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What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Lets see..

1. GangRP rules make it so its gang ROLEPLAY, and not GANG roleplay. Now gangs have to actually roleplay well in order to get that good activity, instead of using the same 3 gangrp hotkeys or hitting a bat, taking a leg, or whatever else. So many people are willing to consent to perms or participate in your events if you're just cool about it.

2. Staff have better things to do than baby all gangrp situations. 99.99999999% of your questions can be found in the rules by just LOOKING for it. The amount of times I get asked how to get perms, or what can be done with certain permissions when its EXPLICITLY put in the rules is absurd. If I am free, I will respond to them as soon as I see a ticket being made, but when its the same gang constantly needing help, it starts to say something.

3. Actions have consequences. Whether its OOC and a player getting in trouble, or IC where a character gets consequences, EVERYTHING has consequences, good or bad. If you fall from the roof of powerplant, you are going to get hurt. If you jump into fire, you're going to get hurt. If you are rude to players OOCly, you're going to get told off. Its how we keep things fair across the board.

4. The amount of gangrpers saying their bats are not dented or clean of blood is definitely NOT true. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT YOUR BAT FORGETS THE HEAD YOU WHACKED.

5. I'm not a pocket staff member :( Just because I'm on your friends list, does not mean you should just message me because of convenience. I respond to tickets as soon as I can and do what I can. My role doesn't magically make me solve any and every issue.


Level 45
Lets see..

1. GangRP rules make it so its gang ROLEPLAY, and not GANG roleplay. Now gangs have to actually roleplay well in order to get that good activity, instead of using the same 3 gangrp hotkeys or hitting a bat, taking a leg, or whatever else. So many people are willing to consent to perms or participate in your events if you're just cool about it.

2. Staff have better things to do than baby all gangrp situations. 99.99999999% of your questions can be found in the rules by just LOOKING for it. The amount of times I get asked how to get perms, or what can be done with certain permissions when its EXPLICITLY put in the rules is absurd. If I am free, I will respond to them as soon as I see a ticket being made, but when its the same gang constantly needing help, it starts to say something.

3. Actions have consequences. Whether its OOC and a player getting in trouble, or IC where a character gets consequences, EVERYTHING has consequences, good or bad. If you fall from the roof of powerplant, you are going to get hurt. If you jump into fire, you're going to get hurt. If you are rude to players OOCly, you're going to get told off. Its how we keep things fair across the board.

4. The amount of gangrpers saying their bats are not dented or clean of blood is definitely NOT true. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT YOUR BAT FORGETS THE HEAD YOU WHACKED.

5. I'm not a pocket staff member :( Just because I'm on your friends list, does not mean you should just message me because of convenience. I respond to tickets as soon as I can and do what I can. My role doesn't magically make me solve any and every issue.
erumm.. i swap my bats out, silly man (ly rex)


Level 116
Lets see..

1. GangRP rules make it so its gang ROLEPLAY, and not GANG roleplay. Now gangs have to actually roleplay well in order to get that good activity, instead of using the same 3 gangrp hotkeys or hitting a bat, taking a leg, or whatever else. So many people are willing to consent to perms or participate in your events if you're just cool about it.

2. Staff have better things to do than baby all gangrp situations. 99.99999999% of your questions can be found in the rules by just LOOKING for it. The amount of times I get asked how to get perms, or what can be done with certain permissions when its EXPLICITLY put in the rules is absurd. If I am free, I will respond to them as soon as I see a ticket being made, but when its the same gang constantly needing help, it starts to say something.

3. Actions have consequences. Whether its OOC and a player getting in trouble, or IC where a character gets consequences, EVERYTHING has consequences, good or bad. If you fall from the roof of powerplant, you are going to get hurt. If you jump into fire, you're going to get hurt. If you are rude to players OOCly, you're going to get told off. Its how we keep things fair across the board.

4. The amount of gangrpers saying their bats are not dented or clean of blood is definitely NOT true. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT YOUR BAT FORGETS THE HEAD YOU WHACKED.

5. I'm not a pocket staff member :( Just because I'm on your friends list, does not mean you should just message me because of convenience. I respond to tickets as soon as I can and do what I can. My role doesn't magically make me solve any and every issue.

absolutely W rex statement


Level 81
Hot take:
Most people don't know how to CombatRP properly, even in P2L.
When you get hit, you stagger. You grunt. You yelp out in pain. You don't just make an immediate clean recovery. When you get hit with an elbow to the chin, your ass is NOT standing straight and eating that. People need to know that their characters aren't gods. It's okay to lose. It's okay to fall on your ass. It's normal!
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Level 27
Hot Take:
Men who play female characters make me uncomfortable. (There are several exceptions to this, but just my opinion)


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
Oh wonderful!! My turn! Hot takes for me:

1. Pinging staff in DMs. Notifications were invented for reasons i don't know why some people DM the staff team and PING them please guys we see your messages or choose to ignore them for reasons. You do not need to ping us about it in DMS it does NOTHING! I appr the effort but we don’t get a double notification I’m confused why people do it.

2. Staff members are human beings. Love the community, you guys are great but when things don’t go the way it’s planned to or staff get involved and the outcome isnt great. Everyone turns on the staff team and it can really be pressuring for us. We want to help and having everyone turning on us just makes us not want to help again. We have lives, we have stress it doesn’t help.

3. Animal Whitelist! I am different from the other members in some way and I’ll do a take on the animal whitelists a different perspectiv. Some roleplayers are AMAZING with animal whitelists and others aren’t so much. Those bad people get in trouble and then the image of all animal whitelist users is ruined. If you have one please play seriously because if you don’t why did you get it.

4. Friends list. I have you guys there for a reason. Don’t abuse my friend privileges with messaging me about issues. Half the time I AM IN ROLEPLAY and am busy, the other half I’m doing nothing. You all will receive the same response from me if you friend message me and that’s to make a ticket. Please guys you’re there for me because I accept you as a friend.

5. OOC chat. As much as I don’t care about it some people take it too far and I have to step in. When you are asked not to say something again, please listen, I hate having to remind people and tell them off for something said in OOC that made someone uncomfortable. You guys are wonderful but watch what you say because I had making that message, being pictured as the villain when CLEARLY SOMEONE WAS UNCOMFORTABLE.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
this turned from hot takes to pet peeves


Level 174
im about to get cancelled on onrain for my hot takes:

  • You cannot over price your work in regards to tailoring, art, or any form of creativity that you provide as a LUXURY to players of SRP. If they want something you made they will find the money.
  • You cannot take too long on something you are creating for a player. OOC things come up, and if they are so bothered by you taking too long they can just cancel their order.
  • GangRP is not "dead" it's inactive. It's become repetitive hence why no one does it anymore. When newer players come along it'll become active again.
  • You shouldn't be staff unless you are over the age of 18. It's self-explanatory.
  • KPD is one of the most unorganized factions, but it is still a good faction.
  • SRP players using paypal for commissions if they are under the age of 18 should be reported. They're is a reason paypal is 18+.
  • Roleplaying a mental disorder without the appropriate research should be bannable.
  • The best faction is reporter faction.

I have more but im tired rn


Level 116
~ GangRP isn't inherently bad. It's the people playing GangRP. Nothing in GangRP says it's meant to be perm-oriented or that it's meant to be so and so. The players are just making it a bad experience for other GangRPers.
~ People who hate all GangRP because of one group of GangRPers should still give GangRP a chance!!!! (it annoys me sometimes but then again like... fair enough... a lot of GangRPers are annoying)
~ It's possible to GangRP while keeping most of your gang or criminal organization's activities outside of permissions, attacking people, and having gang wars.
~ Criminal Organization is a better term instead of Gang because when I think of a delinquent gang (like most gangs on srp) I think of a bunch of teenagers mugging people but these gangs are fucking murdering innocents and ripping off limbs like what actual "deliquent gang" (like most gangs on SRP call themselves) IRL does that.

Okay sorry all I can think of rn is gangrp but later i'll give you most stuff


Level 73
  • You shouldn't be staff unless you are over the age of 18. It's self-explanatory.
  • KPD is one of the most unorganized factions, but it is still a good faction.
  • SRP players using paypal for commissions if they are under the age of 18 should be reported. They're is a reason paypal is 18+.
This is the first set of hot takes that I very much disagree with.


Level 20
Okay guys!! MY TUUURRNNN!! (no hate to anyone).

- As a past build team member... the SRP build team should be fairly paid just like 3D modelers are >.<;
- If you see a build on the server and decide to take that exact design, its the same as stealing skin designs.. Stealing peoples build style is not a compliment unless you are given permission !!
- Some of you guys should NOOTTTT be getting this heated about a Minecraft roleplay server. Go outside, take a nap, touch some grass.. Its a video game at the end of the day.
- I think asya stated this before but if you make a character and want to give them a disorder or whatever, do your research!! and if someone calls you out for doing something incorrectly, fix it! take it like a champ!
- Teams used to be super cool but now they are super toxic and are chatrooms.
- If you are trying out for a team JUST for the plugin, don't try out.
- Its ironic that a majority of people are not roleplaying on a ROLEPLAY server !!
- I think that if someone points something out that is true, it isn't toxicity.. but remember that you can do so respectfully.
- Stop taking IC into OOC. Its the most simple and basic rule yet its literally broken every single day..
- I think if you don't RP with someone based on the way their mc skin looks, you're weird and hella rude.
- Can some of yall stop oversharing and trauma dumping in OOC, its uncomfy to watch.
- If you are part of a faction and you are inactive or KNOW you are going to be inactive for long periods of time, just leave.. don't hold a spot that other people could be enjoying.
- If you are going to be a toxic person, be ready for people to call you out for being toxic AND be ready to be punished for being toxic. What goes around comes around..!!
- If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it !! period.

Remember guys, this is just a video game at the end of the day! Any one can feel any way they want to, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions! Sometimes I catch myself getting a little too heated over this server (I MUST ADMIT!), its ok! but if you cant recognize your faults.. maybe its time to unplug the pc for a little while...


Level 13
Thread starter
The term "DetailRP" is often (not always) used as a social standard peer pressuring players into cramming as many words as possible into their actions in order to feel accepted by a certain group. Good roleplay is by no means defined by your word count. I despise the term "DetailRP".
THIS!! I’ve always looked for quality rather than quantity in detialRP.

My personal hot take is the epidemic of would in roleplay writing. It’s a conditional word. Also, a modal verb, a grammatical question form, a reported clause, an affirmation to past, and a request. BUT I won't go further into depth with that.

I’ve found that people who often use ‘would’ are searching for a transitional word to begin an action. Like this:

She would sing elegantly in a cadence that invokes a warm memory in his heart.

The implication of ‘would’ makes the action feel either in the past, which constructs the present tense, or something futuristic. So, instead — She sings elegantly in a cadence that invokes a warm memory in his heart. OR: She sung elegantly in a cadence that invoked a warm memory in his heart.feels more natural.

Would is a form of to be, a past tense or future tense opposed to a present action, a present verb or a statement. Avoiding would in writing creates a more concise and informative style when you use verbs in its place. However, this does not preclude detailing a verb; you will then need an adverb to detail your verb. Alternatively, you can contrast would with a preposition or a conjunction, which can be seen here.

[A] would meet their palm to the nape of [B’s] neck. But this wasn’t like other nights. [A’s] eyes, although animated and welcoming, contain something much more sinister. [A’s] hands didn’t meet the familiar spot on the back of [B’s] neck — intriguingly, far from it. Their grip is firm and decisive on the handle of the missing kitchen knife behind their (own) back…

Using the word would can enhance your writing when done right. It's in SRP's community that I often see it not, but the age range of players is far from infinitesimal and demographic in mind leads to younger ages.

TLDR; 'Would' creates a weak style of writing when incorrectly formed and overused.


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
1. Making fun of other people and being super passive aggressive over what someone does and doesn't like to roleplay is a real pet peeve of mine (yes, my hot-take IS a pet peeve). For example, a lot of people stereotype GangRP and tend to avoid roleplaying with anyone who has recently engaged in it and/or completely ignore said people just because I assume people don't think what they say/do through all the way before doing it and assume the worst in people. A few bad eggs shouldn't make anyone treat one another with any kind of disrespect. It's just unnecessary and extremely self-centered/rude :/

2. I'm actually going to disagree with the people saying GangRP isn't currently inactive/dead - not because I was fond of the older GangRP because believe me, it was messy, horrid, and not fun to deal with at all. However, right now, a lot of people who ARE in this faction refuse to throw in their own parts and actually engage with one another and contribute. Crime is at an all time low (although it isn't non-existent) and people are slowly losing their motivation to keep going. I think it's that people need to realize that this faction has more to offer, and they shouldn't rely on fights/perms alone. Prime example was me, Kana, Aidan, Seijutoma's past leader, and a few other people who started a big arc in GangRP for a few months starting in 2022 and ending in 2023 after Akihito unfortunately disbanded. During that time period, GangRP was hitting an all-time high with a lot of gangs interacting with each other in terms of actual roleplay, but since I've taken my card out and the others have as well, no one has decided to put forth that same effort and it's a little disheartening

3. mc skins shouldn't dictate whether or not you talk to someone

4. this server is genuinely not something to be fussing over when it comes to things relating TO the server. please stop taking this server to heart and treating other people like they're the scum of the earth.. of course the are times where some things might be not related to the server, but there's a lengthy list of people who give passive/micro-aggressions and snarky comments OVER the server or things that happen within the server.... It's not hard to be kind


Level 129
Authorization Team
- people judging or making fun of others for actually roleplaying on a ROLEPLAY server .. SHOCKER!!! as if they also don’t have a whole shaded skin they ordered and are also still on the server..

- trolling, I’ve seen a few troll or act funny to impress their friends and think whatever they’re doing is making everyone bend over laughing, its not. I’ve seen it especially in teams and that then turns toxic which leads to drama because a lot of people take what was told to their character ICly, to OOC

- staff, as others have noted, we are also human beings being the screen!! we aren’t robots yawl, we also have a life and things to do outside of SRP .. sure we signed up for it but not to make it our ONLY focus. A lot of staff members try their best and it’s pretty tough when people talk mess behind their back or to the public about things they do because they literally HAVE to when they’re just trying their best. As I said, we aren’t robots and I’ve seen a lot of people call staff members names or say how they suck at their job which isn’t fair. If you think something abt a staff member.. just keep it to yourself pal.

and also, a pet peeve but, people who like to shit on or make fun of couples that met through SRP like it’s weird or a crime? It’s just long distance, it’s not like they developed feelings for the character. People talk outside of SRP like other human beings do & become closer, sometimes they play different games together and not just SRP. Just because they met on a server doesn’t make it any different from other long distance couples & from what I see.. the couples on SRP have lasted longer than anyone elses I know irl like shadonk and eco or customable and lexi ^_^

some others have stated other things i thought :3 AND I believe KPD is organized imo
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! salty

Level 51
GangRPers should stop hating on school because its fun as hell to fight at school, literally one of my favourite places in srp because of the silly little interactions with teachers, students, etc. having an adult tag would probably make me cry icl

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