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What is your best method for taking good screenshots?


Level 14

What are your guys' best method for taking screenshots? Any good techniques for a good perspective?


Level 43
Getting the right angles is perfect!! I mostly /crawl or get far away from the object I want to take the screenshot of to then zoom in to make it the centre of the frame! Hope this helps. I have no clue how photography works tbh... I'm a music kid.


Level 5
Whenever I take my screenshots, I follow a certain pattern! First of all, I use the feather client which has the feature of changing the time of day as do many other clients. Feather also has a built-in mod that eliminates nametags and those annoying holograms!

Next is assessing which shader I want to use for specific moods/area. I'm working on making a detailed essay on each shader I can get my PC to run! Get a good feel with the shaders you use, and don't EVER stick to one!

Then, once I've found the perfect place and time to take that screenshot, I hop onto Replay Mod since it allows access to angles you wouldn't be able to get normally.

Tuning your FOV is a MUST but it also depends on the mood you're trying to go for! Also, editing in some sweet blur effects transforms the photo entirely depending on the subject of your screenshot!

Finally, crop OR frame your image to get rid of unnecessary detail. At this point, it's become overkill for a single screenshot, but the process is worth it. It's better to create one amazing photo than ten uninteresting ones!



Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
What's really important.

You. Don't. Need. Fancy. Shaders!!

Get Shaders that you can adjust to your liking! (I use bsl)

That and if you have good knowledge with angles and lights, you can make a screenshot really pop.
If it's a group screenshot or single, you can have them move a bit to have the screenshot seem more natural!

/crawl and /sit help a tone. But also your FOV. (Remember if you have a wider screen, you might have to zoom a bit closer)


Level 143
My number 1 pet peeve with screenshots is that people don't bump up their render distance. Like when their composition is made up of literally the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, but with a backdrop of the empty void just a few meters behind it. I personally recommend using the Distant Horizons mod, because it lets you see a lot farther than what vanilla allows without destroying your computer.

Here is the same shot with and without the mod enabled. Rather than the rooftop just disappearing into nothing, you can actually see the mountains in the background. I think it makes things look a little less eerie, since without it everything is just covered in fog.



Level 89
Whenever I take my screenshots, I follow a certain pattern! First of all, I use the feather client which has the feature of changing the time of day as do many other clients. Feather also has a built-in mod that eliminates nametags and those annoying holograms!

Next is assessing which shader I want to use for specific moods/area. I'm working on making a detailed essay on each shader I can get my PC to run! Get a good feel with the shaders you use, and don't EVER stick to one!

Then, once I've found the perfect place and time to take that screenshot, I hop onto Replay Mod since it allows access to angles you wouldn't be able to get normally.

Tuning your FOV is a MUST but it also depends on the mood you're trying to go for! Also, editing in some sweet blur effects transforms the photo entirely depending on the subject of your screenshot!

Finally, crop OR frame your image to get rid of unnecessary detail. At this point, it's become overkill for a single screenshot, but the process is worth it. It's better to create one amazing photo than ten uninteresting ones!

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Level 67
Use replay mod.

While using replay mod and if you have a bad computer:
  1. First you choose the angle you want to take the photo from.
  2. Then you fiddle around with the shaders options and graphics until you get a good view. Then you can finnally take your screenshot.
  3. Take the screenshot

You can also take the screenshot in the heat of the moment though. It might be harder but it is an option.


Level 62
What's really important.

You. Don't. Need. Fancy. Shaders!!

Get Shaders that you can adjust to your liking! (I use bsl)

That and if you have good knowledge with angles and lights, you can make a screenshot really pop.
If it's a group screenshot or single, you can have them move a bit to have the screenshot seem more natural!

/crawl and /sit help a tone. But also your FOV. (Remember if you have a wider screen, you might have to zoom a bit closer)

Listen to aania she took photos all the time for SRP back in the day

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