Level 89

[OOC: To access this document ICLY you need to have the specific page link, which could be found on Ikigai's chat. You also must know Ikigai's password]
Hint: To be free is to be informed.

[!] Once the correct password was inserted the site would finally load [!]

A brand new clandestine bar.

The Underhub, is a “clandestine” wandering cafe. This means it can open in different places across Karakura. Unlike other clandestine bars, the Underhub does offer more than just alcohol in order to maintain a more relaxed ambience and to not be a copycat of Ikigai. In fact we strive to be far more different and build up our own identity.
The Underhub's spirit is to embrace the beautifulness of the underworld while keeping a relaxed ambience. We also focus ourselves to provide a more casual service than Ikigai, opening much more commonly and not centering ourselves around big events.
Service Information

Here you will find all information related to Underhubs services! Information about the Rules, Prices and Openings can be found on Ikigai too.

You better not lose your North around us. Behave.
1. Respect the team and be peaceful in the hub, if you want to be an asshole you go elsewhere.
2. You pay, we provide. In that order. Do not leave wihout paying.
3. Don't reveal the opening location of the Underhub. People must find it by themselves and if they can we will eventually publish more hints about where are we at. Same goes for passwords, we don't want all the underworld to know how to access the best foods that fast.
4. Don’t let law enforcement catch wind of the Underhub. We don't want KPD at our place and you don't want us at your home.
5. Masks are recommended, not required. Same for ID's (we cannot distinguish if they are fake). Alcohol will be sold only to mask or ID's carriers. Dont be a dumbass, if you are wearing a mask you don't show your ID.
-Cold drinks
• Calpico water: 1600 ¥
• Water: 1000 ¥
-Hot drinks
• Coffee cup: 850 ¥ (We offer: Cortado, Espresso, Mocha and Café au lait)
-Energy drinks
• Beast: 320 ¥
-Mixed plates
• Sea bass and egg: 1240 ¥
• Rice and Skipjack tuna: 2500 ¥
• Bacon and Egg Morning : 3600 ¥
• Kids breakfast: (Cookie + Milk) 3600 ¥
-Sandwiches and hotdogs.
• BLT Sandwich: 2340 ¥
• Bacon & Egg Sandwich: 5500 ¥
• Hotdog: 1100 ¥
• Ham and cheese Sandwich: 1100 ¥
Do you think this is all we offer? ha no. I am sure you want the full list. But not so fast. You need more than just money to buy them. Each secret product has a password. You can get access to a password if you are the first person to arrive at our openings.
So go ahead and do it fast, because passwords change each month.
You may think it is not worth the effort but we can garantee you it is.
(We also need havent written all the food aviable by default, the list will be completed soon)

When do we open? Just check it here! Where do we open, well it isn't that easy. To avoid bad interactions with certain group we will not outright tell you where are we opening. However, finding us first may result in you recieving interesting rewards like a 30% off discount in your first order of that opening or even discovering an important password for secret drinks and foods...
Whenever we do an opening we will announce it here and at Ikigai. We may also give hints of where are we located if clients have trouble finding us.

Whenver we need to announce something we will post it here!

Hello, customers, I am glad to say that today is our first opening. I hope the first of many. I want to be clear and understood, this is a pilot opening so we are not completly operative. I can't wait to see what we can do together.

Hello, customers, this is the new website for the Underhub. We still will be waiting to open until June. We hope to see you at our restaurant soon!


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