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What are your biggest regrets on SRP?


Level 9
Not getting my character into more lore stuff and being to scared to try out new things in srp and not having more fun


Level 132
get help.

okay but honestly, not trying gangrp in 2021, like people talk about how it was cool and all that and i WISH i could've experienced it at the very least despite the reputation of it back then. like the bonten v kaku kai war, i was playing SRP at the time but never bothered to even try crime bc all my friends would tell me "dont!! too toxic!!" and i kinda regret it. maybe it would've probably changed who i am later on when i came back to SRP / maybe i wouldn't have taken that long ass break but who knows
shoulda just joined my clan...


Level 107
I would like to add to this, courtesy of DarkXWalker

I regret making a big heartfelt quitting post but because of my addiction I came back two weeks later and tried to pretend like I didn't lie to everyone about it.

I have given my last ounce of dignity away with that. It haunts me to this day. I wish I could delete that post and erase it from existence so I couldn't live in the shame of my lies. Please forgive me, RPH - SRP.


Level 51
I would like to add to this, courtesy of DarkXWalker

I regret making a big heartfelt quitting post but because of my addiction I came back two weeks later and tried to pretend like I didn't lie to everyone about it.

I have given my last ounce of dignity away with that. It haunts me to this day. I wish I could delete that post and erase it from existence so I couldn't live in the shame of my lies. Please forgive me, RPH - SRP.
Unforgiven, courtesy of DarkxWalker.


Level 96
Only regret I have is forgetting my damn email and password for my old main account. RIP ilovemyplane :saluting_face:


Level 45
Regret! No discord :(( .. though, similar to one fo you guys, its out of my control.
TWO! not taking screenshots of the wacky things i did ! especially back in my GangRP days!
I made a mistake that resulted in me having to leave anything online for around a whole year!! therefor losing my teacher-role, which was the most devastating thing for me. I enjoyed being a teacher a LOT it was my favourite thing to do, I'd rarely switch out of my teacher character [EIICHIRO HIRAGI] It provided me with tons of roleplay and wonderful connections that sadly couldn't last due to the year-'break' :(( Now due the fact i don't have discord, i'm aware i can't get my teacher role back , which is the most upsetting thing for me

it's not a regret but a shit habit i have, is i tend to get bored of my chars too quickly at times . which results in me making characters , getting good rolepplay but ending up playing them less and less. I'm aware this is just a bad habit i need to get rid off, especially if i wanted to create long lasting characters like Aaron Marie [3yrs] Eiichiro Hiragi [2.5yrs] Xion Kim-Min [6months]

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