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what one moment would you consider responsible for you sticking around on srp?


Level 81
not that i am still on srp, but being in the government faction (managing my own department, lawyerRP), managing the asogi family + its lore (albeit not as well as i could have done) kept me around for quite a bit. it was lovely while it lasted. shoutout to the homies i stuck around for. :) <3


Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
I've been on and off of SRP for around 8 years (according to forms), I think the one thing that always brings me back is the handful of good people you'll meet and enjoy writing with. Everyone knows SRP can be toxic at times but those handful of friends you'll make on the server always makes it all worth it, and the stories you'll make with them icly is something you'll look back on for the rest of your time on the server with a smile.
I think right now currently what's kept me playing SRP for around. .4-5 years straight is KPD, I love working with the Emergency faction and I consider all of the police faction my kids and family. Watching all of them grow up and grow on the server, watching @Yonio fix KPD and push roleplay back into the faction I love so much. I can't explain to you guys how OOC KPD was until Yonio got his hands on it, Bro molded it into a space where you could roleplay your cop character freely and you didn't have to be just some stupid cop robot with one personality. Watching your faction lead roleplaying and being silly inspires the rest of the faction to do the same. Watching @Hirathex go from a silly little UGLY cadet all the way to commissioner and SA??? with how shy Hira was at the start if you told me one day they would be leading my faction and basically at the top of the staff team I wouldn't believe you, Watching @6Pancake Take and FIX the hospital faction from constantly burning alive has been amazing to see, especially with hospital faction??? I can confidently tell my friends that if they join EMS now a days they will be taken care of and have fun (@flowersak is a great example of someone who was struggling with fun on the server but then she joined EMS and she's THRIVING now.) Working with my friends for years now on a faction we all love is what keeps me on the server, KPD and the Emergency faction as a whole will forever be my safe space on this server.

PS If anyone from the EM faction reads this I love you guys <3 especially my higher up team in KPD, you guys are the greatest and I'm glad we're close enough to joke with each other and play fight.

it's not the moment responsible for me sticking around initially, but i'd say the only reason i stay on SRP now is my determination for the hospital faction (and staff alike), alongside other responsibilities I've gained along the way. Dealing with the hospital, although sour in some places, was one of the most important things in changing how I perceived and handled things, and I'm glad I got a second chance with the faction itself :D

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
I’m currently struggling right now remaining on SRP with school work and the demand of my irl life and mental health just dropping off the face of the earth. And that’s fine I’ve been here for 4 years straight and currently really just struggling to handle my school life and the demand of the ever imposing final year of school in Australia. However I’m still somehow here and that’s an amazing special thanks to all my amazing friends. People like @RexLobo @England! @Oli @.Arkkwolf @lamby :3 @soratheonly
@Avazil and the whole shrine team and all my other friends are holding me here. Or at least, keeping me connected to SRP while I’m going through a lot right now, I seriously appreciate them all and they’re all amazing. Just the support I get from all of them even if they’re not mentioned they know who they are and what they’re currently doing for me and the amount support I’m getting from them is insane. Maybe I’ll return full time, but right now they’re keeping me and they’re keeping my interest there. So thank you so so so much to them

If it weren't for the characters the community creates and constantly works toward improving their roleplay skills. I would NAWT be here.. I've been around for a while as well but you meet new people and get dragged on different adventures and you stick. And you get that warm fuzz fuzz feeling that you've found something good. (Not me though I'm lactose intolerant.)

I like the community.

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