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who is the most popular character in SRP? or most impactful character in SRP?


Level 34
I dunno, I feel like this is a strange question to ask. The "most popular" characters will always be the ones with the most eyes on them -- mainly by spending a lot of time on the server -- which some people find easier to do than others

I agree with what Alistarstruck said:
I think many characters are impactful, and it honestly feels as though everyone leaves a little bit of something for others to keep in mind. It's like, a small interaction from one person could change the other's entire perspective on roleplay without either even realizing it.

A person hidden doesn't mean a person insignificant.


Level 27
Obviously Katie Martinez I mean have you seen how amazing she is. Just kidding I don't know characters are popular or impactful in their own ways I suppose!


Level 31
Alright so based on my interactions i think the following characters impact lives -

Haruka - The maiden who is just absolutely sunshine and spreads joy everywhere
Sho - I've actually had fun talking to sho across characters, he is very noble yet questionable wink wink
Goemon Asogi - I love how gray he is, and it makes me want to rp with him more.
Kaede Saiky - I love how warm her character is, and how she has been talked about with love from other characters
Naomi - He is a scary dude, and hates almost all my chars, but i LOVE his char
Lori Akihito - Was impactful at one point, i havent seen much of her recently.
Salem Sin - But we gotta give iwao credit for making her... the star example.
Asuka Deguchi - CHAOS classes, and honestly i love her char. She impacts students in not the nicest of ways
Iwao and Byeol Akihito - Putting the couple together because I believe their dynamic is what actually makes them impactful.
Koizumi Saiky - This one was a surprise to me as well, mostly because I never expected her to be shrine lead, though i do know a lot of interesting lore due to my intertwinment with the shrine.
Governer Kirishiki - She is fun, quick witted, and i really enjoy how she changes rp.
Kitsa - Okay i know she isnt a person, but she still counts. Cool. Thanks.

The other people are mostly intertwined with my character rp, to be honest i love everyone's uniqueness, and i could name tons of people who are just excellent at rping such detailed lives.


Level 45
Thread starter
I think any big prominent families like Saiky, Akihito, Heddo, Asōgi and any others. Along with also lore families, spirits, and even Faction Leads or ex ones can be counted as the most popular characters it depends who you speak to.

my personal opinion:
The current and ex KPD leads.
Mike Akihito
Ye Saiky
Annabell Sturm
Saeko Saiky
Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito
(not because I play her) Koizumi Saiky
and many more to count.
sad to say ive never met koizumi :(( the only saiky ive interacted with is xiaolu saiky :DD

[grade-12] [Councillor] Leo Itsuka
[Grade-12] Mala Makulova
Last edited:


Level 45
Thread starter
Alright so based on my interactions i think the following characters impact lives -

Haruka - The maiden who is just absolutely sunshine and spreads joy everywhere
Sho - I've actually had fun talking to sho across characters, he is very noble yet questionable wink wink
Goemon Asogi - I love how gray he is, and it makes me want to rp with him more.
Kaede Saiky - I love how warm her character is, and how she has been talked about with love from other characters
Naomi - He is a scary dude, and hates almost all my chars, but i LOVE his char
Lori Akihito - Was impactful at one point, i havent seen much of her recently.
Salem Sin - But we gotta give iwao credit for making her... the star example.
Asuka Deguchi - CHAOS classes, and honestly i love her char. She impacts students in not the nicest of ways
Iwao and Byeol Akihito - Putting the couple together because I believe their dynamic is what actually makes them impactful.
Koizumi Saiky - This one was a surprise to me as well, mostly because I never expected her to be shrine lead, though i do know a lot of interesting lore due to my intertwinment with the shrine.
Governer Kirishiki - She is fun, quick witted, and i really enjoy how she changes rp.
Kitsa - Okay i know she isnt a person, but she still counts. Cool. Thanks.

The other people are mostly intertwined with my character rp, to be honest i love everyone's uniqueness, and i could name tons of people who are just excellent at rping such detailed lives.
SALEM SIN KIDNAPPED ME AND THEN WANTED TO SHAVE MY HAIR! Salem sin needs to be contained Salem is like SCP

[Grade-12] [Councillor] Leo Itsuka
[Grade-12] Mala Makulova
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Level 331
I find it curious how many of these responses are about people who aren't in the school faction. Im not saying all team members are unpopular of course; to name a few, we have Bryson Graves, Nobara Heddo, Mi Akihito, Salem Kim and others, but I feel like there aren't as many team popular characters compared to previous years. Maybe it's because people change characters way too often, or maybe there is another deep-rooted issue, but who knows!


Level 128
Shop Lead
Saeko Saiky
This girl has gone through like five family changes and has been around for 3 years, absolutely love her

I think everyone has an impactful character to at least someone, but in my personal opinion, characters like:
Ernesto Martinez
Mi Akihito
Koizumi Saiky
Annabell Sturm
Goemon Asogi
Are the ones that are at the top of my head. I've always had amazing experiences with these guys.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
spirits lowkey.... they just make a lot of impact on peoples lives ic and like they either become a huge part of peoples lives or something traumatic for them

Level 40
idk why no one said this yet but LEXY SPARKS!!!! She's very memorable had an impact and was overall very very relevant


Level 73
Certainly, the most impactful or the characters with the most significance of all time would come down to Ye Saiky, Mike Akihito, Luke Herrington, Lucius Herrington, Preston Herrington, and Jiangshi Furukawa. The reasons behind these are self explanatory.

However, each and every character within the current timeline and generation of this server has their fair share of significance and impact. A lot of characters have become popular and are often mentioned in OOC— for example, Mi Akihito, J. M. Karl Stark, Iwao Akihito, Annabell Sturm, Ezri Akai, Laohu Zhuang, Nobara Heddo, Ernesto Martinez, Yaban Heddo, Salem Sin, the Kirishiki family, Rokku Heddo, Nayao Zhuang, Goemon Asōgi and the Asōgi family as a whole.

There are no specifics as to which character is the most impactful as that opinion is entirely objective and can be different in the eyes of loads of people. However, I personally believe like the six I mentioned at the very top were the most significant and are still mentioned to this day: Luke Herrington who was both the college dean and the black market lead, Lucius Herrington who was the leader of KAGE, Jiangshi Furukawa who was an infamous criminal and a black market dealer who took over the fight club and terrorised it under ‘OWL’s reign, and last but not least, Preston Herrington who was known to be a corrupt commissioner, then you have Mike Akihito— a blood related member of the Akihito family, the previous mayor, and the leader of the dissolved Akihito clan.


Level 73
I find it curious how many of these responses are about people who aren't in the school faction. Im not saying all team members are unpopular of course; to name a few, we have Bryson Graves, Nobara Heddo, Mi Akihito, Salem Kim and others, but I feel like there aren't as many team popular characters compared to previous years. Maybe it's because people change characters way too often, or maybe there is another deep-rooted issue, but who knows!
This mainly roots from the fact that these school faction characters are not spoken about at all in OOC (excluding ones like Mi and Nobara). You can only notice the existence of these certain characters if you were an active participant of the school faction or if you frequently dwell and stalk Onrain.


Level 146
Any and all of the good teacher characters. A lot of new players real introduction to roleplay in the server is through classes, and that experience for them can really make or break their view of SRP as a whole.

Not to toot my own horn or anything (that is exactly what I'm doing) but I've lost track of the amount of players that randomly bring up in conversation that one of my classes was the first they'd gone to, and how they'll never forget how that weird teacher committed a felony or the game was fun or whatever. As cool and awesome as I am, I'm sure I'm not the only person who has conversations like these. And I'm doubly sure that for every person that actually does end up having those conversations with their favorite teacher, there's at least a decent handful of players that feel the same as them that didn't.

I still remember the name of my favorite teacher from when I re-joined the server in 2018. I never looked into whether this man was still playing in all this time, and now that I have I'm absolutely flabbergasted. Starized, aka @Toto apparently, was an old man PE teacher with some swagger. One of my favorite parts about him was the fact that he would give me 1,000 yen any time I pumped up his ego in OOC, and all I had to do was "/ooc Starized best teacher" when he told me to.

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