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What are your Character's Post-Karakura Lore(In the instances that they made it out Alive)?


Level 84
State your Character's(Alive or Dead, up to you) Post-Karakura Lore if they made it out alive, Go nuts.

My Character's Post-Karakura Lore:

(Disclaimer: all this is made up, any correlation to real life events is purely coincidental, and it may make sense, it may not, get off my back, i'm not good with lore making.)

Kyle McMoore (Alive): At the Age of 33 would move back to Australia and starts a Local Loaning Business, before growing bigger and bigger before going International into Southeast Asia, meanwhile in the background Owning a Smuggling Business, dominating both Australia and Southeast Asia, soon expanding to europe, before a Combined Arms movement from 4 Countries is made, Inevitably he was tracked down and sent to Prison for life at age 35 but was released at the 4th year due to cooperating and brokered a deal with the Government for Informations in exchange for Freedom.

At the age of 39 He would move back to Melbourne to live there for awhile before Moving to Hawaii to be with whoever he is with.

Alan J. Radleyton (Dead): If alive, He would move back to America to live with his remaining family at age 22, helping his mother to get over his father's death.

At age 23, He joined the Local Law Enforcement Department in Vegas, before being moved from Department to Department due to his Expertise.
After retiring at age 30 He would think that life of action will be ended there for him, but at the age of 32, He was dragged back into Action, being given an Invitation to the Central Intelligence Agency for his expertise which Includes, Unconventional Combat, Marksmanship and Interrogation Expertise, Served overseas to Counter an International ********* Group before being put as an Inactive Member at age 43.

At Age 47 He decided to move to Indonesia where he saw a Rise of Tension between Existing Government and Communist Group, plunging into a Civil War within the country, Decided to assist the Existing Government, before eventually killed at age 52 at the hands of a Rogue CIA Agent who was stationed there, nearing the End of the Civil War, In which the Communist Group was defeated.


Level 113
Felix would move back to Tokyo and idk what he'd do.
Eichi would probably end up going to Germany and reconnect with relatives and stuff.
Lux would end up following wherever his family ends up.


Level 200
I'm putting this message here solely so I can remember to respond to this thread later: beware of the shit ton of lore I write


Level 331
Ernesto Martinez
After the horrifying events of the Kishi war against the Karakurian government, he developed symptoms of PTSD related to what he had to live through there. After the incident, he decided to take a temporary administrative leave voluntarily, which would later turn into a formal resignal from the force, given his current condition. After that, he decided to leave the city, trying to search for a new life in another one as a normal citizen, away from any sort of criminality. Though his source of income was drastically lowered when he resigned, he's using the money he had saved up from his officer days to live a simple life in the suburbs of Japan, hoping not to have to see or use a gun ever again


Level 118
Ernesto Martinez
After the horrifying events of the Kishi war against the Karakurian government, he developed symptoms of PTSD related to what he had to live through there. After the incident, he decided to take a temporary administrative leave voluntarily, which would later turn into a formal resignal from the force, given his current condition. After that, he decided to leave the city, trying to search for a new life in another one as a normal citizen, away from any sort of criminality. Though his source of income was drastically lowered when he resigned, he's using the money he had saved up from his officer days to live a simple life in the suburbs of Japan, hoping not to have to see or use a gun ever again
The end is just scary-

gold fish

Level 286
Ernesto Martinez
After the horrifying events of the Kishi war against the Karakurian government, he developed symptoms of PTSD related to what he had to live through there. After the incident, he decided to take a temporary administrative leave voluntarily, which would later turn into a formal resignal from the force, given his current condition. After that, he decided to leave the city, trying to search for a new life in another one as a normal citizen, away from any sort of criminality. Though his source of income was drastically lowered when he resigned, he's using the money he had saved up from his officer days to live a simple life in the suburbs of Japan, hoping not to have to see or use a gun ever again
poor Ernesto ;(

gold fish

Level 286
Julein Hayashi:
Jules, after being blinded, took a temporary turned permanent break from Karakura as being blind there honestly is terrifying to him and considering everything he’s been through it makes sense. He moved into some janky little apartment outside Tokyo, and is living happily with his significant other! He still visits sometimes, but really only to check up on Nozomi, since she’s the only one in that city he ever REALLY loved.
Natuso Hideki
If he’s never had his stroke, which is what caused him to become so miserable and wishing for death in the first place, if Leonard hadn’t died, he’dve probably convinced Leo to move back to his hometown with him, so they could live quietly, but he never really got to have that.


Level 45
Hakase Popovich is currently on tour with her band, that era will remain static for the time being but eventually a tragic accident occurs that forces her to stay put for a while. She won't return to Karakura, but will likely go back to living in her mom's house in Yokosuka. I think


Level 199
Ernesto Martinez
After the horrifying events of the Kishi war against the Karakurian government, he developed symptoms of PTSD related to what he had to live through there. After the incident, he decided to take a temporary administrative leave voluntarily, which would later turn into a formal resignal from the force, given his current condition. After that, he decided to leave the city, trying to search for a new life in another one as a normal citizen, away from any sort of criminality. Though his source of income was drastically lowered when he resigned, he's using the money he had saved up from his officer days to live a simple life in the suburbs of Japan, hoping not to have to see or use a gun ever again
The end though...


Level 17
No because this seems so fun?
Opal Harlet would likely end up traveling with Verdi, her fiancé. Though they would likely be married, or divorced, by then. I would think they’d travel all over the globe after the finish working and retire. I’m unsure at what age they would attire, I would assume Opal would really enjoy her job and it would take a lot for her to retire.
Everyone’s post-Karakura lore looks so cool, honestly!


Level 11
State your Character's(Alive or Dead, up to you) Post-Karakura Lore if they made it out alive, Go nuts.

My Character's Post-Karakura Lore:

(Disclaimer: all this is made up, any correlation to real life events is purely coincidental, and it may make sense, it may not, get off my back, i'm not good with lore making.)

Kyle McMoore (Alive): At the Age of 33 would move back to Australia and starts a Local Loaning Business, before growing bigger and bigger before going International into Southeast Asia, meanwhile in the background Owning a Smuggling Business, dominating both Australia and Southeast Asia, soon expanding to europe, before a Combined Arms movement from 4 Countries is made, Inevitably he was tracked down and sent to Prison for life at age 35 but was released at the 4th year due to cooperating and brokered a deal with the Government for Informations in exchange for Freedom.

At the age of 39 He would move back to Melbourne to live there for awhile before Moving to Hawaii to be with whoever he is with.

Alan J. Radleyton (Dead): If alive, He would move back to America to live with his remaining family at age 22, helping his mother to get over his father's death.

At age 23, He joined the Local Law Enforcement Department in Vegas, before being moved from Department to Department due to his Expertise.
After retiring at age 30 He would think that life of action will be ended there for him, but at the age of 32, He was dragged back into Action, being given an Invitation to the Central Intelligence Agency for his expertise which Includes, Unconventional Combat, Marksmanship and Interrogation Expertise, Served overseas to Counter an International ********* Group before being put as an Inactive Member at age 43.

At Age 47 He decided to move to Indonesia where he saw a Rise of Tension between Existing Government and Communist Group, plunging into a Civil War within the country, Decided to assist the Existing Government, before eventually killed at age 52 at the hands of a Rogue CIA Agent who was stationed there, nearing the End of the Civil War, In which the Communist Group was defeated.
During the time from the age of 19 to 33 Snoobs/Mattia was kinda just in LA living and stuff but then he returned to Karakura.

Though, if he is to leave Karakura again he'd go back to LA and try and start some kinda alcohol brewing company under the Snoobs persona, and would occasionally return to Karakura to visit people. I haven't really thought much about that yet, tbh

gold fish

Level 286
During the time from the age of 19 to 33 Snoobs/Mattia was kinda just in LA living and stuff but then he returned to Karakura.

Though, if he is to leave Karakura again he'd go back to LA and try and start some kinda alcohol brewing company under the Snoobs persona, and would occasionally return to Karakura to visit people. I haven't really thought much about that yet, tbh
i want to know about snoobs lore



Level 10
Ernesto Martinez
After the horrifying events of the Kishi war against the Karakurian government, he developed symptoms of PTSD related to what he had to live through there. After the incident, he decided to take a temporary administrative leave voluntarily, which would later turn into a formal resignal from the force, given his current condition. After that, he decided to leave the city, trying to search for a new life in another one as a normal citizen, away from any sort of criminality. Though his source of income was drastically lowered when he resigned, he's using the money he had saved up from his officer days to live a simple life in the suburbs of Japan, hoping not to have to see or use a gun ever again
Yes, then Jake moves to him and hunts him down blowing his head off with a snipper riffle


Level 76
I haven’t ever given this much thought.. but I’ll give it a try. This’ll mostly be ifs and likely’s due to that factor of giving it no thought.

Atlas Edgeworth (Alive)
If Atlas would be one to move out of Karakura (the only place he’s mainly known other than the orphanage) he’d likely move to the USA at age 25 and continue his medical studies and work there, which is where his fathers family and Atlas’ parents currently live due to his mother’s health issues. (and assuming his partner is there as well) Atlas would live likely in the rural areas or the city with his partner working as a surgeon at a nearby hospital but as well as working to find something that could help cure his mothers disease.

Daichi Kitsuné (Alive)
Daichi would likely move to two places: back to Japan mainland, or back to Poland. Daichi actually just returned from Poland as he was there from age 30 to age 39 (9 years) due to not really having a set life here in Karakura, yet having one in Poland. If Daichi did move to Poland once more he would likely create his own restaurant where he worked as a chef, creating both Polish and Japanese dishes he’s learned in his time in both places.

Miharu Suoh (Alive)
Miharu actually doesn’t live in Karakura anymore, she lives in Canada with her parents however she’ll still visit Karakura from time to time when her parents let her to see her few friends she’s made. Yea there isn’t much to add here since she’s 14.

Angelo Rizal (Alive)
Angelo also doesn’t live in Karakura as he moved back to the Philippines after helping his sister settle into her new school here in Karakura. So.. never really actually worked on the dude much so I don’t have any lore as to what he’s be doing rn.

There’s another character I created a long time ago but I honestly remember nothing about them.. so.

Also wow all my characters are alive- that’s impressive.


Level 9
Natasha Santiago [Alive]

When Natasha was growing up, she had a lovely Family. Marshall Santiago, Fazō Santiago, Richard Santiago. As time went on, Richard joined a rival gang. Her brother Fazō, and her father, Marshall were in the gang ‘Kishi’. Natasha had to run away from her home town to go somewhere safe, she wanted to protect herself and the others around her, she cut all contacts off with her family members & ran away. The day of the war, it was mentioned to her that Richard stabbed Fazō in the line of battle, not knowing what to do, Marshall stood there, not even helping. Just watching. This period ended in Richard being killed in a pool of his own blood & their Father, Marshall serving life in prison. Only Fazō remained until Natasha came back to Karakura months after the incident, reuniting with her brother.

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