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WistiRP | Reporter Application


Level 18
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

WistiRP is my only one!
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do have discord and a functioning Microphone : wistier
List your timezone and country:

CEST | Denmark
Describe your activity:
Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
No school/workNo school/workNo school/workNo school/workNo school/workNo school/workNo school/work
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wakeup and active throughout the whole day.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.
Times I'm on:
I'm on from whenever i wake up and then i have practice so that's the only time i wont be active.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

My motivation to apply is for icly as well as oocly reasons. Icly-wise, I'd like to let characters know about the events happening in their own city as well as letting the players find out more lore about the beloved Karakura. I feel like being a reporter is an important job in both character and "creator" manners. I want to be able to help spread the story of the people that live in the city SRP takes place in.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I wouldn't say the whole truth if I said I hold a lot of knowledge within the general art of writing. I have been in various kinds of RP, mainly GangRP, since 2019. I write in my free time and I am constantly looking to improve in any manner possible yet, of course, my work could be detailed if needed. I feel like my overall skills are above average, being told so by many

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Yes, I'm fully aware of the server rules i read them thru a few times a month to keep myself updated on news rules because i gangrp and i want to stay on the good side so i don't get warnings or bans.
Why should we accept you over others?:

I don't consider myself necessarily better than others because I am sure there are better applications out there but I am looking forward to generally working in one of the factions of SRP! I am rather determined to get accepted as well as, if I do, meet every expectation people might have of me to the fullest extent.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

I understand i need to stay neutral with all reports i will have to make so i wont show any bias making the reports.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Due to my activity i think i would find it easy to stay on my monthly quota.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

I imagine a good community to work within for the whole server icly as well. It seems like a fun faction to work in now that I've done quite a few interviews with reporters and I know some of them personally. I've only heard good about it and want to be a part of it. Yes, it may be stressful sometimes but the other way around it seems like the best faction for me and I would love to be a part of it, just the meaning of having a job that will do a change icly.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

"My name is Eichi Holland but you can call me Eichi.!"

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

"Just call me Eichi, it doesn't matter a lot to me I'm a chill person"

Current Age (25+):

"Well I just turned 25 but mentally I would say 21 just so I don't feel old..."

Past job/work experience:

"Well I currently have a side job as a Deacon in the Church or else I've been a professional annoyance to all professors I've ever had."


"I got a bachelors, but I'm just tryna make a living and work my dream job."

Nationality and born location:

"Well, Dad is from France, and Mama is from England... Guess we can say I have a good Football culture."

Phone Number:

"Damn, man... You normally ask for a name first or something 030-495-2942 see you later?"

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"Well, this is a tough one is it not? I get called athletic and have good humor, I would say that I'm a person who loves family time, and my family is the most important thing in the world, and that will never change.
Working is a big part of my passion as well i love working I'm a workaholic, and the family says I have to get more time with all of my family but I just wanna work! And I love school I'm a bit of a geek and I love writing and reading books. I love being around my friends and some of them are reporters! And they are great i love being around them that's for sure.

But all around I'm a cool guy, I would say I was a bit known around the town and it's kind off like everybody knows me due to my sports past and I don't like it and I wanna move on from that point in my life!"

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

"Well. I would be most interested in working with gang activity and the Karakura Police Department. I will work hard to get as much information for the best News possible when something interesting happens, but I would have it fine with working with any form of subject I'm capable of doing so. Working with the Karakura news department would be an honor in itself and getting to work with multiple subjects would be a great honor as well. I wouldn't say it would be getting out of my comfort zone something crazy has to happen for me to feel uncomfortable, and I'm willing to test it all so we can get the best news for the City and I want to take on that role. To help as much as possible but I would rather work around Gang Activity and politics."

What are your expectations for the job?:

"Well, I wouldn't say I have expectations for getting to work here if it just can help my family with food and bills I will be a happy man. I'm excited to get to work with the people though, that's the thing that my expectations are high for a good community is always nice to have but I'm just excited to get to work and make some articles for the people to keep them entertained and informed about the city."

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

"Kind of sad this has to be a question, i don't have a criminal record maybe a time when I had public service for not being able to pay a fine so I had to fish for 4 hours as a kid and that's max."
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

"Well.. I speak Latin, and i know Japanese and Russian I'm fluent in all three."

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

"Karakura is well known for the gang activity it has within, being extremely large for a city like ours the streets are based on gang activity. It is a normal question to ask Are you gang-affiliated? And people will answer honestly because it's a part of their life and it's normal if they are. What is there to do to figure it out Send more patrols to the Pier? I've seen it with my own eyes while I've been writing this and it's a normal thing for masked people to run past at the Pier.

There's a question about people fearing what's going on there and I don't know i was looked at whilst I was walking around down there people didn't like me having a camera with me whilst having a notebook with me i was even asked if I was a police officer."

Skærmbillede 2024-09-28 192023.png

"What's there to do with the Gang Activity at the Pier? What can we do to make it better?"​

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[!] An MP3 File Began to run hearing two men having a conversation [!]

You could hear Eichi taking his coat off. [!]
"So we are here with Arlo Sybniskovish . So you know Arlo we will be recording this you may ask to be anonymous and we wont leak your name if that's what you want."

[!] Arlo was also heard taking his coat off. [!]
"Ey mate it's all good promise me I've had my voice filmed a few times."

[!] Eichi would start writing down on his notes. [!]
"Can you tell me what you do?"

[!] He'd scratch his neck listening to him letting out a slight chuckle [!]
"I am a gang member currently, It's a passion."

[!] You would be able to hear the scribbling of his pencil over the MP3 Film [!]
"How has this Affected you're family, Do they see you different than they did before?"

[!] He'd say with a slight annoyed voice. [!]
"Well of course they will my Mother was devastated when she heard, it's her son ending up in a bad place you know."

[!] Eichi would be heard writing down a few more questions to ask Arlo [!]
"Why did you take this path?"

[!] He'd say with a slightly more casual tone he'd let out a chuckle[!]
"Well, i had some people after me and i thought it would be my only way of safety ahah, and when you get into this path it's not easy to leave."

[!] Eichi stayed professional writing down what he said listening [!]
"Do you agree with the Morals your working with?"

[!] The sound of a little clap would be heard Arlo Folding his hands."
"The reason why i picked this gang was because of the Morals so yeah i agree with them."

"How has this changed you because of working with them?"

[!] A slightly nervous tone would be heard perhaps he hasn't spoken with anybody about this. [!]
"I was still a child when i joined i wasnt old i was 17 at most, I've grown up in this world so it changed me from a child to and adult which was a hard step for me."

"Can you explain your rank for us?"
[!] He'd say deeply annoyed now. [!]
"That's not a smart question Eichi. Of course I'm not allowed to say my current rank within my gang."
[!] Eichi would tap the pencil on the table the sound being heard on the File. [!]
"Do you love your family?"

"Family is them most important thing in the world and i will never forget that."

"What would happen if it shut down what would you do?"

"I will search for a way out of this world and be there for my family more."

"Have you left any gangs before this?"

[!] He'd say in a moody tone. [!]
"I have not, it's been my passion to be within this gang and they are also my family."

[!] He'd erase something on his paper a gesture being heard that he would lean on the table. [!]
" Why did you join this exact one?"

[!] He'd say annoyed and he'd take his coat on and give Eichi a handshake which was heard and you'd hear him leaving the room. [!]
"Well, as i stated i had to join something for my safety and i liked their morals and the people i work around, that's the reason i joined this one. Now no more questions Bye Eichi."

[!] A Handshake was heard he'd say in a nice tone. [!]
Thank you for your time Arlo."

[!] The door closed and a sigh was heard him folding his notebook and him walking to the MP3 Recorder was heard before a BEEP. The Interview stopped. [!]

Liked the Application? I hope so, have a nice day yall
Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Allison Holland [GRADE-12]
Discord: @WistiER

"Life can be tough but it all get's better."

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