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What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?


Level 6
i remember this one dude from a team who just did '/me weaves' w/o rolling while i tried to engage combat..

buddy you are not jesus pipe down
I've seen this.. As a sport member, I've seen this. I do however feel like some sport members get into rivalry to a point they half forget that for the majority of actions outside of rivalry you DO need to roll. I will from time to time, as the majority of my any type of 'combatRP' is rivalry, and not a whole lot outside it. Some people just choose to not, as I guess they think they're better then everyone? Or that they're on a team they're like the big bad?? I dunno. It's weird.


Level 2
People being mean to namemcs, I know not everyone is mean to namemcs, tho there are a few that are, which makes me very annoyed as everyone at one point had a skin like that.
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gold fish

Level 286
[!] I found this thread, and I'd like to add my own two cents to this!

A few people have pointed this out, the issue in regards to blatantly ignoring greenies. I, myself, was a greenie who simply got ignored most of the time. It made it seriously demotivating to get on the server- everytime I do, there's just no one who can help me out. At that time, I didn't know that there was a forums at all- or a discord to begin with. I joined it as a minecraft server and found out about these two much later down the line.

A second point is - and has been pointed out - the closed off nature of most players. While I understand social anxiety, or generally the fear of getting embarrassed- I am not talking about these, I am talking about players who refuse to let anyone join their circle, or act dry towards people approaching them. Have you ever entered a scene or roleplay with someone, only for them to be absolutely dry in LOOC and roleplay-actions? Even when you try to start up a conversation, some people are simply rude for no reason?

SRP-FAMILIES : don't adopt 567995 children. The value of a family doesn't come from how many people you have in it, but from the quality of roleplay within it and the influence of these characters on the server. Lore-families, for the love of god people - do not befriend an Akihito, Saiky, Mayer- just for the status upgrade. It won't happen. Everyone here is a regular player. Don't seek OOC popularity.

Toxicity towards Staff - I understand everyone's experience with staff is different, but that doesn't mean you get to demand their attention in OOC, or spam DM them- or speak rudely to them. They are human, and they also would like to roleplay. If you made a ticket and they didn't reply, wait. Literally wait. Patience is a virtue. It irks me when I see someone in OOC demanding something from staff, they do not work for you. Be kinder, Staff are the backbone that is keeping this place organized. . that, and befriending staff members only because they are staff.. and then what? There will be no genuine care in that 'friendship'.. befriend them because they are people. Not a fancy tag.

SRP has had many phases from what I've observed from 2020, however- I do find myself super happy with it's current direction. It is wonderful, much more greenie-friendly, and the rules that were emphasized are actually keeping people in line. If you have a suggestion, drop it. Do not hate on staff.

Thank you! <3
my least favorite onthe closed off nature bit. I walk up to, most especially, school teams, faculty, people with special tags, even though I'm not a greenie, I have an srp skin and description. I get .. ignored? They clearly see my action.. because they sometimes will kind of look at me..? then they just.. go back to what they're doing. even on my adult tag.. and even worse than that, sometimes I try to start conversations icly, and I know it's icly but.. still, with other students only to be immediately ridiculed icly for saying "hello" .. it makes it really discouraging when everyone is so mean and hard to get through to..

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