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Vehicle Registration & Permit | Laws | Parking |

What's your Minecraft Username?: macttati
What's the title of your suggestion?: Vehicle Registration & Permit | Laws | Parking |

What's your suggestion?:
Vehicle Overview

I know that vehicles were just added into the game but as people save up and more poeple gain the ability to travel I think we should shift some of our less priority towards the traffic and make cars more roleplaying as well as the interactive such as filling the tank. In this Suggestion I’ll be explaining what we should do to make the Cars more role-playable and more fun to use. Things we will cover are Regs and permitsm laws and regaulatios, Parking and Addtions that they could add.

Please note that this is just an IDEA and will be treated as one. Give me some reasons On why you dislike this idea please as I’ll try to answer them. Also this can be now and or in the future when the server gets more popula, and has more cars.

Vehicle Registration and Permit
Hear me out on this. Firstly I think we should add Vehicle registration and permits because this will allow more roleplay! “How will this add to more roleplay as it’s just some paper documents and a card....” Well to you it’s just that but to KPD it ain’t. As I think we should add these things to make roleplay more interesting on the roads of Karakura because when I see people drive I see people drive on the right I also saw a college student drive a police car ( Aka which he shouldn’t be. ) Continuing on KPD could use there coo cars to pull people over for multiple reasons such as Speeding, DUI and other things. And maybe adding a new faction and or department in the government for a DMV for people to be tested on if they can drive to up the realism.

Vehicle Laws & Regulations
Okay, I know some of you will say. “This is Not needed! Because we’re mostly involved around the school and not the roads.” Well I do know that but it brings more roleplaying into action for the following factions. Adults/EMS/KPD and maybe reporters?! Well to the point. My idea for this one is adding Laws and Regulation's to the roads to keep karakura’s roads safe would be fabulous. As it can not only give more role play opportunities like crashes and etc. Adding laws such as driving on the LEFT side of the road (I see people drive on the right 24/7) And not driving onto the sidewalk or just maybe a whole bunch of rules for drivers to follow and or they will be pulled over. I also think we shouldn’t let anyone below the age of 18 to drive because that’s considered unrealistic unless with an adult. (I DO KNOW THIS IS A PIXL GAME!!! ) This is just because I think it would bring vehiclerp more attention. More laws that could be added is if you hear a siren you have to yield to them as emegrency services have to get where they’re going. This is a highly unlikely and unusual situation. We could also have speed limits and such.

Some Laws I could suggust are.

- Bicycles Stay ON sidewalks,
- Cars yielding to pedestrians

- Cars must yield to on coming emergency personal.
- And more you can add,

Karakura Parking
One of the many problems in Karakura is PARKING, As we all know we have limited space for parking because of the huge map. But I propose to the city oocly/Iccly that we add parking spots occurring to what the building needs. Such as the school building we could add a parking lot either a garage and or underground parking area for staff/Students who can drive. Futhermore i propose a new code there would half to be 1 parking lot according how many blocks there would be for a building ( by width/legnth) but this would only apply to the non-major locations. Such as KHS, KPD, KH, and maybe SD. For example such as 18w x 23L building for example and we place ATLEAST 10-15 Parking spots for that size of building. (math was not involved.)

Karakura Traffic Add ons
I think adding some traffic addtions would be great for some roleplaying for some factions such as KPD and or EMS and reporters. I’ll go more in depth about theses in a moment such as this. These are just addons onto the main parts above as I didn’t know how to categorize them!

KPD Patrol
I think that some police officers should be on the roads and or off in a parking lot watching cars go past and see if they’re speeding and or a suspected person that may be subject to Arrest as this would make roleplays more interesting as it could lead to car chases and more.

Reporter Vans
When something major happens I think we should have a reporter van for the reports to have and so they could get to situations much quicker and record them and take coverage on what the new latest news will be.

Traffic Lights/Stop Signs
Well here an idea but more decorative and detailed and not really functional but I think we could add traffic lights either as a working things and or as Stop signs to make our roads a smallest more safer.

Add on your choice!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Theses are some of my ideas for the newly vehicle update we just got implanted. But how will it benefit us and the community? Well I think it will better make roleplays more interesting and intriguing to roleplay as we can roleplay crashes and so much more with cars, so there are so much new opportunities waiting for us!


Level 48
+1, -1 I like the overall idea of what you are suggesting however, Adding a new faction such as DMV workers would just not fit in, There are already a ton of factions within the School, EMS, KPD, Town, Shrine, Faculty, Sports, and many more and adding another wouldn't really work out. I like the idea of adding like Driver's License's and being able to bring the roleplay aspect of driving a lot more fun. As for traffic lights I don't know how a plugin would really work for that to be able to switch to like green, red, yellow, etc but stop signs could possibly work.


Level 27
I like the idea of needing a license to have a vehicle, and having that vehicle registered under a specific character's name.

+1 / -1
As a mother and Co-Head of a family full of idiots (I'm looking at you, Tara), I have had to roleplay out disciplining one of my children because she drove without a license and underage. Additionally, one of my character's former sons drove drunk constantly, I think it'd be cool if there was a consequence to that ICly.

However, I think it'd be pretty difficult for people to remain on one side of the road, especially with the new vehicle overhaul (the boost is INSANELY FAST). Also, if car crashes were a thing, there would be WAY too many people either D.O.I at the hospital or in critical condition.. I've seen how some people drive on SRP, heck, how I drive on SRP sometimes, it is not pretty..

Karakura already has parking where parking is needed, plus, if you leave your vehicle out for too long (5+ minutes), it despawns.

I like the idea in theory, I just think it adds extra components to driving and a lot of people would oppose it. It also sort of takes the fun out of driving around Karakura without a care in the world.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Vehicle Registration and Permit
Players ID's that they get from Town Hall from Government officials ARE your normal ID and Drivers licenses, much like in real life.
There are also things that revolve around cars that could get one arrested(As stated here; > Motor Vehicle Offenses ). Adding a WHOLE new faction/department JUST for DMV related things is not needed in my opinion.

Vehicle Laws & Regulations
-1, we already have laws to drivers as referred above. Car accidents are ONLY going to be for Events on the server due to how many people would try to use the whole 'oh a car hit me' or 'OH you hit my car!!' that will only just lead into failrp and more problems in the future.
Driving on the sidewalk with cars are already not allowed to be on the sidewalks, that is stated in the rules.

Bikes being on sidewalks only, I can actually get behind, so ill +1 to that

Karakura Parking
-1, There just isn't enough space on the map for every complex to have parking lots. We already have 3 parking lots; One behind the school past the backgates/by 11/7, by the dorms on the side of the school by KPD, and the Bowling ally parking lot that is on the other side of the school. Additionally, KPD has a parking lot just outside of their garage.

Karakura Traffic Add ons
-1, Reporters already have a van that they can use for their job. KPD already patrol on the streets on their bikes/cars. I do not agree to the traffic lights as DMV accidents aren't really allowed due to failrp and other things.

Cars are not NEW, they were just REWORKED to add in a new system. I DO NOT agree with the average person having access to crashes due to the amount of people who would attempt to use it to get a free lawsuit and just to failrp. Reason why a lot of this isn't really allowed on the server/needed(plus with accidents, it could lead into GoreRP which, might i remind you, is not allowed on the server AT ALL). A lot of the things that are being suggested are either not needed, breaks rules, or simply can't be coded(working traffic lights). So, Overall to this suggestion. -1


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Unfortunately this is something I’ve tried to pitch but is not possible. It all boils down to the players paying real money to have cars, and having to go through a license system to keep their car just isn’t fair when they’ve paid so much money for it and are now at a greater risk of losing the vehicle.


Level 163
Like some others mentioned above, it'd be merely impossible to stay on one side of the road for multiple things: 1 being people lagging, and 2 the boost/acceleration is fast. Another thing is there's already a rule put in place where you cannot take being hit by a car ICLy.
This also applies to the same thing:
Overall, I just don't see any of this being implemented into the server. Even Infi has already tried this and it seems like it won't be happening anytime soon.


Level 67
+1, -1 I like the overall idea of what you are suggesting however, Adding a new faction such as DMV workers would just not fit in, There are already a ton of factions within the School, EMS, KPD, Town, Shrine, Faculty, Sports, and many more and adding another wouldn't really work out. I like the idea of adding like Driver's License's and being able to bring the roleplay aspect of driving a lot more fun. As for traffic lights I don't know how a plugin would really work for that to be able to switch to like green, red, yellow, etc but stop signs could possibly work.
Personally I am sure the development team would have the ability to do so, however the stop sign would be just as effect and easier. The DMV would be a good sub faction similarly as the sports faction for the Government faction. Perhaps this is something Governors could monitor and lead, similar to the Council Presidents and Vice Presidents. Or perhaps this just be another task for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Level 21
technically we already have some of these laws, we just don't have vehicle registration or permits cause most vehicles are custom n stufffssss


Level 86
+1 / -1
Mostly for the reason of this;
Players ID's that they get from Town Hall from Government officials ARE your normal ID and Drivers licenses, much like in real life.
There are also things that revolve around cars that could get one arrested(As stated here; > Motor Vehicle Offenses ). Adding a WHOLE new faction/department JUST for DMV related things is not needed in my opinion. -


On-Top of that, it'll be hard to regulate overall, mostly if it becomes a sub-part of the government faction for one, we don't have much to go off of to start, it'll be somewhat hard to make training material for them. Will be a handful if just the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor doing this on their own considering the now more amounts of players to in general, regulate and try to make sure they get their license.

My idea for this one is adding Laws and Regulation's to the roads to keep karakura’s roads safe would be fabulous. As it can not only give more role play opportunities like crashes and etc.
As an ex. EMS, adding crashes will only stress out EMS in general due to the many broken bones, possible internal bleeding, etc. Keep in mind, most of the SRP player base are children, people who aren't well-versed into dealing with Emergency room type of things, knowing the basics. Of course, there is a few that do indeed know how to treat the situation, but, from how I see it, it'll only make EMS somewhat bothered.

You could say it could be consent only, but who to say one person driving hit some player by accident, they didn't consent to the crash but, the person who got hit had consented. Keep in mind if WE do add crashes, there'd be more added charges, felonies, etc. relating to vehicles for mostly trials and being arrested charges, you could say it would be a pro, but it's in the middle for me.

On top of that, we do 'somewhat' have crashes, but these are event planned.

Karakura already has parking where parking is needed. Cars despawn or glitch outta your inv as people had told me ever since this update came out.

Reporter Vans
When something major happens I think we should have a reporter van for the reports to have and so they could get to situations much quicker and record them and take coverage on what the new latest news will be.

Reporter vans are already a thing, I assumed one was an ice-cream truck until I looked closer

Traffic Lights/Stop Signs
Well here an idea but more decorative and detailed and not really functional but I think we could add traffic lights either as a working things and or as Stop signs to make our roads a smallest more safer.

We have traffic lights, but they're not furniture (I'm pretty sure it'll lag us a lot more than the furniture in people's apartments, I lag when I drive due to me loading in chunks with HEAVILY furniture apartments or houses) only addition I'd agree with is spot signs
+1, -1 I like the overall idea of what you are suggesting however, Adding a new faction such as DMV workers would just not fit in, There are already a ton of factions within the School, EMS, KPD, Town, Shrine, Faculty, Sports, and many more and adding another wouldn't really work out. I like the idea of adding like Driver's License's and being able to bring the roleplay aspect of driving a lot more fun. As for traffic lights I don't know how a plugin would really work for that to be able to switch to like green, red, yellow, etc but stop signs could possibly work.
I would hate to go to the DMV in schoolrp


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- This wouldn't be a bad idea, however it'd be unnecessarily complex, instead if you are at least 16 in roleplay with a national id card, you can drive.​

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