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windswake's AMA

Level 40
whats the most interesting char concept you've made, either lore-wise or like design-wise
why do you like ems why did you stay
whos your favorite doctor in the ems whose name starts with an i


Level 36
Thread starter
whats the most interesting char concept you've made, either lore-wise or like design-wise
i think su-jin mun is my most interesting character i've made lore-wise (if you want to know why, well.. find out icly)! i can't really take credit for his design since a lot of it was @mistoreya's doing, so i'd say that my most interesting design is naomi with his vitiligo, dyed hair, prosthetics - among various other things! i've thought about how he looks and whatnot a lottttt
art by the ever talented @houndrats - naomi is so gorjus, i love him

why do you like ems why did you stay
i just love the feeling of being part of something, plus the responsibilities i have as a HU are really fulfilling to me! i also love the work, i love learning things about other characters through therapy sessions, and i love being a pillar of support for people within the faction. i don't think i'll leave anytime soon, even if everything changes, because at the heart of it - i love the people who make up the faction a whole lot

whos your favorite doctor in the ems whose name starts with an i
hmmmmmmm................ this seems like a trick question, miss eyeres!!!! (love u)

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