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WhisperTheFallen || Priest Application


Level 61

IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
EST || GMT-5

Describe your activity on the server:
Like anyone else, I don't have a solid schedule for when I get onto SRP, but usually, if it's a normal day and I don't have anything planned, I can get on for about 5+ hours a day, depending on when I get off work or how tired I am from it. The most consistent time during weekdays is about 6-7 hours, while the weekends are a different story. Since I'm usually freer with a lot less to do, I typically get on after I finish with my morning routine, so I can be on anywhere from 10-13 hours, depending on how long I take. These are the most consistent hours I get on, with a few exceptions, like if something important comes up. Overall, I’d say that, in terms of activity, I’m decently active.
Weekdays activity​
Weekends activity​
4:30 PM - 11:00 PM​
9-10AM - 12-1AM​
Usually free after work, depending on traffic get on later.​
usually dont have much going on with exceptions now and then.​

List your current roles on the server:
Cat and Bird whitelist
Grade 12

Link any previous applications:
Spanish Application (accepted)
Greek application (accepted)
Judge application (accepted)
Mandarin Application (accepted)
Alt Greek application (accepted)
2nd Judge App (Denied)
first shrine app (deleted/denied}
1st Ban Appeal (denied)
Second Ban Appeal (accepted)

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

What is your motivation for applying?
While I haven’t been in the school roleplay community for a while, I do think I have spent enough time to start branching out and doing new things within the community. My motivation to join the shrine faction and apply, in general, is, for one, because I love mythology and studying theology. I feel like this would be a great way to incorporate some of my side hobbies into SRP in a fun way where my characters actually get to interact with said religion and beliefs. However, that’s only part of it. Some of my other motivations, as I mentioned before, include branching out a bit more—not only stepping out of my comfort zone to gain new experiences in roleplay but also having the chance to meet new people OOCly and create experiences that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to if I weren’t in the faction.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
My understanding and knowledge of Shintoism, at the time of posting this, would probably be just slightly above average, based on the small research I’ve done from time to time on my own. However, when it comes to the more mythological aspects relating to the Kamis/deities, my knowledge is a bit better due to my rather unhealthy obsession with learning about stories from different cultures. I personally feel that learning more about Shintoism would be the most enjoyable part of applying, and I’d love to deepen my understanding of it.


Character Full Name:
Ken ‘Endo’ Nescu

Character Title:
Mr. Nescu

Character Age:

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Ken was born into a rather neglectful and unfortunately abusive family, both mentally and physically. Both his parents were neglectful and manipulative, making Ken believe that they cared for him by doing things such as making him work for them as a makeshift way of showing him attention without having to show him much attention. They had Ken work day after day so they could live a better life free of responsibilities, while Ken was unaware of their true feelings toward him, wanting nothing more than his parents' affection, he did everything he could to help them out until he turned 10 years old, where a hurricane devastated their home. His father died being impaled by debris thrown around on the first day, while Ken and his mother got sick, and while Ken got better and healed, his mother didn't, and she eventually died from her illness, leaving Ken alone with his dog, a Cane Corso named Yata. They

explored their ruined neighborhood, scavenging around corpses, taking what they had to in order to survive. During one rather hopeful expedition, Yata was killed and his body taken away. Ken spent the next few months searching for Yata’s killer and eventually got his revenge, but in his anger, he failed to realize why exactly someone would kill Yata, and too late realized the man who killed Yata did it to feed his son who just had to witness the death of his father by Ken's hands. Ken, filled with overwhelming guilt, could do nothing but continue to move and strive forward. Eventually, government aid finally reached Ken, and he was brought to a foster home where he spent the next few years bouncing from foster home to foster home. Most of the experiences he had were unfortunate; the foster parents often exploited him for their gain, although not being as sneaky with it, making Ken painfully aware of his situation until he was eventually adopted by a young Japanese couple. They ended up moving to Karakura, Japan, and for a small period of time, things were relatively peaceful for once, and Ken fully believed he could be happy until his adoptive parents died a few months after they had adopted him. Ken then spent the next few years in constant pain and misery, constantly being attacked and getting into scuffles with gangs on the street. For a long time, his life seemed bleak; his only real comfort being the scenery of the monastery and small breaks of peace until he met Riko Matsubara. After getting to know each other, they eventually started dating. Ken got adopted again, and he, for once in his life, got friends, he had a family and siblings. Ken was happy with this newfound motivation; he set his eyes on a goal, something to do. Finding himself in need of a job and a passion, he looked toward the one place he knew he could count on: the monastery. After visiting and seeing the scenery, he decided that he would become a priest.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Ken is a very reserved and well-mannered person, so he’s always respectful to everyone and tries to maintain a level head, free from any biases. Even if someone is being annoying, he would still try his best to be as respectful as possible. While he may be a bit distant with some guests, simply because social interaction is his weak spot, he makes an effort to be as welcoming as he can and avoids being too withdrawn. However, he would never be outright disrespectful, ignore guests, or speak ill of them. The same applies to other staff members, though he is more respectful toward them, especially since some had a connection to his mother or were present when she was around, making him more open and less distant with them.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Ken is the type to give people three chances. If he sees someone yelling, he would calmly ask them to quiet down and be more respectful. If they calm down but then resume being disrespectful, he would issue a firmer, more stern warning, letting them know there would be one final chance. Should their disruptive and disrespectful behavior continue, his final warning would be much more serious, with the threat of kicking them out of the shrine if they don't comply. If it ever reaches the point where he has to remove someone from the shrine, he would then discuss more permanent options with the Mitsue to address ongoing behavioral issues.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Originally, he wanted to become a priest for two main reasons. First, the monastery grounds had always been a safe haven for him, even in his younger years—a place where he could feel comfortable and, at times, even rest. He wanted not only to give back to the place that had brought him so much comfort but also to contribute in a more meaningful way. When he was adopted by the now-late Suna Hagino, his desire to become a priest became even stronger, as one of his adoptive parents had worked at the monastery before him. He felt that, by following in her footsteps, he could, in a way, become closer to his adoptive mother by working where she had once worked. Sadly, the little family he had didn’t last long, as his adoptive mother eventually passed away. However, that loss didn’t make him waver. If anything, it strengthened his determination to join the monastery staff, because, in his eyes, it would not only be a way to continue his late mother’s legacy, but also a way to understand her better as a person by gaining similar experiences to those she had.​
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Level 48
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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