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Accepted Yutai Enjuku | Chef Aplication [Re-Written]


Level 14
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): natty6184

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: PST / GMT -7

Describe your activity on the server: I’d describe my activity as a solid 5 out of 7. I am almost always online. My playtime is 11 weeks and I’ve been around srp since 2020 so two to three years or so. I spend my time in the server 5 day’s a week, 10 am to 5 pm although on weekends I tend to be less active.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No, I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I understand that inactivity will cause my character's role as chef a demotion.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: I have decided to apply as chef.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Out Of Character

As a school chef we are to know proper food safety as we serve many students in a decently large school. Food safety is very important. As a chef, it could cost your whole career and even your own safety if not careful and do not know what you are doing when preparing the food you serve. Another important skill you need to practice as a chef is kitchen safety. When including kitchen safety in cooking you need to know how important to know what your doing, especially with the tools and machines you use. You must know how to use them properly. It’s also important you learn how to maintain and keep the equipment you use sanitary to prevent accidental injuries. For example, when sharpening knives or other tools, if you don’t know how to do this properly and don’t practice this skill it could cost you a finger especially when it comes to kitchen knives that are sharpened regularly. Another way to describe being a chef is friendliness. You must be welcoming to the students you’re serving as they are your whole career. Giving these students food to brighten their mornings and a few smiles is all they need to have a good start to their day and I believe that a role model like that is very important for students to have and look up to.

In Character

As a person part of the Karakura school faculty, you are always seen as a higher up, a romodel and a helper whether your inside the school building or not. This is already a huge commitment and can easily plap a lot of mud on your boots each day. It’s a draining and frustrating commitment, although it is livable and worthwhile for many faculty members. As a chef of Karakura city’s high school, your job is to be friendly towards students and know how to be stern with them when needed. It’s also important to have the proper amount of food by the time the bell rings for school to start.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been playing SRP for a little over two years which has made great progress on my roleplay skills and writing skills. I had also done a bit of roleplaying before I started SRP, so my experience is based on a good 3 or even 4 years of roleplaying. Although I’m still only what’s known as a decent roleplayer.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
A few reasons on why I’d like to become part of this faction is… One, love finding new experiences on SRP and I think being a chef for my first employee role would be such a fun experience and not to difficult. Two, I really love the current role model employees members in the school and to become one would be a really exciting opportunity. Having the role as a chef would also help me gain more experience in roleplay. Finally, three, It would give me a great opportunity to learn how to manage things on my own, as we have to log our hours in order to keep our roles and make income which for me is a difficult task as I have trouble remembering things with my lack of attention due to ADHD so for me this is a great way to train myself to not only be a better person but a well organized one as well.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted (44) Yutai Enjuku | Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
(44) Denied - Yutai Enjuku | Chef Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
(44) Denied - Muddy Paws | Shop Application (Nattyloo06) | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
(44) | BIOGRAPHY | NAHLA MARCHBANK | PT.2 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
(44) | BIOGRAPHY | NAHLA MARCHBANK | ナーラ・マーチバンク | | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted (44) Nahla Jeager JSL Lang APP | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted (44) Romanian Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Kazuno Facio [Grade-12]
Mizuki Shizuno [Grade-12]
Nahla Munakata [College]
Ivan M. Strakhova [Grade-12]
(ALT) Yutai Enjuku [Grade-8]



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Yutai would stay calm and collected, responding in a respectful and mature intonation as she spoke.
“I’m sorry I make you feel that way, now please watch your language dear. That tone of voice is in no way a tone you use towards me or anyone for that matter.”
If the student continued and did not listen through their last warnings, Yutai would give them a detention slip and later on check-in during hometime.
“I’d like to check up on you, your mood was unacceptable today. Are you alright? How are things at home?”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: Yutai’s eyes would widen, cupping her mouth as she was in quite a shock by the scene in front of her, knowing if the students were that upset it was not in her hands… Before approaching she’d take a deep breath, clearing her mind and thinking of the best way to approach this situation. As Yutai walked up to the two and began to speak, she would clear her throat while clapping her hands together a couple times to gain their attention.
“That’s enough, separate you two, this is no way to treat you’re classmates, detention for the both of you. You knew the consequences before hand, everyone does. There is absolutely no aggression aloud during school hours. Use you’re words next time, not your fists, Thank you.”
If the students had listened, Yutai would hand them their detention slips before either leading or sending the both of them to the nurse's office, making sure that they were checked for any major injuries before allowing them to go about the rest of their day, although checking around the school now and again incase of any other hefty fights one of them might have started again.
However, If the students did not cooperate Yutai would have no choice but to grab out her radio and ask for an extra hand from the students teachers, or even professors of the school faculty.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Yutai would cup her mouth, in shock at the teacher’s behavior and responding in an unimpressed tone.
“What do you think you’re doing? That is no way to handle a situation, if you continue this nonsense I won’t hesitate to report it on the school radio this is not how we handle things, sir and is a terrible way to lead your students.”
If the teacher ignored her or refused to stop and listen, Yutai would take matters and report to her higher-ups and other school faculty in school at that time.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
Yutai would be quiet and self-kept with employees she did not know well, although when food sprouted in any conversation, Yutai would rant unconsciously about all her favorite cooking supplies at home and her best cookie recipes. “Have you ever heard of spider cookies?
“They’re a wonderful snack and if you’re on a diet I’m sure there are alternatives to them as well, I will send you all the recipes on how to make them, wait till you try one, they’re just great!”
Although Yutai would much rather be in the halls, spending time with students that she cared so dearly for, making sure they were not up to any mischief.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me &oYutai’s face would brighten, a soft smile lightening her quiet and self-kept aura.&f “Good morning, I hope you enjoy you’re food, here you are.”&u&o Yutai would then reach her arms forward, holding a tray of food in her hands, handing it to the student “Have a nice day, see you at lunch!”&u&o Yutai would wave as the student walked off, ready for the next person in line as she grabbed another tray of food.
/me &oYutai would smile and wave happily to the student in the halls&f “I hope you’re doing well today” She would speak in a soft and quiet tone, a bit tired from her shift but having seen her favorite student Emilia, she was more than happy, almost recharged and energized to take on a new day.
/me &oWho’s that..? She’d think to herself, squinting through her glasses before scooping her hand into her pockets and grabbing out a microfiber eyeglass cleaner, quickly pulling her glasses from off her head and wiping the lens of her glasses. Yutai would throw on her glasses after cleaning them off and jolt her head back up squinting at the person across the counter of the cafeteria food stand, tossing her tiny square cloth back into her pocket as she did.&f “Oh, hello Mr. Soda, how are you dear and what may I get you?” She would smile at her fellow employee, holding her hand out firmly for a handshake.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Hello, my name is Yutai Enjuku
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): I would like my title to be Miss.
Preferred Name: My preferred name would be Miss Yutai, no need to be overly formal.

Age (Minimum is 25): I feel old saying this, I am 30 now.
Gender: Female

Academic Degree: College Master
Major(s): I’ve majored in.. Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management.
Minors: I’ve minored in.. Food service management and Business.

Nationality: Mexican
Known Languages: I know Mexican and Japanese.

As a child, my papa and I would always cook for my mother before she got home, you would be amazed by the wonderful dishes we made together, everything my papa taught me is engraved in everything I do, I will never forget the day he told me I was meant for greatness, that I was a natural at cooking and that the flavors I created were like no other. My papa has always been proud of me and had strived to make sure that would never change, teaching me everything he knew and more. I remember as a child I’d come home from school with mamma and my papa would have the dinner table filled, the house smelling of warm and comforting FOOD. My papa even set up our candle set on the table, each night which were passed down from generations of amazing cooks in our family. My papa was a stay-at-home dad and mamma had a well-paying job she loved. Although it was not always like that. Before I was born and my papa spent his days at home cleaning the house and taking care of me, he worked as a great chef. He told me great stories about owning his own restaurant. Having famous chefs visit on rare and exciting occasions… And friends and family from all over the country visit for his amazing meals on holidays. Sadly my papa had left his business to take care of me when I was born but because of that, I was taught the best recipes in Karakura, where I was born. I wanted to be great just like him although I ended up fishing. It was a tough time, I had made some amazingly delicious fish dishes but that was not enough. I felt a lack of motivation, boredom and even coming close to pure sadness, my papa encouraged me to find a new job and mentioned that at the local school, they needed staff in fact, it was the same school I had gone to as a child. I could not allow myself to rot in this unhealthy environment, I needed more flavor, so I applied for that chef job, my papa was proud knowing that I, Yutai Enjuku was excepted as a chef in a school full of children who I just knew would rave about my fantastic food.

Motivation for Joining KHS: I have always wanted to be a chef, and this was an amazing opportunity to do so. My motivation in joining the school faculty of Karakura high started when I was young. I’d like to be more like my father, an amazing chef who puts love into the food and work he does..

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I am humble, I strive to be understanding, self-kept, and patient. I am also great with kids and teenagers alike as I often babysat younger family members like cousins and family friend's children as a teenager for work and such. During the time living with my parent’s, I was also seen helping my mother help kids practice different languages as a teenager, it was a side job for her during the times that we ever struggled with money.
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your paitence and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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