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Why are Police Force hated?


Level 9
So this is one thing I don't understand, why are cops hated?
Think, In real life and someone had assaulted you, you would call the cops. This adds a level of security for players that can't afford weapons or don't want to be involved in Gang-RP
They also help substain the law of the server since some people wanted the removal of GangRP and some didn't so I feel like the increase of Police is like a middle ground between the removal and the staying of Gang-RP.
They are also quite a useful asset to SRP since if a crime is committed they are the first response.
Also, if you complain about being jailed or fined it's your fault, if you don't want it to happen then don't commit a crime, I get it when people get pissed off when they have to pay 10k for J-Walking but here is a tip:
Use the crosswalks, they are there for a reason


Level 9
Thread starter
I forgot to add something:
Though the police have their flaws (Along with everything else in the world) they are still an amazing group, no-ones perfect not even the police. So take time before writing:
"ThEy ArReStEd Me AnD i WaSn'T gUiLtY"


Level 152
I don't see why they're hated either, I mean they do arrest criminals and people usually get salty about how their character is getting jailed, especially when they contain multiple items. W.D is planning to attack them but I won't metagame, but meh, I'm not surprised at how they've reacted. The server has multiple people involved in GangRP, which means that they have numbers when attacking them.
What disturbs me about this is that it's mainly 17-19 year olds who are making these attacks against experienced men who have undergone training onto another level. Well, and most of them contain katanas which they don't really know how to use well, they're only thinking is '/me lunges and stabs' when they could do more detailed work than that. One of the people I know who're trained in this skill is @Koolji and he is debatably the best role player on the server.
Well, back to the topic and I doubt any changes will be made, unless people learn to acknowledge the ability a police officer contains. Which in all honesty, I doubt will happen due to lack of players Playing To Lose. Anyways enough on my part, at least thanks for the thread so I can share part of my thoughts about the cop issue.


Level 16
I have no issue with the police on the server but like I have a cool mask (welding mask) and even though one of my characters has been involved in severe gangrp this one, however, is completely peaceful and if I get caught by a police officer wearing it they ask me to take it off or they will confiscate it. I almost was randomly patted down just for wearing the mask simply because it made the officer uncomfortable and if I rolled it would be seen as avoiding arrest or something like that. Some cops seem pretty biased since several people around the server use those deadmou masks other than the welding mask for gangrp.


Level 231
I don't hate them as I don't really need to be near them, But I can sympathise with the haters. Think, Loads of players need help when the police officers (The admin) aren't even online, And even if they are own, There is no other way to get into contact with them without metagaming, As most players are ignorant to how the police works oocly and how they could get in touch without breaking the rules, The main reason I'd think that they are hated is because theres barely any and even when there is, They barely do anything due to the lack of communication between the two parties.


Level 32
I being a police officer do get a little bit of hate. Just annoys me when kids go walking by yelling 'Fuck the police coming straight from the underground'.


Level 43
The reason that I think the cops are hated is mostly because of Gangrp. People get weapons, get money and spend time making reputation. Only for the police to rain on their parade and take everything and stick them in a jail. I can see where you are coming from but I can also see where they are coming from. I want to stay neutral in this situation


Level 152
The reason that I think the cops are hated is mostly because of Gangrp. People get weapons, get money and spend time making reputation. Only for the police to rain on their parade and take everything and stick them in a jail. I can see where you are coming from but I can also see where they are coming from. I want to stay neutral in this situation
I can agree on that point. Valid and unbiased.


Level 16
I think it may also be because real life criminals are against cops. In a way, it brings more realism but it looks like it's become more of an annoyance. Realistically, a criminal is more likely to be against them than with, but then even more realistically not every 14-year-old has a Katana in their 'pocket'.


Level 9
Myself, serving in the IC police force; it gets pretty annoying hearing people say “fuck the police” or harrass you OOC’ly for doing the right then. Additionally, I hate it when I’m on patrol with vex and the convict asks to be arrested by vex


Level 43
I think that there should be a law on that. Technically yelling "Fuck you cop!" or "Fuck the Police" is verbal harassment and could be taken as a crime.

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