Winter Updates
Over the last 3 months, myself, the development, content, and staff team have been working behind the scenes to release some amazing content for SchoolRP, some of which you will have already seen. We're extremely proud of the progress we've made just in the first two months of this year alone, and we're looking forward to even more epic updates to the server features and map, and we hope you are too!
Moving forward, our Content Team will help showcase our awesome updates in quarterly (every 3 months) re-cap videos which show all of the amazing changes in a creative format. If you'd rather watch it, check it out below! Either way, why not check out some of our smaller updates that weren't included in the re-cap video further down this post.
Headline Features

Our Profile system got a brand-new cosmetic update, allowing you to use Profile Decorations to beautify your character’s description with insane amounts of customisation! Change your font, background, and even add a border to your profile to match your character’s aesthetic. Not vibing with the free decorations? get additional decoration packs from our webstore, or exclusive to your server rank
You can now set your character’s height after popular demand, you can do this with /setheight! The maximum height is now 6’5 (or 7’0 with a Character Authorisation), and the minimum has stayed the same at 4’5 (or 4’0 with a Character Authorisation). This update is all available in vanilla minecraft which will help to improve the immersion without the need of having additional mods.
After popular request, we’ve re-added the functional Backpack system to allow you to store up to 18 slots of additional storage. Backpacks will be sold at shops, however the School Bag with 9 slots is sold at the Family Store too! We’ve added some restrictions to these, meaning you can’t store a backpack in a chest if it isn’t empty, however you can pass them to each other.
The long awaited Backwear feature has finally been released! We’ve gone ahead and updated all items we believe could be backwear to use this feature, meaning if you right-click them they’ll now stay attached to your body. Along with this, in future you can even purchase a backwear cosmetic item from our store.
We’ve significantly improved our Furniture system which now allows you to move furniture 360 degrees, allowing for even more customisation to your houses and apartments! Along with this, we’ve fixed several issues, for example furniture disappearing when you turn, and allowing furniture to be viewed all around you rather than just in front of you.
Wardrobe skins now save per-profile! This saves a huge amount of time for every one who uses more than one profile.
Karakura now follows its own Weather forecast which transitions realistically through different weather phases. This now means that it can snow outside of Winter in extreme rare case scenarios, as well as allowing us to make it rain more or less often outside of Karakura’s ‘Monsoon Season’. View the weather forecast in-game by using the /forecast command, or by viewing the phone app on your Smart Phone.

We added the Homework system! Homework allows a player to progress from Highschool to College on their own, without having to attend an exam. To get assigned a homework task, all you have to do is attend an in-game class hosted by a teacher, by the end of the school day your teacher should have set you a simple piece of homework related the the class you attended.
We added a Buddy System to the school which allows new players who have been online for 5 minutes or longer during a school day to request a Student Councillor or Counselor to be their buddy! This mini-role allows any helpful player to be a new player’s guide to the server via a school tour and orientation In-Character.

We’ve updated the Cooking Plugin to allow shops to cook their very own shop-owned items using the new private recipes feature. You’re now able to use multiple ovens at a time, and by attending a culinary class in school, you’ll be able to unlock new and exclusive recipes! New items have been added to the cooking plugin as ingredients! You can now purchase Pork Chop and Chicken Breast from the Mori Mart NPC store, or from a player-ran shop even cheaper! You can even brew your own hot drinks such as Frappuccino, Hot Chocolate, and much more in the brand-new Barista update. Simply head down to the Furniture shop, pick up a Barista Machine, and right-click it in your apartments to start brewing!
We have added an all-new Community Team! Introducing the Content Team; a group of incredibly talented and creative individuals who help to plan and create Social Media and in-game content. You can see their work so far on our New Player Guides as well as short-form content on our TikTok!
We’ve updated our chat to include Animated Emoticons which are currently exclusive to the Trendsetter package! Whilst these are limited, we plan on using them around the server for chat messages and information to help newer players get started.
Our Property Signs have been updated to make it easier to claim an apartment with the signs being blocked, alongside having the addition of Doorbells which allow you to play a sound and chat notification for everyone inside of the property within a 10x10x10 radius of the property’s sign.
Smaller Features & Fixes
- We added a new ‘Brick Phone’ which has a retail value of 6,000 Yen to allow newer players to communicate with their friends on and offline!
- The Brick Phone can only access the contacts app by right-clicking.
- The Brick Phone has an exclusive ringtone which cannot be changed.
- We’ve added Gas Cans which can allow you to refuel your car anywhere! You can purchase these from the player-ran Gas Station.- We updated the Hub with a new hub server, improvements to performance, updates to the build, and a load balancer to ensure that all hub servers have an equal amount of players to ensure stability.
- We implemented Reward Stickers counts which are a fun way to contribute to rivalry! At the end of each season, all stickers are counted and the winning side receives a temporary allowance boost, bragging rights, and special events which are coming soon!
- We added the exclusive ability to change your spawn point to the Trendsetter package. The spawn points are all predefined locations, except for the possibility to spawn in front of your housing property.
- Spawn preferences are overridden by role-locked spawns. For example, a Police character will always spawn at the Police Station, and Students and Faculty roles will always spawn inside of school during school time.
- All holograms around the map have been updated to follow a more sleek format. We’ve also removed over 10 holograms which we’ve merged into /faq.- We updated all of our NPCs, and even removed a couple! Newer NPCs now all feature the ‘NPC’ tag seen around the server, as well as server performance.
- Access to ONRAIN group chats via a Discord Bot has been implemented for Sports Teams.
- The family store build has been updated to our new building style.
- The detention room has been updated to include furniture and whiteboard messages.
- We gave the /character profile menu a new look!
- Service dogs now have special vests they can add to their disguise using /animal service-vest
- We fixed NPCs failing to load their jobs, for example, when the Auction and Bank NPC would occasionally stop working.
- We fixed allowances pausing and not loading.
- We optimized the database storing Auction items.
- We’ve fixed the train model and its passengers occasionally disappearing.
- We fixed CCTV cameras and updated it to use the newest versions of Minecraft.
- We fixed the resource pack for versions 1.21.4, and above.
- We fixed an issue causing players laying or sitting to occasionally re-appear.
Faction Updates
School Updates
- The Homework system has been added to the server which now enables students to progress themselves all the way from Highschool to College by completing simple assignments.
- The School will now host annual School Exams for those struggling to complete homework assignments, or find classes within the year, however the grade boundaries for these will increase significantly and exam questions will become fully class and server related.
- Faculty Breakroom and Senior Leadership offices received a complete re-vamp.
- We added 'Player-driven' SLT roles for both Highschool and College which are held by players who have shown extreme dedication and passion for their respective faction whether it be Teachers, Employees, or even Council or Clubs.
- The school will continue to host School Dance events, and improve them to avoid intense server issues, similar to what has been done with the exams event.
- We successfully hosted hundreds of players during our School Exam event, allowing even more players to take part without causing any performance issues on the main SchoolRP server for those who weren't taking part.
- Culinary Teachers and Professors now have the ability to reward students with exclusive recipes by having them attend classes and complete the recipe.
- PE Teachers and Professors can now host long jump competitions.
- Professors can now supervise PhD projects.
- The Councillors can now act as Buddies for newer players.
- Some councillors are now responsible for supervising clubs.
- Journalists will be given a command which can be used once per day to give the daily school news.
City Updates
- Exclusive events for Emergency Faction members have been held.
- First Aid Courses are being planned, meaning anyone in Karakura can learn how to administer emergency care and possibly save someone's life!
- The Police Department have received new uniforms.
- Police now have clearer guidelines on how to deal with Sports Rivalry situations.
- Archives have been added to the town hall for workers to log all physical books for every document they create.
- The Government has their own In-Character social media team for ONRAIN.
- Verified Business offices are now completely full which allows many businesses to roleplay in-character.
- WhizFeed has returned to the News Faction.
- Official businesses can use the news broadcast system to advertise their services if needed.
- Reporters are working on investigative journalism for future reports.
- The Shrine have introduced different kinds of rituals which can be completed in roleplay.
- Loads of new items have been added to the Shrine gift shops.
- The Hot Springs have been updated.
- Shops are now encouraged to cook their own food items which rewards shopkeepers with an even cheaper restock price.
- Shops are now allowed to sell 1 item which is unrelated to their shop theme.
- Fight Club has new management and openings have resumed.
- Gang classifications have been changed to Amateur, Street, and Organised.