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Which Character(s) Made an Impact on Yours? | bheom questionnaire


Level 65
Event Team
Tell me about who or which people changed your character, whether it being how they act or what they stopped doing, etc! Do tell me the situation, I loooove reading of roleplays.

Ex. )

Bob met Tom, Bob used to be quiet but Tom came into his life- he started becoming more out of his shell.

Bob met Tom, Bob used to be very sweet hearted- Tom's interactions affected him which caused Bob to become more rude and hard to trust!


Level 65
Event Team
Thread starter
Haruo Joia changed him, after countless misleading and a rejection, Riwoo had became more reckless and distrusting, hardly understanding anything! Buuut, he met Reijirou Tojo, who caused him to change as a person, he helped him to give a chance with love again! ^_^

Many people changed her as a whole but a great mention is Ikiya Joia, her second love, someone she fell deeply for but after parting slowly and drifting from each other- she had slowly lost her marbles. Feeling alone and helpless, especially after their arrests, being away from him without any final words made her feel restless and isolated.

Someone who was once quiet, he met someone completely opposite from him! Luciano, a team member who was rather loud and talkative. Suoh fell more comfortable with him which caused him to slowly talk more, kept him going.


Level 113

unfortunately, itu z. saiuka-togomi. erm.. it originally was in a good way before it turned to total shit lmfao @Popo BUT for a good change, someone who really turned her life around for the better was sally z. santos, she loves that kid to death even if she like never said it, and despite everything he did to her she still would literally get herself killed as long as hes safe :(


now personally id have to give it to taku kase (lead of zeros). during her zeros arc she felt some sort of freedom for once from the shackles she was born with. she put everything behind and still continues to move forward even after leaving zeros, maybe one day ill come back but honestly everyone icly hated her in zeros anywas LFMAO IT WASNT MY FAULT OKAY.. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG


all the shrine members, tbh, she considered them extended family and she loved her job so much actually (even though she was constantly trying to get eaten by asami).. unfortunately due to circumstances i cant play her atm but maybe in the future id apply for professor on her


Level 7

unfortunately, itu z. saiuka-togomi. erm.. it originally was in a good way before it turned to total shit lmfao @Popo BUT for a good change, someone who really turned her life around for the better was sally z. santos, she loves that kid to death even if she like never said it, and despite everything he did to her she still would literally get herself killed as long as hes safe :(


now personally id have to give it to taku kase (lead of zeros). during her zeros arc she felt some sort of freedom for once from the shackles she was born with. she put everything behind and still continues to move forward even after leaving zeros, maybe one day ill come back but honestly everyone icly hated her in zeros anywas LFMAO IT WASNT MY FAULT OKAY.. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG


all the shrine members, tbh, she considered them extended family and she loved her job so much actually (even though she was constantly trying to get eaten by asami).. unfortunately due to circumstances i cant play her atm but maybe in the future id apply for professor on her
I wasn’t going to respond to this message originally but now I have to because of hae.


easily Itu Z. Saiuka-Togomi, I mean he was literally influential in the character development of him and his views. That man was probably one of the only people who even cared for shenzo at that time period and genuinely taught him a bunch of stuff he knows. Bro literally made shenzo join kyogoku (best decision of my life) and fuck around with him their, establishing a bunch of other stuff and also being their when indiana (heh….) was being a bit troublesome (The blocked off room.) with shenzo.


uhhhhh probably Kotaro, he was his first friend and was really cool with him, and Harley since like… it was his first love and first pretty much anything romantic wise. Oh yeah also Bryson Graves, made him fight for the first time


Level 81
Goemon Asōgi:
I've spoken a lot about how Annabell Sturm, Percival Niiyama or Nathaniel Blackwell have made an impact on him (in lore). However, I would like to mention:
- Avery Asōgi (née Bloom): She grounds Goemon, and humbles him. She tells him things that he needs to hear, even if he doesn't want to. Of course, the same goes vice versa.
- Ezri Akai: The woman who gave rise to the city's current AG. Contrary to popular belief, Ezri was an empathetic leader during her time as Mayor, supportive of him when others weren't.
- Akihisa Akihito (née Hakasada): The AG's detective counterpart. The dynamic duo worked on a great many cases together, no matter how short or long. Holmes and Watson who? Asōgi and Akihito are nothing to scoff at, when they coalesce and resolve to catch & prosecute a perp.

Mei Asōgi:
- Wyinonna Wolfe: Our girlypop's girlfriend. Mei smokes less, and lets her hair down around Wyinonna. She's probably the only person who can look beneath the façade that the Asōgi Private Detective Agency's finest maintains, with ease.

If I think of anyone else for my other characters, I'll edit this.


Level 19
Vova Volkonsky:
This man singlehandedly shaped the way I play SRP. He was my in real life friend for about 1 year before I joined SRP and he is the sole reason I joined, seeing him stream it in VC made me intrigued enough to join him and that's when I first joined SRP. Without him, I would've have gotten as far as I did or even play the server, He taught me everything there is to know about SRP and how to play it properly and respect the rules set by the administrators. He taught me how to CombatRP, GangRP, CrimeRP and basically every RP singlehandedly. He gave me the opportunity to join the family he founded as well as join a gang he was in when he felt I became good enough to be in one, (Sasin). I owe him everything and I'm grateful for the time he put into making sure I was able to adjust to the game while respecting the community and admiring the lore and characters. @MidFizzy (wanted to include some OOC backstory as he deserves way more credit than I'm able to give in RP).

RP portion
Vova Volkonsky, the father/brother of Madara Volkonsky. Vova took Madara into his custody after both of his parents passed away, leaving Vova with the guilt and responsibility to keep the Volkonsky family successful despite the tragedy. He tried his hardest to be a father figure to Madara and his own children but slowly droved himself into abandoning Madara through much of his childhood, even with abandonment fresh in his heart, Madara was able to overcome this and slowly rekindle his admiration for his father, Vova. Eventually they would both patrol the streets of Karakura together as brothers.


Level 66

unfortunately, itu z. saiuka-togomi. erm.. it originally was in a good way before it turned to total shit lmfao @Popo


easily Itu Z. Saiuka-Togomi, I mean he was literally influential in the character development of him and his views. That man was probably one of the only people who even cared for shenzo at that time period and genuinely taught him a bunch of stuff he knows. Bro literally made shenzo join kyogoku (best decision of my life) and fuck around with him their, establishing a bunch of other stuff and also being their when indiana (heh….) was being a bit troublesome (The blocked off room.) with shenzo.

Glad to see that my first character when I first came back to SchoolRP had a significant factor in these two characters' development. A fun fact— I had Itu Z. Saiuka as early as June of 2019 after the death of my formerly most developed GangRP character; ‘GAS’.

My first character since I came back to SchoolRP. I gave him a soft reset and entirely forgot about his old lore so I had to renovate it completely. Initially, my return to SchoolRP was with the intention of enjoying a Slice of Life experience— retiring from ‘competitive’ roleplay. I digress, however, the people with the most impact on him as a character may be Euni and Evalise von Moltke (@c1rcvs), Hae-ryung Shin shaped him to be short-tempered and unapproachable (@uta), and Shenzo Kiraga was one individual that Itu could depend on all throughout his time in Karakura.

There are a lot of immaculate characters that had (or still have) a variety of impacts on my most favoured character thus far. This is to say, not all of them happen to be on his positive side.

YABAN HEDDO — An individual he initially kidnapped due to her close and tied bond with the former Commissioner, allowing the Mechanic to use her for leverage. She might have not had the biggest impact on the Mechanic, but her determination to take him down and place him in a jail cell indefinitely with the addition of joining the police force just to do all of this completely overhauled how he thought of her as a persona.

YONG-SUN SEONG — A lot could have happened; or for a better expression, a lackluster amount of things would have occurred if not because of the sergeant's blunder. She was a victim of ‘MECHANIC’s kidnappings in the past alongside Yaban Heddo. Eventually, the Mechanic tried to build an acquaintanceship level of relation with Yong-sun Seong after patching the issues they had. Unfortunately, Yong-sun Seong made a huge mistake, telling a reporter and Man'en higherup about the Mechanic's identity— the same reporter he had attacked in the past. This was a huge flaw, and forced the Mechanic out of his voluntary retirement to cause havoc again.

NAYAO ZHUANG — She's the closest figure he has to a sibling (unfortunately). They were originally distant associates and grew to be closer after Ernesto Martinez threatened to arrest the Mechanic over a phone call. To keep it short, she's probably the only person that allowed him to feel compassion in a long time.


Level 5
My first character since I came back to SchoolRP. I gave him a soft reset and entirely forgot about his old lore so I had to renovate it completely. Initially, my return to SchoolRP was with the intention of enjoying a Slice of Life experience— retiring from ‘competitive’ roleplay. I digress, however, the people with the most impact on him as a character may be Euni and Evalise von Moltke (@c1rcvs), Hae-ryung Shin shaped him to be short-tempered and unapproachable (@uta), and Shenzo Kiraga was one individual that Itu could depend on all throughout his time in Karakura.


Level 118
Shu O. Iszae

Dayon Z. Koth
Big impact on my character, showing me quite lots of things that impacted everything I did, very fun.

Akinori Hoshino

Mmm, who.. who who.. Oh right, it was Miu-Miu @HEXATICA

I was a lil silly.​


Level 63
Honey Nabatasai-Aiuchi
Takagi Sakata
Takagi was Honey's first love and heartbreak, their relationship developed her even more as a character as she was before, made her realize that she needed to stand by herself instead of leaning onto somebody for everything she did; that sense of acceptance.

Ren Aiuchi
Ren is her now-father figure, she learned that just because somebody is new in your life, that they aren't there to hurt you; and sometimes are there to protect you and lead you to greatness.

Asoshina Helvete
Rose Helvete - 'JUNO HELVETE'
This one is self-explanatory, Rose is her sister. And probably the one that she is closest to out of all Helvete's.. and that says a lot.
Serena Santarossa
Another one that is self-explanatory, this is her daughter. Even if Serena denies is, Serena will always be her child at heart.
If you know, you know. If you don't, you don't.


Level 5
Asoshina Helvete
Rose Helvete - 'JUNO HELVETE'
This one is self-explanatory, Rose is her sister. And probably the one that she is closest to out of all Helvete's.. and that says a lot.
Serena Santarossa
Another one that is self-explanatory, this is her daughter. Even if Serena denies is, Serena will always be her child at heart.
If you know, you know. If you don't, you don't.
WHEN ALL OF THESE ARE ME - THAT'S SO CRAZY... writing my reply soon :sob:


Level 5
Alright, clearly... I had too much time - I'm meant to be doing something for work right now instead.. BUT - this... anyways - obviously one name had more people of notable mention, but that's only 'cause she's played so much <3

“I should have turned around, but I have too much pride. No time for goodbyes. Didn’t get to apologize.”

“He said, she said - conversations in my head, and that’s just where they’re gonna stay forever.”
Nathaniel and Serena had known each other briefly around the time she moved to Karakura - although she’d never admit it - she fell for that boy, and FAST… That’s besides the point. Nathaniel was the one person in her life who was able to get through to her on the importance of self love, and knowing her worth. He, without realizing it, gave her the courage to get herself out of an unhealthy relationship. As quoted in a prior post; “I apologize if I'm overstepping. I simply don't think he knows your worth, or deserves you - from only what I'm hearing.”

“Guess we’re alike that way.”
Despite all she has done - all she believes she deserves, he taught her that no one is deserving of pain. As well as doubling as the only man she could ever see as a father figure once ‘Mike’ passed away. Through thick and thin, he’s shown her nothing but patience, love, care, loyalty, honesty - the trust and faith that she had always looked for in someone. Never did she think she’d find it in the Shinto Priest of all people.

While he isn’t her father, by blood, by name, by legal documentation - he will forever be someone she looks up to in a fatherly sense.

“If you could only know, I’d never let you go..”
June-bug! Her favourite siblings of all time! Erm. . . I can’t explain his reasoning for being on this list other than mentioning how throughout their time in Karakura, they have been consistently glued to the hip. If you saw Serena, you saw Jun’ichi and vice versa. They have ALWAYS - and I mean ALWAYS had each other’s backs, even if they were upset with one another; if someone said something negative about the other, all arguments were dropped, n’ they were quick n’ ready to clap back.

“I will fight for you - will you fight for me too?”
Mee-young, although she may not remember, has been a big part of Serena’s life for practically as long as she’s been in Karakura. Even before they were ‘close’ (they’re not close..), Serena had always admired and looked up to the blue n’ red haired woman (3D glasses looking ahh).

The love and admiration only grew further when Mee-young took Serena in to work for her at Jaibatsume Cosmetology (go check it out, great shop - totally not biassed), and then again when Mee taught her how to defend herself against certain… things… in Karakura.

“The words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave unsaid.”
The man, the myth, the legend! Mike Akihito - Karaura’s former mayor and shopkeeper! Wowza, guys.. I wonder how the man who got blackmailed by the Yakuza into running the city into the ground.. could have positively affected and changed Miss Santarossa for the better.

‘Mike’ was her idol - as silly as it sounds.. she looked up to him - admired him. Even considered him a father figure at one point in time. He, in her eyes, did the impossible… Although, it was very much possible.. He simply spoke out against the Yakuza in question who had been blackmailing him.. - knowing it was dangerous, but the right thing to do.

A mindset she holds onto to this day… even if something is considered dangerous, it’s worth doing if it will benefit those who you care about - if it will ‘save’ them in a sense.

He’s not.. positive as the other names on this list. Konami kidnapped and tortured Serena for three weeks straight - only really allowing her food once or twice a day. He knew just the right things to say to her to get this girl to break, using her own words and situations she had been through against her, as if he had been watching her for months, maybe even years..

Junosai ‘taught’ her how to drop her bratty behaviour, giving her a set of angel wings (carved) much sooner than she was meant to gain them - months earlier actually…

He is to be added into her lore much more than he currently is entangled.. ..on a later day however - no point in giving spoilers! Right?

NAOKI FURUKAWA ( @Harisankar7 )
“If all was lost, there’s more I gained, ‘cause it led me back to you.”
The former footballer has become a close friend in her eyes, one she occasionally flirts with - innocently, of course! - However, he has also become what she’d consider her ‘safe space.’ She could admit whatever she wanted to him, and doesn’t feel even a remote sense of judgement from him. He lets her be unapologetically herself - something no one has ever done - the ‘model citizen’ mask is completely dropped when it comes to Naoki.

Additionally, he taught her that none of the shitty things that have happened to her are her fault. None of it was caused by her actions - although, it is uncertain if that was his intention, it is how she took it.

“Who cares how loud the silence rings?”

‘JEFF WOODS’ ( @bheom )
“Maybe time will not erase me.”
As the creator of this post is aware - Jeff Woods left a long lasting effect on Matteo. I don’t think I need to go into detail for this one… :)

FAE ‘R.’ BLACKBURN ( @HawtSauce__ )
“If I could take us back, if I could just do that - and write in every empty space the words ‘I love you’ in replace.”
His wife. Although separated - she holds a special place in his heart. A spot that could never be filled, fixed, or taken by another. Fae is, as he’d call, the love of his life. All the words in his initial vows - albeit not what was said during their wedding - are true, something he stands by, and will continue to stand by until the day he dies.

‘From the moment I met you,
my life was forever changed. Today,
standing here with you, I am overwhelmed
with gratitude and joy. I vow to love you deeply,
with all that I am, for all the days of our lives.

I promise to cherish you, to honor you, and to
respect you. I will support your dreams and
celebrate your successes, and I will be your
rock during life’s challenges. Together, we
will create a home filled with laughter,
compassion, and love.

I vow to be faithful and true, to be your
confidant and your best friend. I will listen
with an open heart and mind, and I will always
strive to understand and appreciate your
perspective. I promise to grow with you, to
learn from you, and to build a future that
reflects our shared values and dreams.

In times of joy and sorrow, triumph and trial,
I will stand by your side. I will love you not only
for who you are today but for who you will become,
and for the person you inspire me to be.
Together, we will write our story, and I am so grateful
that I get to spend the rest of my life with you.

Fae, you are my everything, and I am honored to be
yours, I love you now and forever.’

“I never had that ‘perfect person’ who saw the good part of me..”

KAITO SHIROGANE ( @ririluvsme )
“Why go stating the obvious? It’s so painfully obvious.. How could you miss something this plain to see?”
Her first love (her ex fiancé). She changed everything about herself for him… not entirely in the most positive light - as she has faked her death on… five… occasions now?? Just to get away from him - however, she seems to find herself crawling back to him each time.

“And you know life can be beautiful - you hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way.”
Her father! He… well - to put it in the simplest of ways - he abandoned her as a child… BUT GUYS, it’s not as bad as you think! It was to ‘save’ her life.

On a much more positive note, she wouldn’t be the woman she is to this day if it wasn’t for him - even if that does include her missing eye.. and continuously growing kill count.


Level 80
Community Team
Lore Team
It’s hard to say who impacted my characters the most. But I’ll create a list of people and why they’re important to my characters in some way.

Koizumi Saiky:
The viper herself has had a lot of influence in her life and also developed in her own way. She adapted and changed depending on what she saw and how she experienced life, but there are many who influenced her and fueled her change. I’ll list some big ones.

Katakana Tasuichi (spelt it wrong) - Mocha:
One of the first people to come into Koizumi’s life and has been a bodyguard, student and friend to her. He influenced her in standing up for herself, and being there to support, and listen to the amount of drama she had going on. He also was someone who showed her how to not care, and be confident in herself.

Kurai Tasuichi (spelt it wrong again) - Min:
Good, old, Kurai. Another influence that’s been there from the beginning, not only is Kurai her closest friend, he is the most important person in her life. She learnt to become cold, calculated, secretive and selective with her trust. Koizumi has been with Kurai, like Kat, from the beginning. He’s her right hand in everything and if she does something, he’ll know about it. He’s not only someone who guides her through struggles in life, she’s one of the few people she sees as family who doesn’t share a name with her or isn’t blood related. If she’s cold or judgemental she learnt it from Kurai, and she also learnt to support and consider things carefully from him as well.

Sho Hirobayashi - England:
Her beloved boyfriend! Don’t test her commitment to him, you’ll be put to shame. Sho is the only person and will remain so to have a healthy relationship with Koizumi. He’s influenced her personality and ability to feel empathy for others. For someone so cold and calculating, it’s hard to see if Koizumi ever has a heart. Half the time she appears like a snake, and she makes her exit like one, acting like she just appeared and disappeared. Sho has helped Koizumi warm up to the public, to speak out more and be more vocal and confident in her own skin. He’s a polar opposite to her and it’s why it works so well, he’s helped guide her into speaking about her problems and secrets. To not only with himself, but with her get over their insecurities, be open minded and supportive of one another and their lives and challenges. Shos the person who’s helped to influence a better perspective on people and life, and he contributes hugely to her open mind in speaking to others.

Kaeda Saiky - Rex:
Kaede is one of her friends, and also a family member. She’s responsible for a huge chunk of Koizumi’s kindness and her compassion to others. Kaede is a complete bundle of joy compared to Koizumi so to have her in her life is a huge influence. She’s kind and caring, sympathetic and supportive of everyone. Kaede is the person who opens Koizumi’s eyes to those around her and to be more gentle with them.

Hanae Kaede - Mia:
Personal the******, supportive friend and her go to person. Hanae is one who also opens Koizumi’s eyes to the world and her perception of life. She’s kind, welcoming and respectful, something many people lack or don’t see often. Hanae pushes Koizumi in the right direction in life and helps support her overcoming trauma.

Seino - Jayla:
Her ghost bestie!! This man is responsible for all her manipulation techniques, skilful thinking and cruel nature. He only existed in October but he shaped her so much, she became more sided with yokai and cold towards everyone and everything. He also was the one responsible for her fighting with Sho almost all the time. Since his presence she’s become smart, manipulative and genuinely disgusted at the treatment people give yokai.

Kimura Saiky - RexHobo:
Her son and the one person who taught her to let go of things. He’s carefree and joyful, having fun whenever he gets the chance, he was the influence and reason Koizumi is as chaotic and fun as she is when she’s alone or having fun. Her son taught her how to have fun and stop being so serious in her life.

Shrine co-workers -
Sadly yes, the shrine has influenced her. They’ve taught Koizumi to become more social to them and others and to have fun. They will continue to do so with every passing and coming waves.

There are so many more names that influenced Koizumi. But these are the main ones, or ones I could recall.

Rini Koraru Sango:
There’s a lot of positive and negative with Rini. But the little rabbit herself has a few big names.

Kurai Tatsuechi (spelt it wrong) - Min:
Her rather intimidating friend, Kurai is a character who overlooks and takes care of Rini. He’s responsible for guiding her and helping her re-adjust to Karakura again after so many years. There’s more to their dynamic but it’s a find out ICly thing.

Neo Corvid - Neo:
The wonderful… ex husband. This is the most negative impacted character on her, he’s caused her pain, trauma and given her a lot of problems. He will not be spoken of, but he isn’t good or was never meant for her.

Snoobs Wigglesworth:
Chaotic and fun best friend, he was there for her, and they had a close bond. Both of them were chaotic and fun, learning from each other as they used to work together. Snoobs used to have her back and she used to have his, there was chaotic and they always had fun. He was the one to help her break lose of her connections.

There are so many more people who influenced Rini, but I’m getting tired, it’s late and there’s just so many more. I apologise for lacking in detail on these ones, I’ll get there anytime.


Level 118
It’s hard to say who impacted my characters the most. But I’ll create a list of people and why they’re important to my characters in some way.

Koizumi Saiky:
The viper herself has had a lot of influence in her life and also developed in her own way. She adapted and changed depending on what she saw and how she experienced life, but there are many who influenced her and fueled her change. I’ll list some big ones.

Katakana Tasuichi (spelt it wrong) - Mocha:
One of the first people to come into Koizumi’s life and has been a bodyguard, student and friend to her. He influenced her in standing up for herself, and being there to support, and listen to the amount of drama she had going on. He also was someone who showed her how to not care, and be confident in herself.

Kurai Tasuichi (spelt it wrong again) - Min:
Good, old, Kurai. Another influence that’s been there from the beginning, not only is Kurai her closest friend, he is the most important person in her life. She learnt to become cold, calculated, secretive and selective with her trust. Koizumi has been with Kurai, like Kat, from the beginning. He’s her right hand in everything and if she does something, he’ll know about it. He’s not only someone who guides her through struggles in life, she’s one of the few people she sees as family who doesn’t share a name with her or isn’t blood related. If she’s cold or judgemental she learnt it from Kurai, and she also learnt to support and consider things carefully from him as well.

Sho Hirobayashi - England:
Her beloved boyfriend! Don’t test her commitment to him, you’ll be put to shame. Sho is the only person and will remain so to have a healthy relationship with Koizumi. He’s influenced her personality and ability to feel empathy for others. For someone so cold and calculating, it’s hard to see if Koizumi ever has a heart. Half the time she appears like a snake, and she makes her exit like one, acting like she just appeared and disappeared. Sho has helped Koizumi warm up to the public, to speak out more and be more vocal and confident in her own skin. He’s a polar opposite to her and it’s why it works so well, he’s helped guide her into speaking about her problems and secrets. To not only with himself, but with her get over their insecurities, be open minded and supportive of one another and their lives and challenges. Shos the person who’s helped to influence a better perspective on people and life, and he contributes hugely to her open mind in speaking to others.

Kaeda Saiky - Rex:
Kaede is one of her friends, and also a family member. She’s responsible for a huge chunk of Koizumi’s kindness and her compassion to others. Kaede is a complete bundle of joy compared to Koizumi so to have her in her life is a huge influence. She’s kind and caring, sympathetic and supportive of everyone. Kaede is the person who opens Koizumi’s eyes to those around her and to be more gentle with them.

Hanae Kaede - Mia:
Personal the******, supportive friend and her go to person. Hanae is one who also opens Koizumi’s eyes to the world and her perception of life. She’s kind, welcoming and respectful, something many people lack or don’t see often. Hanae pushes Koizumi in the right direction in life and helps support her overcoming trauma.

Seino - Jayla:
Her ghost bestie!! This man is responsible for all her manipulation techniques, skilful thinking and cruel nature. He only existed in October but he shaped her so much, she became more sided with yokai and cold towards everyone and everything. He also was the one responsible for her fighting with Sho almost all the time. Since his presence she’s become smart, manipulative and genuinely disgusted at the treatment people give yokai.

Kimura Saiky - RexHobo:
Her son and the one person who taught her to let go of things. He’s carefree and joyful, having fun whenever he gets the chance, he was the influence and reason Koizumi is as chaotic and fun as she is when she’s alone or having fun. Her son taught her how to have fun and stop being so serious in her life.

Shrine co-workers -
Sadly yes, the shrine has influenced her. They’ve taught Koizumi to become more social to them and others and to have fun. They will continue to do so with every passing and coming waves.

There are so many more names that influenced Koizumi. But these are the main ones, or ones I could recall.

Rini Koraru Sango:
There’s a lot of positive and negative with Rini. But the little rabbit herself has a few big names.

Kurai Tatsuechi (spelt it wrong) - Min:
Her rather intimidating friend, Kurai is a character who overlooks and takes care of Rini. He’s responsible for guiding her and helping her re-adjust to Karakura again after so many years. There’s more to their dynamic but it’s a find out ICly thing.

Neo Corvid - Neo:
The wonderful… ex husband. This is the most negative impacted character on her, he’s caused her pain, trauma and given her a lot of problems. He will not be spoken of, but he isn’t good or was never meant for her.

Snoobs Wigglesworth:
Chaotic and fun best friend, he was there for her, and they had a close bond. Both of them were chaotic and fun, learning from each other as they used to work together. Snoobs used to have her back and she used to have his, there was chaotic and they always had fun. He was the one to help her break lose of her connections.

There are so many more people who influenced Rini, but I’m getting tired, it’s late and there’s just so many more. I apologise for lacking in detail on these ones, I’ll get there anytime.
Fun fact: I turned Snoobs into a maid and he joined a lil gang of mine :)))


Level 9
He, without realizing it, gave her the courage to get herself out of an unhealthy relationship. As quoted in a prior post; “I apologize if I'm overstepping. I simply don't think he knows your worth, or deserves you - from only what I'm hearing.”

A womanizer knows how to tell women what they want to hear, Nathaniel Blackwell did just that... and also saved Serena from a toxic relationship. As a toxic man himself.

For an evil man he did more helping than terrible things to her. Perhaps it was always meant to be that way.


Level 31
Community Team
Event Team

I'll do one of him when I'm not planning a wedding IC'ly :3


Level 40
Teacher Lead
Jakub von Moltke and Naomi Inoue: A plague in the shape of a man.
From an unfortunate end to a therapy session all the way to becoming co-workers, side by side leading the hospital as higher ups; Jakub's life has shifted and shaped by the hands of a one Naomi Inoue.

M. Alexander Inoue-Schmuck and THE MECHANIC: Quick Fox, Lazy Dog
Ally to enemy from one exchange. With a blade to his throat and one request on his lips, Alexander's life was turned for the better due to a single man's mercy.


Level 32
Naomi Inoue-Zǐháo
"I don't have trauma responses, I'm fine.."
A lot of people have had an impact on Naomi as a person, in good ways and bad ways.

Naomi's husband! Obviously, the man has had a very positive impact on Naomi, and an impact that miiight be positive, or might be negative. It really depends on your morals, and whatnot, really... But Matteo is Naomi's other half; his soulmate, and his everything. Through the ups and downs in their relationship, Naomi has found he would do quite literally anything for Matteo, as long as it made the man happy. That same sentiment is shared by Matteo, too.

A much darker turn for this one, but The Mechanic has impacted Naomi the most in a negative light. After kidnapping him for 20 days, removing his only other pinkie, and then proceeding to torture him until going radio silent, it's safe to say that Naomi might, perhaps, feel a bit of negativity regarding the whole thing. In the simplest terms, The Mechanic's actions gave our silly psychiatrist PTSD, which has gone untreated for about a year now (ICly). Naomi suffering with his mental health is something that has impacted him severely in his everyday life since the event, and will continue to impact him.

JAKUB VON MOLTKE (@lobsterrdog)
Naomi's first regular patient, who still occasionally has sessions to this day, despite them working together. Jakub was the first reminder to Naomi that people weren't inherently good, and really snapped him out of his safe little bubble. The incident left a lasting impact on Naomi, and since then, he's been a lot more picky with his patients... And his reactions to being hurt.

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