition, the shopkeeper is responsible for overseeing employee paychecks and promotions. This job is not just about ordering and stocking products, but about ensuring the store's success and profitability. Any errors in the shopkeeper's judgment or actions could potentially lead to the business failing, highlighting the importance of this role.
The manager position holds great importance in all stores, as they act as the representative of the shopkeeper in their absence. The manager should be a trustworthy individual, as they are responsible for managing employees, overseeing inventory, and promoting the brand’s reputation when the shopkeeper is away. Additionally, they must be capable of managing employee paychecks and maintaining the smooth operation of the store, making this another vital role.
Sales Associates
Sales Associates, or cashiers, play a crucial role in the success of a store like Motako, as they are the lifeblood of the business. They interact with customers, providing pricings and age restriction information, and ensure that customers have a pleasant shopping experience, all while being compensated by the shopkeeper. To ensure smooth operations at Motako, I have selected three sales associates to correspond with the three tills. In the event that a cashier is unable to attend, the manager and shopkeeper will step in to manage the vacant tills.
Culinary Performer
Although not usually seen within convenience stores, the Culinary Performer will be a professional cook, who not only prepares food, but also engages with shoppers, creating a memorable shopping experience. They are tasked with preparing stocked food through in-depth, well-written actions, showing off both their In-Character cooking skills, and Out-Of-Character creativity skills. For health and Safety reasons, these are the only roles that will have an enforced uniform (See above for skin references).
Business Agents
The Business Agents will be a very small team of individuals whose primary responsibility is to broaden public outreach for Motako. Acting under the shopkeeper's directives, they will identify potential partner stores and negotiate terms of collaboration. Once an agreement is reached, the shopkeeper will meet with the business owner in person to discuss further details of the deal. This strategy will enhance Motako's reputation across the business community in Karakura and has the potential to significantly increase profits if executed effectively.
Store Roster
I feel that by keeping the roster small and close-knit, I will not only be able to boost profitability, but I will also remove any unnecessary hassle, in-regards to cashiers wanting to take certain shifts, etc. This will allow for effective and smooth openings, although does pose the risk of possible short-staffing. If the need arises, I will tackle this appropriately, making the necessary adjustments to my roster. 8 Employees total, plus one entirely lore character (Owner).
Lore Character - Dojima, Usamu - Age-43
Tsuryoku - Masahiko, Aki - Age-29
Reserved Spot
(Cashiers will be sought after through In-Character means, once the store is up and running, and I am comfortable with everything.)
Culinary Performer
(Since this role is entirely action-based, I will be seeking out individuals known for their well-written, detailed actions.)
Business Agents
(Similar to Cashiers, Business Agents will be recruited through In-Character means, once the store finds its footing in the Karakura Business scene.)
Team Building Events
I believe team-building is a necessary step in managing a store like Motako. It will keep morale up, hopefully allowing for my staff to want to come to work for reasons other than a paycheck. I have numerous ideas that could work great for team-building events, such as:
Karaoke Nights:
Aki Masahiko is known for his love of Karaoke. Karaoke nights could easily take place in the back offices of Motako (Thanks to portable karaoke machines), either after an opening, or simply on a lousy week-end, and drinks/snacks would be supplied to employees, free of charge, along with alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to those of-age. I’m personally a really big fan of this idea, as I believe it could lead to some seriously fun and unique Roleplay experiences, while bringing the Motako team close together.
Business Dinners:
All inclusive business dinners, paid for on behalf of the Shopkeeper. These would be occasionally rare (Mainly due to the cost, but also the un-predictable opening times of restaurants and bars, etc.), but can be seen as a means to reward employees, giving them some time to relax with their bosses, without having to worry about the bill.
Raises, promotions, and time off:
Although not exactly a team-building activity, these are all highly important aspects of keeping employee morale high. Aki is a generous and understanding man, and he has a sharp eye for those who put in work. Due to having a small team, raises may be slightly more frequent than other stores. The same goes for promotions, however time-off may not always be available, depending on the severity of the reason. This is all in-character, and does not apply to simple inactivity logs.
Training Sessions:
Starting out in any new position on SRP is tough at first, and people shouldn't be expected to know everything there is to know right away. Through hosting training sessions between managers and cashiers, Motako should become that much more of a welcoming environment, while also allowing us to hire based on writing and roleplay skills, rather than JUST expertise and experience in roles, although the latter is of course always welcome. These lessons would range from working the tills, navigating the stock room, working the kitchen, and communicating with customers.
Extra Information
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- I am so so sorry for the insane length of the application. When I was writing it, I didn't intend for it to get so long, but I thought it'd be best if I kept things as natural and authentic as possible, while not trying to force anything.
- To be honest, this application was very challenging to write. My goal was to make Motako a standout store while still keeping its original essence intact. Uniqueness is crucial when it comes to Roleplay, but for my character, I had to approach it in a specific way. I hope my ideas for the store are distinctive enough to grab your attention, while also remaining faithful to my characters ideals, and if not, I whole-heartedly understand.
- I'd also like to personally thank you very much for reading my application, no matter the outcome. It was very fun to write, and really got me thinking about both my character and SRP in ways I haven't in a while, so I am very appreciative for the opportunity to write this piece.
- This was my first time attempting an application in a semi-informal fashion, since I'm only used to writing heavily formal stuff (both in SRP and real-life), so I'm really sorry if the overall tone comes off as confusing. As I said before, I wanted it to be as authentic as possible, while being an effective and in-depth piece of writing, and I felt a mix of formal/informal writing was necessary to achieve that.
- If any images don't load for whatever reason, feel free to DM me on discord!
────── ҉ ──────
- I am so so sorry for the insane length of the application. When I was writing it, I didn't intend for it to get so long, but I thought it'd be best if I kept things as natural and authentic as possible, while not trying to force anything.
- To be honest, this application was very challenging to write. My goal was to make Motako a standout store while still keeping its original essence intact. Uniqueness is crucial when it comes to Roleplay, but for my character, I had to approach it in a specific way. I hope my ideas for the store are distinctive enough to grab your attention, while also remaining faithful to my characters ideals, and if not, I whole-heartedly understand.
- I'd also like to personally thank you very much for reading my application, no matter the outcome. It was very fun to write, and really got me thinking about both my character and SRP in ways I haven't in a while, so I am very appreciative for the opportunity to write this piece.
- This was my first time attempting an application in a semi-informal fashion, since I'm only used to writing heavily formal stuff (both in SRP and real-life), so I'm really sorry if the overall tone comes off as confusing. As I said before, I wanted it to be as authentic as possible, while being an effective and in-depth piece of writing, and I felt a mix of formal/informal writing was necessary to achieve that.
- If any images don't load for whatever reason, feel free to DM me on discord!
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