[!] I found this thread, and I'd like to add my own two cents to this!
A few people have pointed this out, the issue in regards to blatantly ignoring greenies. I, myself, was a greenie who simply got ignored most of the time. It made it seriously demotivating to get on the server- everytime I do, there's just no one who can help me out. At that time, I didn't know that there was a forums at all- or a discord to begin with. I joined it as a minecraft server and found out about these two much later down the line.
A second point is - and has been pointed out - the closed off nature of most players. While I understand social anxiety, or generally the fear of getting embarrassed- I am not talking about these, I am talking about players who refuse to let anyone join their circle, or act dry towards people approaching them. Have you ever entered a scene or roleplay with someone, only for them to be absolutely dry in LOOC and roleplay-actions? Even when you try to start up a conversation, some people are simply rude for no reason?
SRP-FAMILIES : don't adopt 567995 children. The value of a family doesn't come from how many people you have in it, but from the quality of roleplay within it and the influence of these characters on the server. Lore-families, for the love of god people - do not befriend an Akihito, Saiky, Mayer- just for the status upgrade. It won't happen. Everyone here is a regular player. Don't seek OOC popularity.
Toxicity towards Staff - I understand everyone's experience with staff is different, but that doesn't mean you get to demand their attention in OOC, or spam DM them- or speak rudely to them. They are human, and they also would like to roleplay. If you made a ticket and they didn't reply, wait. Literally wait. Patience is a virtue. It irks me when I see someone in OOC demanding something from staff, they do not work for you. Be kinder, Staff are the backbone that is keeping this place organized. . that, and befriending staff members only because they are staff.. and then what? There will be no genuine care in that 'friendship'.. befriend them because they are people. Not a fancy tag.
SRP has had many phases from what I've observed from 2020, however- I do find myself super happy with it's current direction. It is wonderful, much more greenie-friendly, and the rules that were emphasized are actually keeping people in line. If you have a suggestion, drop it. Do not hate on staff.
Thank you! <3