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Denied WistiRP's Receptionist application


Level 18
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
CEST [The Scandinavian time zone]
Describe your activity on the server:
Well im active everyday for alot of hours i cant say how many it depends on the day if I'm working or not.
[Not active from the 15th to 22th august do to me moving out!]
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have been banned, i was accused of having duped but somebody dropped the things in my inventory and i wasn't smart enough to think it thru.
I have been banned multiple times for saying my personal meaning to the staff which didn't come out good i have went a whole year without a warning and i am a changed man i know my ban reputation is extremely bad but I'm not the same i was back then i can promise you that.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes i fully acknowledge it.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Well the receptionist sits at the reception where they help Highschoolers and College students, They can give out warnings and are a great help for the fellow Workers within this faction. It's their job to help newer students and more experienced students within the server with classes and other questions. The receptionist are extremely crucial where they can also help the SLT at some points. They also help alot of people with getting their first School schedule which can help the students with getting more information about the Karakura school.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Well as somebody who joined in 2019 i would say i've gotten thru it all but never have had a real "Job" in the server in 2019 i was a gangrper with a pretty good reputation where i learnt the basics or the server where i also started making my own families thru out 2020 to 2022 where i still was a gangrper in 2022 i left gangrp after my ban i came back and i joined a sports team which i had also been in 2022 as a footballer for the custom made team Golden Leos where i learnt a bit of "JockRP". When i also joined the Spartan baseball team.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I personally think this would be a big step for me of course it will be a challenge to adapt but a good one i adapt fast, taking this step as being a faction worker would be big for my oocly lore in the server and my biggest step so far, i would like to work the with the faction as well as the people I've gotten to know personally are great people and i would like to work with them on a daily basis. The good thing about me is my time zone so i would also be active when the server is fully down but as well as its fully up and i would be active on the character a lot. I would like this challenge to test myself and build up my roleplay.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Due to me having so many application i will list my faction applications which are the most relevant.
Professor application [DENIED]
Teacher application 1 [DENIED]
Teacher application 2 [DENIED]
Nurse application [DENIED]
Chef application [DENIED]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Well currently i have Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B] And BOB [BEAR] I will be removing my bear account if i get accepted.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Well my character as she is does not ACCEPT any form of being rude to Faculty staff she would be talking with a harsh tone due to this, she would personally give a warning saying "This is a final waring DO NOT Speak in that tone to me, or any of the other faculty do you understand?"
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character would call for another Faculty to help with this situation, where they both would get in between the students fighting stopping them from fighting anymore due to a fight SLT will also be called and the students will be handed a Detention slip.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would call SLT and report this giving personal proof or she would take a talk with the school employee saying that the reaction of the fellow employee is strongly Inappropriate saying that the employee should stop for his own sake as much as our fate in the hands of the students and the other Faculty.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Well she would be a goof ball a big one at that she would pull small pranks hoping for it to be a good day at work, being funny and that she would personally not hold alot of breaks but when she did she wants it to be a fun time with her fellow co-workers hopefully getting to know them well so the team can bond and get a stronger connection. She loves to talk or well as most people say it "Yap" which would make her a comforting character.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me She'd sit down on her chair looking at the kid who asked a question she'd talk in a comforting manner the student seemed rather worried.
"What's wrong dear, is there anything i can help you with?" The student was tearing up with just hearing somebody she could talk with saying "Yes miss, i got punched in my stomach can you please help me?" The student sounded like she had trouble breathing, Allison would say. "Of course dear, let's bring you to the nurse's office and get it checked, Do you know who punched you dear?".

/me Allison was finally on her long awaited break sitting down to catch a cup of coffee and talk to her co workers whilst talking she would get a radio call saying that they need a hand with three students fighting a college student, she would get up from the chair and storm out of the room running towards the Gender neutral toilets where they took the college kid, Allison got deep eye contact with one of the highschoolers yelling at them to get away from him or else they will all be reported to SLT and get a detention slip and possibly getting expelled, they took their detention slips and left. The college kid seems unharmed which was a big relief.

/me She'd sit down at the reception where she would type a bit on her computer, till a new student came and asked for a school schedule where of course Allison wanted to help the new student in the school the student would pay the price for it. The kid started doing small talk and Allison would get a bright smile on her face she loved to talk to the students! They would talk a bit till it was almost home time where Allison had to go to the detention room where she would see the 3 high school students from the fight.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Allison Holland
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
History/English/Public Health [Strategic planning]
Known Languages:

The story of Allison started in Marseille, she had two siblings at that time Brady Holland and the older Eichi Holland from a very young age their parents died which caused trauma in the family, Allison and Eichi having to care for the family at a young age beginning to work at the age of 16 and 17 living in a big city with no money was a hard choice by their parents which never got to sign their will. So they we're left having to build themselves up when the age was about right and Eichi was turning 15 Allison made the good idea to move to Karakura Japan where the Holland name became rich with both Brady and Eichi making a few businesses, they ended up living a good life Allison being extremely good in school like his younger brother Eichi let's say Brady wasn't the smartest of the flock. Allison was a A+ student only dropping the best grades possible because she felt like making her life a certain start so she could care for her future children and her younger brothers. Allison also ended up joining the Baseball team where both brothers ended up doing the same a few years later the brothers loved her extremely much a mother figure for them both.

But she did miss France and of course you would you we're made there she spends a lot of time going back to Marseille for vacations where she felt fully at home, of course she had adapted to the life in Karakura but it just wasn't the same she didn't feel quite at place till she found herself a boyfriend she had missed the love she felt in France and she hasn't since she got a boyfriend went back to France.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
Well of course seeing this opportunity unfold Infront of me i would love to take it on, this can be a big part of my life maybe even the job i will stay in for the next years, i always did look up to a receptionist he was extremely nice and was a father figure to me so i would love to do what he did, i like working with the youth, they are after all our future so why not make it some good education they get and some really good extra help for any questions.
The school environment in Karakura is extremely good and has great Competition for sports as well, it would be a dream to work for the Faculty the school is close and everybody almost knows each other making the environment extremely good and making everybody good friends well most people. If i should get accepted i think i would make a change for a lot of students and people would be able to look up on us as receptionists as well they are extremely vital in the school even when i was a student there.
I want to work well and hard for the school which i believe that i could achieve I'm known as a bit of a sweety pie if that's what you guys call it i have feelings that would make it important for the students that i could help.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I don't like questions like this at all i don't personally know the other applicants and maybe they could do it better than me and that's how it is but i do believe i could make a change I'm a extremely hard worker and i would love to make a change for the students to make their school day just a bit better i would like to work with the other faculty and I'm a team player where i believe that it's important for us to work together to achieve our goals to make it better for all the students from Highschool to College.
I am extremely passionate about doing this and i love education i was a A+ student and i would love to be able to give a hand to the Students who need a bit of a boost to work even harder. I have my skills in talking with people with passion and i would always listen to the students and help with whatever they needed help with.

/*You may leave this blank*/
If i do get accepted i will switch out my character for the Receptionist character.
Additional notes about your application:
It was a pleasure doing this application i hope this will test my skills.
Do you have any questions?:
If i do get accepted if there was a possible way to get a hand to adapt a bit faster i would love that!​

Liked the application? I hope so, have a nice day yall
Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Bob [Bear]
Discord: @WistiER

"Life can be tough but it all get's better."
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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