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Vanny's Suggestion


Level 8
DATE: feb 21, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: As someone whos been a srp player since 2018, theres one thing i feel that has been an annoyance for many players, that being the time it takes to increase some attributes. My main account (VanillaBeans) Ive put over 5 weeks of playtime into, but only reached speed 100 in the past month, now an owner of a new account ive realized yet again how time consuming it is bringing up attributes, the main one being speed. After running around the map for 2 hours only reaching speed 1, figured i would post a little suggestion! if not all attributes, perhaps just changes could be made to speed. My idea being, perhaps the speed players have should depend on they age/grade similar to how rolls work, In my opinion it still remains realistic and makes things much more simple for players and that way its not causing so much trouble for people especially those with multiple accounts.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This helps in multiple ways! Makes things less stressful on players, keeps things realistic, and as previously stated just makes rp much easier in general. even cutting the time it takes slightly would be a massive help towards things. And considering ive never met anyone who said they liked how the attribute system works, i think this might help!


Level 193
Nice suggestion, but it's best if you run more and gain more speed, because if you just get more speed as you age, that's not necessarily realistic and it's best if you train your speed rather than getting it as you age/grade up. I kinda like it how it is to give anyone a challenge if they want to increase their speed, because if they're slower than most people, that's their problem is they haven't been running enough in the first place.


Level 8
Thread starter
I see where youre coming from on this one, however though that is true the time it takes i find to be extremely outrageous, that and people have lives outside of srp and dont have the time to run for hours on end.
Nice suggestion, but it's best if you run more and gain more speed, because if you just get more speed as you age, that's not necessarily realistic and it's best if you train your speed rather than getting it as you age/grade up. I kinda like it how it is to give anyone a challenge if they want to increase their speed, because if they're slower than most people, that's their problem is they haven't been running enough in the first place


Level 193
I see where youre coming from on this one, however though that is true the time it takes i find to be extremely outrageous, that and people have lives outside of srp and dont have the time to run for hours on end.
I see your point, but it doesn't take hours to gain speed, as long as you practice more. What I'm saying is being able to get faster in a way quicker time than usual is not necessarily realistic. I can agree that the time makes most people frustrated and outraged, but I think taking time and practicing more can help you later so you can be faster generally.


Level 8
Thread starter
I see your point, but it doesn't take hours to gain speed, as long as you practice more. What I'm saying is being able to get faster in a way quicker time than usual is not necessarily realistic. I can agree that the time makes most people frustrated and outraged, but I think taking time and practicing more can help you later so you can be faster generally.
I see where youre coming from with this, also not meaning to sound like im arguing if its coming across that way, thanks for sharing your side of it <33


Level 130
Speed is fast enough to get (I got 100% in like, 2 months of playing)

But the acrobatics one is so slow, that one needs a buff please-


Level 37
Although it would be a bit more realistic, it would also be a terrible addition for cops, sport players and GangRP'ers and just in general the older characters that are played. Are they supposed to be slower the older the adults grow? Though I understand if you purposely play someone at an elderly age. I don't really want to lose my developed cop character because I'm 37 and slower than the masked youngens who are chasing me with katanas.
Also don't know how many people would actually play as younger characters if this addition is 'Hypothetically' added. It would ruin the experience for some, maybe most and.. I really don't want to have to stay 18 because that's the only age with 100 speed because I'm in a sport where I HAVE to be fast and purposely grinded up my speed all that time to be at 100 for that specific reason. Despite that, I am open to hearing what others have to say about my statements!


Level 87
Idk what the suggestion is but I’m agreeing to this:
Make it more quicker for certain attributes. Doing 3,000 laps in a pool probably more just to increase my swim speed- man that’s too much for me

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
I do sincerely agree that attributes can be tedious and a tad ridiculous to level, but I don't think this is the solution we should use to go about correcting it.
[Seriously, I don't think people have the time to spend months grinding an attribute, especially with alternative accounts that they might vary with playing. . .]

[God, I still haven't grinded acrobatics to even 20+ and I played like, daily. . .]
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Level 271
+1 / -1
Not this specific idea, but I agree with that its very hard while I have 5 accounts even in my main it took 3 months just to get lung capacity to 100%; They need to make it be a bit more easier.


Level 102
I see your point, but it doesn't take hours to gain speed, as long as you practice more. What I'm saying is being able to get faster in a way quicker time than usual is not necessarily realistic. I can agree that the time makes most people frustrated and outraged, but I think taking time and practicing more can help you later so you can be faster generally.
It does, especially acrobatics, ask @Synn, i do agree it's a pain in the ass trying to grow it, i got 3? accounts and only 1 of them got max speed, i don't even got full swim or acro or even lung capacity i think +1

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