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What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?


Level 31
I'm not to sure what a hot take is specifically, but from the responses I think I can assume. .? So generally this is just me complaining about specific things.

When people take IC things into OOC, and not OOC as in like discord messages - When they spill the situation into the literal '/ooc.' Like, PLEASE go to /f msg or DMS.

Another thing is like what Aania said, when people want to kill off their character for like 5 minutes, then they want to bring the character back. That's not how it works in real life, and SRP is meant to be realistic. Keep it that way ;sob;


Level 9
Hot take:
Some people often forget that we’re in a roleplay server.

There are many examples that revolve around this issue:

At times, you see people who wish to give their characters certain injuries, psychological disorders, or simply any sort of medical condition. Please do research before implementing such things in your character. For example, if your character is going to have a psychological disorder like DID (Dissociative identity disorder), ASPD (Antisocial personality disorder), BPD (Borderline personality disorder), or a more physiological condition like anemia, diabetes, asthma.​
Now this doesn’t just include unique conditions/disorders, but also things that are much more common; whether it’d be losing a body part as a result of a GangRP situation or something like temporary memory loss. It doesn’t make sense that your character has ran fifty laps with severe anemia, nor is it logical for your character to perform highly physical activities while one of their body parts have been amputated only a week ago. Your character will face difficulties!​

Please do research. There are so many sources online which can help you see symptoms, give you an understanding of what difficulties your character may face, so on and so forth.​

It will severely help with planning on what you wish to do with your character forwards, the condition may have a huge impact on your character for a number of reasons. Not only will it help other EMS to treat you better and have a clear understanding, but also it will be beneficial for when constructing your characters. Besides, it is kind of fun to roleplay out symptoms!​

Moving onto my second point, granted, there are different types of roleplay situations. In some, you may rightfully wish to DetailRP and write actions that are more in-depth got situations where you’re more passionate about a certain thing or you just want to cherish the moment. Whereas in some, you may not feel as though you want to add too much detail, with your actions consisting of couple sentences that are more brief.​
But in a roleplay situation, please respect people that put in effort and wish to simply enjoy the roleplay aspect. Drag things out, instead of rushing things. If you don’t want to for any reason, make that known to the player you’re roleplaying with to set things clear. Maybe you have to go to work in a few, let them know. (Or preferably, don’t get in a roleplay situation in cases where you have to leave shortly.)​
I hate to point fingers, but this is most common in GangRP situations. In some, whilst you try to write up an action, you’re bullied through LOOC for stalling, for making people wait or whatever reason that takes away the joy of in-character situations. It is disrespectful and it defeats the whole roleplay aspect to scrap out the whole roleplay part of an in-character situation, so if you do not feel comfortable with DetailRP, long actions or any actions for any reason, make sure to communicate that to the other person. I personally feel very devastated when I’ve spent five minutes on an action to make roleplay more interesting, then I’m faced with hardly any interest or acknowledgement. Having a common ground will give you a much more peaceful experience.​

Let’s just all enjoy roleplay, you know?
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Level 118
When people use my F Msg as a staff hotline, it annoys me sometimes, I don’t mind it if it’s something small I can do from where I am but asking me to deal with full out situations when I could be in the middle of RPing is a sure fire way to get ignored or wiped from my f list
Hey I do that! ‼️‼️‼️


Level 118
i hate the bears, birds and bees
How come the bears? And birds?

~ I don’t speak for the bears, but I don’t get the severe hate for them, some people think they FRP a lot, but that isn’t true at all, since all situations I’ve seen were the other person(humans) Failing to Roleplay.

~ As a bird I also don’t get some of the hate of the birds, sure we do get ****y at times, sure we may do some very unnecessary actions like grabbing or dive bombing into people, but those can be avoided which makes me say don’t hate on those two animals.

~ Okay I don’t like bees.


Level 84
*taps microphone*


The reason bears are hated is because none of them roleplay in a realistic manner that a bear would.


Level 75
My SRP hot take that I got out of bed to write.

No one cares about your opinions about the Minecraft roleplay server we all play on, at the end of the day people are just here to have fun stop acting righteous because more then likely you're just being toxic.

When people don't agree with your opinion about SRP or someone on SRP don't witch hunt or bully the person, we're all human at the end of the day with complex emotions and this is sadly a super common thing done on SRP.

If an opinion is borderline rude it isn't an opinion, again everyone has feelings and you as a person are capable of keeping that in mind when speaking about others.

Most sane people don't care to be involved with SRP drama and wanna stay away from it, this is why we don't join teams or gangrp.

Staff are people:
It may be hard to believe but SRP staff are not responsible for you not having fun anymore on srp, Just because something on srp changes don't instantly blame them for that change and start thinking their the worst person in the entire world and just out to get you. A lot of the time they are just doing what's best for the community as a whole. Josh being the owner is the perfect example of this, a lot of you hate him just because he has to think of the betterment of the server and not just your friend groups fun.

SRP Staff are people too, this will sound like me ass kissing but a lot of the people I hang around are staff, just because they didn't agree to void your situation doesn't mean you have the grounds to be an asshole.

Also stop diminishing staff member's hard work just because you don't think its a lot, staff do their fair share of work but they also want to roleplay and relax not just work 24/7. When a staff member gets promoted it's because they worked hard for it and proved themselves not just because they kissed the right higher ups ass.

Talking shit and venting your frustrations about situations:
There's a VERY HUGE LINE between talking shit and venting your frustrations, you can still be a decent human being to the other party you're complaining about and show basic human respect when you are frustrated.

Teams/Jockrp is the second most toxic thing on SRP (sadly) expand your groups and let others in it's the only way you'll succeed. Also you aren't a chatroom stop getting so OOC butt hurt about everything.

I speak from personal experience as a long time SRP player, Please do better and treat people better.
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Level 31
Hot take:
Some people often forget that we’re in a roleplay server.

There are many examples that revolve around this issue:

At times, you see people who wish to give their characters certain injuries, psychological disorders, or simply any sort of medical condition. Please do research before implementing such things in your character. For example, if your character is going to have a psychological disorder like DID (Dissociative identity disorder), ASPD (Antisocial personality disorder), BPD (Borderline personality disorder), or a more physiological condition like anemia, diabetes, asthma.​
Now this doesn’t just include unique symptoms, but also ones that are quite common; whether it’d be losing a body part as a result of a GangRP situation or something like temporary memory loss. It doesn’t make sense that your character has ran fifty laps with severe anemia, nor is it logical for your character to perform highly physical activities while one of their body parts have been amputated only a week ago. Your character will face difficulties!​

Please do research. There are so many sources online which can help you see symptoms, give you an understanding of what difficulties your character may face, so on and so forth.​

It will severely help with planning on what you wish to do with your character forwards, the condition may have a huge impact on your character for a number of reasons. Not only will it help other EMS to treat you better and have a clear understanding, but also it will be beneficial for when constructing your characters. Besides, it is kind of fun to roleplay out symptoms!​

Moving onto my second point, granted, there are different types of roleplay situations. In some, you may rightfully wish to DetailRP and write actions that are more in-depth got situations where you’re more passionate about a certain thing or you just want to cherish the moment. Whereas in some, you may not feel as though you want to add too much detail, with your actions consisting of couple sentences that are more brief.​

But in a roleplay situation, please respect people that put in effort and wish to simply enjoy the roleplay aspect. Drag things out, instead of rushing things. If you don’t want to for any reason, make that known to the player you’re roleplaying with to set things clear. Maybe you have to go to work in a few, let them know. (Or preferably, don’t get in a roleplay situation in cases where you have to leave shortly.)​

I hate to point fingers, but this is most common in GangRP situations. In some, whilst you try to write up an action, you’re bullied through LOOC for stalling, for making people wait or whatever reason that takes away the joy of in-character situations. It is disrespectful and it defeats the whole roleplay aspect to scrap out the whole roleplay part of an in-character situation, so if you do not feel comfortable with DetailRP, long actions or any actions for any reason, make sure to communicate that to the other person. I personally feel very devastated when I’ve spent five minutes on an action to make roleplay more interesting, then I’m faced with hardly any interest or acknowledgement. Having a common ground will give you a much more peaceful experience.​

Let’s just all enjoy roleplay, you know?


Level 118
My SRP hot take that I got out of bed to write.

No one cares about your opinions about the Minecraft roleplay server we all play on, at the end of the day people are just here to have fun stop acting riotous because more then likely you're just being toxic.

When people don't agree with your opinion about SRP or someone on SRP don't witch hunt or bully the person, we're all human at the end of the day with complex emotions and this is sadly a super common thing done on SRP.

If an opinion is borderline rude it isn't an opinion, again everyone has feelings and you as a person are capable of keeping that in mind when speaking about others.

Most sane people don't care to be involved with SRP drama and wanna stay away from it, this is why we don't join teams or gangrp.

Staff are people:
It may be hard to believe but SRP staff are not responsible for you not having fun anymore on srp, Just because something on srp changes don't instantly blame them for that change and start thinking their the worst person in the entire world and just out to get you. A lot of the time they are just doing what's best for the community as a whole. Josh being the owner is the perfect example of this, a lot of you hate him just because he has to think of the betterment of the server and not just your friend groups fun.

SRP Staff are people too, this will sound like me ass kissing but a lot of the people I hang around are staff, just because they didn't agree to void your situation doesn't mean you have the grounds to be an asshole.

Also stop diminishing staff member's hard work just because you don't think its a lot, staff do their fair share of work but they also want to roleplay and relax not just work 24/7. When a staff member gets promoted it's because they worked hard for it and proved themselves not just because they kissed the right higher ups ass.

Talking shit and venting your frustrations about situations:
There's a VERY HUGE LINE between talking shit and venting your frustrations, you can still be a decent human being to the other party you're complaining about and show basic human respect when you are frustrated.

Teams/Jockrp is the second most toxic thing on SRP (sadly) expand your groups and let others in it's the only way you'll succeed. Also you aren't a chatroom stop getting so OOC butt hurt about everything.

I speak from personal experience as a long time SRP player, Please do better and treat people better.
I agree with you on the jock thing, it’s great to see someone point it out as well.


Level 115
Stop making opinions of people based on a roleplay/gangRP situation

It's not: "I stabbed you."
It's: "My character stabbed your character."

That is a way healthier mindset, and prevents people from just disliking each other or being toxic to each other purely because 'you're in a different gang' - 'You stabbed my gang mate' - 'You gangRP'd with them'

It is roleplay. Especially in gangRP, where something is bound to happen that you don't like. That's not the other person's fault, just how the roleplay goes. So blame the characters, not the players.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
bheom hot takes


'I want old GangRP rules back,' from what I know of the older GangRP rules, you're simply implying you can't exactly RP and only rely on being superior by killing people here and there and taking limbs.

GangRP isn't dead; simply people just rely on the killing and limb taking to look cool yet it makes there character have no development and look freak like.

The whole 'my character is soo bad he's a killer! he mass mur-' yeah no, what special is there to your character besides they kill for the 'funsies?' Is there really any development to them?

It's obvious what I'm gonna say, it's embarassing if you're dead serious taking an IC situation personal, complaining about it genuinely in /ooc, the whole world doesn't have to know!

People will say their character has something yet don't exactly seem to roleplay it out, proper research is important and realistic reactions to it.

Oh no so and so lost their leg, cut off clean! Trauma and physical damage, roleplay it out! Why're you suddenly waddling like you didn't just almost see the pearly gates.. Trauma is fun to act out guys if you really can detailRP!

Researching and diagnosing your character with something; proper research into what you're trying to get your character to have, at least show some evident signs that it's existent and not there to make your character 'cool' and 'special,' 'freak like.' Sure you can over exaggerate but at least show some signs to it. Researching the symptoms is always helpful into roleplay scenarios.

Personal opinion, I don't enjoy interacting with bear tags only to the fact there's hardly anyone who can play a bear properly. Bears are a big factor and 'advantage' to players, sure they're scary but people realllllly need to FEARRP the bear. Be honest, you're not gonna waddle in the woods in real life and find a bear and suddenly become best friends and not be scared out of your head.

Why are players playing piggyback with bears and animals.. Be for realllll...

THIS ONE IS MORE OF A HOT TAKE THAT ISN'T OFTEN SPOKEN OF! Play greenies properly, you're not 6 years old, not all teenagers don't exactly act like that. Sure some could have mental disorders that do cause them to act in the mindset of a child, trauma that causes them to be more childlike. But not all teenagers need to be constantly babied, coming from someone who is a teenager it's honestly a hard watch.

Not all teenagers need little toys to play with, realistically you don't normally see teens from 13-15 playing with stuffed animals and speaking all baby like. Like I stated sure, some could have something that causes them to act like such but I've never seen someone roleplay a teenager like.. A regular teenager!


Level 116
wave’s hot takes (get ready for this one)


Y’all already probably know this one but like most gangs now are just. like.. bleh. like there isn’t much originality anymore half of them r delinquent gangs who tend to all act the same (i can legally say this bc i used to delinquentrp and got mad bored) and the other half just kinda exist.. like .. and when someone does pull out a good idea nobody ends up participating bc most of the community want MURDER! ASSAULT! YADAYAYDYAYSDA and its just so DUMB to me like..


adding onto above before limbtaking became consented/only allowed with kps the people who stored their taken limbs in a freezer r disgusting to me thanks


THE AMOUNT OF TIMES i have seen a mf start shit over something so little and so dumb ooc like DUDE THIS IS A MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY SERVER TOUCH GRASS OR SOMETHING PLEAAAAAASEEEE WE DO NOT NEED UR DRAMAAAAAAA JUST SOTP IIITTTTT how HARD is it for people to actually be good human beings??


my face when i see a mf with 2 prosthetic legs running like the flash without any problems whatsoever.. like.. no its NOT ur original limb so treat it as such ……. i barely find anyone who rps their char’s prosthetics properly/their disorders or anything..


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
The term "DetailRP" is often (not always) used as a social standard peer pressuring players into cramming as many words as possible into their actions in order to feel accepted by a certain group. Good roleplay is by no means defined by your word count. I despise the term "DetailRP".


Level 19
My hot take!!

Staff members are human beings, not animals out here trying to ruin your srp fun!!! Rules have to be enforced sometimes, but I promise you were all fun people :)

Also!!! Staff do what they can to help during situations… but we can’t always be the hero’s guys. Some things are out of our control and you just need to be patient with us while we get flooded with DMs and messages! I promise we’re not ignoring you… or the problem.


Level 81
THIS ONE IS MORE OF A HOT TAKE THAT ISN'T OFTEN SPOKEN OF! Play greenies properly, you're not 6 years old, not all teenagers don't exactly act like that. Sure some could have mental disorders that do cause them to act in the mindset of a child, trauma that causes them to be more childlike. But not all teenagers need to be constantly babied, coming from someone who is a teenager it's honestly a hard watch.

Not all teenagers need little toys to play with, realistically you don't normally see teens from 13-15 playing with stuffed animals and speaking all baby like. Like I stated sure, some could have something that causes them to act like such but I've never seen someone roleplay a teenager like.. A regular teenager!
oh my god, YES. why do people feel the need to infantilize greenies all the time? i get that they're still children in a sense - but they are in no ways similar to 6, 7 or 8-year olds.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
oh my god, YES. why do people feel the need to infantilize greenies all the time? i get that they're still children in a sense - but they are in no ways similar to 6, 7 or 8-year olds.
its so mind bobbling how people infanitilize them sm coming from someone like near greenie age its like i cant even process how im supposed to react to this!!!


Level 81
its so mind bobbling how people infanitilize them sm coming from someone like near greenie age its like i cant even process how im supposed to react to this!!!
no, because for real, it isn't even a nice thing to be babied like that. its just condescending.
and the people who play them like infants are overall just grossly misrepresenting what 13-16-year olds behave like.


Level 45
(most of these are gonna be about gang/combatrp....)

Personally, There is a few hot-takes that I have to SRP,
- I agree with Customable on having people not read rules; as sometimes I am in situations where people are still following the old rules/guidelines. Personally? - Whenever I am free, or unsure of something if it isn't listed, I'd either re-check the rulebook, or ask a staff member if I cannot find anything;
- Which then follows along with HIra's bumping DM's, I understand I'm personally not a staff member, but still, I get DM spammed, as I personally think I am a somewhat known player; to a part of the community to most
- When people are in a situation, I don't get why they say "[LOOC] fundraiser+ ign or sm: 1 sec I'm detailrping" when then after they either do something along the lines of "/me dips" or "/me hit head" which I find stupid, as I believe a bit of detail should be implemented in actions, either Crime Roleplaying, or even EMS.
- What annoys me about EMS, and I will confirm I had done it before that people just lay down in a hospital bed, most of the time tabbed out, not reading what they had taken the time out of their day to help your characters. Atleast take the time to read it, and if possible, maybe even a response. EMS usually get "/it low" or "/it broken leg" or something similar along those lines.
- I'm aware as to why; but whenever JockRP'ers get in an altercation with Crime Roleplayers, SOMETIMES they believe that fighting isn't rolling, or somehow they don't gain permissions from the fight, It's quite weird, but I understand why they believe that.
- me being stupid and losing my car every day
i might post more later !
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Level 44
When I go I’m gonna make a whole ass 2 minute 35 second video of all my characters moving on from Karakura behind melancholic music just because you said that now
Hot take

- Customable needs to make tridimensional characters instead of bidimensional ones, most of them usually only have height and width but never no depth (this is a joke, except the part where the characters are bidimensional)

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